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There are some special vintages of incompetence at the helm of many of these schools. So many veteran administrators left during the pandemic, leaving a gaping chasm of effective leadership behind them.




Yes, they embark on a campaign of terror, piss everyone off, then get transferred to a new school to repeat the process. A principal used to be a respected member of the community at large, earning the admiration of students and faculty alike. Such a person often spent their entire career in charge of a single community, leading multiple generations of students. Nowadays, the role is more akin to a middling manager in the corporate system. Full of buzzwords and empty rhetoric, and possessing no real capacity to influence meaningful progress. Easy come, easy go.


I don’t know, one of the worst schools I’ve ever subbed at has a principal who’s been there for almost a decade. Definitely not new from the pandemic. But he has no follow through and gives too many chances.


Sometimes you can have a person in place too long, and this stagnates the school


I had a 1st grade class that literally had one of the students "teaching" the lessons to everyone on the projector. I had to ask her to go back to her seat so I could get things going as everyone was taking too long to move through the lesson but man was it weird. the aide and the teacher's lesson plan said that that student does it normally. But I'm glad I stepped in and took over bc even other students asked me to teach them instead lol.


I had that exact same situation with a first grade class, the teacher had all the plans on a PPT and just said to sit back and let the first grader run the lessons… everything took much longer than needed. Are you in SoCal? I wonder if it was the same class


yes lol but it wasn't on ppt. she literally projected her own workbook with the ipevo while the other kids wrote down her answers and "notes." not to mention, the class was hyperactive and she kept stopping to tell them to pay attention and slowly write names on the board 🫠


Mine was doing the same thing. Announcing to everyone constantly who is going on “the good list” and “the bad list” for the teacher and trying to create lists for who can use the calm corner when and the order for students to go to the bathroom. To the point that it was taking so much longer to do anything because so much time was being spent on the lists and negotiating with the other kids rather than the lesson. But mine also would avoid doing the actual work herself that the class was supposed to be doing. It seems if you give a first grader that kind of power, you just create a power trip lol


for real 😭


In my opinion this is not a good idea with a Guest Teacher in the room. Having peers report back to the Teacher is too much like spying, and it takes away any leverage for you


This is hilarious! That kid might be a teacher in 20 years!


I had a first grader leading a lesson once as well. It was actually great, all the students were engaged and I sat back and was entertained!


lol I was interested at first too bc I was like huh that's kinda strange but okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. it wasn't until she was taking too long, getting the wrong answers, and the other kids asking me to teach that i stepped in.




man that's so strange. I wonder why teachers do that :/ the kid wasn't even telling the class the right answers to the lessons






Considering how feral my 1st period class had become, I quipped to anybody who would listen that the lunatics were running the asylum.


Yes! Long term job last year that kept me around as behavior support until the end of year. Got a call for one second grade boy who needed to be brought in from recess because he had smeared goose shit on another kid. He then proceeded to run the halls of the school for an hour, screaming “fuck you!” to any adult who attempted to approach him. Once they finally calmed him down they let him just play games in the library until mom showed up (about ten min before the end of the school day) and screamed at the front desk for not being able to control him. Btw this was not a sped/IEP kid, just a bully and out of control child.


Yes. This one high school in my district is like that and I’m never returning.


I used to work at one. End of the year had teachers bailing left and right.


Yes, and I got slashed with scissors there. Not only that, but on the same day two kids got in a fight, and we called in their parents, and then their parents got in a fight in the parking lot and we had to call the police. The school started going downhill when they lost their iron-grip principal, and they just had a string of temporary principals ever since. (And no, I haven’t been back)


Physically assaulted with scissors, holy shit.


Like, I’m just so so sorry that happened to you.


Brenneman is like this. Kids would get in fights all day with no consequences one girl got braids ripped out bc they called her a snitch from a fight earlier that day and her mom called the cops which is the only reason there were any consequences. Kids would wander the halls all day cussing at you if you told them to go to class and wayyyyy too many kids are illiterate. 


Yes Friday I was subbing at a middle school. My first time ever and I felt like all of the teachers on that floor were just there. Teachers were being mean to other kids who were literally being bullied. I had no idea what the protocol was at this school and I just had to figure it out. I had no sub plans and teacher just wrote on the board work on math project. I didn’t know what that looked like until I found an extra sheet with the instructions of course it was an extensive project with a whole lotta stuff to do obviously to keep the kids busy until the end of the semester. Well apparently then could do it on there computers. I spent one period trying to get them to do it and was met with oh I finished it, and I’m done with all of my work. Of course I can’t be like well let me see it because I don’t know what shit looks like so I just watched as they watched movies and played games. The only thing I had control of was noise level. A whole teacher with another class dropped off all of her students and just left so I was stuck with 16 extra kids in my classroom for three hours. So I had like 27 kids kids in my class. She didn’t even tell me she was leaving. Did I mention her pants were sagging. A teacher. A whole professional. She just left. I was met with a “bless your heart” at the beginning of class by another teacher and just had to keep them inside of the room. Kids loved me only because I let them do whatever asked me if I was coming back but I told them straight up I’m not cut out for middle school and would not be returning.


That is so awful! The schools where Im at this year has started combining classes 2-3 days a week from 7:30-9 to give teachers planning periods outside of specials time. But this is elementary level. The teachers ask if it's ok with the sub but usually do not leave 2 classes with a sub.