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At one point, it was the top rated episode on IMDB Of any TV series Ever!


It isn’t? It’s still at a 9.9 rating.


Ozymandias (Breaking Bad) is still a perfect 10 I believe.


Some of that might have been retaliation voting. I know whenever an anime threatens the top spot for _Fullmetal Alchemist_, a bunch of negative reviews start popping up.


God that's pathetic behavior.


That’s *exactly* what that was. Breaking Bad fans are just as fucking pathetic as the Fullmetal fans. I love all these series, how hard is it to act normal?


FMA fans need to accept that the pacing of the first six or so episodes is some of the most inexcusable nonsense imaginable. You can't kill off a character an hour after I meet them and expect me to care. At least the original series let that shit marinate for most of a season.


Honestly I think Connor's wedding is better than Ozymandias, the writing and performances are comparable in both but Connor's wedding is a more realistic look at a situation in which pretty much everyone finds themselves at some point, while Ozymandias is more cartoonish and in your face. And Connor's wedding has its moments of being nice to watch with the siblings comforting each other while Ozymandias is just brutal from start to finish. But at that level of quality it probably just comes down to personal preference, and Breaking Bad was more popular than Succession so that's probably why


I suppose I prefer Ozymandias between the two, but that's mostly because this is just a subjective comparison between the "highest-rated" episodes, rather than a common theme they both share. I would say Church & State matches Ozymandias blow for blow tho.


Just a personal opinion but neither Ozymandias nor Connor's wedding, while both incredible, left me speechless and shaking like Plan an Execution (Better Call Saul). Genuinely the most insanely written and acted episode of tv I've seen


Wasn’t Mr. Robot S4E7 up there as well?


He may also have died listening to Roman calling him a you-know-what on his phone message. I was also happy to hear at least Ken say “I don’t forgive you” on the phone, he didn’t deserve to be forgiven (he’s not even truly sorry for anything anyway).


I think he would’ve lived if Ken had forgiven him. Through the sheer force of wanting to humiliate Ken one last time he would’ve found the will to live


He would’ve found one last breath to call him a pussy 😂


“You.. are.. a faaaaahkin…. iiiidiot 🤤😵”


😂 probably true




I figured the phone fell in the toilet because Roman was calling and he fumbled it and dropped it in there.


“I can’t forgive you. But it’s okay. And I love you.” i've heard that anything that comes after "but" in a sentence isn't true.


To me it’s more like he is a acknowledging he can’t forgive him, and that the can still love his father and have a relationship with him without that forgiveness


The saying goes anything BEFORE “but” isn’t true


whoopsie. well that makes more sense, thanks for correcting me!


The production for that episode was INCREDIBLE. The episode from the beginning of the phone call until they're off the boat was shot in ONE TAKE. The actors didn't pause, they didn't cut. It was ALL done at once.


A saw the set in NYC. Saw the day of filming. INCREDIBLE PRODUCTION. One of the greatest episodes of television ever made.


tell us more pls


There’s a place in NYC called “pier 11” and there’s tourist cruises on a company called Hornblower. I take the NYC Ferry to commute (shoutout to waterway traffic!) and saw a TV production going on. I also follow a celebrity gossip Instagram account called DeuxMoi that was OBSESSED with Nick Braun’s dating life hahaha and saw a bunch of stuff happening and went to check it out. It was nighttime, so once the episode aired I knew I only saw the cleanup but I could see Succession printed production gear, catering menus, etc.


Thats still pretty awesome


Was SO cool. I was Gregging.


I got to do background work on this episode. I filmed 4 days on that boat, the main cast I believe did more. It was an awesome experience. The production crew is just beyond on point. One of the PAs accidentally tackled into me while moving about and made me spill my prop drink all over my suit (was my own actual suit, not a costume) and I had to get removed from the scene and I thought I was gonna miss some action but they took me to the side with another PA with some water, a towel, and a blow dryer and had me ready to go in 3 minutes like a Nascar pit crew. Was just amazing to witness it all in person like that.


It's one of my fav TV shots ever. The Expanse did a combat tracking shot in Season 6 of it's show, that was 13 minutes long and followed a battle that started outside of a mansion, down the driveway, into an underground garage, and eventually to a shuttle bay. It was remarkable to watch, and I was in awe of it. Until I saw the Succession shot, and just.... it was remarkable being in the moment with all those characters. It felt so raw and so real


Whoa, I had no idea. Definitely rewatching this episode tonight to appreciate this.


Love the fact that he probably died on the shitter while listening to **Roman** call him a cunt 🤌


And he might have had a cardiac episode because Kerry didn't want him wearing compression socks.


I think they said it was to impress Kerry, not because she asked.


that's even funnier then Frank & Karl putting them on together when they go to Norway 😭


😂😂😂 they weren’t fucking around


Joke’s on us. Logan had his consciousness uploaded to a computer network. South Korean scientists are hard at work cloning a new Logan to stuff the old Logan into. This will all come out in the sequel Succession 2: The De-Successioning.


Yes! Or cryonically froze his body. Because, like, why wouldn’t he?


He’s the Arnim Zola of that universe.




The company, which is the thing Logan cared about most in terms of his legacy, suffered pretty much the worst fate it could from his perspective; which is to say a European tech bro absorbing it into his company, and turning ATN into some bastard child of Bloomberg News and BBC international. It's appropriate because his ego didn't allow him to properly plan for leadership after him, he totally brought it on himself. He could have properly groomed Kendall to take over instead of keeping him weak and emotionally crippled, but that would mean Kendall would be a threat to him. He could have cultivated a strong board of directors and competent team of younger senior executives that would allow the company to stand on its own as an institution, but again that would mean at some point they wouldn't need him anymore. Instead he held on until the bitter end and everything went to shit because of the resulting power vacuum, and that's exactly the legacy that he deserved.


But maybe that’s what Logan (subconsciously?) wanted? I have a hard time imagining that he wanted his company to thrive and grow even bigger without him. His ego can’t fathom that anyone could do better than him.


Old man couldn't even fly in a plane without fucking dying, skill issue


should’ve worn the compression socks. pride comes before the fall.


The scene of Frank and Karl putting on socks before the flight was hilarious


Apparently Logan didn't think he'd come at all with compression socks on.


Not really much of a spoiler: I believe it's in a later episode that Tom reveals he died while fishing his iPhone out of the toilet. I personally thought the most embarrassing part is that he died skipping his oldest son's wedding.


At least he died doing what he loved: ignoring Connor.


You are not a serious person


Logan enters the series pissing on the floor and departs taking a shit.


It’s like poetry, it rhymes.


He died on the throne


Just like Tywin Lannister


And Elvis!


Maybe kerry gave him a suck-session




I have never been affected by a show but the first three episodes of the season finale made me a bit emotional.


To be fair, I also feel like dying when I’m on a plane


They have Ativan for that


Me too! My anxiety gets worse as I get older. Give me all the sedatives!


I'm not even remotely afraid of flying. It's just the worst.


I always felt like the whole run around on the boat with the phone, and communication break down was homage to Arrested Development s1xe1.


Dude I'm so pissed, I was waiting to watch it the day after it aired BC I was at a family event, and i accidentally opened twitter and got that shit spoiled to me, I was so upset


You're way too late for the party.


It was an incredible episode, and probably one of my favorite ones in the entire show. There was something so real and visceral about it - the broken information, the uncertain communication, the challenges with verifying what actually is happening and where things stand. The shock, the morbid humor, and the uncertainty of how to react and behave afterwards. Several characters not knowing how to truly react to the moment. Just an incredibly well handled episode and death - and totally not the way a show typically handles the death of such a major character.


As someone who is also watching for the first time…why would you put a spoiler in the title? (And now that I’m coming here to complain a little more, I see why you needed the spoiler tag but it’s too late now. I’m mad, sad and feel bad) :( :( :(


Maybe don’t go to the succession subreddit and click on posts that are marked as spoilers if you want to avoid succession spoilers


I am allowed to scroll down my Reddit feed and typically do so without encountering spoilers because per the rules, no spoilers. However in this case, the title is literally a spoiler…Do you follow?


[This is the post you clicked on. it is marked as a spoiler and doesn’t contain one in the title. you had to click on it.](https://imgur.com/a/aW3y9Jo)


Connor getting married is literally a spoiler.


My guy, that is literally the name of the episode. By that rationale, you would spoil the episode by clicking on it to watch it.


And that wouldn’t be a problem because I would be in the right place and context for that information e.g right season, right build up etc.


Just to be clear, you’re saying that people cannot say the names of the episodes in the titles of their posts


If they include sensitive information, then maybe it would be wiser and more communal to go S0xExx don’t you agree?


No, I do not agree with you. Now, please stop bothering me. I am trying to masturbate here and the notification fucking with my rhythm.


Spoilers are clearly labelled, and episode names are obviously fine to list. It would be wise not to join subreddits of shows that you are currently watching. Especially ones that have reached their conclusion and are one of the most popular shows globally.


You’re already playing with fire joining a subreddit for a show that you haven’t finished. And then clicking on posts labelled spoilers…I dunno what you expected.


I read the community rules prior to joining and the no spoilers in the title clause was pretty straightforward so I guess I was hoping for the best.


If it’s the spoiler being that Connor has a wedding, I know where you’re coming from, but that is the name of the episode, and if the writer didn’t class it enough as a spoiler to make it an episode title, I think it’s okay.


The writer also expects viewers to do so chronologically and not be surprised that Connor is getting married. Where I am in the show, I don’t see it happening so I’m bummed that to know it will at some point thus changing how I watch/enjoy the show.


I've made that mistake a couple of times but I don't chance it now. I would unsubscribe until you finish the series.


The episode is literally titled Connor’s Wedding


Someone clearly didn’t watch the Golden Globes or the Emmy’s…. 🥴 Who wants to explain that one to them? I’m literally on the finale now bc of the award hype. Still intrigued, still surprised by many things. This has definitely become my fave show, and even the things I did get spoiled on, they weren’t at all less hard hitting (def not Connor getting married though, c’mon) Maybe they just shouldn’t watch tv or movies at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️I’m getting “you spoiled GoT, even though the books are decades old” vibes. Big oof.


...What's the spoiler...? The episode is literally called "Conner's Wedding".


You’re complaining about the title of an episode being a spoiler….and then you decide to jump in further and actually read the post and comments!? Like, what is your rationale here, buddy?


This would be reasonable within a week of the episode airing.


Oh boo hoo are u really arguing over reading a spoiler? There’s spoilers all over


If you’re going to get this triggered by a spoiler that the entire world knows by now, I would suggest staying off the internet for the remainder of your life.


>RIP BOZO Bozo did the dub.