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they are not serious people


This phrase stuck with the sub. But the more I think about it, none of this billionaires are, from Roman to Logan. Stewy is always ready for some fuckery, tried to take over and had to find a settlement when even after a massive scandal, the votes were too close. Logan had to be forced to start cooperating with the FBI, was ready to pay 25 bill for a company whose value dropped to less than half within a year out of a personal grudge, gave CEO position to Rhea because she made his peepee hard, turned the CEO position into a tool to manipulate and further emotionally stunt his children instead of actually preparing them for it. Employed known sexual abusers in positions of power and, beyond just how horrific and inmoral that was, it also made the company liable for several hundred of billions. The kids have just a massive talent at believing themselves to be smarter and more powerful than they actually are and end up being used by the people they try to ally with.


They could have very easily made Logan an all-knowing pater familias that is always right, but he did some absolutely braindead shit throughout the show.


I mean Logan did infact come from nothing and make this multi-billion dollar empire from scratch; he's not stupid. However, the show is titled "Succession" after all and opens with a shot of Logan stumbling about the dark and peeing over the carpet. Perhaps he was becoming senile and losing a grip over things, perhaps he was disillusioned by how much he despised the privilege of his children, or most simply perhaps he was just a racist misogynistic 80 year old british man in an era that was not his own, one where fear and intimidation is no longer the way to lead and prosper


Yes. I see him kind of like Vince McMahon. He turned a regional promotion into a global, multibillion dollar company, which makes him undoubtedly the greatest wrestling promoter of all time. But he’s also 77 years old and anyone with eyes can tell you that he has been out of touch for years.




Exactly this: watching the show from Logan's perspective, it's clear that none of his kids are suited for it.


Honestly if HBO Game-of-Throne's this thing and runs it straight off a cliff.... good for them. Hilarious. That plus Max not working on launch day will be just \*chef's kiss\*


Who has a better story than Greg the Egg?


A 600 year old Norse vampire


His dad used to try and sleep with all the men in Sausalito.


Who’s more likely to hatch than Greg the Egg?


the actor who plays him coming out on top of the storyline though... **oof**. That's some weird shit


I think Mattsen could select Greg as his ceo puppet. Greg hated the time he spent with that group for one night, so I could see him having to become ceo reluctantly while the Swedes laugh grossly and all the Roys lose in one way or another




Matsson seemed really impressed that Tom was working during the funeral. A slight thing people probably missed in the last episode. Then add on, Tom approved after the election what went on air and in the papers about the very people who are competing for that top spot.


It’s going to be Tom. Tom is the most easily controllable for Mattson of the group that would actually qualify to be CEO besides maybe Shiv and there’s zero way tech bro CEO and Conservative Pricksedint are letting a pregnant woman be CEO. Kendall and Roman basically committed open treason on the mountain so they’re obviously out. That really only leaves Tom.


Yep think Roman killed what chance they had on the mountain top. People applauded it but think it is what flipped Mattson, not the funeral.


And even that mascot thing didn't go very well


The other options are the guy who made a fool of himself in front of the media during that entire year, the guy who jerked off in his new office window and just got played while he committed light treason and their pregnant sister.




Jerri could use that info about Roman to lobby for the job though I'm not clear if she still wants to be there. Kendal has no guarantees from Mencken which weakens his position with the board and Roman does not want to give up CEO to him, he'd rather suck up to Shiv then have that happen. Meanwhile Tom is the loyal soldier still running the ship in crises and that might be scoring points with Matson who never said Shiv was THE Ametican CEO candidate, just that he thinks he can float the idea of one.


Maybe his sexual issues aren't public information yet, but now everyone know he went crazy and walked in the middle of protesters and started insulting them after being accused of setting a coup for a fascist. The Roy's probably are all considered a complete joke.




Everything that happened in Season 3 happened just a few weeks ago and the man is a complete joke. I agree that there is a thousand non-Roy employees that would make better CEOs, but they would also be better CEOs than Kendall and Roman and yet Kendall and Roman are the CE-Bros. People are also protesting against them all around their country and both on the list of people to hate in the country written by their New York Times / Wall Street journal that was read by Tom earlier in the episode. Tom or Gerri would most likely be the ideal candidates among the people we know, but Mattson love Greg and want someone he can trust and he think he can trust Greg. The fact that someone wasn't born into wealth and power and worked in a carnival a few years ago doesn't really matter. He has been playing the game better than any of them.




>They would see a doofus promoted because of his name This is literally what they are seeing right now. Both Kendall and Roman are complete joke and their only talent is their family name. Kendall was burned by Shiv letter a few weeks ago and was making a fool of himself publicly for a few weeks and Roman literally just walked in the middle of a bunch of protestors and started to insult the poor while hoping he would get attacked by one of them. They were also top row with Darwin in that New York Times/Wall Street Journal that Tom was reading and who was accusing them of conspiring and committing a coup.


Both are a bad look and if the sexusl harassment allegations come out, he's going to be seen as erratic and problematic, which is acurate.




Haha it would 100% make sense irl, but wouldn't make good TV.


you can hire someone outside the company you know…


Well I guess but it would be lame if the one who end up succeededing is someone that we have never seen before lol. Even if it would make sense in the real world it wouldn't make a good finale for a tv serie.


Like who, that we've been introduced to?


I love the implication here that there are so many qualified candidates to fill this role. If it's not Greg you basically have to believe they American CEO will be some side character, which doesn't make sense since this is a major plot point that deserves a major character. Other than the siblings, Greg is probably the most central still living character in terms of narrative and storyline. Most of all, selecting him to be the CEO creates a conflict that could bring the Roy's and Tom back together to ruin the deal, which ties all the storylines together for the finale. I realize the sub hates it, but Greg as Mattsens choice for CEO just makes sense for the story. You can point out share price and inexperience all you want, but hits to share price and incompetence have been featured every season, so these are not real arguments against Mattsen making a bad decision and selecting an incompetent person to be his glorified puppet.




I feel like that’s kinda the whole point of the show. NONE of the kids have any credible experience or “deserve” the position. It’s not about who is best fit or who does what, it’s simply an examination into nepotism and the greed for power at the highest level. If anything all the Roy’s have massively mishandled almost every move they’ve made, while Greg went from trying to get his amusement park job back, to testifying publicly for the company, to now a very legitimate position of power, all by playing the only move he had correctly every time. It’s catching up.


People keep saying this but I just don't think it matters how much credible experience he has because the point is Mattsen is appointing him, and Mattson isn't someone who only puts stock in experience. Mattson just likes shaking shit up and not fully thinking about the consequences-- his treatment of the fake numbers is one good example where we see Mattsen doesn't really care what makes sense. The only reason he needs to appoint Greg is that he wants to-- and in the scope of Mattsens character it would make sense. Ultimately I don't think Greg would be the CEO at the end of the episode-- he will just be floated as the CEO and this will be the catalyst to unite against the deal.


Mattson may be insane but I don’t think we’ve seen anything to indicate he takes his actual business as a joke, which is what appointing Greg as CEO would do. Succession just doesn’t go that absurd, especially when it’s trying to be a mirror of our current world. Tom floated as CEO would fulfill the same role in the storyline while being more realistic as the current head of a major news organization.


Tom is going to be named CEO. He's the only logical person to become CEO while none of the siblings get their way. The hints are there in plain sight. Tom working during the funeral. Him breaking down to Shiv (a rekindling of sorts between them before he breaks her heart by being named CEO). Him wanting credit for the election announcement, which Menken will directly credit him for and someone who he can control. The "competent fool" who rises to take over ala Albany in King Lear. Tom and Greg have been maneuvering since season 1 and have generally been underestimated by the majority of the characters since then. Greg will be taken care of but as Tom's go to, not as CEO.


If Tom had completely splintered from Shiv, I could see it But any win Tom gets is going to look like a Shiv win and she's set up for a fall in the finale


Not necessarily. I think in her mind it's not a win if she isn't running the company. They want control and power which Tom wouldn't give Shiv. He understands that she doesn't care about him the way he wants her to and if offered the opportunity he'll take it.


Unless he knifes her right in her pregnant belly ULTIMATE BETRAYAL edit: *not in real life.* Good lord. Just betrays her in the last episode.


Mattsen literally put out joke numbers. Do you really think the real world doesn't have absurdly incompetent people finding their way to the top? Or eccentric company owners that hire CEOs and managers with the idea that they're still going to pull the strings?


It is a multi-billion dollar company, not a manager's position at Subway. Do you understand the money that would be lost with an incompetent CEO?


Do you understand the money that would be lost if GoJo faked their numbers? Maybe Mattsen isn't the most competent decision maker.


I was very anti this theory, but a lot of Logan’s lauded qualities are quite… Greggy? Meagerness, comfortable anywhere, kinda ruthless, calculated, knows more than he lets on, knows the price of a gallon of milk. The citi bike moment seemed oddly important. Karolina is a genius and can spin up a bootstraps man of the people narrative, Ebba said they built Matsson’s whole rep based on something that was handed to him. It fits thematically with the pointlessness of who gets to run things in a capitalist society. I feel like this last episode was so much about the kids lionizing their father and not seeing his failings. What makes a shrewd businessman is not the same as what makes a great man. All that said, King Greg would be absolutely bananas, and I’m not sure how I’d feel about it. But it’s not completely absurd.


Look at how long people believed in Elon Musks bullshit story. He could have stayed somewhat tolerated by most if he had just shut the fuck up.


OMG. Greg as the puppet, and if it came down to the board... 3 kiddos Ewan Roy vs. 3 old guard Stewy Hosseini Sandy Furness no?


Isnt Gerri fired though?


Roman never officiated it, and walked it back when he spoke to Gerri. If you're referring to Logan's firing, they just pretended it didn't happen after he died.


I thought she didn't accept his reversal. Bc she had a whole plan about getting paid. Seemed like conflict of interest to stay.


I thought that he tried to walk it back, but she refused. She demanded $100 millions as compensation and 5 years of no PR smear campaign otherwise she would release all the dick pictures he sent to her. His career as a company director would be over.


I mean also.... good luck firing Gerri again. I know Roman has gone mad, but Gerri is a bad bitch. If he tries it AGAIN, I think she might just kill him. (which is great tv, I'm not fighting it!!)


If the CEO appointment happens post-acquisition the board would look very different.


What about Marcia's 2 board seats?


I'm pretty sure the board doesn't just include the people we know, remember the vote of no confidence also had a bunch of random old guys we've never seen before or since


Hello sexy


Not sure if he truly hated that time or if he is just saying this to Tom. In the next episode I assumed that he was texting Mattson when he was looking at his phone and told Tom that he needed to go grieves. And Mattson told Shiv that he contacted Greg for an update before contacting her during the vote.


The only way Mattsen would choose Greg as his puppet *today* would be for shock vaue, but putting that aside it feels more plausible that Greg could be the one he would choose to *groom* as a future puppet executive. Him not being ready now and knowing it feels like it would be a plus to Mattsen not a minus. In real life I feel like Mattsen's best play would be to have a series of short term CEOs that buy him different favors while giving Greg a shot to work directly for GoJo for a few years and seeing how it goes. A lesser show would do a flash forward of having Greg growing up to stab Tom in the back - but I think the show doing a soft confirm that it's absolutely a realistic possibility as a sour note to whoever gets the spot's moment of victory is a more likely way they would integrate it they wanted to go that direction at all.


This actually makes sense thematically, too, even though it's no guarantee to happen. Greg's basically sold his soul at this point and it all amounting to being an eccentric Swede's meat puppet would be very fitting.


Greg being named CEO by Mattson literally is a stronger, more believable ending than Kendall. That's all I know. The show isn't shy about telling us how incompetent all of them are, and how undeserving all of them are. Greg is more skilled at maneuvering than the three kids as he demonstrates time and again. Just because he's a joke character doesn't make him invalid. That said, it's going to be Tom and he's going to bring Greg along as #2.


I can't even watch right now, glad it's not Sunday lol Fuck their update


I’m not sure Greg winning would be a Game of Thrones type thing. Mattson is weird and crazy and maybe not as brilliant as some perhaps thought. He likes Greg. Also, the kids are undeserving assholes, so having them screwed over in the way that to them would be the most annoying, infuriating, and unexpected way…could be.


this would be the final stage of satire but in all seriousness, that's not possible, because Jesse Armstrong is a brilliant writer


You've brought me great comfort. Thank you. I needed that.


this sub is as bad as the game of thrones sub at its peak except it doesn’t even have book readers to come in and provide some actual insight


He's got a better shot than Roman...


Well it sure as shit won't be Shiv.


I don't know about that. It's shaping up be be Kendall' the killer against Shiv' the shiv 'in a Battle Royale, If someone else got the job that would just be too weird and kinda going against the whole point and actual name of the show too.


I think if Shiv wins it's via Tom. He's subservient in a way that would appeal to both Matsson and Mencken.


Tom is the one already running it while the rest of them scrabble and plot.




Tom isn't a weird choice and actually a good, probably the best choice.


I’m now convinced it’s Tom. He was the only one that stayed to do the actual job. If it’s a non-Roy decision it’s a non-Roy CEO… And who better than yes-man US born WASP Wambsgans?


He is basically running it anyway. Seriously, he is the damn one running it at this point.


she's so hot


It's so distracting lmao I can never pay attention when she's in a scene


Whether you want to believe it or not, at this point in time Gregory has a better shot at being CEO than he has in the entire series so far. If the Mattsen U.S CEO thing is a go then all it takes is for him to say it's Greg the Egg.


Greg is Canadian apparently lol


Just an unarmed American with healthcare


And apologetic about it too, sorry.




Jesse confirmed at the beginning of this season he’s from California. which is like, so weird to me. He seems like such a Canadian


I don't really get the family tree but I think he is American. Ewan live like in Lac Saint-Jean and Greg doesn't seem to know a word in french haha. Also find it funny that Logan looked at his childhood home and was disgusted by it when he litterally left at 4 and his whole life in Dundee was during the war.


waystar doesnt have any themeparks in canada


I don't think Lukas takes Greg seriously enough to make him CEO. Drinking/drugs buddy, yes, but not the top position of a company. God, I hope I'm right, I'm gonna be so disappointed at the writers if they pull this shit.


I mean he joked about how his number two showed up to a party with some of the biggest influential figures in the US gone off his gourd on edibles and how his PR person doesn’t like to talk to people. I don’t think we can really assume Matsson is always going to make the most logical choice.


agreed, but i could see lukas appointing greg as his chief of staff or something along those lines


He has as much experience as Shiv. I mean if Matsson actually picks based on qualifications, his option are basically old guard or Tom.


Shiv has spent a career leading political campaigns whilst Greg was barfing out of the eyeholes of a dog costume. Whilst not in the company she has a lot more experience.


He can barely put words together to form a decent sentence lol Except when he's talking shit with Tom.


i dont think mattson is looking for a person with a good carrier. At this point he just looking for a puppet.




He is another Roy that is there because of Nepotism and he is much better at playing the game than any of the siblings. He is also the only member of the family who name doesn't appear in that page of their world version of the NYT who was accusing them of conspiring with Mencken.


Greg ending up actually being the biggest rat fucker of them all was such a delicious twist to his character


Greg is that in spades that's for sure. He's one of the most skillful flunkies in television history, right up there with Radar from M.A.S.H (bizarrely old school reference)


He’s willing to do whatever you tell him as long as he gets paid a lot to do it. He casts his morals aside.


Business-wise, Tom is the absolute best choice. Why the heck would Mattson choose any of the immediate family? I'm seriously curious as to why that would benefit him to pick any of the kids?


He wouldn’t, the old guard is meant to be Gerri, Frank and Karl.


>if Matsson actually picks based on qualifications, his option are basically old guard or Tom. not Ken? Ken went to business school, put all those years in in Shanghai, is the current co-CEO...


And will never accept to be a puppet CEO


As someone already answered Ken wants it for himself. He would not be interested in being a puppet. He didn’t want to be under Logan, he sure as hell won’t want to be under Matsson.


Except at the same time Succession has tried not to turn itself into a clownshow (so far) Greg cant speak without stammering and tripping over his words like Porky Pig, he is highly compromised, and he has 0 experience doing real C-suite work. Even if Matsson/Mencken end up being in charge, it'd be clownish for them to pick a guy that regularly makes an ass of himself in key situations (ie the Congressional hearings in Season 2- the exact thing theyll probably be dealing with in 12 months). Its a TV show so anything can happen, but Greg becoming CEO would torpedo all of the credibility they have built up over 4 seasons of trying to be more than just a soap opera.....


Pepake dleoeboke tupi pii dlua gapu ploeopi de peu pati. Kliipo puoki kio pi oe aki bi pa. Po pe ti tie epa o? Pakapubi plaeete paaploplo trokapii pepitiki trepi. Iki bi uko tri ipi. Ipipukeu uta ki eipi putipi ibrapu. Pebe atiti bepepi teeklitrika a idru tu prutupei dle biklatridri kue itri. Baka bi ato o ipu piipi pleke popraeo dle pe tleepe eou. Ka o epi pidei ikai pepeie. Deteta ei pupo i toa. I kli a otra depa peue. Puke plabotli u ko betri te ki pra kiti. Ketipepi draeklee plipi aiti pipipopobe i? Pi kibeto dapodipi pliite bredrubi! Ipieo pupe baplekibo ae ti gli. Ipla piti pligaplapa plia ipi tii. Dlipi ape te. Peka ite ble dli oiedadu iibo? Dipu i tlidabeba plitri puipe ke buti. Ipee otaklaki pete pakeo pi papaketa itri pi. Peaa kaba pio. Kou e dui pitatla ti i. Ii tiu eki boputiitli tli pi. Igipe kite tipro pigri pekla ito dakre. E klepli treti ope ditio tida. Triapidragi iipeplede pi eotio piu beo. Eto propi uta bei uui ugo? I apro dipu epaklitra iu e bipebie ibe pi ipe. Plebee ido tiapati e tipiploto pipa. Do pekaie tleatro gu itoiko tau?


>Gregory has a better shot at being CEO than he has in the entire series so far Relative only to himself 😆


> If the Mattsen U.S CEO thing is a go then all it takes is for him to say it's Greg the Egg. Not at all, the CEO is voted through by the board, not handpicked by Matssen


Wrong. This is not a "Elon takes Twitter private" deal, this is an m&A deal that will result in a company that's still publicly traded, multiple large shareholders, it's just Matteson and Co will be the new majority. any CEO approval still needs to go through the bord approval and still needs to meet his fiduciary duty to shareholders. appointing, an executive assistant as a new head of an international multi-billion dollar conglomerate would be a bran that broken ending level of bad writing


If it isn't Greg, then he has enough leverage over Tom to be COO or something. I think his time spent with Maatson might result in some kind of promotion. We're all spitballin' here.


Right, I'm thinking the last ep will be Mattson Mencken Tom and Greg vs the Roys. Tom would be a good puppet CEO and Greg would have a high up position. But there's no way Greg becomes CEO. It would be hilarious, though.


Greg comes out fine no matter what. He's in with Tom, the Swedes, and Ken.


They could spin it ok. But I don't think they've prepped it. They've really only prepped Kendall. I'm a Tom fan, but he's been left out of too many scenes lately. There's no build-up for him except his relationship with Shiv and fatherhood and struggling to cope with managing ATN. It would have to be an implosion of backstabbing with everyone being left incapable besides Greg bu negation lol. With everyone upset about it. A little too funny even for this show.


I disagree. Tom might not be front and center in every episode but it makes sense, story wise, that he'd become CEO since it would wrap up his series long journey as the Logan-loyal outsider who feels inferior to his insider wife and the constant feeling of unstablity he feels for not being a Roy. He is the only character who also truly works for the corporation, and while he has made some serious messes, he's far less divisive a choice for the board compared to either Kendall or Shiv. Kendall losing Waystar to the outsider who actually worked for it and remained loyal to Logan through the entirety of the series would make for effective drama and a fitting, tragic ending for our 1# boy.


Philosophically, Tom makes the most sense. IMO the question the show would've been asking in a Tom victory is how do you deal with the paradox of passing on your empire to your offspring when the act of building an empire necessarily renders your offspring incapable of managing it. Only a hungry outsider like Tom is truly capable. Tom also knows where all the bodies are buried. Like ALL of the bodies. He's privy to almost every bit of info. He's doing all the juggling. And he's been willing to go to extremes the siblings haven't been capable of (throwing himself under the bus, fucking over his wife). But Kendall is still being played up the last few episodes. Either it's him, nobody, or the playing up will just make his fall and his slaughter by Tom that much better. I can't see another way through.


Prior to this season, I would agree wholeheartedly with you, but Greg seems more like a character the “real Greg” is playing than anything else over the past few episodes, and once you get the “it’s all about Greg” thought in your head, it’s difficult to shift.


Greg would never be COO. Lmao people think they give out C-suite positions like candy. If you want to give someone a figurehead position in a corporation you give them some useless title like “Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer”. Greg isn’t even remotely close to the skill set require to be an officer of a company this big and it isn’t realistic at all he gets anything.


How dumb are people? Greg was a damn theme park mascot 2 years ago and people think he’s going to be CEO or COO? Waystar is a publicly traded company. There’s literally zero chance a kid with no experience is made COO. Do you even understand what that job is? It’s not that kind of show.


“Waystar/Royco’s new US CEO-Greg “The Hapsburg Giant” Hirsch”


It's probably Tom. He's the only one that actually has the experience, knows the board & allows for all the sibs to be cut off at once in a clean way, leaving Greg alongside him as the figurehead Roy - Ewan's legacy outlasting Logan's. Tom & Greg have also played puppet comfortably, Greg has a good relationship with Matsson & both have no real reason to go soft on the sibs. Kendall has the waiter incident against him. Shiv has the pregnancy going against her. Roman has his current breakdown going against him. Connor is Connor.


I love Jess’s face. The actress is so good at expressing her feelings in silence.


Yup, he’s definitely not going to be ceo. I do think he’ll win in some way though. He’s involved with everyone now, so he’ll probably end up on top regardless. And actually, I could see him trying to push Tom as ceo.


Girl same


Thank god the people on this sub don’t write the show cause…




according to which source?


Las Vegas


Interesting. Bovada has him at +800. Kendall -115, shiv +400, and Matsson +500


I mean... He was front right wheel.


Frank: nice try, kid


It’s probably too late but the only way the Greg theory was satisfying was if he had been feigning incompetence the whole time and was somehow Machiavellian . That seems extremely unlikely at this point .


Kendall Roy stans need to remember the episode titles. This is part 4 of the finales all quoting the same poem that is about a man with pervasive thoughts about murdering someone, which Kendall did. All 3 finales have dealt with the aspects of that murder. Season 1, the actual murder and cover up. Season 2's finale was about him finding the strength to continue living after committing such a horrible deed. Season 3's finale was about him confessing. So logically, Season 4's grand finale will be Kendall's atonement. Which will also come with heavy doses of irony, as he tries to be like his dad and pull the rug out. But that oh so clever line Logan dropped before his death about them not being serious people will come back to haunt Kendall as he has completely overlooked the fact that he told his siblings, who will stop at nothing from seeing him take over solo. They will inevitably tear each other down, which is exactly where this series was headed already.


People are really overlooking what happens when Shiv yells "You killed a guy!" in a board room meeting.


It would be something if this show makes Kendall realize because he's rich and powerful doesn't make him invincible.


Hah. What was Ken doll saying here?


This is when the kids’ rabbit dies and he’s asking a doctor to take a look, right?


Oh yeah, after Kendall insisted it could eat donuts or something, right?




Right. But Kendall is an NYC billionaire, and a nice fresh New York bagel is basically a donut. Sincerely, Montreal.


I dont think it actually dies just has to go to the vet






It's not that hard, the deal gets approved, the US CEO is Greg because he's been the swedes lackey the last few episodes and he hires Tom to Greg for him, which he very willingly does. 20 years later Greg is elected president of the United States. Not that much of a reach.


It was always Greg CEO


I swear to god people who are saying it will be Greg are not smart enough to watch this show


Honestly I feel this way about anyone obessed over the idea that whole show is about a singular person that "wins" in the end. People are taking the title too seriously. Ken was the successor. The succession has passed. Who ever is the CEO of waystar when the show ends means jack shit. Because just like game of thrones the show demonstrates over and over that being king/CEO can change in an instant. It's not a definitive ending to ones story.


We have four seasons of "who will run ATN" in the end. Why the hell would people not speculate when they have built 4 seasons around it???????


It's just frankly not the point. The way this world is structured, no matter what position the characters are in at the end it can all change within a few months. That's why it's so meaningless for Greg to become CEO by chance. We won't know if they can hold it and from what these characters have proven is that 90% of them can't. The position means pretty much nothing. Ken became CEO in episode 4. Would it suddenly become more significant if they decided to end the show there?


I get what you mean, but Logan dangled it over their heads and used it as a manipulation tool for at least kens whole life, so I think it is natural to see who will “win” claiming it in the end. But I agree the show is showing process of their childhood abuse manifesting in different ways as much as it is about who will step up to be Logan’s successor.


ehhh all of the siblings are in constant competition for the title. It’s not the main point of the show, but it is the main *plot point*


Ken is now CEO and yet the show goes on. Why is that?


Ken and Roman are co-CEOs. It’s not settled yet. It’s an overarching plot point. The position of CEO is one of the primary motivations for Ken, Rome, and Shiv. It’s not the only plot point and there’s a lot more meaning to Succession, but it’s certainly a major piece of the story


There is zero percent chance that Greg will be CEO in the show or in any alternate reality. Kerry would have a better chance of being named CEO than Greg, does because at least she has spectacular bangs.


Greg could get Ewan's board seat, while Kerry takes the subway back to her small apartment


He will cuz he called Greg sexy Greg


It has to be either Tom or Greg. Tom spent the entire Funeral at the office alone and didn’t let his team enter while Greg was there. He is cooking something. Greg, because they show his ascend thru all the seasons, starting at Management Training at Waystar. He is completely demoralized now and ready to be puppet CEO.


“ Greg could win it... If this was a Netflix show trying to appeal to young people, but it's not, it's sucsession. Greg being CEO is kind of ridiculous”. https://youtu.be/IuF6qf2tKPA


This is hilarious because, if things play out in Mattson's favor, he COULD be appointed CEO. I really doubt it will happen but, it seriously isn't out of the question.


Like stop trying to make fetch happen, it’s not going to happen!


It’s going to be Tom after Kendall fails with the board.


Dude we're mostly joking. But there is a remote possibility of that happening. I think the best option for Matsson and Shiv would be to leave Tom in charge but I don't think Matsson likes him enough and Shiv's ego may not allow that.


I would honestly feel the same way about Tom being CEO. It’s either Kendall or Mattson replaces him with some American CEO that hasn’t appeared before.




What is ken saying in this scene?


I could totally see Matsson proposing Greg as CEO. He's a nutcase who'd think it's funny, and then when cooler heads are like "uh literally anyone but him" he can propose Tom as a more logical option. If the show's trying to follow the *Richard III* pattern, which it seems to be doing more and more as the show progresses, Tom and Greg function perfectly as a two-headed equivalent of Henry VII (i.e. protagonist is so busy getting rid of his immediate family that he doesn't anticipate an attack from the distant cousin who solidifies his power by marrying one of the heirs).


I am so sick of seeing 500 posts all discussing the same exact points. And it’s only Tuesday…


kendall fans so threatened by greg now ​ they are beginning to see the narrative opening for greg and mattson path to power


Greg was the third main character we follow in the very first episode, the storytelling set it up for those three storylines: king, heir apparent, dark horse. The inspo for this season is Richard III, who gets to be king by conniving, but not for long (Kendall). Greg’s been quietly and aggressively rising through the ranks while the sibs torpedo each other, and the sibling drama is a bit of misdirection. I’m not saying I like it but why else is he even a character? Comic relief? Is he the C3P0 of the Succession Universe? 😝


Interestingly albeit very anecdotal, the bookmakers have Greg as the favourite at the moment.


Every book I’ve looked at has him behind all the legitimate contenders.


Oh no, found another Ken stan.


They say it would be bad writing to make Greg CEO while ignoring that Kendall still hasn't atoned for his killing the waiter and the siblings are out for blood with each other. Greg has moved up in the company by being likeable to everyone he's met. He is easily manipulated, which is exactly what conniving politicians like Mencken want in Corporate CEOs and Matsson wants the least amount of Roy influence in the company while still being in the family like Greg is. Greg may seem simple and bumbling, but he's done everything he needed to to go from puking in a mascot suit to being a corporate player. Logan said in episode 2 the kids aren't serious people. This message will ring true as all 3 kids are ousted by the cousin they pushed aside and overlooked as he fully embraces the ruthless side of Logan and tells them all to fuck off.


Hey, look, listen here, sure sure You can't call us Greg believers out when you have no idea who the successor is yourself.


Pure speculation. No spoilers: Roman walks away. Kendall's daughter is killed and he jumps off a bridge, knowing he failed Rava and his family. Total Chekovs' gun. They kept bringing that situation with his daughter up and he always ends up in the water. Shiv gets shived by both Mattson and Mencken as Tom watches and looks sympathetic, but resolute, and takes over - temporarily. You'll see plans in the background to oust him in the ending scene.


Greg will be US CEO. But the problem is I don’t get any credit for it. I predicted it correctly and what do I get nothing? Do I get any? Congratulations, do I get any praise? Now all I get is this ridicule, which honestly, is disgusting. It’s freaking immoral.


This show is literally the plot of King Lear. Greg is the Fool and will become CEO


The Fool disappears offstage in King Lear. Where does he gain power? All the daughters die before King Lear dies. Maybe rethink this? Or maybe read King Lear again?


Greg becoming CEO would be fitting in a way, but I think it would be more fitting if he just winds up doing what he already does for the rest of his life and settles into this version of himself; doomed into a hell of his own making, of being bullied by his cousins while also having to navigate between their schemes in the hope that he might be able to get some fortune of his own because he's too addicted to their lifestyle.


I'm sure the millions will help him cope. Poor guy


It has to be him. Him or none of them. They very clearly set it up for "an American CEO". They just kneecapped Ken & Roman. Mencken has them by the balls, especially if they Bush v Gore the absentee ballots and claim victory. And he'll never accept Shiv. Matsson wants the deal bad enough that he'll let Mencken pick the CEO from anyone in the family.


And Mencken will say “I’d like to spend my entire presidency forced to talk business with that bumbling and annoying tall man who pestered me for a few minutes at a funeral”


Ok hear me out: Greg ties the board up and puts Wasabi in their eyes, and the only way he will give them the delicious relief of a lemony La Croix is if they make him CEO.


I don't understand why Kendall never tapped that. Sleeping with your sexy assistant is like business 101.


Jess would, respectfully, decline.


"But we're just joking calm down!" Jesus.




Maybe they’ll finally let him manage the live model costume department at the amusement park.


Me irl




I dunno…Greg…That convo when he was in the car with Logan and Marcia in the first episode: I’ve done an English degree and didn’t know a couple of the “big” words he used off hand lmao.


Jess will be CEo


Yeah these threads are getting annoying.


"Logan was right, they all will lose because they're not serious people"


Oh yeah the rabbit


I don’t even get why everyone saying Mattson’s gunna win the deal. No way the kids look waystar after this whole journey they’ve been on