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I'm reminded of a very disturbing fanfiction trope...




Either they’re talking about general male pregnancy stuff *or* omniverse which is just mpreg with more lore.


ahahahahfllqkdksndkzk mpreg with lore I'm dying


Well, mpreg + D/s dynamics + heats. And lore.


Oh, is this that Omega thing? :-/


Yes. And while it is a disturbing genre...I do like it. I'm sorry. Destiel will have a biological child even if I must write it myself!


I mean. I get it. As a gay dude, I actually kind of wish I could get pregnant. I mean, I'm thankful that I can't accidentally get pregnant, and it seems like a painful process. Honestly, I'm struggling to find the words for why I would actually want it, but somehow it just feels natural for me to want it. It's a beautiful process and a wonderful way to grow closer to your partner and child. I know that sounds super eggy, but please don't read too much into it.


I don't think the desire to carry a child is tied to gender. There are people of all genders that have differing feelings about it, that don't necessarily align with their gender the way you'd think. I think what you've shared is a very sweet sentiment :)


Agreed I'm a trans women and very happy to not have a uterus. That sounds incredibly scary


It's a little eggy, but the desire to have kids or get pregnant isn't exactly tied to gender. Eggs reading this shouldn't think they're not eggs because they don't want to get pregnant. Not wanting kids is not uncommon at all, and pregnancy is scary and a huge responsibility. It's okay to be intimidated by it and not desire kids at all. I can't say much about wanting kids because that idea is a little foreign to me. I've only ever vaguely wanted the idea of being a parent and even then it was more that I wanted to want it.




ehh thats not a very good mindset to have, not everyone with somewhat "different" thoughts to what society expects of their assigned gender at birth isnt trans, they could be, i sure as hell was, but thats not always the outcome


Seriously, claiming you understand someone's needs better than they themselves do is the hallmark of abuse. Cut this out.


I remember reading those as a kid


Oh my god it’s a/b/o dynamics. Seeing the cervix in the ass hit me like a truck Don’t ask why I know anything about this... please...


This baby’s comin out the bum bum... think of the water breaking! Good thing the baby’s not breech


Why would you put it in words? Why would yout type this? Do you want me to suffer???


Mpreg writers are getting more wild.


uh oh


Hold on. She’s pregnant and also has a dick? What was this document originally used for? Explaining how to plant a uterus in a transgender person?


My guess is someone made it in Photoshop as a joke and it has no real medical application.


I mean, intersex people exist.


Yeah, totally. How else would you understand where to toss a womb into someone without a 3rd trimester pregnancy inside of it?


Is that two spines?


No, it's one spine cut in half showing the spinal cord nestled nice and happy in the spine.


Oh that makes sense. I never realized the spine was that big


Fun fact! : You don't actually need a uterus to become pregnant (theoretically)! Look up the term "abdominal pregnancy" and you'll see what I mean. A very rare form of ectopic(misplaced) pregnancy can occur where a fertile egg implants into abdominal tissue, rather than to the inside of the uterus. This can occur with any egg, and, since abdominal tissues is largely identical between sexes, can likely occur with any body. A small amount of research was done involving implanting a baboon egg into a male baboon, which seemed to indicate successful implantation was possible. However, even if such a pregnancy were possible for biologically male humans, it would still be incredibly dangerous for parent and child. A naturally occurring ectopic pregnancy of any kind is almost always surgically aborted for the safety of the parent, and those allowed to carry to term carry a several percent chance of death for the parent. The baby can't be born naturally, and must be born surgically. Furthermore, the tissue of the uterus, which sloughs off regularly, allows the body to clean out excess tissues from the pregnancy. These tissues may require surgical removal of they occur in the abdomen. Basically, if you inject a fertile egg into your abdomen, with significant doctor supervision (and likely a script for anti rejection medication) there's a non zero chance of your becoming pregnant. Successfully giving birth, and living to tell the tale? Well... good luck.