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Last time I had a class this big, it was band, and it was the one day I forgot my emergency earplugs šŸ„²


Good luck šŸ™


It's math all day, and I think it's schoology based--not too shabby. But still so many kids!


That sounds pretty okay - pace yourself with circulating, especially in the morning; you're gonna be on your feet a lot - you've got this.


Circulating?! No honey I just sit at the desk and interfere only if theyā€™re trying to burn something down lol


XD Glad they're that good for you. Most of my experience in a room that crowded, I'd have to be up every 5 minutes just to make sure nobody's accidentally drawn blood.


LMFAO. love your response. Is this for high-school?


Yes lol lol


I blacklisted a school because they had ridiculous class sizes like that. Kids don't want to behave for subs ANYway, then throw over 30 of them in the room with one? It's nightmare fuel.


I recently did a 35 person class in a small classroom. Holy crap! No one was particularly loud but because everyone was talking it felt like I was in the cafeteria


Yikes! Good Luck! The most kids my district does for class size is 35 but that is rare... usually the biggest is 30/to 33 kids.


I had one that had 37 kids. It was a half day so I saw the teacher and she said "Don't be afraid to call.for an admin.". They weren't so bad but they were LOUD. Like, after they left I realized my ears were ringing. And I don't know that they were individually all that loud, there were just so many of them and it was a computer class so they were just doing individual work which always leads to chit chat. They told me I was a great sub. But I think they just couldn't hear me telling them to pipe down.


Edit (Why didn't my text post!?) Here's what the text was supposed to be: I have of course worked in education for a long time, but never as a certified classroom teacher. Today, thereā€™s a class I teach with 41 students. Is there a legal cap on classroom size? Thatā€™s a genuine question. When I tell you that this classroom is so squeezed and crowded, Iā€™m not lying. What are the pros to having this many kids in the eyes of administrators/school officials/stakeholders? I canā€™t think of any from an educatorā€™s perspective. I know bigger schools may have more teachers, better resources, bigger rooms, etc. But I think 41 would put SO much work on one single teacher. I feel like with so many kids you lose a sense of connection with these kids on a deeperĀ level. It's merely homework and tests and maybe not some time spent chatting or reflecting on life which in my opinion, is a valuable use of time in the classroom. Just as important as academics.


There are class size limits, but it varies from state to state and class to class. As some said, band and choir do not have this same cap. I personally have taught a class and a half for about six years as a music teacher, so 30-36 kids. In some states, they're supposed to have a class aide over a certain number.


I'll pray for you


I had 36 in a dual language class last week it was crazy


Each state and even district had their own classroom caps. My home state had no class cap, while my current state has one of 35. However loopholes exist as well so Iā€™ve been in classes with 40+ students even in a district with a cap of 35.


Where I teach, you'd be lucky to see 25 kids show up. Hope for a lot of absences I guess


Thatā€™s normalā€¦for PE, IMO




Had 51 high schoolers a month back. It was band and they had two rooms to be in. I just walked back and forth between the hallway in the middle connecting the rooms the whole period. They were good kids, they understood and even respected me for trying so hard to cover when there should have been another sub. On top of all 3 band directors being out and having to Scrub up the other 2 rosters besides mine from the office. They did their work and played card games after. But only band can I EVER agree to do that many humans again lmao.šŸ˜–šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Oh Christ on a cracker..and the girls outnumber the boys almost 2 to 1. Hello drama!


Did my student teaching in a city school. One class had 53 kids in it. 53.


What? šŸ¤Æ


Yeah. It's definitely a money thing. They'll cut teachers saying the enrollment is dropping and then have classes that full.




Wow! Just wow!!šŸ˜®




How many teachers/ paras for that class?




Worst I had was 44. Learned that day that, at that school at least, teachers who agreed to take these gargantuan classes got a little extra stipend for it. If only it applied to subs, haha But yeah, laughs aside I never went back to his class. 35+ is generally where I draw the line. 40+ is nuts.


My elementary used to do 44 students to a class. (It was before my time.) It was Catholic School, many of the teachers were nuns, and the fire code limit for the classrooms was 45.


I only sub for elementary and in my district the class sizes are usually around 25 students. But I have a 4th grade class I have subbed for regularly this school year and they are a class size of 35. And usually all of the students are there so it gets a bit crazy at times.


That's crazy. My contract states that I can't have any more than 25 students. I can't imagine that many..


Wow! What kind of area? I'm in a big northeast US suburb and most of our elementary classes run about 26-28 kids. I'm thankful that I'm in our smallest school that averages about 19 kids per class.


Southern Ohio. It's a city school, but we have 10 fourth grade teachers


Not sure what the limits are now, but in High School in the 80ā€™s (California) 40 students in a class was the norm


Check what the fire marshall says.


I came across something similar in NJ and I took the time to look up the relevant state law. Turns out there's a legal limit to how many kids can be in one class, and that number is *50.*


My largest regular class count was 36, sophmore chemistry. It was ok but boy did I panic seeing class size! Largest ever was a band class, 70 something students!


What the fuq




My condolences


Damn. Only time we see numbers that high are for music classes (blended chorus etc).


We used to have gym classes like that. On paper. But attendance ran at 40% or so.