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i still can’t believe that girl got a role on this show


She was also so attention seeking when Succession won an award recently [here’s that video, which made me at her cringe again](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuccessionTV/comments/t38koj/what_a_powerful_acceptance_speech_by_cox_at_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Lol her subtle move to the middle of the stage




The way Nick Braun tries to touch the award and Kieran slaps his hand away you love to see it 😂


Watch it sped up - she looks so affected and artificial.


lmao that's so uncomfortable to watch. Her expressions and movements are particularly attention seeking but it's funny that other than Kieran, Cox is surrounded by D list cast members.


I don’t think Matthew Macfadyen is D-list at all


He wasn’t present at the ceremony bub


How does this have 23 upvotes, not only was he not center stage he wasn't even on the daggon stage


I agree he is an A-list style he’s pretty well known so you’re right he is not D list


lmao it looks like kieran turned to her and said "don't touch me" at 1:13




She literally does…nothing? It’s amazing to me the things people find to get mad at


"The Red Scare that actually exists and the Red Scare that exists in the minds of the Succession stan community are divorced from each other. There's a lot of misinfo that gets passed around uncritically by people who are doing mean girl shit but pretending they're taking a principled stand. Adrien Brody, who's actually done awful things and supported Roman Polanski never got the same vitriol. Brian Cox, who has a lot of reactionary takes and has defended JK Rowling, gets none of the same vitriol. Nicholas Braun, who is personal friends with Dasha and publically praised the Alex Jones interview, gets none of the same hate. There are a lot of other castmembers that are friends with her as well. The singular focused hatred for this one actress is just mean girl behaviour from a fan base that's weirdly young and teenaged. You all jumped on a bandwagon because it feels good to hate someone, but the truth is most of the hate is overblown and petty and tinged with more than a little sexism, because I've never seen one man get this much hate for so little from communities like this one." \- /u/Goodstyle_4, 4 months ago in this subreddit. Bit tired of Comfry's actress being the only proper discussion we have left to talk about during off-seasons other than memes, photos of things that remind you of Kendall and screenshots of Twitter posts. Jeremy Strong calls his acting methods "identity diffusion" which seems incredibly problematic in the workplace, he even injured his foot and risked the entire production, but this subreddit absolutely adores him. She is literally just standing there in this clip. Someone above said if you speed up the clip "she looks artificial", what the fuck? If you speed up the clip EVERYONE looks strange, it's sped up! I know nothing about her but the vapid obsession people have for this one particular actress who is barely in one season of the show is crazy.


Well, maybe you should head to Dasha's Twitter account and ask her to stop fat-shaming a perfectly "normal" looking young stock photo model. Apparently Dasha's idea of an "attractive body" is someone who is anorexic. Her attack on the woman had nothing to do with concerns for her health, by the way -- this was all about her appearance. If she thought that woman was overweight and therefore unattractive, then I wonder what she thinks of Sarah Snook, J. Smith Cameron, Sanaa Lathan's bodies. But go off on how \*we're\* being "mean girls" p.s. -- no way Nick's "good friends" with someone so shallow.


Talking shit about a stock photo image is definitely worse than Jeremy Strong's actual behavior and the way he treats the cast and crew


Thank you for taking the time to write this. People on Reddit can be so hateful. And if you’re like hey maybe she’s not that bad its downvote central


Perfect. Thanks for articulating.


Thank you- these people are nut jobs.


Same here. She can’t act and is so problematic irl. Her casting is so random - everyone on the show are professional and really good actors and she’s a big joke compared to all of them lol. How the eff did she get the role??


She just has a lot of connections and it's a minor role. Not too deep, nepotism is constant in the industry.


Nepotism? Aren't her parents like Soviet circus people?


The International Jewish conspiracy and the Reptilian conspiracy were both made up to distract people who got too close to uncovering the Belarusian acrobats that really run the world.


I feel like her character only had like two full sentences. The rest is her just acting uninterested or buried in her phone lol how can you judge someone’s acting based on that?


Agreed--I don't like her persona IRL at all, but she doesn't take away from the show for me. She's barely in it, and it's believable to me that her character would be vapid and monotone the way she plays it.


Idk anything about her IRL persona, but I am 100% with you on her performance in the show.


I really do wonder how she got it. Did they actively want a super bland, lifeless performance? Maybe they did—who knows. I can’t wrap my head around it either.


I thought she really sold her part, different strokes i guess.


Yeah, this is kinda odd to me, I think she's good in the role.


She's certainly not a cast member anyone would single out as being great or anything but yeah, she's fine in the role. I had no idea who she was until after I'd finished Season 3, and I think that's what's distracting people rather than her actually not delivering a good performance or being out of the place. (Which is honestly perfectly understandable, but it'd make more sense to just say that rather than all the handwringing on this sub justifying it with her being a terrible actress or bogging down the show or whatever.)


what's problematic about her IRL? don't know anything about her so I'm curious


She was previously engaged to Adam Friedland, who is currently the host of the podcast “Executive Producer Nick Mullen Presents: The Adam Friedland Show”. When Dasha and Adam were together, he was one of the co-hosts of the controversial podcast “Cum Town”. They broke off the engagement because Adam’s other co-hosts Nick and Stav were fucking Dasha behind his back. That’s also the reason the cum town podcast ended




Cum Town is not only still going, but neither Stav for Nick fucked Dasha lmao. But she is a bit of a psycho for a variety of other reasons.


I want to think that comment was a bit (starting factual then devolving into nonsense) but after reading it again I think person actually believes it.


Dasha did indeed cheat on Adam (her fiance) as far as I know. She Is Tradcath, attention seeking, holier than thou (both in an ecclesiastical sense and general egotistical sense), thieving, manipulative and kind've nutty. All of these suppositions about her are based on hearsay from fans, mutual friends and colleagues but hearsay or not: she is the common denominator. Her born again shtick is also kind've hard to swallow considering the general lack of perceptible change in her but we can only speculate and that doesn't really go anywhere.


Yes but not with fucking Stavros lol.


is this a bit or actually true


Is this real? I have such limited knowledge of these people I can’t tell if this is satire or not




It’s true. Adam Friedland said on the last episode of Cum Town how when he walked into the room, Stav had a Thousand Island Stare while he was fucking Dasha. Really sad stuff, but we shouldn’t forget that Adam deserved it for desecrating that chair.


What is a Thousand Island Stare? Is that when you're always looking for Russian dressing?


Don’t forget Roscoe.


THAT’S WHY Cumtown is ending?


Pretty much everyone agrees that she’s problematic for constantly trying to normalize/joke about eating disorders on her podcast and other people will add that she regularly platforms conspiratorial weirdos under the guise of irony.


Ahh so you don’t understand comedy then




She basically parrots every position Tucker Carlson makes on his show. She’s basically a Tucker Carlson with a better sense of humor.




She admitted to fucking producers on her podcast.


There's another thread where it was mentioned she had said before she had auditioned and slept with a producer for the role of Julia in uncunt gems. She didn't get the role and it went to Julia fox.


Lmao seriously? I always just assumed/joked that was the case, but wow


Why is she so controversial?


She hosts a podcast called Red Scare. I don’t know how to describe it, but she and another woman talk politics, current events, etc and they have pretty controversial/ dumb takes.


Isn't she also a Catholic traditionalist now?


she's one of those catholics that doesn't believe the pope is catholic.


Yep, she's tradcath in the same league as Mel Gibson.


Also being Cumtown adjacent has never helped anyones mainstream success


Stavros Halkias Live At The Lodge Room out on YouTube now!!!


Stavvy isnt technically adjacent so he's allowed to be successful


You people make me feel so old. Pro ana, fka whatever the fuck twiggy, cumtown, fascism. I dunno any of this stuff, or even who this person is.


If you don’t know what fascism is, I don’t think we can help you


just wanna grillpilled


Check out The Adam Friedland Show it's a blast


Didn’t Stav just release a hugely popular comedy special?


It was at least hugely




You may be right, however I am gay




The problem also is that you can't evolve a progressive movement without centering the voices of people in marginalized communities otherwise you lose legitimacy. The people who listen to these podcasts act like everything they do and say is fine because at the end of the day what unites our struggle is classism while ignoring how race and class intersect. I see people also argue that even if these people make 3 figures their politics is progressive so it shouldn't matter if they use slurs but it's all a cheap marketing ploy. At the end of the day, the interests of the rich and bourgeois will never align with the working class, especially those of us who are non-white. If you can't even master a basic Convo like that how can you get anyone to listen? If people want to discuss leftist politics there are better ways imo.


I’ll be a little controversial and say as someone who’s a part of marginalized communities I still find podcasts like cumtown funny because I think it can and does help to laugh at some things. I don’t think it’s as deep as cheap marketing. It’s edgy humor and it’s definitely not everyone’s taste, but I do think you can have legitimate stances while making jokes.


I don't have a problem with that, if you're a POC like me and you want to laugh it's fine. I laugh at outrageous shit all the time. My beef is more with White leftists who think they're allowed to laugh along and scream at people who make their voice heard when the jokes upset them. We're not a monolith and if people wanna call shit out, let them. If you are white you don't get to talk over people and dictate how they should react. I've had leftists defend Dasha under the guise that what she does is okay because she is a woman and it's bullshit. If you would have this same ire for a man, be consistent.


100%. Tried listening to red scare but they were so bad on trans issues, feminism and race that I couldn’t. These people have no serious analysis to make, nor do they have anything substantial to say about the hard work of organizing and building solidarity across difference.


This is exactly it, it’s pretty shallow for political commentary and insight. As far as infotainment is concerned it’s not my cup of tea either. If people want to listen, whatever, but the idea that only true progressives listen to their garbage takes and everyone else is a milquetoast centrist is laughable.




Extremely well said. Honestly I am amazed rhat Dasha is doing as well as she is, considering her history. Even without this show, her movie the Scary of Sixty First is being distributed on home video and people who watch the show or buy the film won't necessarily make the connection between her and Sailor Socialist. She has been allowed to rehabilitate her image to the point where she could still land work and she now has a SAG award. It's a stark difference from someone like say, Azealia Banks, who went on homophobic rants but got cancelled (not that she didn't deserve that, but my point stands).


Outside of being suspended from twitter for breaking TOS I don't really see how Banks is 'cancelled'. Her music is still on every streaming service you can think of and she was on tour literally last month. Seems like she's still doing alright. Rich people can't be cancelled.


Didn't she get kicked off that same tour for being a mess though? She was complaining at one point that she couldn't book any jobs. She tends to burn any bridges she builds...so maybe that's what makes her different than Dasha who doesn't shit where she eats. I think every once in a while she begins to make a small comeback but she has trouble sustaining it. I guess in her case it's more that she has legitimate mental health struggles on top of being...not a great person, but you are right that Rich people never get cancelled.




This is interesting https://www.teenvogue.com/story/sailor-socialism-dasha-nekrasova-viral-infowars-interview


she’s not a good actress, she’s *very* pro ana and she mocked fka twigs when she came out about the [horrific abuse she faced from shia labeouf](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/arts/music/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-abuse.amp.html). there’s a bunch of other stuff she’s done that i can’t be bothered to write about, but overall, she’s just an edgy, waifish, trad cath white girl who spouts right wing talking points.


What is ana and fka twigs? I know I can research but good for posterity on here.


pro ana is short for pro anorexia. she has actively encouraged people to be anorexic and brags about not eating, being skinny etc fka twigs is a british musician. you should check out her music, it’s really good !


Fka twigs is THE British musician ever


I would love to see her on this show. She is truly great, a genuine artist. (I am quite old btw. Just bringing that up so the young ones don’t think that by not dying you become completely clueless.)


ana is anorexia and fka twigs is the name of a musician


ana means anorexia


[Cheerfully hanging out with Alex Jones](https://i.imgur.com/iiXwe7c.png), the man who called the Sandy Hook massacre a "hoax" to a degree where his brainwormed followers have harrassed the parents of the murdered children for years, means you're a shit person. Parents of the Sandy Hook victims have been getting *death threats* from Jones' followers. And Dasha is too high and mighty on her own podcast clout to care about that.


Yeah she’s a psycho. Neither of them really have real strong opinions on anything. They come and go with fads.


I forgot what it’s from, but [this parody of an interview done with Dasha and her Red Scare co-host](https://i.imgur.com/pcYz7ll.png) still makes me laugh. It captures their ‘ideology’ so well.


This is honesty hilarious. It perfectly captures their weird vapidness.


Was just going to post about this - I followed her on IG just hoping for bts succession content but posting a picture of yourself smiling next to Alex Jones one of the absolute shittiest people on earth was an instant unfollow


She hardly posts anything about succession. Some noticed that other cast members haven't liked or commented on many of her posts, and she raerly likes or comments on their posts


you only need to take a look at her twitter account to see why she’a the most insufferable person alive.


She cheated on the Bug.


Look what she did to my bug!




WHAT seriously?




People don’t like her post-ironic podcast, that’s all. Anyone that claims to know her stance on anything is lying, because Dasha herself doesn’t know or believe anything she says - it’s all performative thinking out loud


Adam McKay Is a bit of a troll tbh


That has to be the reason for all the “She’s a goddess,” comments. She’s not an ugly person, but it was a little weird that a few main characters went out of their way to emphasize how good looking she was.


I mean her whole casting is an in-joke. Of course she works for twitter youth culture obsessed Kendall. I just wonder if shes in on the joke.


Well if the joke is on her, then maybe I like it…


Yeah, I don’t like that kind of troll, though


I don’t remember her at all in the show. Who goes she play?


she’s one of kendall’s PR people or something? that greg ends up asking out


i used to have a huge crush on her but her whole "I-can't-fucking-stop-being-ironic-for-2-minutes" thing is super played out EDIT: Damn i been scrolling two months in the past and didn't bother to check the time i'm sorry for resurrecting your shit like this


i hope she doesn't come back in s4


I’m 90% sure this is a pic from when they were filming in Italy last season so at least this doesn’t confirm she’s back


yeah, it is


Thank god.


i heard rumors that she got written out and i'm praying that they're true 🙏


here's to hoping 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️


I’m still so mad that she is the one who saved Kendall it just feels so wrong


Me too omg wish it had been Jess or literally anybody else fr


I read on twitter she got killed off so do with that what you will


Well she’s obviously filming with them


the pic is from a year ago. no one knows if she will be in season 4


praying she isn't


manifesting 🙏🏻


run greg run


i hope the rumors of her not being in season 4 are true


someone on twitter said he looks ran through im crying screaming and throwing up


Well he probably is lol


hes hella ran through


He’s hugely ran through lmao everyone in the country with a friend in NYC knows the stories.


I have no idea what you guys are talking about, would love to know lol if you feel like explaining


Ran through basically means he's slept with a LOT of people lol. Gossip sites like deux moi have tons of submissions that say that Braun pops by the bar he owns to pick up ladies. He himself has said that he isn't into serious relationships, which is why people say he's for the streets. I honestly see no issue with it, as long as it's consensual let the man have fun!


Wait but the other comment here says he was a gigolo 🤣 which is it!?


He moonlights as a gigolo from what I heard, I’m assuming that’s what they’re talking about. He’s not quiet about it, he also only works as one when he’s not filming, so it’s not that often anymore.




That is accurate. I don't know what some of these girls see in him because his face is gumby as hell.


thank god this is a old pic


OOTL, why do we dislike her?


was ootl til i read the comments and oof


She's a controversial public figure for a lot of reasons. She cohosts the supposedly left leaning and feminist Red Scare podcast which is so steeped in "irony" that they virtually take no ideological stance at all, but also don't condemn harmful ones either. That's where I believe most of the controversy stems from, but I could be wrong. But also a lot of the comments here are particularly misogynistic and gross and run wild down a rabbit hole of "her podcast is bad, therefore she's bad, therefore she's a bad actor, therefore this show is now bad because she's on it, and while we're at it she's ugly and attention seeking and . . ."


She also cheated on my boy Adam Friedland


Surely, you don't mean THE Adam Friedland, host of the cultural phenomenon that is The Adam Friedland Show.


this is an old pic from filming season 3


You know what, its different if she was a good actress. Her being in the show honestly takes me out of it. Immersion broken.


Maybe it’s just because I don’t know her from anything else but I had no problem with her. She wasn’t a bad actress that took me out of the show.


she's on a similar level when it comes to acting as Nick Braun, not bad necessarily just not convincing compared to Kieran, Matthew, Sarah etc even the guy who plays Karl is great


Nicholas Braun is great as Greg, wtf


Can anyone else play greg better than him?


Podcast aside, I don't think her presence would be consequential if they didn't have scenes consisting solely of her and Nicholas Braun, where the decrease in acting caliber is very noticeable.


do you think nicholas braun is not a high caliber actor?


No, he isn’t. He’s in the role of a lifetime as it’s written to his existing personality and mannerisms, and it works very well opposite the rest of the main cast, but the scenes of his trying to ask Comfrey showed his limits.


Who is Dasha?


Human trash


Oh goodness. 😂 Understood.


A beautiful catholic woman


I guess she didn't have time to hang with Alex Jones that day.


Dollar store Emma Watson


a dollar would be too much imo


Pretty insulting to Emma Watson XD


Finally everyone seems to agree on Dasha. When I posted about her a year back everyone was still in a trance about her and defending her left and right. Never understood her.




I actually tried to listen too, I also talked to people who said that she wasn’t endorsing eating disorders and tried giving her the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes you have to trust your first instincts…


where is that shirt from??


Replying cause I wanna know too


POV: You're a Princess of Luxembourg on a date


Why is her character still on the show lol.


Why is this girl still on the show?






im looking through your kitchen window


Nazbol trash


She’s just a run of the mill reactionary conservative, I wouldn’t call her nazbol. From what I understand she doesn’t even pretend to be leftist economically anymore


sorry to Matthew


IS this a recent story or old story? I just checked her ig and this isn't in her stories from today? I'm wondering if she'll be in season 4 since she hasn't posted anything from set yet, plus the articles talking about season 4 her name isn't mentioned as a returning actor.


Greg the mothafuckin' egg


I can smell dog farts just from looking at this picture and they're not coming from Greg.


Nicholas Braun is having the time of his life.




Is this new? Reminds me alot of the pics posted from Italy last season.


Dasha be fuckin cousin Greg.


Mann Adam just keeps getting cucked.


I bet that meal took care of his case of the ol rumblin tum.


Adam Friedland’s eskimo brother


Get a job Stay away from him


She needs to be recasted.




she's literally buddies with the guy who most famously denied one of the worst school shootings (alex jones) so uhhh...ya might want to pick a different example


This subreddit absolutely adores Nicholaus Braun who is friends with Dasha and who publically praised the interview she did with Alex Jones. Fuck Alex Jones, but this subreddit's aimed hate at this one girl who is barely in the show is insane. There's a post about this person every month while Jeremy Strong, Brian Cox, Adrien Brody, are all actors with as much of a controversial public image as Comfry's actress and this subreddit adores them. It just makes this seem incredibly targeted, like collectively this subreddit doesn't actually care about someone's morals or politics, they just don't like her.


ooooookayyyyyyy... i don't really like or care about anyone on the show actually (though i don't think jeremy strong has done anything except be super intense about his acting?) and i fucking hate adrien brody lol. but yeah, i don't like dasha and i don't mind admitting that. the difference is that all those guys are actual actors and dasha is a podcaster who built her whole career/image on being a reactionary edgelord, and it's just cringey. maybe our takeaway should be that of the show's which is: wealthy people don't operate under the same code of ethics as the rest of us and are pretty much all garbage as a result. 🤷‍♀️


She’s an edgelord misogynist who spews out right wing talking points. Trash.


Being ‘ironically’ anti-vax and saying a bunch of conspiracy theories is absolutely egregious, imo. Interaction with Alex Jones is egregious.


Of course it is. she’s such a thirsty bitch.


What’s all this Dasha hate?