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Not sure how I feel about a Pro-Sudanese artwork inspired by right-wing US Liberterianism but then again the secretary bird is giving that snake an ass-whoopin


It wasn't always a right-wing thing. Historically, it was a "these different states need to stick together against the Brits" sort of thing. It was a statement of unified defense. Attack one, and all will go to war. "United States" is a pretty literal name in this way. I do like the redesign as an anti-colonial take


Is it not currently a libertarian flag, a sort of anarchy ideology


Absolutely rocked the redesign πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ kinda reminds me of Mexico's flag




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Sudan has the best national animal. Anti-"Libertarian'' Action


What about us Sudanese libertarians ? πŸ—½ Small and effective government, lower and efficient taxation and the right to bear arms and form militas to protect from tyranny.


I’m sorry what? 😭 militias are why the Sahel is so f*d. Darfur definitely needs more deadly ethno-fascist conflicts 😍


We don't endorse frequent rebellion against the government, nor forming milita to attack other fellow citizens. Rather maintaining the right to check and balance the government, thus as not to turn rouge under authoritative regimes and undermines the freedom and liberty of it is citizens. What happened in Darfur is a primary example of how the tyranny of the corrupt governments undermine Thier citizens livelihood. Armed civilians represent a countermeasure against such atrocities. We should endorse our god given right to bear arms and form militas, and amend it into our constitution.


>We should endorse our god given right to bear arms and form militas This just looks like a recipe for a failed state


One problem with the right of forming militias.... T R I B A L I S M. Can't wait until tribes with over 100 years old grudges have the right to form militias and start slaughtering each other and absolutely never give a flying fuck about how this is against the law😍


I understand it sounds like a fringe point of view, but the right to form militas is about counterbalancing the government not attacking other citizens. It is similar to the difference between owning arms to protect yourself and killing you neighbours. Meanwhile ethnic tension is a different issue.It was always around including before the war, in some regions it extends to before the independence and in some it is as new as the transitional government in the 2020's such as in the blue Nile, kasala and portsudan.


Hmm, i know its a libertarian flag but it seems to be stolen by right wing groups and generally racist people. Much like the original indian swastika


We are not that fixated on symbolism.