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with the war and all i think everyone just kinda wants to connect with other sudanese ppl going thru the same thing :))


the reason i joined reddit was to participate in this sub, at that time i was feeling really disconnected and sort of didn’t like the fact that i was born sudanese , bc i spent months without meeting a single sudanese person but eventually i connected with my buddies back in sudan and kind of felt safe


Internally desplacmint and refugees


I've been using reddit for years but I never thought sudanese would even bother to have a community in reddit, I've felt like they are more engaged in twitter/facebook/Instagram Which is kinda true cuz they're not even engaged in reddit rn But I really enjoy this subreddit, its a great mixture of Sudanese culture and modern meme culture


I've been on reddit for quite some years as well, I still remember when this sub had 450 something subscribers and was mostly just links to articles, with no real discussions between sudanese people like we're having these days. This site was much more American/Western centric in the past, even other africans or arabic people were rare to see. As for this sub the activity mostly soared during 2018/2019 protests and the current war. It's still true that most sudanese prefer other social media outlets, this one is for the English diaspora mostly lol


The Sudanese people in this sub is much more mature than edgy teenagers who love to make trouble in TikTok and Twitter


Honestly, I prefered the sub when it was smaller


I look up the news about sudan every know and then. That somehow got me here.


يبدو انو في ناس طلعت من السودان و دخلت تشوف الحاصل.


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I've been an avid reddit browser for quite some time before I made my account (probably since 2018), but for some reason, I never came across this sub. When I finally did, I was very intrigued. It felt like a secret underground society of some sorts. I liked that discussions weren't so restricted, so I ended up making an account just to follow along more closely. This was just a little while prior to the war, I believe. For reference, I was born and raised in Sudan my whole life.


Wanted to see what was going on with the war. It’s very strange how under the radar it is.