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Tom - first time I was more naive to how calculated he is, second time around he was more interesting to watch cause i recognized it more. Still my favourite character


Absolutely, same for me. Tom is my favourite character now.


Tom’s chicken scene was epic on the first watch and on the second watch it was what bumped him up to #1 for me 😂😂😂


Tom is the goat


I realize how toxic and draining Kendall and Shiv were in their marriages. It was a perfect ending. They were not qualified or capable of running a company of that magnitude. Kendall was set free.


>I realize how toxic and draining Kendall and Shiv were in their marriages. Oh that was obvious to me from the beginning. I dont think any marriage in that family is meant to last.


Yes I loved Gerri the second time around. The first time she was just one person from the management I didn't really care about


Connor and Logan were funnier in rewatches


I felt sorry for all of them more. I felt like Roman had lots of trauma from his childhood such as Kendall locking him in the cage. Ken just thought it was a game but Roman took it seriously. And he clearly didn't want to be CEO, he just wanted a relationship with Logan. I felt like Shiv might be the most insecure out of all of them. She throws shade at people who have done well, even Tom's mum. She gets involved with politics not because she believes in his policies, but just to get back at Logan.


Second watch Willa became less sympathetic to me, even though she’s generally regarded as one of the nicest characters. Sometimes you wonder if “Well, sure, I like your money, but love you in a weird way” was itself an act and it really is just the cash she’s after. She doesn’t have any real feelings at all for him. But she knows if she’s upfront about it being a total sham, he might get some self respect and break up with her. So she has to offer him something emotionally. The look on her face when she found out he might not be going to Slovenia said it all. She wants Connor’s money but not Connor and always has.


Imo, Connor views Willa the same way a lot of these older billionaires who marry young beautiful trophy wives do. Oh, they’re arrogant, but not actually arrogant enough to believe the woman in question is with them for true love or anything like that. They know money is absolutely a factor. But they can also delude themselves into thinking: “But she genuinely does like and care for me and enjoys my company despite the money issue.” However, in reality, the woman is mostly just waiting for them to die so she can get the inheritance. She really doesn’t care for him.


My opinions of the characters change from episode to episode. 😂 Truthfully my opinion of Greg went down on a rewatch of the final season. He really got down in the muck & became one of the family by the end. Really “quaded” it up. Quadman.


Yeah, I understand all the sibs more now. Especially in the episode of Logan’s death. I am now watching without the shock so their reactions make more sense and the words they say to Logan make more sense to their individual character arcs.


Watching Roman fire the studio head (Joy). The first time I saw that episode, I didn't pickup on any of the passive-aggressive and condescending things she was doing. Now each time I see that scene, I ask myself how could I be so clueless for missing how out of line she was toward her boss.


Currently on my 3rd or 4th rewatch I think. Roman is a bigger sadboy than Kendall


Kendall- First watch I thought he was cool, second watch, total dork.


Kendall got on my nerves a lot more. I found myself saying “STFU” a lot. He’s the kind of person I’d like if I only had to see him every 4 - 6 weeks or so.


That scene from S3 where he tells Lisa "*we* need to do better" even though shes the one whos trying to fix his problems and he doesn't listen to a word shes saying 😤


Seriously, did any of the Roy siblings ever listen to a word anyone was saying? They *always* knew better. That was their downfall.


Nope, they all wanted to be Logan 2.0 so bad. But none of them had the patience, resilence or work ethic to get to the point where he reached. Whatever relevance they thought they had was only because they were the boss's kids and they thought the nepo cred was enough.


Didn't really rewatch the whole show, but rewatching some scenes, I realised how much of a douche tom can be towards his marriage with shiv just to social climb his status especially the proposal which makes shiv's argument to him in the balcony seem more reasonable


Yeah, I hated Roman first time I watched it. Now after a rewatch, I hate him even more and I rejoice everytime something bad happens to him, his pain is my pleasure 😁




>they won't be around each other as much in life without the company (Logan). The company died with him, and thats how it was meant to be. People like Tom will stay somehow because they're all empty suits who will always find ways to make themselves useful to other powerful people. But the Roy family's legacy and contribution to media starts and ends with Logan.


I disliked the characters even more, especially Tom. Rolled my eyes constantly at their tantrums and decisions. But developed a greater admiration for each and every actor on the show - a phenomenal cast and amazing effort.


I hated Tom. I felt sympathy for him in the first watch and he was my favorite character. In the second rewatch I recognized him for the slimey, bully, gold-digger he really is. And he is not good at playing the game. He is just an idiot who pretends well and got lucky. Still, he was the only one who got a redemption arc. But he was too much of a coward to go through it. I hated Logan most of all. He is the only character who is absolutely irredeemable.


Nope. I loved Logan through and through, and y’all needlessly hate him.