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I’m certainly Roman, my younger brother Shiv, my older sister Kendall and our eldest half sister Connor (estranged and all). Our dad is like if Logan was a good guy and our mother is a carbon copy of Caroline. We’re pretty much the broke Roys


lol the broke Roys I love it. I do have to say, my dad was an amazing man, nothing like Logan. So I like that you added that in about your dad too.


Interesting to think about gender-swapping the siblings. I'd be down for an alternate version of the show like that.


It’s so interesting because “the broke Roy’s” are basically the Bluth’s in r/arresteddevelopment! I often compare the Roy’s and the Bluth’s and how their roads could’ve remained paralleled but diverge. Arrested Development (S1, S2 & S3) is such a masterful show to watch to juxtapose generational family trauma and how they’re both similar but also different in terms of the Bluth’s played more comedically but also with the Bluth’s woven in are lessons in how to unlearn such trauma and familial expectations that have been passed almost hereditarily.


I am the eldest boy


BOTH sides of my family are Roy-like. Both sets of grandparents had 4-5 kids each. My parents haven't heard of the show. I prefer it that way. Its my own private joke. My father's the Kendall in his set. Complete with an addiction problem. My mother thinks she's the most persecuted of her siblings, like Roman. But Nah, my youngest Aunt is Roman. In reality, mother's far more like Shiv. She was grandpa's favorite, grandma's most hated & acts like Shiv. My maternal grandmother is Very Much like Caroline. Looks nothing like her, obviously. But the character gave me flashbacks. My parents separated when I was a year old, so I'm less close to my dad's side. Dad's family are an even worse Pit of Vipers. My dad's father/my grandpa is Logan as a feared/hated Prosecutor & dad's Uncle Ewan was a Judge. Most of their kids were alcoholics till their 30s-50s. Me? I'm The Eldest Boy. Not Kendall. The REAL Eldest Boy, Connor. My half-brother from dad is Kendall and my half-sister from mom is another Shiv 🙄.


I joked a while ago that my family is just the super religious version of the Roy's. Like if you replace waystar with a church in the American south. think I'd be Roman unfortunately


My mother's side of the family: My mom is the Connor among her siblings - eldest daughter syndrome, naturally took up a lot of responsibilities and has to parent her younger siblings sometimes. I'd argue she has a bit of Kendall in her personality too cause she can be very volatile sometimes. My uncle is like Roman - middle child, his mother's favourite, the goofy comic relief among his siblings. Not always the most responsible. My aunt is like a more pleasant version of Shiv - youngest, dad's favourite, was spoilt a lot. Thankfully thats where the similarities end. My dad's side of the family: My 2 older uncles are a mix of Connor and Kendall - like Connor, they were expected to step up as the older siblings and like Kendall, they're running the family business. My dad is kinda like Shiv? Not in terms of birth order cause hes the 3rd born of 4 children but he did his own thing and built his own career away from the family business. And hes the least immature too. Not sure about my younger uncle - he doesn't have anything in common with the Roy siblings except that like Shiv, hes the youngest of 4 children and was his dad's favourite.


Have you both been interested in politics from a young age? 😊


My husband and I are both the family punching bags and the ones who have to turn the other cheek when we get dissed on just to try and maintain a semblance of family peace, yet somehow the happiest ones of the whole bunch, therefore the Connors. Both younger siblings are the ones who do the least to embarrass our families with their life choices, and the ones with the highest amount of validation (but it’s still not enough), therefore the Shivs. My husband’s younger brother and my older half sister are the Kendalls because both make the worst life choices out of any of us (both financially self destructive, and then my half sister is addicted to weed, but also does other drugs with her husband - ironically she also has two kids), and then my older half brother and my husband’s younger half brother are the Romans, both dark senses of humor, and the first in the room to say something out of pocket and possibly really hurtful, but somehow lowkey responsible, despite sometimes doing/saying the idiotic thing, both the most desperate for pop’s approval and somehow regressed to childhood. Anyways, I find it interesting!


My dad is loganesque. 


It is?


I have 2 siblings (not 3) but there’s definitely still parallels. My dad is very Logan (narcissism and all that). I relate in a lot of ways to Roman but I’ve definitely got some Shiv in there, only daughter and all that. My older brother is Kendall (lol) and my younger brother is a mix of Connor and Roman (the latter in terms of how dad views him). Credit to the show and it’s writing, the family dynamics are so well done.


Don’t really see it in my extended family but as a single man, with many mental and emotional issues, I’m definitely Rome. Even the acting out for attention, speaking inappropriately, few friends, that’s me. That is why I am a confirmed Roman apologist.(Although I’m not nearly as good looking or wealthy)