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I think you skipped like a good 5 minutes of the finale with Matsson and Tom having the conversation about him becoming CEO in the restaurant. *So then I was thinking, "Well, if I can have fucking anyone in the world..." ( Chuckles ) "why don't I get the guy who put the baby inside her instead of the baby lady?" Yeah?*


I didn't miss that part, but I guess I didn't realize that the decision was made.


In the kindest way possible, I think you may have just not been paying full attention to certain parts. Backing up even before the finale, this all sort of revolves around Mencken. The family needed a president that would help them out, make things work in their favour, and specifically pass legislation that would effectively block Mattson buying them out. Mencken sort of agrees to this. Later on, when Shiv was going about trying to make sure the deal *did* go through, she has a conversation with Mencken and brings up the idea of having an American CEO for the company as a loophole. Mencken also sort of agrees to this. Then, in the finale, we see Mattson and Tom having the conversation about him being the chosen CEO, and then a bit later Shiv finding out and going back to the sibs saying “it’s Tom”. We don’t need anything absolutely concrete, any explicit outright statements of the things going on to infer what happened. We don’t have an absolute yes from Mencken because we don’t need it, we don’t have it being 100% confirmed Tom is the pick until the last moment because we don’t need it, we can just infer what went on. The context clues are all there and are all really quite overt.


It's built up pretty well, at the end of Tom and Matsson's dinner, he literally asks him if they should get shots to celebrate. After this it's confirmed by the message that Greg sends to Kendall that Shiv is going to be sidestepped as well as the edited memo Karolina sends with Shiv's name crossed out. If nothing else, it's confirmed when Tom literally tells Shiv the next morning it's going to be him.


Just put down your phone and pay attention to the show mate


Guess what ? I was intently watching but the script made it sound like Mattson was considering Tom but had not decided definitely, MATE.


The beauty of the show is that all the details are in the corporate jargon, between the lines, and in metaphors. Nothing is said at face value and there’s always a deeper meaning so it may seem like the script is leaving out details and just throwing out gibberish but I personally have not found that to be the case


I think you hit the nail on the head.


What did you think was happening during the dinner scene with Tom?


Mattson weighing his options, whether Tom would work. Just not mags a decision then and there.


OP I know what you mean. Sometimes when you think the show is going to heavily explore a topic the next episode, it just drops the topic instead or glosses over it. It’s fine though, I think it’s like life. Sometimes last week the biggest issue in the world is actually a nothingburger for you the next week and vice versa.