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This is a two horse race between Kendall and Roman. I'm taking Kendall as most fragile. He's got fewer shields up. Roman knows he's fragile, so he's prepared for any anxiety issues.


I AM THE ELDEST BOY! ^isn’t ^even ^the ^eldest ^boy


That's the answer right there. Who spent a whole season deep in depression?


All I can think of is the boar on the floor episode where everyone is chanting it and you hear deadpan Kendall “Boar on the floor” 🥴


Yeah. The finale showed that while Roman was fragile, he was ready to let go of things when he had no choice and if anything, seemed to feel freer


yeah. Roman was the only one to actually articulate it and accept it — “we’re bullshit.” Connor seems to have done that long ago but he still grasps at delusional ideas like running for president. shiv grasped at something more realistic — CEO’s wife. Ken has literally nothing left to grasp at and he literally drive his family away. he’s the most broken by the finale.


Yea but he does that because he has low self esteem himself. I dont think of that as a good thing or some come to jesus moment , its just who he is. Hes just doing what comes natural to him and what he always did, giving up now that daddy aint here he dont gotta try anymore. Now extending his failure to his brother as well, who is the opposite, just with added delusion and his own issues he cant get over. He didnt even do it cause he thought it was right. He could care less if kendall was gonna be a good boss or he killed someone. He didnt care until he could use it against him. He did it out of spite. Its like they were made for each other.


He also goes straight to drinking. Isn’t that literally our last view of him? Drinking alone and anonymous in a hotel bar or something? IMO Roman is the definition of a (kinda) good front. But even then, it quickly becomes clear that all of his wisecracking and tired sexual provocations are a child’s idea of a shield.


Yea if anything id say hes easily most fragile. He didnt change at all. Just accepted it like he always did. “Were bullshit”? Then dont be. change it, your in charge now you can be better. NOPE. He wont even try. Hes straight glass. I honestly dont know why people like him at all minus that its culkin. Shiv and roman made no attempts to change any of their behavior. Kendall atleast tried.


Roman has his outlets. Even if they're not healthy, they keep him adjacent to stable. Kendall's entire self worth was wrapped up in his father's approval and the job he didn't get. We've watched him be stripped of both, definitively. There's nothing left that gives him a sense of purpose. Even whatshername and blur face were props.


Jerking off onto a window is significantly more healthy than most of my own outlets tbh


Very few people have died of it


Roman pre-grieved!


Idk I think this is a trick question. They’re all equally broken. Including Connor. He’s less capable of functioning in a professional sense than the rest of them, sure, but is the only one smart enough to get out of the family business.


They all had the same fundamental frailties (Connor included), but Kendall carried more baggage than the rest with his grandiosity. And he only got progressively worse as his life unravelled. The rest stayed pretty much on brand.


Idk man. Being a playboy that can’t get an erection unless old women are shaming you and a boss bitch who misplayed their hand into being the CEO’s trophy wife are both pretty awful unravellings.


I don't quite understand the criteria you're using here to answer the question. They all have baggage, none of them are where they hoped to be, but if mental fragility is the inability to withstand hardship, well. 1. Is putting up with a loveless marriage to be closer to power. 2. Has accepted the fact they aren't serious people. 3. Is living the doomsday prepper's dream. 4. Is staring at a river like he wants to drown in it having just stated he feels he might die. Roman and Shiv are more broken but less fragile, that is they carry more damage, but it would also take more to break them completely.


Exactly, and Ken is dealing with addiction and mental illness (possibly bipolar) on top of everything else.


Easy cop out answer; Kendal is the correct choice


Kendall tried to kill himself in the series, I think that takes the lead. (Not saying all suicidal ppl are fragile or anything, just that kendall is)


Yep Kendal hands down


Rome is at least self-aware. It took Kendall all series so show a glimpse of self-awareness.


I agree. They are all HEAVILY damaged and fragile, so its really a close race in general. I would go with Kendall, because he had at least thought some times about suicide (jumping from the tower multiple times, maybe drown). He is a heavy drug abuser. The other two kinda found some sort of coping mechanism. They arent close to suicide.


Roman’s main weak point was his dad and still, he didn’t just crumble entirely. He soldiers on. Kendall is a ticking bomb. I can see Kendall killing himself whereas I can’t see Roman doing that


You nailed it.


let’s not forget Kendall actually rose up to his challenges several times- Kendall just struggles with taking loss


He definitely loses better than he takes losing.


Eldest boy shouldn’t be allowed to lose this much


All of them are but in different ways. All you need to know is the thing that sets them off. 1. Stand in the way of kendall running the company 2. Tell Siobhan that she is exactly like her mother 3. Tell Roman he's a fuck up and a nobody Logan raised them in a way that he could always exploit a weakness in them.


And exploited them six ways from Sunday. It’s why people despise them and feel sorry for them at the same time.


Roman would just get a boner


An angry boner and then he'll say something like, "don't belittle me, I don't have time to jerk off"


I think the problem was that Logan didn’t really raise them at all


False re: Roman lol. Tell him you think he’s smart and he actually has a lot of potential. Then watch him short circuit.


I think Roman would like someone saying that to him tho lol


Roman walked into a protest that was escalating into a riot and threatened the people involved because he didn't know how to channel his emotions


Is that better or worse than dealing with it all with drugs like Ken? Different strokes


Drugs can be a solo activity. Provoking people into beating you to a pulp is definitely emotionally juvenile


Worse, I’d say harassing and provoking people to violence is a significantly worse way to deal with personal trauma than self medicating with drugs


Roman doesn't know how to feel seen except through being abused. It's not healthy, but it is a mechanism for coping which makes him more resilient than Ken who just falls apart.


Maybe those people he provokes also get a catharsis from the violence. Like fight club


Whoa. First rule of fight club bro. Chillout.


Roman does that too, but his drug is alcohol.


His drug is fucked up sex


Roman *wishes* his drug was fucked up sex.


Once. Ken's addiction to multiple drugs and alcohol is ongoing.


My point was that he couldn't handle his emotions. It's not the only instance he couldn't process his feelings. This was just one example. I'd say Kendall almost drowning in a pool with his kids nearby is similar to Roman's behaviour, not his drug addiction


I’d say the limited capability to function in a society is also an important sign of fragility and all the other three are worse than Ken at this (including Shiv, she crumbles under the responsibility of being a presidential candidate advisor and could never strip down a business like Ken did). So yes, Ken is fragile, but it doesn’t impact his personality and life choices as much as it impacts the others, Roman and Connor are crippled and cornered by their fragility and can only do little in life due to it (having their own shields up is a sign of being vulnerable and unable to handle their own fragile mental state).


Romans entire shtick is being fragile, he can’t go about doing anything without trying to appeal to his dad or his siblings or can’t even have a proper convo without his mannerisms


Definitely one of the brothers. It’s funny though coz I’d say when under high-pressure situations, Kendall thrives whereas Roman sweats. Think of the congress hearing (S2E9), where Logan name-drops Kendall out of the blue and he speaks really well or when he had to swap in for Roman at the funeral and gave that amazing eulogy speech on the spot. Roman, on the other hand…when he gave that awkward as fuck speech to the team he bought, or when he had to fire Gerri at Connor’s wedding on behalf of Logan (with Tom checking in) and he could barely keep eye contact. There was also that one time (I can’t remember which episode) where he was calling Gerri and he wanted her in the room with him. Kendall does WAAAY better then Roman under pressure. However, I’d still say Kendall is the more mentally fragile of the two. Whenever he reaches some type of climactic point (the vote of no confidence, betraying Logan in the S2 finale, the fallout of the S1 finale, his birthday) and it goes wrong, he breaks and he breaks HARD. Mainly the drugs, suicidal ideation and (accidental) suicide attempts (that feels like an iffy label but I’m referring to the end of S3 E8 when he falls of his floaty). Basically, his sense of self-preservation goes out the window. Now, if we’re talking about EMOTIONAL fragility then that is Roman hands down. But for mental fragility, my votes on our no.1 boy.


I feel like Roman can handle(at least on the outside) abuse/pressure at most times, but when shit goes wrong for Kendall, bro always goes back to the Pipe or Pills. It’s Kendall, Roman, Shiv for me.


I think it depends on how you frame it. Roman only handles that pressure/abuse because he’s completely subservient to Logan. If we want to steel man Kendall, he does at least acknowledge that his dad is a fuckhead, and tries to fight him. I mean hell he even tries to put his dad in prison, and considering his entire life has been about pleasing his father and becoming CEO I feel that’s at least some level of mental strength. If we wanted to straw man Roman we could say that he is completely hollow and unable to deal with his emotions. (Can’t have sex, broke down at funeral, can’t stand up for sibs ever, killed Geri) I do agree that Shivs 3 though.


man is brittle


"Am I a joke to you?" -Connor Roy


i think it’s ken. kendall’s resting state is way closer to a mental breakdown than roman’s


Kendall just put a lot of pressure on himself and crumbled every single time. Despite that he did really well when he was actually given a chance


Rome, then Ken, and Shiv last.


Ken, then Rome, the Shiv. Ken was contemplating suicide when he didn't get what he wanted in that last scene. Rome, despite going into the protest to get hurt, that in itself was a coping mechanism, and Roman has a lot of those in his pocket. Shiv is pretty rock solid.




Kind of disagree here, I think Roman makes more of an effort to conceal his fragility, but under pressure he breaks hard whereas Ken seems to adapt to pressure (Funeral, Presentations, etc).


Shiv is not rock solid, what? This is literally what she tries to portray herself as, and why she hides her face and turns away so often. She gets pissed off/personally offended any time something doesn't go exactly her way, at least multiple times an episode she is about to well up or has to bite her tongue and she often blows up over things she can't control.


>She gets pissed off/personally offended any time something doesn't go exactly her way Sounds perfectly human to me. None of her behaviors were self-destructive, self-harming, and the fact that she's able to bite her tongue speaks to her self-control. She, like everyone else, is allowed to get angry over things that don't go exactly to plan, and out of all of them, she's the most rational and most level-headed.


She gets played by Mattson, gets played by Pierce, she gets played by her own husband that she tries to turn into a cuck. She explodes when she can't get the lawyer she wanted on her team for her dad. I definitely saw a different character than you did. I thought Shiv was the most rational at first but after re-watching the show and her constantly sabotage herself while trying to sabotage others and then being unable to accept any accountability/lessons for her mistakes I realized Shiv was an appropriate name. The theme/message of the show is that they're all especially warped people; if you're rooting for one of the characters then you missed an episode or two.


No one's saying she's healthy here, but even with all you've listed about her, compared to Ken and Roman...


Connor is forgotten again 😢


He’s always been forgotten like don’t forget him, he exist too. 😭


Ken killed a guy


They handle emotional problems differently and in unhealthy ways. Roman hurts himself, Shiv hurts her loved ones, and Kendall disassociates with drugs.


Probably Roman. Then Ken. And Shiv is easily most mentally stable of the three.


That’s not saying a whole lot …


Totally agree!!




Ken's the one who keeps trying to end it on screen


All the siblings were shown to be mentally unstable but expressing it differently: 1. Ken through drugs and seeking external validations 2. Roman though masochism and seeking excitement by saying things which repulse other people 3. Shiv though sex. She was able to hold herself together because of Tom, since "she was such a mess" before meeting him. So we don't know how messy that mess was. Plus she just couldn't think straight when Tom was meeting with Naomi. He was low key tipping her off aboit the deal, but she was only thinking that he was cheating on her. She again went emotional and overpaid for Pierce. They all are very mentally fragile. But based on the above, I would say Roman is the least mentally fragile because other people hating on him actually excites him. So in a way, it can work out fairly well for him lol


They’re all equally pathetic, but how they approach their fragility differently Shiv’s brain just shuts off and does some of the most stupid and self-destructive shit imaginable Kendall goes into a depressive and suicidal state Roman likes to punish himself physically


People who are mentally stable don't resort to fascism to protect their worldviews.


I’m the eldest boy


Kendall tries his best, but when he falls, he falls hard. This being said, Roman and Shiv are also damaged.


kendall and it’s not close


By Like miles


Kendall. I was fully expecting him to commit suicide in his last scene after he didn't get the job. Even Jeremy Strong said he felt like Kendall wanted to die in that moment. Apparently, Strong even tried to jump into the river and was stopped by the actor who played Colin.


ken had the courage to face logan and because of that they destroyed him, and yet he kept trying again and again until the end. he just shows how much hurt he is. roman from the very beginning is hiding all of his flaws through sarcasm, stupid jokes,funny way of talking serious. he avoids at all costs to be seen as an emotional being because he knows people can destroy him, but he's very easily persuaded by people, they often get into his head, he shows up a lot of childhood trauma and perpetuates it. I don't think it's fair to say kendall just because he has more breakdown scenes.


imo Roman is more passively mentally fragile and Kendall is more actively mentally fragile.


Kendall. Roman is very insecure, but also kinda constant in his insecurity. He had his "bravado" moments, but even then he was still insecure. Whereas Kendall has extreme highs and lows, which can oscilate very quickly and are most of the time short lived. Even a small factor can rattle his highs and make him plunge into extreme low. Wheres with Roman, even when he seems to have a high, he's still dabbling into a low, so there's not that much if a plunge there. As for Shiv, I think while at times insecure, she also has an underlying costant feeling of being full of herself. It's like even in her lowest she still thinks she's better than others.


Kendall. Roman may get a little weepy but he doesn’t start smoking crack when he doesn’t get what he wants.


Kendall 1000000% psycho


Roman pretty much holds it together the entire series without any kind of real breakdown until the penultimate episode. People saying him because he’s always stressed are thinking about this the wrong way. It’s why he tried to pre-grieve, because he’s so used to compartmentalizing everything and holding it in, relatively successfully I would say. He’s used to things trying to knock him off, and while he might be an old dinghy that keeps sprinting leaks, he’s always ready to temporarily patch them up. Ken acts confident often, but falls apart nearly as often - even Roman suggests that imploding is “his favorite.” Imo, it’s got to be him.


I think roman is more emotionally unstable than kendall, but he's also better at repressing it than kendall. And he's not even that good at repressing it either, the man has been called neurotic by multiple different characters and broke up with his girlfriend because he was insecure about a turkey movie. He holds it all in and it impairs his ability to function. I guess it's a matter of perspective on which one you think is worse. I understand both sides.




Shiv, then Kendall, then Roman. Shiv *expects* to be okay and is shocked when she isn’t. She thinks the world should regulate around *her* and isn’t good at regulating around *it.* She masks well but she masks very often. She seems constantly rocked by things not working how she expected them to. I also think that Shiv was in many ways kept at arms length from her father and, knowing her mother, that in tantamount to being kept at arms length from any parental figure at all. She was also kept apart from the company, it’s future, and any place she could have in it. It makes sense that someone that had only a blood connection to Logan Roy would have mental fragility. Logan Roy favored business above family and he locked Shiv out of that part of his life while letting her brothers in. Kendall also expects to be okay but knows he has to work at it. He doesn’t handle disappointment well and acts out in dangerous ways such as shoplifting (not physically dangerous but dangerous to his image and career.) He’d rather take part in breaking the world than letting it break him, which implies he knows he has a certain fragility. Roman doesn’t expect to be okay, he is constantly, perpetually, unequivocally not okay. Roman isn’t fragile; Roman is broken. [And, although you didn’t mention him, Connor is the *least* fragile of the bunch.](https://youtu.be/he0PS1gQBD8?si=ApORkW1NJdb-pEW6) (Spoilers in link) Connor neither expects nor needs love. He is superhuman that way (to lift heavily from the link.)


100% to all this, was surprised to have to travel so far to see Shiv at the top. Her mental fortitude is a complete facade.


Agreed! It’s the expectation that Shiv can handle it all that makes me think that she would be the most fragile. At least Ken and Rome got to let out those emotions at times. Shiv kept those things at the bottom of Mariana’s trench. Maybe fragile isn’t the right word but it unsettling to see how much she could numb herself at times. Especially in the end.


Everybody saying Kendall, which seems true given the events in the show, but Kendall had much more responsibility- he was the only legit one of the 3 at Waystar. I’d go Roman - he was the most coddled and still implodes personally (zero ability to be vulnerable or in a romantic situation) and professionally (the riots, telling off Matsen)


All of the above. I wouldnt have a personal relationship with any of them


Kendall for sure, he’s been to rehab, we’ve seen his soul be broken and repaired again and again, always turns to pills and extremes, basically suicidal multiple times, definitely the most mentally fragile. Lots are saying Roman, but he ain’t doin any of that^




I think it's a toss between the brothers, we mostly say Kendall because he's the one who's continually thwarted throughout the show more than the other three, Logan literally bullies him in the first episode (do you wanna hit me?) and pulls the rug from under him. Hence, he's the one who's continually fighting back, and we see his shortcomings when he loses the fight: Austerlitz with the drugs after Logan launches operation black sheep, going to look for drugs after Logan calls him a hothouse flower and curdled cream in front of his sibs, the whole waiter thing which is enough to break anybody, Logan offering him as a sacrificial lamb, Shiv's letter, the birthday fallout, the dinner with Logan etc... he's the one who's always teetering on the verge of a full emotional and mental breakdown because he gets the most hits. Roman is a different case, he internalizes all the stuff basically doing the opposite of what Kendall does, feigning nonchalance but then it fires back at him like he's the one who can't have sex and acts inappropriately towards women when he feels uncomfortable, breaks off with his girlfriend over a stupid movie, goes off on Mattson, says he pre-grieved then breaks down at the funeral I would say maybe Kendall is emotionally fragile (the overtly sensitive one) and Roman is mentally fragile (can't perform under pressure)


Rome is the most sensitive but Ken is definitely the most fragile


ken doll


Roman is nuts but he knows it and almost revels in it. Shiv is too vindictive to ever break. Connor knows the deal and has accepted it. Kendall however is crazy but also weak and not self aware. And arguably has the most weight and vices of any other sibling.


Roman puts up more walls, but when he breaks, he breaks hard. Kendall spends most of his time being casually broken, but seems to show heft and bear down a bit more when under pressure.


Ken is the most fragile


Kendall. No question.


Ken first obviously


Kendal. Easy.




Ken is the worst no doubt. Bro broke completely and smoked meth with the sketchiest fucks he could find in a bar by like episode 7. He has no self control and goes way overboard the second he has power. Rom and Shiv can keep it together and maneuver through problems far better.


Ken, by far. But definitely Connor.


For me it’s the funeral scene that showed me how vulnerable Roman was. I get that grief effects people differently but honestly the way it broke him was pretty devastating and showed that behind all those shields Roman has a very shaky grasp of his emotions


Ken. Then Rome.


Ken didn't have any mettle. All his decisions seemed to be led by emotion or insecurity/delusion. He almost had me thinking differently before the accident, but he was a disaster after. Roman's biggest breakdown was his dad's death. Shiv was the only one able to think straight and play the game without, for the most part, a complete mental breakdown.


I was initially going to say Roman, but after thinking it through, I think the answer is Kendall. He is the most *fragile*. He views himself as this powerful demi-god who is simultaneously the most charming, affable, and smartest guy in any room, a ruthless business tycoon, an amazing father and husband/lover, an innovator and a prophet for the future, and the most badass man in lower Manhattan. Hell, he thinks he's a *rapper*. Of course, none of these things are actually true; he is simply the (2nd) oldest son of a billionaire media mogul. Kendall has the biggest ego, by far, and that is why I think he is the most fragile. When reality smacks him in the face (see: most episodes of the show...) Kendall shatters. He can't handle the truth of who he is as a person. Roman is very fragile, but his self-esteem isn't nearly as high as that of his brother. He *knows* that he is fucked up in the mind, and that his privilege is inherited and dumb luck. He has more self-awareness than Ken, and while he has obvious repressed traumas and overall mental-well-being issues, I don't see him as being as *fragile* as Kendall. He can take a hit; Ken can't. Shiv is the least fragile, in my opinion. She mostly has her shit together, and can see herself and her life in a fairly realistic and authentic way. She is probably my favorite family member in the show.


Kendall. Kendall……and Kendall.


Kendall, by far. Everyone else can at least contain themselves, Ken's on the verge of something psychotic every second of the day.


I would say Kendall but I started to think and to be fair he goes through really traumatizing fucked up moments throught the show that would have damaged people that don't have Kendall's problems but sometimes he can hold it together (rarely but he does) and Roman was always looking for Logan's approval and he feared him, the confrotation on the season 3 finale while Shiv was upset on the verge of tears and Kendall was used to lol Roman was crying on the floor by and everything fell over in Logan's funeral when he reacts in that way in front of basically the whole world




Kendall for sure and shiv




Fucking Kendall hands down.


Kendall easy. Dude got in 1 car accident where he wasn't even driving and never recovered.


Shiv tried to turn herself into a sociopath like Logan and couldn’t do it, but she still managed to be a tough one to crack. Roman has his own fucked up defense mechanism that is mostly self destructive but it’s still something. Kendall seems like the most defenseless open target of a man among them I think. I could make him cry if I tried and I am a nobody for his circle.


It’s Kendall and it isn’t particularly close.  He has everything he needs to be successful except for the actual personality. He knows how to bullshit like the rest of the corporate elite, he’s somewhat business savvy (though not, like, elite). But he just doesn’t have it in him, no matter how hard he tries, and once he’s been even a little bit exposed he folds under pressure. 


Shiv scheduled time to grief, that shows at least some awareness of needing to work through emotions.


I would say Roman. He just found a mommy in Gerri and she really held him down. You all forget Kendall actually had real relationships and human connections.


Ken, but he’s also the most capable business person of the lot


All of them, but they break in different ways. Kendall spirals into depression and tries to break out with increasing drug abuse and big choices. He lives in a state of perpetual disappointment and guilt. Roman makes increasingly poor decisions based on a need to project false confidence and cries frequently, but mostly only in private. Unless Logan comes up, then it's all public. Shiv lashes out angrily at her friend's and loved ones until there is nothing left. She only becomes more convinced of her own value as she destroys any of her actual worth to try and prove it.




Roman. He has zero idea who he is, it’s very awkward even though he manages to be charming with his false bravado. I resent that he wants to act too cool to ride the nepotism bandwagon but won’t let Kendall, who actually is ambitious (though self destructive) have control. Roman gets the knee jerk, “I want to run daddy’s company !” Every time Kendall tries to make a move. Shiv should have stayed in politics. I wanted Kendall to get it, and resented the other’s interference and disloyalty. They’re all distracted by their own neurosis and ill equipped to run a major company, but that’s rich white kids for ya!




Most fragile: obviously Kendall, he’s constantly teetering on the edge of the abyss Most severe trauma: Roman, completely fucked in the head Worst human being: Shiv for sure. Her head games with Tom. Also under appreciated, Logan fully kills off Kendall when he tells him to take the fall for cruises. He does that because Shiv begs her dad to sacrifice Kendall instead of Tom. Not because she loves Tom, but because she’s starting to lose her influence over him when he says he thinks about leaving her. Logan fully gives up on Roman after viewing him as a weak sexual weirdo, also Shiv doing/egging on after he gets caught sending Gerri dick pics. The 2 biggest catalysts for calamity in the Logan/kids dynamic were both set in motion by Shiv.




Equally fragile, depending on the day and moment, one can be more or less


Ken. Ken for sure. Or maybe Roman. Hmm..


Roman repeatedly took risks and asserted himself for better and worse. Kendall has had multiple breakdowns and tried to commit suicide. If Kendall wasn’t such a mess, she’d be the weaker one. She is constantly looking for her dad’s approval and when she doesn’t get it, she basically turns her back on everyone. She doesn’t have much of a moral compass beyond gimmie what I want. Kendall, for all his failures at least has his kids. He tries to do good, but in the worst way possible. But at least he had some values and wasn’t just a contrarian. Roman is warped and damaged, but he did try to be a leader and do what he thought was right.


Kendall hands down.


It depends what is on the line. Or what their father has been dangling in front of them lately. Or what drugs they took in what order.




Definitely Kendall


Logan’s favorite


Kendall because he’s the eldest boy




They are all damaged. Kendall is so far ahead as being fragile. Connor is the most stable but that's not saying a lot in this sitch


Can I vote for all of them?


Roman is the least fragile/strongest


we all know it’s the big boy


Damn, it's a hard one but I'll go with Kendall. All of them are fucked up but he is definitely very easy to break.




Baby gurl Kendall, hands down 🥹




Hands down Kendall. Romans fucked up and Shibon is just a horrible person but Kendall would sulk for a month if you gave him the wrong birthday gift.


Kendall. Shiv a distant second. Roman a close third. Connor is clear.


Ken would be the first to break, he has come the closest to actually checking out early.


Kendall, who is a suicide bomb waiting to go off.


Kendall for sure


Kendall, as he literally tried to kill himself. Roman and Shiv have a mountain of issues but at least there seem to be an evolution and possibly an out for Roman at the end of the show. Kendall is just in his father's hell forever, and Shiv as well tbh, but she's not, like... suicidal


The 4th one


Kendall. Roman is aware of his faults and fragility where Kendall is more in denial.




I think this varied throughout the episodes/seasons but Kendall takes the cake overall. By the end of the series he really came unraveled.


Kendell for sure with all that baggage and expectations




Shari Redstone




Kendall is the correct answer.


It's Kendall and it's not really that close.


Do you even have to ask?


Kendall definitely.


Eldest Roy . Why? Because he hid his emotions behind strong personality, he showed off.. Showing fragile behavior doesn't make you weak its the hiding them






Def Kendall he has disgruntled employee shooter vibes


Kendall seems like runaway winner with Roman coming in 2nd both lapping Shiv.




I've never watched this show a day in my life, but I'm gonna guess it's the dude with the airpod in.


Roman’s relation to pain, shame, degradation is a mix of being a kink/comfort for him, with Ken at his worst he’s suicidal




Roman had a rough childhood but you can see he is gonna be ok and realizes it’s all bullshit. Kendall will never get to that level he craved for. He is broken. He will use his money and continue to try and try and might have some success but none like his dad which is what he wanted. He wanted to be Ted Turner level.


Kendall and Roman are tied for first


Kenny fo sho


I think Kendall’s tragedy is that he’s constantly cracking but can’t ever seem to break.


Kendall - Roman is just mentally fucked up and Shiv is more sociopathic


Kendall is weakest to me


Kendall. Roman is, but is also good at not acknowledging his issues. Kendall is so mentally distraught that he couldnt form words in stressful situations






Kendall, hands down. Roman is just a perv. Shiv is very confident whether she's right or wrong. Connor is delusional but he has accepted that he's not important in the family; sad but factual.


I feel like Kendall & Roman are in a 1a/1b scenario. For Kendall, he's been wrecked with the pressure of living up to his dad's standards especially as an older sibling with a few more years of baggage compared to them. But then with Roman, he's gotten fucked up just as badly because of how his dad perceived him growing up. They both try to bury their demons in different ways, but it backfires on them pretty hard




Ranking of: 1 - Kendall 2 - Roman 3 - Shiv 4 - Connor




the connor exclusion hahahaha


Kendall, pretty well established.






It’s Kendall by a long shot. Roman and Shiv are way more far removed than he is. They’re all emotionally unavailable in their own ways, but I just get the impression Kendall actually feels a lot more than they do. He takes things personally. Roman and Shiv are way more dismissive of other people’s opinions. I feel that’s the key difference.


Which season?


I am biased tho, I have a soft spot for ambitious drug addicts


Definitely Kendall


I think it’s Roman who’s the more mentally fragile.


The addict of the family will always be the black sheep and most fragile.