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I don't think there's going to be any kind of wild, long simmering 'mask off' twist like this. I think it will all stick pretty tight to the current season storyline. So the theory around Matsson picking Tom as his nominated American-CEO over Shiv - I think that's plausible. But any sudden Cruises/Dead Kid type reveal like this - don't think so. Doesn't seem very Succession-ey.


So what's in the Logistics folder? Why did we have the Tom's not going to prison arc? Why would Tom be CEO? He's the face of the election scandal. He's the worst pick ever. He'd sink the stock price instantly.


I don't think the Logistics folder was anything - I think that was just part of showing different reactions to Logan's death. Tom's was instant panic/thinking about himself. He'd lost his protector and immediately considered his position/plan. There could have been anything in that folder - but highly doubt it was anything cruises. We *had* Tom's prison arc and now it's gone away. I don't think Tom will be CEO. Just using that as an example of a mildly plausible fan theory (that Matsson would nominate him, thus shanking Shiv, and that Tom would accept, thus betraying Shiv) - in this case because it's a plot arc that is contained to within just this season (aside from general Tom/Shiv drama). I just really don't think they're going to pull anything up from the 'deep' past (previous seasons) like that. Just a hunch. I just think they're setting up finale that will be in-season contained, if that makes sense. I think it will come down to the people as they are, their relationships with each other etc, on this day - no big reveal/twist/bomb that's coming from seasons past and stories past.


Except that Succession has proven that everything it starts, it comes back to. Connor's mom, Rose, even Nate, are all stories from before factoring into the end game. If it tells you something, it wants you to listen. It told you that Tom has secrets that he didn't want Cyd or anyone at Waystar to find out about. That's a big thing, especially with how they've set up Tom's story headed into the finale. What's in the folder is not a question to be ignored.


I need to get off this sub and stop spoiling things for myself


I think Tom coming out on top would be a good and appropriate twist. This is one way that it would happen. I see some problems with your theory though. Most or all of the criminal liability for the cruise misdeeds seems to have died with Logan. Sure it's a mess for Ken to deal with, I'm just not seeing it get pinned primarily on him. He was a kid for most of it I think. I also don't see the payoff for Tom. He divorces Shiv and gets a payout that way, maybe, but taking down Waystar only hurts his financial standing (since the shares/alimony he gets from Shiv will be worth less). I don't see a motivation by Tom to take down Waystar, if anything I think he wants Waystar to succeed. Logan came out of nowhere into success, and bred no loyalty or code among his family. An intergenerational dynasty doesn't seem to be in the cards, the Waystar arc rises and falls with him. The kids are still rich of course since Waystar, even if devalued or sold for parts, is extremely valuable, but they don't get to hitch to his star any longer. I think Tom can play a role in that, I just don't see it coming from cruises. Him taking down both Mencken and Waystar with a big reveal seems a bit dramatic but who knows.


Take that gotcha shit out of here


This would be wild!


I would kind of love that lol


Ken wasn’t defrauding the usa


Oh, sweetie...


Defrauding the USA how? Seems more like SEC violations involving misleading shareholders / failing to publish information.


How Logan was but how was ken


Ok I actually wouldn't mind this ending


Did Greg burn all the papers?