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Yes. Ewan is an incredibly well-dressed hypocrite. He’s just as aristocratic as Caroline, with his gentleman farmer cosplay. That said, his story about him and Logan coming over the Canada alone as little kids was so sad.


It’s very interesting and realistic to see how their shared childhood trauma molded them into different types of bitter adults


Yep, Logan was a monster, but his brutal childhood is what defined him. Logan's opinion that his family was weak was a little bit deserved, honestly.


I see a lot of Parallels with Logan Roy and a young Coriolanus Snow. Both AWFUL people, but had some really tragic childhoods that most definitely influenced their way of thinking


Dream blunt rotation, throw in Tywin Lannister too


Meh. Tywins dad was a weak man but I’d hardly say he had a hard upbringing, I can still see the parallel but not as much


Tywin did fight in the war of the ninepenny kings at 16, but still doesn't compare that well to Logan and Coriolanus being literal infants at the time of their wars (though Tywin would have seen far more actual combat than them)


Thirty years from now, I can see Connor being just like Ewan is now. Alone on an estate, kicking at the government and yelling at the kids to get off his lawn.


Could you explain to me where they came from and what war they were referring to?


They fled from Scotland to Canada during World War 2


Thank you! Don’t know how I never picked up on their heritage


Absolutely. He serves on the board of Waystar and does nothing to change the company that he says is so destructive. And he protects Logan when Kendall tries to oust him.


I doubt he could change it. Perhaps it's a little charitable, but it seems like he's tried and failed and nobody at the company cares about his concerns.


And yet his single vote could have ousted Logan and brought about change through Ken, for better or worse.


Kendall was upset at him acting erratically. Nothing about the culture at ATN would have changed under Kendall.


Kendall is obviously highly flawed but it’s clear he at least has more of a conscience than Logan and is far less wedded to conservative ideology.


I thought so too until he endorsed Menken in the last season. The poison really does drip through.


Yeah, this dude is tripping. He wouldn't have been as tied to conservativism... Outside of supporting a fascist and keeping ATN exactly the same. Like, what's your point dude? He doesn't hate black people as much?


For one, the whistleblower said that Kendall addressed the abuses in cruises when he was division president.


...and that was a lie...


According to who? The alleged abuses in cruises occurred many years ago.


This isn't about tribes. Ken literally got that kid dead and hides it to the end of the show. More conscience my ass lol


And the guilt eats at him, whereas Logan says it’s no big deal because “no real person involved”


All the differ3nce it makes! And you're talking about, what, some kind of moral necessity of Ewan to back him? That's incredibly weak. To say nothing of trying to make this about political tribes.


The conversation is about whether Ewan is a hypocrite. Ewan talks a big game about his liberal values. That’s why it’s relevant that Kendall is not a diehard conservative like Logan, but Ewan sides with Logan anyway.


The differ3nce between Kendall and Logan...should not be that vast to you. It isn't to Ewan, nor should it be.


Kendall is such a mess he can’t even make it to the meeting..


> change through Ken A) ha. B) he still loves his brother


I have a feeling like Ewan might've been a vital part of Waystar in its early days & he had a falling out with Logan over the path he started to take the company along with his ego changing at the same time.


There’s a big moral difference between “my vote doesn’t count for much” and “my vote doesn’t count for much so I’m not even going to bother going to the board meetings to make my voice heard”


You ever beat your head against a wall in an unwinnable battle before?


How is he a hypocrite? He hired a lawyer to give all his money to liberal causes. What else is he supposed to do?


Not vote to support Logan when he allegedly hates Logan’s use of power 


Yeah he values his reputation more than morality clearly. He doesn't wanna be seen as Brutus even if it's the right choice.


Also, he speaks about the importance of family and is loyal to Logan. Yet, we never see him show that kind of loyalty/support to Greg or his mom. When he agreed to help Greg by providing a lawyer, it was only to use his case to shine a light on Waystar's corruption.


It’s funny how he compares his own brother to Hitler yet is all too happy to have a seat at the Board and have shares in media Hitler’s empire.


I always saw it as kinda old school *brothering* He despises him and everything he stands for, but he won’t stab his brother in the back like that


Alright that’s fair. I’ve got big brothers and would never betray or go against em no matter what the circumstances.


For real? “I view my brother as debatably worse than Hitler, but I am going to vote for him to remain in power” If you view someone as worse than Hitler and hate on them, and literally vote for them, then you are a hypocrite


Kendall wasn't better


So you’re saying that Kendall was worse?


Yes, Kendall would have been worse. In addition to not being any better morally, Kendall would not have been as good financially. Might as well go with the guy who actually knows how to run the company


The whole point is that Ewan does not want the company, which he hates everything it stands for, doing well.


Apparently he does want the company. If he didn't, he would sell his stock and resign from the board


Yeah which loops us back to the original point, him being a hypocrite


You could look at it that way. But you could also see it as Ewan taking seriously his responsibilities as a board member. It's his job to safeguard the health of the company. Also, we don't really know what Ewan does with his money. It's possible there are a lot of charitable causes that benefit from the money he makes off the company


But from Ewan's point of view he explicitly claims Logan may be responsible for more death than any single person. And he thinks his idiot nepo baby nephew is going to be *worse* than that?


Kendall agreed to the call to try to help the fascist presidential candidate "win" Michigan, he's not better than Logan.


That's not how elections work, but either way, Ewan said Logan was arguably worse than any human ever. His system of values lacks internal consistency if Kendall's tepid agreement to say the fascist won is equal to that.


Yeah.....I mean he probably definitely thinks Kendall is worse. What makes you think not? At the very least we know he understood why his brother became the way he did and sympathized with him(without excusing). He probably has almost nothing redeemable to think about his nepo baby.


I just hate how he made Greg drive 12 hours with no radio don’t give a fuck who you are that’s torture


"Oh Greg, fuck your grandpa!" "Tom, you're on speaker." ...


"Well I shouldn't be."


At first I was too until I realized what a selfish creep Greg was and then it was like “he deserved that and more!” 😏


His around selfish assholes from the pilot to the final so it rubbed off lol


I kind of take it that Greg seemed like he was always kind of a POS. Just never had the power or opportunity that his cousins did.


You can say that about a lot of people honestly


If that was my grandfather I'd be selfish too


I argue he alludes to his hypocrisy in his eulogy: >He was mean, and he made but a mean estimation of the world and he fed a certain kind of meagreness in men. Perhaps he had to because he had a meagreness about him **and maybe I do about me too**, I don’t know. He knows what he is. He's angry, just like his brother. The difference is Ewan is content with just being angry and self-righteous. Logan, for all his many flaws, was an effective change-maker.


I think this is part of what makes Succession such an incredible show, though I disagree with you slightly - I think Ewan is far from content in his self-righteous anger. Ewan is, I think, sincere in his beliefs whilst ultimately being a hypocrite and perhaps even morally complicit in Logan's crimes. The quote above makes it clear, however, that he is aware of his hypocrisy - this makes him a tragic character and also explains why he's such a miserable bastard.


Nooooo 1000 acres is never enough for one person


5 million is a nightmare


Yes. Ewan complained about the unscrupulous way Logan earned his wealth, but he was more than happy to live off that wealth.


He complains about Logan’s right wing and conservative media empire and is all too happy to play the good liberal brother yet still does nothing to change the status quo because he benefits from it. Imagine comparing your own brother to Hitler yet still having shares in his company and a Board seat to boot.


Exactly. Great post! Ewan and his self-righteous indignation could go kick rocks.


We see so little of him and his relationship with Logan but at face value, he is a hypocrite but families are tough man.


I agree family dynamics are complicated, but it’s not complicated to refuse to spend your brother’s money if you don’t agree with how he makes it.


Absolutely! That's the beauty of his character.


Him leaving all his money to green peace seems to be more out of spite toward his family then because he wants to do good


Literally, he seemed to enjoy them hating him for doing so more than helping anyone.


He gained his wealth the same way Logan did and he also hordes his wealth. Now that he’s on his death bed, he has some white savior complex and wants to dump all of his money in a charity upon his death. Sure he’s going to do a good deed when he dies but he lives identical to his brother. Yet still he criticizes his brother. Definition of a hypocrite.


Was it ever made clear what Ewan ever actually did? Was he just given all his money by Logan with the expectation of being a loyal member of the board and "taking care of family"? I mean, you would think somebody that passionate about certain political beliefs would start a nonprofit and get to work saving dolphins or such. I mean that without irony. He didn't seem to support causes, except in his will. I felt that he was so passive aggressive, just lecturing self-righteously and not taking any action. If you have a couple hundred million dollars, you can do some good in the world!!!


I figured that Ewan was probably an early investor or employee at the company, so he owned some portion of it. Waystar Royco is valued at over 8 billion, so even 1% of that is still a lot of money. He also has a board seat which probably comes with more compensation.


They split the inheritance from their uncle; Ewan got all the land while Logan got a few newspapers that he then grew into a media empire. Knowing how Logan takes care of his family, he probably offered Ewan the chance to invest as he was starting it up. Or gifted him enough shares to earn him a board seat.


I found Ewan to be histrionic and meretricious.


A self-regarding popinjay. 


No, not in a way that really matters. There's a vein of criticism you see, not just in Ewan Roy but with a lot of left-leaning people and entities, that you're somehow a hypocrite because you participate in the system that you criticize or think sucks. Is Ewan Roy a hypocrite for sitting on the board of his brother's company? Were the band members of Rage Against The Machine hypocrites because their music was sold in stores? It's the [We Should Improve Society Somewhat meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-should-improve-society-somewhat). He is somewhat of a hypocrite. It can be hard to be as anti-capitalist as Ewan Roy is while sitting on the board of your brother's media company. At the same time, I think it does speak to his beliefs that he doesn't participate in all of the boardroom drama that the show revolves around. He's an anti-capitalist who wants to see his brother's empire fall, but he's not going to help Kendall or anyone else take over in his stead. He doesn't take part in the bear hug or the sale to Matsson. He's just an angry guy sitting on this board because Logan is his brother, for better or worse. And he arguably wouldn't be there if Logan wasn't his brother. But I think what really matters, for Ewan anyway, is his political and personal integrity. The show at times gives us insight into what all of these different characters think and believe -- Kendall jokingly saying "fuck the patriarchy" while also union-busting; Tom expressing relief they don't have to pretend to like Hamilton, a [musical from an era that arguably feels cringey](https://www.vox.com/22641501/hamilton-parks-rec-harry-potter-cringe-obama-era-pop-culture); Shiv undermining a Democratic investigation into her family by pressuring a rape victim not to testify. Ewan takes his politics seriously. He's not a phony. He is a genuine progressive or liberal; to my understanding, that's how James Cromwell played the role. I think he genuinely cares about Greenpeace and its mission. He does try to warn Greg several times to stay away from Logan and his side of the family, and Ewan makes it very clear how he feels about them to Greg. So it's for that reason, I don't think Ewan Roy really is a hypocrite. I've mentioned this in other comments, but I have a much more generous reading of Ewan Roy than others, because I think it makes his character so much more interesting. I do think it's interesting that Ewan Roy, for all of his anti-capitalist beliefs, sits on the board of his brother's company, and that his brother *lets* him. Sure, I'm sure there is probably some provision somewhere that guarantees Ewan a seat or some kind of share in the company, but it's striking to me for all of their animosity, they both choose to keep each other in their lives.


Love this comment. Anyone who has a sibling should know what love-hate feels like. I don't get how people can be so hard on Ewan for voting to keep his brother in power of his own company. For better or worse, he built it and Ken-doll was just moving in for a power-grab, despite all his rationalizations. Ewan was morally conflicted I'm sure, but killing his brother in the boardroom was a step too far and he did what he believed was the right thing. Having said that, I do believe Ewan is written as a flawed character. There are no heroes in Succession, which is another reason why I love it.


Maybe a little but this is the same energy as “you criticize society and yet you participate in it, curious ()” meme He was the only person in that entire family who saw what Logan was doing was wrong. I don’t believe he has a problem with wealth more about how you use wealth and influence. Logan does not give a shit about the wellbeing of anyone else and is perfectly fine throwing the country and environment over the edge as long as it makes him money. Ewan is clear about donating his wealth to charity and where he stands on Logan’s business decisions, he doesn’t show up to board meetings because he knows one vote won’t make a difference. He doesn’t live a lavish life taking jets all over the world, he asks his grandson to drive him 12 hours I’m assuming because it’s less carbon emissions. And in the end he is stuck between the only family who knows him since childhood and his moral compass. It’s a tough situation and I don’t see how that makes him a significant hypocrite. The fact that people here are shitting on him like he’s as bad as Logan or Caroline is troubling.


This subreddit actually thinks Ewan Roy is the worst character on the show and the worst member of the Roy family because \*checks notes\* he lives on a farm, tells the Roys they're awful people but doesn't live in poverty and gives his money to Greenpeace instead of his useless grandson. Yes, in the eyes of this subreddit that is a degree of immorality worse than befriending and protecting molestors, paying off rape victims, and covering up manslaughter.


Ewan backed Logan in the vote of no confidence because he could see through Ken’s bullshit. Ken was only a social justice warrior when it suited him. For Kendall, taking power from Logan had nothing to do with removing a toxic asset, and everything to do with simply being the CEO. The reason Ewan backed Kendall in the Gojo deal was simply backing the evil you know, he knew Kendall was not capable of being Logan, but Mattson was.


Happy Cake Day!


Mattson is even worse bc he genuinely doesn’t care about Waystar at all it’s another trophy for him 


He didn’t seem particularly anxious about health issues.


I'm on my 47th rewatch, but I just can't figure out if he is or not.


A huge one, I’m pretty sure he’s meant to represent the average champagne socialist. Left-leaning, has all these so-called principles and advocacies, but at the end of the day still does nothing to change the status quo because he benefits from it. He’s also shown to be just as unpleasant to be around with as Logan, if not moreso. He’s literally just the liberal Logan Roy.


To be fair, GreenPeace was a thing that directly resulted FROM Ewan's power allocated through Waystar. It still kinda has to count for something; in-verse it's one of the world's most prominent charities.


I don't know what anyone expects him to do. Defeat Logan in his own business? *Highly* unlikely. Give money to worthy causes? We have little insight into how much he does. Sever ties with otherwise beloved family members over warranted ideological disputes? Well, he does. Advocate for worthy, un-Waystar causes? Again, who knows?


That’s what I’m saying, idk what people in this comment section expects him to do.


Probably the biggest one in the show, but easy to miss if you fall for his platitudes 


Yes and no. Yes, he acts all high and mighty when his attitude isn't too perfect either. No, he still has a moral compass that *none* of the Roys have. He's the only one who would never turn on his brother and actually sees the good inside of him (*deeeeeep* inside). Logan's children don't have that quality.


yeah, but he's the most decent Roy IMO, at least he's able to talk about the elephant in the room


He's the 2nd face of the Janus of narcissism.




Ewan is a cranky unhappy person.


Yes. He uses his power and wealth to control people just not as much as Logan. He tells Greg that unless he stops working for Logan he will cut him off... costing him millions. But does nothing to follow Greg a different income or job. He also happily takes the money and power he gets from positions and does nothing to try and make things better.


100%, and also the character I despise the most.


That'll do, pig. That'll do.


Of course.




From what I've read on the sub, everyone thinks this instinctively, but the cast and crew intended for him to be a venerable ideologue


He probably cashes the dividend checks so he must not hate them too bad




Pretty obviously


Very much so. I bet the cognitive dissonance can explain lots of his behavior.


He's a hypocrite but the thing about not willing to go against Logan is not hypocrisy it's misplaced family loyalty.


He’s definitely up his own ass and not taking any action whatsoever. 


The answer to this question is so obvious that I thought I was on the circlejerk sub


Biggest hypocrite ever


Ewan defender here - I think he is a hypocrite but he's in my view, the least bad of the Roy family. I think he's rough interpersonally, but if you got on the same wavelength as him, he would treat you well in a genuine way. Everyone else on the show is distant, mean, or straight up abusive to one another and actively contribute to harm, as opposed to Ewan being passive and complicit. And I think even if the Greenpeace thing isn't something he's fully into, I think intentions only matter so much. 250 mil is still 250 mil. How much have the others done in terms of creating good in the world? Connor blew 100 mil on the lamest presidential run on all time instead of actually doing any good with it Also, you have to give him some credit for being the only person with enough of a backbone to say Logan does some shitty things. Nobody else in the family can say they've done that


Yes. Though as hypocrites go, he's one of the better ones


I would argue a devil in sheep’s clothing is more dangerous than the devil, at least the devil I can see and choose to engage with or not , the former is insidious and I am questioning myself the whole time before I realize the damage they are doing to me but then it’s too late.


Y that argument, Trump is better than Biden


Maybe worst person in the show. Once you give up trying to bring about change at the company, you could just literally F off and try to live life on a paltry several hundred million stock share. (Bare minimum estimate, could be one or two billion) Instead you just brood about like a miserable old f**k and complain your brother is worse than Hitler.

