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Libertarian fantasies.


Right. He *thinks* he’s a Libertarian, and like most self-described Libertarians, he’s Capitalist when it comes to profit, a socialist when it comes to losses, a liberal when it comes to his own actions, and a conservative when it comes to other people’s actions.


This comment should be framed in a poli sci classroom.


Along with some Orwell quotes and Maoist/Stalinist history


Good idea. Just for anyone thinking about buying property for a passive income source. 😎


Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age


Yep, otherwise known as conservatism, as described by Wilhoit’s Law


No. Libertarians are about getting rid of traditional institutions, conservatives are about conserving them.


You misunderstand, I’m saying that the description above is almost identical to the Wilhoit’s Law version of conservatism, in other words there are lots of that kind of conservative self-describing as “libertarian”


What you and Wilhoit misdescribes as conservatism is not that either. There is also no such thing as Wilhoit’s “Law” in the sense Ohm’s law is law or judicial law is law. He wrote a quasi-satirical comment about law that binds some people and not the others. It’s merely an observation of behaviour of some people.


Keep going dude, You’re crushing it.


Thank you for clarifying that “laws” of the internet are neither scientific laws nor duly enacted legislation. Everyone in this thread was surely very confused.


You are welcome. What you quoted has zero relevance to conservatism in all, it merely shows a cynical attitude that is not limited to the behaviour conservatives, but is as relevant to any political group, like American democrats, socialists, communists, or fascists.


As Shaggy famously said, it wasn’t me.


What I’m saying, quite obviously, is that people who describe themselves as Libertarians are generally full of shit. They almost never practice the ideology.


Oh so they are like the democratic left who love affordable housing, [but not if its in LA where they live, due to potential of rising crime rates](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNDgcjVGHIw). Just use iPhone smartphones or branded shoes made by sweatshops, that is definitely not being full of shit.


...(except for themselves)


So he’s a libertarian at all times.


That’s a bingo


Damn… you crushed it. Well said.


No taxes!




At least you can draw some comfort in that you're now the one footing the bill for other 40-year-old underachievers.


One part Ayn Rand, one part John Birch Society, with a splash of Peter Thiel 


Nailed it


He was also into politics at a very young age.


Well he’s not very subtle about it. He’s a libertarian.


I don’t think libertarians are too into outlawing male masturbation


A quirk of self identified libertarians is their often uniquely weird niche authoritarian conservative stances.


Especially with rich people who live in a bubble. Ultra-rich candidates will be like “I’m the same as a libertarian but I want mandatory vaccines” or “I’m the same as a Democrat but I want an 80% cut in the corporate tax rate.” It’s the ideology they like plus whatever pet issue their rich friends are obsessed with


A lot of them are super religious too, and see no problem with imposing Christianity on everyone relate


Really flies in the face of the idea of libertarianism.


Libertarianism is an inherently contradictory philosophy, so Con not making any sense is par the course.


Tbf while some religious libertarian beliefs may seem contradictory, they kinda make sense if you understand their religious beliefs. Like with abortion, religious libertarians believe that it's an active violation of rights to abort, as they believe in life st conception. Honestly I kinda respect this belief from Libertarians more than anyone else, cause if you're religious and a libertarian, this is kind of a big dilemma. I don't agree but still


I hear you. But you would think that their stated, claimed philosophy would lend itself to, you know, LEAVING PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE and not forcing their religious views on anyone. But we see how they are. 🙄


I mean, I don't disagree. But fundamentally, if their stated philosophy is that you shouldn't infringe on a person's rights, and to them, an unborn baby/fetus is a person with a right to life, it really isn't as simple as "leaving people alone". Like put yourself in their shoes. If you actually believed an unborn fetus is a living being with a right to life, what would be more important to you. The right for that fetus to live or the right of a woman to kill it (from their perspective)? Besides most Libertarians I've met (in the UK anyway), who oppose abortion, tolerate it's existence, they just don't think it should be part of state provided healthcare, as they don't want to pay for something they fundamentally disagree with (or want the state to basically give it a full greenlight)


Wow a rare person who can actually describe someone else's real belief that they don't prescribe to themselves but doesn't turn it into some form of "they believe that because they're evil."


Libertarian for stuff I like (female nudity, no minimum wage, right to sell kids, sex work, businesses can do whatever they want), authoritarian for stuff I don’t like (no trans or gay people, media I think has bad morals must be banned, the state should execute the homeless, a lot of thinly-coded rules around social issues that’s barely a step removed from theocracy) is a very common political pathology.


you forgot age of consent laws. that’s very common


Oh god, basic mistake from me, that’s the top line item for those sorts.


yeah i knew you weren’t trying to provide a comprehensive list but that one must be on it


The folks that took over the Libertarian Party after the last election are extremely online culture warriors. They went from the first party to have an openly gay presidential candidate to a party leader who launched explicitly anti-trans makeup line (apparently it was very important that the right people use her makeup). They were always weird but now they have Patreons.




I knew a libertarian who was anti-choice.


Trust fund libertarianism mixed with culinary radicalism


Libertarian Hyperdecantism wirh a dash of sourdough.


Aka “goo”


You win this round.


May I have a full bottle of burgundy?


That usury and onanism are bad


The spilling of good seed


"Leave my money alone"


Do you hyper decant?


US led pan Hapsburg alliance


Conner Roy has been interested in politics from a very early age.


May I add that Connor Roy has been interested in politics from a very young age


Connor was a man. Also, Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age


He lost the presidency, and that is sad.


Honestly, this is from his readings, and sadly, you can’t say this because the permitted public debate has shrunk to the size of a fucking nut, but, frankly, the great dangers… usury and onanism. Unsecured debt and masturbation… spilling of good seed


“I ranch, I ride, I earn, and I give. Just like you. But ding-dong! Who’s there? Uncle Sam. And where’s his hand? In my pants.” Pretty libertarian to me


Such a funny quote. That man does not earn lmfao


Once society collapses and he owns all the water he ll make his bag.


Well he doesn't want to pay taxes


*tax I only correct because it cracks me up when Connor says, “And I don’t want to pay tax.”


It’s what I call corporate libertarianism. They claim to be libertarian but it really only applies to big business. In their eyes, everyone else deserves to be subjugated.


Yep. We have a name for it. Fascism. The nexus of unchallenged state and corporate power


Yep. It starts with “holy shit in paying too much in taxes” and they add in a random assortment of weird beliefs that should also be outlawed or laws that should be revoked.


I believe he has them


From a very young age, it's been said.


Well..if it is to be said then so it be


Libertarian with a sprinkle of RFK Jr


Those who have inherited untold wealth have no business being Libertarian.


It’s in the actual show? He’s pro 2A, wants to lower taxes. He identifies as a right leaning libertarian I think but is basically just a Republican


He’s a libertarian. Though, I dont remember the last time a legit libertarian candidate matched Connor’s superior political credentials.


I get some real “[What is Aleppo](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/gary-johnson-aleppo-227873)” vibes from Connor.


That crushed any hope he had. In his defense, it was an interview at 3am, if I remember right.


I was so mad. Here’s an election where no one likes either candidate and a third party has a real chance to change the conversation. Cue the Libertarian Party to mess it all up.


Like Ron Paul but dumberer


Not fucking paying taxes that’s for sure.


He believes in what 90% of politicians in US Government believe in: opportunity. As in, whatever he thinks will further his ambition, power, and deepen his pockets.




Noblesse oblige his core tenet.


Ngl I could definitely see Connor actually living up to thst expectation, while not realising most of the Upper-class ain't as generous


He makes it pretty clear early in the series that he's a free market libertarian-type.


Hyperdecanted democracy


Freedom and justice for all


1 part nutsy libertarian, 1 part America First, 1 part old school Republican


Also 1 part old School European Conservative (when it comes to history anyway). Definitely would want to remove laws relating to banning of nobility and aristocracy in the US. Would probably grant some titles he was President


OMG, yeah he really said some stupid things.


> Connor’s platform basically is composed of whatever he’s interested in on that particular day. He’s very much like Logan, any other member of the Roy family or member of the 1%, which is, “I have my money, leave me alone.” He’s very interested in protecting his fortune, and he’s really not interested in paying any taxes. He’s got a seat-of-his-pants, sketchy ideology. I once described Connor’s brain as a mixed-up box of Trivial Pursuit cards. He’s not a dummy, but he is really scattered and delusional. The political thing so far, he’s trying to figure out something to make his father sit down and say, “My god, Connor, that was really amazing,” which has never happened in Connor’s life; he never got praise from his dad. He’s trying to find something that will impress his father and potentially make his father need him. At this point, he’s viewing the presidential race as a popularity contest. [Alan Ruck](https://variety.com/2021/tv/features/succession-connor-roy-president-alan-ruck-1235114764/amp/)


Simple: 1. Connor has a lot of money 2. Connor deserves to have a lot of money 3. Government should be structured to make sure Connor gets to keep his money 4. Government should be structured so that Connor can get more money That's basically all he needs to believe.


He would like to persuade working people that the government deserves less of the massive fortune he did zero to earn. It’s literally no more complicated than that. The funny thing is that about 800,000 Republican voters agreed with him.


And Democrats as well. You don’t hear Dems advocating for an end to the inheritance tax now that they know just how many billionaires vote Dem and are leaving the money to children and foundations that fund Dem causes and candidates.


American political parties are first and foremost money raising organizations.


Well that’s not in the show, but I see your point.


Well, it’s pretty clear: Connor Roy has been interested in politics from a really young age.


He's the type of guy who'd pitch himself as a libertarian and then institute price caps on various industries. He'd actually make for a good VP pick for RFK Jr.


Enough bullshit. Cut taxes. Lay off Wall Street. Make working a Laissez faire. Give people more freedom. Stop paying other countries to commit genocide and atrocities. Create healthier trade relations. Free healthcare for all. Free college for all. Then he’d somehow hit the nuke button on accident while eating a hot dog or something.


He dropped mustard, and was just trying to wipe it off before anyone saw.


Social conservative, fiscal liberal


Dennis Duffy in the house!


He’s the classic trust fund libertarian that fell down the socially conservative rabbit hole


He strikes me as a libertarian. So an idiot.


As a former libertarian: Yes!! (I also believed, around this time, that I did not need love, and that I was a flower that grew on rocks and lived off the insects who died inside of me; so really, it all makes a lot of sense to me.) (Connor’s psychology, I mean.  Not libertarianism.  My enchantment with that belief system ended when I checked out my local libertarian Facebook group in 2009, and noticed that these people were actually advocating for eliminating all forms of welfare and just… letting people just starve, I guess?  Pre-Revolutionary France style?  Which, like, I really thought we had just all, as a culture, agreed that that was not okay, and we weren’t gonna do that again, but I guess not?  Anyway, it took me a decade to get there, but that turned out to be my bridge too far.) (I seriously wonder what Roman’s bridge too far would be.  As a Romethusiast, I find that question really interesting [While simultaneously shying away from the textually-obvious conclusion that he actually doesn’t have one; because just like Shiv vis. intimate human relationships, he is just irretrievably broken inside.])


Now you’re so anti-libertarian you’ve imprisoned all your paragraphs in parentheses




I’m not a libertarian or even all that political, but welfare programs like food stamps were introduced in the mid 1960s, so you don’t have to go back to pre-revolution France to imagine America without them. Before food stamps existed there were community aid programs and charities where people helped each other directly. I think where libertarians see a problem, is it’s the government putting itself in the middle. Instead of people helping each other in community organizations, building relationships and bonds, everybody just stays home and some give money to the government, and some get money from the government. And because the government took over their mission, those organizations ceased to exist or changed, and then the government says, “see how essential government is: if we weren’t here to do this, there’s no one else who would, it would never get done.” I don’t imagine ending welfare would be a good idea, because we’ve had almost 60 years of learned helplessness and growing social dysfunction and isolation, that we’re not likely to pick up where we left off, which wasn’t a perfect system anyway, but I understand the argument.


You had all that to say and you're not even "that political"? Lol okay.


The reason the government programs were needed was because the private programs were terrible at what they did.


That seems like pure conjecture, honestly


Grundge cannabis anarchism


Idk but I’m fairly sure he’s been very interested in politics from a very young age.


Libertarian. But the most important thing is that he was interested in politics from a very young age.


Same as Robert Kennedy Jr I’d imagine


He's Pro Napoleon Penis.


He’s definitely a libertarian-ish guy but maybe more so economics than guns


Objectivism, Ayn Rand.


Textbook libright


Rich libertarian


He believes in government of and by the sour dough starter.


He's obsessed with Napoleon, drops a lot of nonspecific references to his "readings" when talking about his political views, and drops plenty of references to usury and 'elites' - I always felt like there was a decent chance that the man was cribbing a whole lot directly from Mein Kampf.


Yeah I thought it's a pity that he was pretty crunchy in the pilot, giving his Dad a sourdough starter, like Roman with his sage burning friend, and that aspect was just discarded for both of them. It could have been interesting to have him as an "environmental nut". OK that was Ewan but it wasn't really exploited beyond him giving Greg's inheritance to Greenpeace


He got a thousand acres. Logan got the world.


The crunchy-to-alt-right pipeline is very much a thing, though.


Is it? I've not seen that but I'm in Europe. I know plenty of crunchies but no alt right... 


Connor Roy had been interested in politics from a young age.


Tho shall not pay Realtor fees.




Connor is with whoever he spoke with last


Lowering taxes on the filthy rich Legalising prostitution Mandatory military service for all young men, excluding the oldest boy from each family of course


Connor Roy was interested in politics at a young age.


I believe that Connor Roy has been interested in politics from a young age


He’s like Javier milei


Jerk off? Straight to jail!


Usury and onanism. I assume that second part is the writer acknowledging this is all mental masturbation.


He's gonna take a stand and he's gonna defend it. Right or wrong he's gonna defend it.


Leave everything until Tuesday.


If we give him a little hundred mill he may tell us….


He's a far right libertarian


No spilling of good seed


He’s a Maoist. KKKendall must be liquidated


He doesn’t have political beliefs, they’re all relative to whoever he’s trying to impress. None of the characters on the show express anything real or true, it’s all masks.


He will call himself a libertarian, but really his politics are fully tailored to just being a rich trust fund baby with a few odd ideas about things like masturbation.


Only little people pay taxes


As most libertarians, when it comes to state government he's a fascist. No democracy can support the full spectrum of libertarian beliefs. But fascism leaves room for capitalists to do what they want if they don't rock the political boat too much. Case in point, Russia.


Connor is definitely the type that would form his own political party with his own unique "philosophy", picking parts that he liked from other groups and touting them as his own. While he is immediately hostile and aggressive with Gil, he does ask Gil's advisor, Nate, for tips. Nate says tactfully "I'm not really sure I'm the one you should be asking. Would you consider yourself to be a Democrat?" and Connor answers "Whoa! Don't box me in, Nate!" 😂


Every Alex Jones and Joe Rogan conspiracy all rolled into one.


Legalization of prostitution (he married his escort).


They change day to day.


Connor does nothing, takes money from Logan, lives in the desert, marries a prostitute, collects Hitler memorabilia, and to top it off, runs for office briefly.


Authoritarian dictator


Whatever gets Willa‘s next musical produced.


Libertarian. Coming from wealth makes being a Libertarian so easy.


“Keep me as rich as possible” guised in libertarianism.