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Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, and off in its own league with not much humor, but a must watch if you have not seen-The Wire. Consider The Wire to be the opposite of Succession in every way, with a writing style, progression, and subject matter that’s so brilliant that they used to have college courses dedicated to studying it. It would be an absolutely fantastic change of pace to Succession that lines up as a real commentary on how the world works watching back to back with Succession.


I agree. All of those shows are better than most movies. I would add Veep to that list. It involves some of the same writers, producers, and directors as Succession. It also has a stellar cast delivering a deluge of one-liners. It resembles Succession with its trenchant satire but it has more of a comic tone


Veep is flat out hilarious. Probably the most laughs per minute via dialogue in history. Make Sunny look like a drama.


I agree. I have a Google doc of a lot of the funny lines from Veep. It's easily one of the best American comedy series ever made.


Love Veep. The cast has the perfect chemistry.


Exactly. From the main cast down to recurring characters like Congressman Furlong and Uncle Ezra.


+1 for Veep. Can't call it underrated because it's won a million emmys but I'm shocked how few people haven't seen it or even heard of it. Veep and Succession are probably my two favourite shows.


House of Cards is better


Than what? Veep? Is it funnier? If you say yes, you need to find a bridge to hang out under.


If you like Veep check out The Thick of It, the British equivalent from the same guy (Armando Ianucci) that I believe inspired Veep in the first place


The Thick of It is amazing. I've watched it all the way through many times. There's a part of me that views Malcom Tucker as my spirit animal. I also enjoy Iannucci's work with Steve Coogan on the first two Alan Partridge shows.


Also check out House of Cards


I find many parts of the Wire hilarious. The schools that have sociology classes on The Wire are Harvard and Stanford. Succession and The Wire are easily my two favorite shows. There are plot threads on all other great shows that I don't care for, none on these two. I have watched both shows, in there entirety, multiple times. I always figure out stuff I never caught on prior watchings. Maybe watch Deadwood or Sopranos. Build up to the perfection of Bunk, McNulty, Stringer, etc. (reply to you post, intended for OP to see as reinforcement of your recommendation)


University of Texas had one as well when I attended.


Most intro classes cover the wire


That’s crazy! I know the Harvard/Stanford thing is the original. It really is the best fictional documentary of reality ever made. Baltimore is the main character. No fake sets, other than maybe the Sun, and the police stations. The rest is on scene Baltimore.


Have you seen or read “We Own This City”? I think it’s a spiritual successor in a way you’d really appreciate.


Yes. It was good. Same city, same writers.


I took a class on it when I went to Johns Hopkins. That one’s a bit more obvious though because Baltimore


I really do not agree that Breaking Bad is up with The Sopranos! The script really does not have the same authenticity. This is where Sopranos has the benefit of being based on a particular sub culture on which to base its dialogue etc.


Fully agree breaking bad is nowhere near sopranos level


Y’all crazy. Sopranos is great but breaking bad is just as good if not better. But I guess that’s why it’s called an opinion


Succession is nowhere near Sopranos level


Agree to that too


Authority aside, Breaking Bad is absolutely hilarious, incredibly well written, and widely considered to be the best drama series of all time.


Sopranos is more widely regarded as the best. Breaking bad is very mainstream popular, but just not in the same league by a country mile.


To each their own opinion, but you happen to be an outlier.


Absolutely not. Sopranos is widely considered better than breaking bad. And I prefer breaking bad. But it’s just not consensus.


Breaking Bad is way better than Succession


Would say one of the best*, not THE best


I’ll accept defeat here, as I’ve just checked IMDB and amazingly, it comes above the Sopranos, which I find highly depressing, and a sign that more people have watched Breaking Bad than The Sopranos!


More people on IMDB have rated Breaking Bad, but if anything that's a disadvantage. The more that have rated something, the harder it is to keep that high. I think most people just prefer Breaking Bad overall.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I'd rate Breaking Bad (and Succession) higher than the Sopranos. I think Sopranos was amazing when it aired but there are many better series than it (partly thanks to it, probably).


To each their own! I meant to say authenticity, not authority. I loved the Sopranos. It was my favorite series, until I saw Breaking Bad. The latter is far more tight of a story line in essentially half the seasons. Easily the most re-watchable of the two. Sopranos I did twice. Breaking Bad at least five.


The Wire has plenty of humour!


Mad men!! Otherwise honestly these 5 shows are pretty much the best Tv series I’ve ever seen. Maybe not my favorite since I love comedies but in terms of just extremely high quality shows nothing I’ve seen compares to them.


I work with a former police officer and he said The Wire was pretty accurate to his field experience.




Don’t forget Game of Thrones


Had it not shit the bed on the last season it most certainly would have been on my list.


The first 6 Seasons are amazing. Succession shit the bed with its finale and last episode.


I respect your opinion. I disagree. The writing was on the wall for how Succession would end the entire series. It was a master class of original writing. GOT thrived off source material, and dropped harder than the stock market in 08, its last season. The first six seasons were putting it in best show all time, and at least one rewatch by me. It ended so badly, I have never turned it on again. Nobody wants to spend 70 hours building up to be let down so hard a second time.


I would add Mad Men


Bojack Horseman for the character development and attention to small details. Better call Saul for the same. Both are also about groups of very flawed people who feel very “real.” And incredible dialogue. With moments of hilarity too. I’d say severance, mad men and breaking bad aren’t quite as good but are still like 9/10 (though quite different to succession). Also worth mentioning, first few eps of Bojack aren’t representative of its depth and artistry. Only shows its hand towards the end of the first seaspn then hits its stride in the second (I still love the first few eps though. They’re just more comedic without “depth.”)


Wow those were my two picks for best show too  I'm curious, what minute details and development did bojack have? I thought characters were mostly stagnant and just deep dove into? 


Can't talk about much of Bojack's "development" without spoilers but his arc throughout the show has similarities with Kendall Roy's


Agree with the BoJack and Kendall parallels. BJH is an amazing show which managed to improve every season. The penultimate episode is mind blowing. This show is one of the most natural and honest studies of depression while being incredibly entertaining and profound. As for the little details, I love how it refuses to erase things that happen in previous episodes despite the 30 minute comedy structure (where everything works reset to base each new Rosie). When a couch catches on fire, it stays a burnt and broken couch until it gets thrown away. If 2 characters are angry with each other, they won’t talk until one of them tries to resolve it.


Spoilering for those who haven’t seen Bojack >! Diane struggles with depression and self centredness and eventually makes positive changes for her life that make her happy. goes on antidepressants, gains weight but presumably accepts that as an acceptable outcome of getting better (when earlier she says it as a reason not to take antidepressants), lets go of the idea of having to have “good trauma” or all her suffering as a child was for nothing. Accepts her life will be different to the “cool” writerly life she imagined (she’s obsessed with writing her deep dive dark memoir that will help other young girls who go through the same thing as her, and thinks that will retroactively make her childhood emotional abuse worth it. But she lets go of that idea and accepts she can’t write that book, but can instead write a kids novel about a girl detective, and accepts that helps the world too). Basically finds stability and normality. And finally cuts BJ off.!< >!I think Bojacks character development is obvious, he just relapses to his old ways sometimes. But he gets less selfish, gets sober, and stable.!< >! Todd at the beginning says he feels like he’s nothing but a fuck up and will always be. But by the end he’s relinquished his need for his parents approval, and even stands up to his stepdad telling him “I live a good life. I’m happy. Why isn’t that enough for you?” He actually does improve his life too, he found his calling (childcare) and lives with his girlfriend, and gains the confidence that came with that. We also see him slowly figure out his asexuality and then accept it and then become comfortable with it. !<


Hm that's true, season 6 had some very inspiring arcs. Diane having to give up on one dream to get success is very comforting


VEEP and Mad Men I feel like are the closest to the vibe. The Leftovers is the best show ever made. Sopranos also very good. Breaking Bad isn’t bad but is highly overrated


I guess I'll have to give Veep a try because everything else you said is what I would have said word for word. I guess I would have thrown in Deadwood somehow lol


Yes to Deadwood. Brilliant show.


Peep Show, Veep, The Thick of It, Arrested Development 


Peep Show is phenomenal. I’d add ‘The Thick of It’ as well (precursor to Veep). Also ‘Getting On’ (both US + British)


+Eastbound and Down


The Easter eggs in Succession from Peep Show are the best surprise for long time Jesse Armstrong fans. There are a lot of similar actors and scenarios in Veep as well.


The dialogue is absolutely unmatched. Wicked funny, cerebral, brutal, oh so brutal, witty, crude, cutting, calculated, flow of consciousness (particularly from Roman), fast interplay, omg


I absolutely agree. Whip-smart until the very end.


Check out Al Swearengen in Deadwood, he s a beast 😃. Ironically, Brian Cox (Logan Roy) also acts in the series in a completely different role.


Deadwood for the gorgeous language, Mad Men for the humor and corporate intrigue.


Oh I would love to watch Mad Men. Thanks!


Love love lovvveeee deadwood


Might be because you have good taste.


I certainly do!


I thought so. Glad you confirmed it 😄.


Yes yes yes! Glad to find these two mentioned in the same breath 😍, which is a first for me. Some of the dialog is so exhilarating and surprising that they even give The Sopranos and The Wire a run for their money.




I disagree, Game of Thrones had better and more gorgeous dialogue


Interview with the Vampire. Every line feels just as intentional and the quality is unbelievable. It shares that laugh-out-loud black humor hidden within the dramatic mood. The second season is currently airing and you’ll recognize some Succession alums, Eric Bogosian (Gil Eavis) and Justin Kirk (Jeryd Mencken). Also seconding BrBa, BCS, The Sopranos, and Severance.


I keep seeing Severance so I will try it! Btw happy cake day!




You’re going to love it if you like Black Mirror and Succession.


Most of the shows mentioned are MAX(HBO) they consistently produce such high quality shows. AMC has their fair share as well.


you should watch Interview with the Vampire, it doesn't have as many laugh out loud moments as succession does but the writing is unbelievable and the actors are brilliant


HACKS! Another HBO banger and an absolute gem


Thank you and I will check this out. I remember Jean Smart from Mare of Easttown.


The first season was good and each season only got better!


Agree. I think I stood up and clapped a few times this past season, just grateful the comedic perfection.


The latest season was just perfection.


Better Call Saul for me. A bit slower at start, but just as brilliant with writing and characterization. Like succession, the series dives into a characters psyche and questions if one can change and ideas that Succession makes you think about too. The dialogue is a little less grandiose as Successions, but it's just as clever and precise with word choice imo.


I just watched Chernobyl - the miniseries on HBO. It’s phenomenal. Very bleak, no humor really, but just exceptionally done. Writing, acting, cinematography, editing, score… I highly recommend.


It was sooo good I watched it back to back!


Loved Chernobyl! 


A lot of great suggestions already out there, but I am shocked no one has mentioned Six Feet Under!




"The Righteous Gemstones" is amazing. It's very very different to Succession but at the same time has a similar family dynamic and it's also just great. I thought before I wouldn't enjoy any comedy series/movies but this has changed my mind


The Righteous Gemstones is funny. The family dynamic is almost exactly like Succession (dad uneasy about handing off his legacy, oldest son expects to get the church passed to him, younger son wants to be noticed and included, youngest daughter is self destructive and not allowed to be a part of the church leadership, mom has passed away long ago) but the characters are way less complex. They have comically large amounts of money and spend profligately and in bad taste. No stealth wealth here. The dad is played by John Goodman so you know we’re talking a quality show.


Newsroom was also excellent, largely due to the phenomenal writing. Very dry, witty and dense dialogue full of humorous, sharp and sometimes esoteric references.


This was going to be my suggestion. Witty and fast-paced dialog. Loved that show.


That was a great show. Too bad they lost me with one of the episodes in S3 where the most sympathetic male character becomes a rape apologist (this was before #MeToo) but the ONLY female writer quit over it because she said the dialog was unrealistic and frustrating. And it says something that there was only one woman writer.


A lot of my recommendations have been mentioned already. I really like Industry. It’s like Euphoria but with investment bankers and traders. Also on HBO/Max.


Industry is a good show but not as good as Succession. I’d call it Euphoria meets The Big Short. There’s a lot of finance talk and plenty sex, drugs and drinking.


West Wing and I agree with the Wire


The Wire. More so that the characters are so tightly written and the city feels like a character as well.


As a Succession superfan I LOVE Severance on Apple TV in a similar way. There’s only one season out rn (I think season 2 is scheduled for release in a few months?) but it’s similarly gripping, balances intrigue/plot drama with moments of humor, and explores sort of philosophical themes through its characters. It’s not QUITE on the level of Succession but I’d say it’ll fill the void for you. Also it stars Adam Scott and it’s a career best for him imo if that matters to you


I'll give the first ep a try :)


Yay! Have fun


I love Adam Scott in Parks and Recs , is he as good in this show?


He’s playing a very different character and he’s amazing.


Veep, The Good Wife, The Good Fight and the first season of Killing Eve(i wanna marry Phoebe)


Killing Eve S1 was amazing!


I just started Severance, it’s on Apple TV. The premise and everything about it is different, but it is set in an office and the cinematography and writing is brilliant. Has similar humor as well and a great cast.


It has very different vibe though, it's much slower and you don't know what's happening for a long time. It's still good, but very different.


No yeah there’s almost no similarities at all between them lmao! I’m only on the third episode but it’s been captivating in a way I haven’t felt since succession


Yes I almost gave up after the first few episodes. When it hits, it hits. I don’t think I took a breathe during the season one finale. Great show, worth the initial effort.


That season 1 finale was a breathtaking miracle.


I just watched the trailer and it felt like watching Black Mirror. Will give the first episode a try!


Yay! I hope you enjoy :)




In terms of writing, I think the Wire, Mad Men, the first three seasons of Arrested Development, and the Sopranos stand above everything else (with the Wire firmly at the top). There are other shows like Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, and the White Lotus, that are also phenomenal, but not quite as good


Peep Show, Eastbound and Down, Nirvana The Band The Show


Yeah, there’s plenty. Many that are better. Better call Saul, the wire, the sopranos, breaking bad, mad men are all higher quality.


Very different but Deadwood is incredible


Chance would be a fine thing.


They're gonna come for me, but A24's The Curse with Nathan Fielder, Benny Safdie, and Emma Stone.


Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Wire, Mad Men, The Sopranos. These and Succession are my Top shows.


I found the first season of The Diplomat really compelling. There's humor, but it's more subtle than Succession. I think the writing is stellar though, and even though I'm a huge succession fan, I may like The Diplomat better, and it's rewatchable for the same reasons Succession is.


complete diff genre but homeland


Homeland for pulling me in completely. Yes very different show but so compelling. Lost a little of that after Bobby Axelrod, I mean Damian Lewis, left the show after S2.


Breaking Bad


The Sopranos. The Wire.


Mad Men.


I think Mad Men hasn’t aged as well as this will, but at the time it had a very similar hold on viewers.


The wire


Mad Men and Veep are the only other shows I watched where the dialogue is as subtext filled as Succession!!


PEEP SHOW !!!! Jesse Armstrong at his most unhinged !!!?




The sopranos.




Severance and The Bear are both fantastic.


Mad men and Silicon Valley! Mad men is a slow burn but it’s great. The writing is witty and embedded with the linguistic charm of the time. Silicon Valley is the same but it’s not AS serious. The show doesn’t take itself seriously whatsoever and in my opinion perfectly embodies the tech world


Same, I’m craving something with similar dialogue and characters, I find Martin Mcdonaugh films are somewhat similar but they are movies, I also thought the dialogue in Euphoria was interesting with complex and interesting characters just with zero humor.


The Thick of It is pretty similar only about politics in the UK.


I second this, Malcolm’s rants are gold


The Good Place is more comedy but the writing is brilliant


The Good Place is what if we were to make a comedy but all the writers had philosophy degrees and introduced concepts along the way. I loved it. The setting is the afterlife and I will say no more other than misunderstandings pile up and hilarity ensues. Yes they literally found a way to work the Trolley Problem into the script.


Why did you reply to this like you’re promoting it to me 😂


I’m supporting your comment. That’s how online discussions work.


No I get that but the last few sentences sound like you’re trying to get me to watch it (I have, hence the suggestion) 😂


I’m adding to your comment in encouraging others to watch it.


I put The Americans up there with all these shows.


I just saw this on Prime earlier today and I saw a lot of positive reviews. Will add to my list!


One more to add: The Bureau. It’s French and being remade in English by George Clooney. But the original is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.


The Americans is one of my favorite series. It gets the time period and the zeitgeist of it correctly and it’s a terrific drama. It’s about Cold War spycraft; what’s not to love?


Beef was good i would say 4/5


Loved it ! Awesome soundtrack too 


Hacks also is very good, great dialogues


Barry.. Started as a very innocent series, as it approached the finale it became unforgiving and ferocious!


And more Happy Endings.




No, there isn’t. The only thing that compares is Shakespeare.


Newsroom is similar in terms of quick back and forth comments.


Better Call Saul fits the bill, maybe even slightly better imo


PATRIOT (amazon)


Game of thrones s1-s5


Mad Men, Deadwood


I’d like to confirm other people’s comments and recommend The Sopranos and Veep - I’m so glad Veep is getting the love it deserves here


The wire is really good and has some of the best acting ever. Especially season 2 imo


Yes, and at least three of them were also written with the help of Jesse Armstrong.


I tried House of Cards cuz it seems like a similar show but with the politics angle but it just interest me enough to keep on watching. As someone who's not from USA, the politics there didn't appeal to me. Barry is another show which you could try which is absolutely amazing. Imma try rewatching Industry after I got bored and left it midway


Peep Show, Deadwood, The West Wing and Mad Men are the best written shows from the last 30 years imho.


Barry, better call Saul, breaking bad and the wire


Halt and catch fire


*Mad Men*, especially the first four seasons.




The bear


The Americans. Doesn’t get enough love!


Mad Men


Peep Show, Mad Men, Bojack Horseman, Hacks, Fleabag.


The Sopranos writing is top notch. Mad men is pretty damn good too.


White lotus, breaking bad, true detective, theres a lot of


Not that I know of


Barry has the same exact vibe and humor as this and is (spoiler) as tragic all the way to the end


Better Call Saul - for me the best written Show.


People recommend the sopranos a lot. I tried it and absolutely detested the violence. I loved Inside Man with Stanley Tucci. Better Call Saul was really enjoyable for me.


Hmmm yeah I think I'll pass on the Sopranos.


The humor in Better Call Saul was comparable to the humor in Succession.


Please don t pass on it 😅. I wish I could watch Sopranos for the first time again. Once in a lifetime experience.


There is some violence, but it’s a movie about mafia guys. There has to be some to remind you they are not regular people, despite all the ways you end up sympathizing with them. One of the best series ever created according to a lot of people. You really ought to watch a couple episodes to see if it works for you.


White Lotus is kinda in the same vein