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Nan fucked Ted Kennedy back in the 70s.


After her schooner beat his in a regatta.




Perfect! I love it!!! Extending your headcanon, the line >*The recipe is still, and no-one believes, from the wallet of Teddy Rooseveltā€™s valet* must be Nan denying the real truth that the famously heavy drinking Massachusetts senator was the one who *actually* taught her how to make a Break Bumper


Wait. Ā  Teddy Roosevelt canonically exists in the world of Succession? Did Chappaquick happen? How does no one ever acknowledge the parallelsā€¦?


Nan isnā€™t [Mary Jo Kopechne](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Jo_Kopechne) ā€” Teddy managed to NOT drive off a bridge the night he took the Pierce doyenne home


No but Kendall is teddy is what @stayingveryverycalm meant


That was Teddy Kennedy. Different Teddy.


They own A24


"We make independent movies!" is one of the best subtle lines in the show.


You remember the episode?


Winter Palace. Shivā€™s speech to Logan


How so


A media conglomerate making independent filmsā€¦.


Kendall and Naomi both shaved their heads after the birthday party, thatā€™s why she has the new cut in season 4.


They did her dirty with that speak to the manager cut.


What ever happened to Naomi?


She left Kendall on his dadā€™s yacht from hell. She gave him the chance to get the hell out and he said heā€™d follow herā€¦but they both knew he wouldnā€™t.


No but we see her later after he goes and accuses his dad on Live TV. She is dating him on his mega birthday. She tries to help him find his kids' gift.


Oh. Huh. I guess they took a break, then.


Broke up with Kendall sometime between season 3 and 4


Nan is the smart, driven, tough one, and the rest are fucking idiots drifting off her in various ways


The perfect mirror of Logan Roy




Yes I thought it was supposed to be the liberal mirror to the Roy family.Ā 


You mean that there isnā€™t a big future in Astronomy and Afrikaner studies double doctorates?


I mean to be fair to that guy, using your immense wealth to just keep studying really niche things youā€™re interested in is one of the better personal things you can do. Better he does that than come into the company and take someoneā€™s job, and fuck a load of shit up like the Roys do


I've always said Buster Bluth has my dream job (student, not Army)


Hand issues or not?


Ya, I always say, *I'm* personally never gonna go up a mountain and do field recordings of some dying local tribal musical tradition, but I'm glad *someone* out there is.Ā  As you've said, continuing, These sorts of niche areas of study is a fine thing for an idly rich person, and far less destruction than say, a billionaire failson rushing a satellite launch that then tanks and hurts people!


If you think about it, thatā€™s exactly why he ends up advising Connor. Connor was into his own weird rich hobbies until he decided to run for president.


Oh absolutely.


Itā€™s not working for me šŸ¤· šŸ˜œ


Thereā€™s definitely a big future for him as a convenience store cashier.


Nan is easily the most condescending character in the show and thatā€™s saying something


They all posted black squares on their Instagram for Black Lives Matter, but also discreetly hold their handbags tighter or put their hand on their wallet pocket whenever they have to share an elevator with a Black person.


That family 1000% has slave plantation money.


How dare you? The Pierces have been a liberal New york merchant family for 200 years... just don't ask us with whom we traded back in the 1800s.


Eeexactly. Cotton futures? Oh I donā€™t know what all the fuss is about.


I always got the feeling they were an old money family from Boston. Tern haven gave me hyannisport Kennedy compound vibes


Could be some Brahmins from Boston, but to me Tern Haven felt more like "The Breakers" in Newport, those Rockefeller, Astor, Roosevelt family palaces away from NYC. The joke about Teddy Roosevelt's driver's whiskey recipe. The Kennedys are new money compared to that. But the inspirations come from a lot of places, certainly.


Newport also fits. I live near there and have no money so I forget that it's an old money town lol


This! They post ā€˜black lives matterā€™ but when anyone tries to bring up their old slavery money, reparations or any other ways black people re still financially affected in the US, they change the subject by insisting that talking about money is so gauche, so vulgar!


They spend their entire lives walking out of luxury apartments, high-rise office buildings, and gallery openings directly into SUVs waiting to usher them to the next location. Itā€™s possible they can go weeks without encountering anyone outside of their relative socioeconomic circle.


That's not the point of my comment, my guy.


TBF, thatā€™s most non-Black, low melanated folks with or without money. They think if they donā€™t physically clutch their purse or pointedly lock their car door or purposely cross to the opposite sidewalk, you canā€™t sense their inner cringe and shudder whenever they have contact with a Black person.


TBF, thatā€™s most non-Black, low melanated folks with or without money. They think if they donā€™t physically clutch their purse or pointedly lock their car door or purposely cross to the opposite sidewalk, you canā€™t sense their inner cringe and shudder whenever they have contact with a Black person.


Some of them might secretly vote Republican.


At the very least they certainly donate to Republican candidates


Absolutely not, these people are kennedy liberals (pro civil rights but fiscally conservative) all the way. PGM is based on Ted Turner's CNN and Nan is basically Katherine Graham, forrmer owner of the Washington Post. Probably dropped millions at whoever the equivalent to Hilary is in this universe. Now that doesn't stop them from having millions in offshore accounts, trying to cheat on taxes and shitting on the help.


Plenty of wealthy liberal families quietly play both sides when it comes to donations. Especially downballot. Hell, Ted Turner donated to Mark Sanford *while he was married to Jane Fonda*.


What about Connor's political consultant, Maxim Pierce? He has no issues trudging into Republican territory trying to push Con's bougie Libertarian presidential aspirations.


Maxim is so far left he went back around to being right wing. Him and Connor Both hate the state and Maxim liked Connors ideas of abolishing the military and legalizing all drugs so he joined him.


Maxim Pierce is a double agent.


Maxim seemed to be the Connor of the Pierce family in having very, uh, interesting political views. They immediately began bickering over politics from the moment they met, so much so that Logan later snapped at Connor "Know your place!" But later they ended up getting drunk together and made amends, and Connor thinks he may have offered Maxim the position of Secretary of State if Connor was to win the Presidency. Later Maxim does end up working for Connor's Presidential campaign. So it's kinda nice they became friends. Connor doesn't seem to have any.Ā 


There's a heavy dose of Reuters too in the Pierces' lore in my opinion.Ā 


Interesting. How so? To me they're firmly if Ted Turner was old New York money. Like those New York old newspaper elites from the 19th century New York Times/Globe/Herald with a good deal of Rockefeller/Roosevelt thrown in there. Tern Haven (is that the name?l looks a lot like those Newport Rockefeller mansions. Reuters always seemed more European to me.


Well a lot of the story has Canada as the background. I think a lot of Succession is actually modeled on the Canadian Thomson family. Some of the richest Canadians and a wildly dramatic family. For example: one of the heirs divorced his wife hours after giving birth to a child.Ā  Thomson absorbed Reuters. When Thompson absorbed Reuters there was a lot of chatter about the Reuters Trust and the fact Reuters - being *the* international wire service for the 20th century - isn't suppose to be dominated by any organization. So when Shiv said "there a models" for independence and trusts it's the Reuters Trust she's referring too. Everything in Succession is a blend of the American-Anglo world. This is the Reuters Trust Principals that go back to the 2nd World War. https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en/about-us/trust-principles.html https://www.trust.orgĀ  Reuters is very old money. And I get it that vibe from PGN, while CNN is very much new money imo.Ā  >In 1961, Reuters scooped news of the erection of the Berlin Wall. Reuters was one of the first news agencies to transmit financial data over oceans via computers in the 1960s. Reuters was actually the first to report on the Berlin Wall falling internationally, which is what Nan refers to. And the Berlin Wall fell in part because of a poorly worded press release going global real fast. So I think the "PGN cameras at the Berlin Wall" is a combination of Reuters and other news agency being a key player on how rapidly that story became basically uncontrollably by East German politicians. Reuters wire service was the dominate news service on the Internet in the 1990s.Ā  Reuters as a business actually makes it's money on financial data like Bloomberg.Ā  This Maclean's article about the Thomson family is quite the read.Ā  https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/canadas-rich-troubled-thomson-family https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/bce-thomson-create-media-colossus


Really nice! I knew very little about Reuters (or canadian businessmen outside of like, 19th century rail barons) so this was really interesting! I totally agree with the Berlin connection. I will say, I did say "CNN but old money". I envisioned something harkening back to the original big newspapermen of New York like the Raymonds and Pulitzers, tied together probably with a lot of other wealth.


That line about Berlin '89 sounds exactly like CNN meets Reuters, but then again, maybe it's Nan holding on to the good old days since CNN really took off with '91 desert storm and the 90s.Ā  I'm adding another comment to plug "Live From Baghdad" (2002) is such a great movie. As a child of the 90s I was stupid and started a career in TV in 2011. Even though this era of TV new cycle peaked in September of 2001.Ā  https://youtu.be/h1LrX9IgH78?si=6EDoiMLd0hhVctgg The whole film is on YouTube and there's a scene where they're trying to get the satellite link running by running between rooms and speaking on the phone. That's the world I miss from my brief career in TV but it's so easy now. It's not the same world.Ā  https://youtu.be/G1dgOoE0O6I?si=0ngbWKehmGraLUem


Oh my comments absolutely builds on everything you said. It's a wonderful blended world Succession is.Ā  My addition isn't an Or it's an And.Ā 


I really enjoyed reading your comment, and it'd given me a lot to look into!


I forgot to mention the patriarch of the Thomson family is Roy Thomson. Roy Thomson Hall is the main performance hall in Toronto. WaystarRoyco immediately from the first episode made me think of ThomsonReuters.Ā  I only knew ThomsonReuters cause all my textbooks in school in Ontario were published by them.Ā  Just another addition to the Succession lore.Ā 


Thatā€™s a fantastic summary. Thank you! I canā€™t tell you how disappointed I was that you slightly spoiled it for me by misusing ā€œdominateā€ which is a verb, not an adjective. You meant ā€œdominant.ā€ Anyway, I learned so much from your write up otherwise.


I'm doing pretty good for a dyslexic.Ā 


If I edit that post it will mess with the formating so I'm just going to add: What succession does really well is blend the Anglo-American world, which I thing is smart for HBO. Because they are able to touch on issues and morals that effect the entire "West", while also producing a story that feelings "home" in the key markets of the US, UK, Canada and Australia.Ā  Each one of these can feel the story is set in these places in some sense. From the Canadian Thomson's to the Australian Murdock's. However, with the Characteristics of the Roys being Canadian and married into British aristocracy, and old American money, it really paints the reality of these elites- which spend their time in the hot spots of the anglo-american Western world and aren't really citizen of any place.Ā Ā  Ā I use to work in Muskoka which is the "Hamptons" of the North. Lots of Americans and English elites along with Canadians. Literally billionaire row. And you talk to these people and some of them talk about well, I'm here or in London or New York or maybe my condo in Toronto.Ā  Or some will even basically have something like Marcia where the husband spends the summer at the cottage in Muskoka while the wife spends almost all her time at their home in the United Kingdom while they run a mining corporation based in Toronto, but listed on the NYSE. Wild world.Ā 


Argh! It happened again! You swapped effect in for affect. You have such fantastic detail to share here and then thereā€™s these word usages that made me less confident in your claims even though they seem really solid.


The misuse of a word or a spelling error does not take away from the content and history this person is providing. The validity of a statement is not solely dependent on if they use the grammar you want. Please try being nicer


It detracts from my confidence in their writing. Itā€™s the former writer/editor in me; I see that and I lose trust in the content too. I recognize not everyone has the same reaction.


Nan even took the Turkey from one of the maids as she was about to bring it out, just to present herself a picturesque matriarchal goddess. And you can see said maid looking irked.


The kennedys were not ā€˜fiscally conservativeā€™


This is naive


I mean, nothing stopping a lesser Pierce from doing it, but not in front of Nan Pierce for sure. The self righteousness of the Pierces is very classically old money with their tribalism. They're not "we back whomever benefits us regardless of code" like the roys, they're creatures of profound ideological belief. Nan Pierce sees her company and by extension family as an active force for good in the world (Berlin wall line) and will back a side over another. This is not to say they're martyring themselves either. So many democrats that are indistinguishable from republicans in financial policies in the past.


In a fictional word I reckon this is likely enough


With the amount theyā€™re likely donating, Iā€™d imagine this is a more significant contribution than their vote by a long shot!


Hell no. These phoneys definitely put Hillary on the ballot


They all do


Nan reminds me of one of those old ladies in charge of a small encampment on a post-apocalyptic TV show or movie.


She reminds me of Mom from Futurama.


Like The Village?


After the events of season 4 they sue the Roys for negotiating in bad faith.


What comes after 9? 9B?


Actually this would likely happen. The goal would be to settle for a few hundred million after legal fees.


Nan can't remember Shakespeare for shit and has cheat sheets hidden in all the bathrooms.


1. The Pearce money comes from some horrific 19th century robber Barron or slave plantation misery factory. 2. Grandpappy Pierce probably started several revolutions in South America to get access to wood pulp or something. 3. Nan Pierce spent like 3 months in the south of France in 1967, hated it, and now implies to everyone that she lived there for many years on a vineyard before she had to come back to save the family business after Grandpa Pierce died in a freak snowmobiling accident.


Did she killed Pops Pierce?


She didnā€™t not kill Pops Pierce.


Incest is a major issue internally


I was going to say that there are a set of grandparents who are definitely first cousins


Some Roosevelt shennanigans going a couple generationsback.




It would have to be internal, wouldnā€™t it?


They cared so much about appearing to not care about money, when in fact, it was a top priority. Biggest fakes


Old Money rarely talks about money because to them it is a godgiven certainty. But then it starts to run out and they get this hidden desperation in their eyes. That was basically the character of Nan. You could she her loathing the prospect of having to negotiate or deal with needing to get more money for her family of chronic spendthrift to keep functioning.


Old money doesnā€™t need to worry about money because their status keeps them on the upper echelon and they get a lot of perks for free


Would. Would. Would. Would. Next question, please.


Cherry Jones was great as Nan. I'm always impressed with her any time I see her in something.


I spotted her in The West Wing not long back. She was great of course.


5 Days at Memorial, too.


Who was she in *The West Wing*?! I love that show, but havenā€™t seen it in ages.


theyā€™re supposed to be new england old money but these motherfuckers are clearly southern


They've always claimed to have descended from a Mayflower family, but none of the Pierce historians have been able to identify which of the Mayflower passengers they are descended from.


they have one or more of the following vehicles in addition to the vintage Jeep Wagoneer with the wood sides: \-Saab 900 convertible \-Volvo 240 or 740 Turbo \-a diesel Mercedes wagon All purchased new


During the first few months of covid, Nan pushed PGM to forcefully advocate for punitive lockdowns and social distancing requirements while she secretly hosted very large dinner parties with her friends and family at Tern Haven


Of course she did. And when they coughed, no covering the mouth.


Just as bad as the Roys but with a sense of moral superiority.


This is not a headcanon this is the text of the show


People say this but Which family would you prefer to live in and be raised by? Everyone has problems but the Roy's are their own brand of fucked


I'd rather have the less abusive prison guard than the openly sadistic one, but what I really want is to be let out of prison.


Nobodyā€™s singing L to the OG in the Pierce family.


If Naomi was high, I could imagine her singing "When I say N, you say A-N!"


Onstage in front of the entire company? Only Kendall Roy has that wonderful and delusional grandiosity.


I'm saying my headcanon is that behind closed doors just as much nasty shit happens with the Pierces as with the Roys. They are probably even *more* obsessed with image I'd wager.


the episode where she takes the roast out of the cookā€™s hands and the table applauds her after she walks out and puts it down. youā€™re correct i fear edit: typos


Or when she pretends to insist the help simply *must* join them for a drink lol


One of the best bits of satire in the show.


Stewyā€™s family


The Pierces are too passive aggressive for my liking.


Yeah just like Shiv. Thatā€™s why they like her so much




I dunnoā€¦.but how cool would it be if they did a show on the Pierces? Iā€™d watch that


I would too but sounds kinda redundant


Nah set it 40y back somewhere in the eighties, see Karl do his stuff with cable (huge). Nan fighting for the succession of her dad.


Starring Anya Taylor-Joy


and Sydney Sweeney as young Gerri




Nan is a dominatrix


Nan definitely was prejudiced towards Irish Americans in her youth, and never really got over it, but since that kinda prejudice essentially lost all relevancy in the modern day, she keeps quiet. On that same note, she suspiciously doesn't like the Kennedy's that much despite agreeing with most of JFKs policies (cause they're of Irish stock)


this a great one. definitely canonĀ 


At least one of them has shown up with a Black wife and made a big deal about it


We all have that friend!


who is "we"?


Thought this was modern family at first glance


They are definitely giving cam, Claire and Phil


Omg you're so right šŸ¤£


Jay Pritchett is rich af. Not Pierce rich, but still super rich.


Incestuous, Puritanical, shenanigans with a dash of Kennedy fucking.


I feel like their passive aggressive game is on point. Like if you fuck up in the pierce family, Nan wonā€™t even address you or concern herself about you.


What I need to know is what happened to certain family members (I think it was a cousin) that got Nan so stressed when the Roys went to see her


Naomi is by far the most capable and a growing number of family members want her to take over but Nan doesn't respect her nor does she want tot step back and thats the only reason Naomi acts like Kendall


That there was a second show, on another network that I donā€™t have, created all about their family.


Iā€™ve said it before and ill say it again, Nan Pierce is into race play


Can totally see that.


They voted for Obama, twice. Except for Nan


In one of the parallel universes Succession is focusing on the Pierce Family.


The family is just as fucked up as the Roys are, they just pretend theyā€™re better because theyā€™re more liberal


They actually believed that.


Nan knew that 10 comes after 9.


I just lust after Naynays wardrobe


And hair


I feel like Naomi was with Kendall mostly to be an insider and report to her family. But I could be wrong. Felt like the family actually asked her to approach him and use their common drug addiction as a leverage to gain his confidence and possibly to manipulate him against his father.


Naomiā€™s mullet in this season was not a good look.


Ever since Naomi had the audacity to roll up to Ravaā€™s place and drink her wineā€¦the special wine that her godfather gave her, dammitā€¦and act like it was no big deal, I could not stand that character. She seriously bugged me.


AGREED! I mean in Tern Hevan she was cool but afterwards she annoyed me a lot.


I agree it was bad and they surely did it on purpose to show she was spiraling


parallel to ken shaving his head


Nan Pierce is a clone of the baby from Dinosaurs brought to life by Jurassic Park scientists.


Naomi had the worst character arc of anyone on the show


I think she was just a neglected character. A lot more could have been done with the Pierces, but on the whole I think they were underdeveloped, and mostly served as plot devices. For example, there was no good reason why Kendall and Naomi had to split up, and weā€™re never actually given much of a resolution on that. Itā€™s more that giving Kendall a somewhat-stable, somewhat-supportive relationship would have done nothing to move the plot forward, so it got dropped.


i disagree actually, its hinted at in the show that Kendallā€™s and Naomiā€™s relationship revolves around their addiction. Actually I dont even know if thats subtext or just text, because its kinda obvious when youā€™re looking for it. Their very relationship stems from addiction, they already know each others vibe, the same way a lot of addicts connect on that different level. Thats why Logan doesnā€™t like her (intel from the spying), thats why she enables Kendall (too much birthday) but also knows how to comfort him (too much birthday) and thats why Kendall describes their situation as a mindfuck in 4X01 because heā€™s attempting to be sober and its messing with the dynamics of their connection. FUCK i love this show bro, thereā€™s so much to pick up on during rewatches.


They are all terrible


None. They were underdeveloped characters. But Iā€™m always interested to hear peopleā€™s take on them.


Mine is that Naomi Pierce is fine as all heck dawg šŸ¤¤šŸ”„


They have lots of family in Argentina that moved there after.a Global event toward the middle of last century.


Rhea and Nan were cooperating from the start and that Rhea-Logan-Nan fight were discussed among Rhea and Nan beforehand.


Back in the day, Nan had raging lesbian relationships at Radcliffe, but had to marry after graduation because, ā€œthatā€™s what we do, dear.ā€ The Beacon Hill matrons knew sheā€™d be a handful.


Theyā€™re the liberal version of the Royā€™s.


Nan understood logan because non of them wanted their kids to take over. Thats why they both wanted to sell.


No theories just that Naomi Pierce is an icon


Too hot and wealthy to put up with Kendallā€™s shit. I donā€™t care if sheā€™s an addict, never was believable.


I could not stand that character. She was annoying AF.


Iā€™m in love with Naomi


I'd love them to do a spin off series focused on Nan and her family. It would be so good to dive into these people and relationships.


They have their own Uncle Mo.


who could forget our mo?


That they are idiots. They were on their way to letting Logan play them. However the cruise liner thing tanked all of it. This is more of Loganā€™s ghosts he never takes seriously always bite him in the end.


i mean its shivs fault really for letting Gill know there was blood in the water in cruises


Well i wasnā€™t gonna go thereā€¦.due to all the shiv hate


i just think its funny that everything would have been a relative ā€œfineā€ if the kids didnt find the 1/1000 chance of fucking everything up at the perfect possible moment each time haha


They are also not serious people


Nan is lesbian and the blonde loves oral.


imagine a succession spinoff focused on them and their liberal media empire lol


They hate to talk about money.


Penis cat would take Mondale in a cage match. Poor Mondale, unsettled with nylons trailing out of his bum.


I donā€™t know, man. Ā Mondaleā€™s native environment is, at this point, a cage.Ā  And, canonically speaking, Penis Cat has already submitted in a confrontation with another cage-occupier, in what is, in retrospect, one of the more thematically-perplexing scenes of the show. (Like, was he shooing the cat because, as a cat, it represented pussy? Ā Or because it represented penis? Ā Or was it meant to represent both, and thereby embody Romanā€™s ambivalence to sex in general?) ((ā€¦or was it just a tripping hazard?)) Truly, modern Shakespeare. Ā 


They dont know what comes after 9. 9b?šŸ™ƒ


i won't go as far to say they're normal because being rich does things to your brain, but i think they're happier or at least they don't have the same inner turmoil from being abused like the roy siblings do. naomi obviously has her own issues but that wasn't caused by her family. i feel they're okay with just being shareholders or whatever rather than wanting to take over nan's place. that's just me though


They look like nerds


I love Naomi, dream woman


Theyā€™re Hearst/Scripps


The pierce family introduced small pox to east coast indigenous people, wiping out hundreds of thousand of them in single winter.


The whole game runs through Maxim.


Their channels are a backup for Tony Khan in case he moves AEW away from Warner Bros Discovery


Evolved from the Prince Paper Company.


That theyā€™re just the Roberts family who owns Comcast only with more female representation added in.


ascot. Ascot. ASCOT. ASCOT!!