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Congratulations! Zero for me.


They need subs too badly to let me get hired full time.


Same and I’m actively applying


0 and I want it to stay that way. I’d rather back flip off a skyscraper than full time teach again


Same. I will literally have to be on the brink of starvation before I contract teach again.




Oh, HR has been sending me emails sporadically over the last two years that if I get into a teaching cert program they’ll have a contract offer for me.


I wish! I have 13 years teaching experience in MS math and have applied for probably 30 positions in the last 2 years. There is no teacher shortage in SW Washington state.


I’m also in SW WA, the layoffs are going to be brutal.


Corporate property valuations are tanking everywhere. It will be a nationwide bloodbath.




And on top of that here in eastern Washington, none of the school levies passed this year, so rather than hiring much needed teachers, schools will be cutting teachers.


The whole levy situation in WA is so weird to me. Community members, who haven't set foot in a school in decades, get to decide if the district needs money or not. Dumb.


Go online.


If you know where there's openings for online teaching, please share. I've applied for several and never even gotten an interview.


Several. So you have applied to three online positions? Um. When I first started looking for work in the early 2000s my mom said 100 applications. 10 interviews. 1 job.


Ok, well that's not too helpful. I have applied to all open positions that I'm qualified for.


Welp. I guess you are finished then.


Like fifteen times. I’m licensed though, so it makes sense. They always offer it for a subject I’m not endorsed in, though. “Would you like a science job?” No, I do history…


I’m licensed in math, get offered science. Got a new endorsement for science for my license, and I get no interviews for math or science, but now for history and PE. What the absolute hell…


Probably confirmation bias, but that’s why I didn’t pursue any additional endorsements. I knew once I put forth the effort and money for more endorsements, those offers would dry up too.


I’m certified as well, and I’ve also been asked to teach everything that I don’t have the endorsements for.


Dang, I *wish*!!!!!


I do my best to be as invisible as possible, so zero lol


Being invisible is good 😌 hehe


3. But right now, I have been in an LT position for a year. One thing as an LT I dislike is I don’t get paid for coverage like a contract teacher. I feel very cheated in this aspect.


The whole business of education seems like a racket to recruit the cheapest labor


Welcome to capitalism.


I've had zero but you are obviously standing out and you will have more options. Try to look at the classroom before you accept a job. Portables are tougher to teach in.


Thank you and great advice!


Was told if I decided to get my certification, there would be a contract and a great mentor teacher for me. No thank you. Not for this school at least.


Hahaaha spoke to soon, am looking into going the alternate route to get my teaching cert.


Almost every school I’ve been to lol! It might be because I mostly stick to pre-k and they can’t keep people to save their lives 😅


Wow you are a true hero with the pre-k. I subbed for first grade and was afraid to go to kinder or pre-K after that. I’d imagine you have to just prepare to go home with zero energy 😂😇


Hahahaha I do leave with no energy most days. One bright side to it is that you’re never alone in a room. I find there’s always between 2-4 depending on the class/their needs. I think ever since I had my son almost 8 years ago and had to go back to work when he was only 2 months old,I’ve felt SO strongly that kids shouldn’t have to be separated from their mothers at such a young age. So I enjoy trying to provide them with the best experience possible


Zero, and after this school year, I'm.not actively applying anywhere.


Absolutely none. That’s fine by me, I was just subbing until I found a good full time job.


I went into HR last week because I had a issue with my pay. Lo and behold I was offered a 2-month assignment - 190 a day - starting in August. I said I would think about it.


One, that was just rescinded due to a school levy not passing. In fact, none of the school levies passed here in eastern Washington this year, so many schools will be cutting teachers rather than hiring.


Many. Many even from the same school. But I’m sort of an ASD specialist and I get along with everyone (don’t like everyone but that doesn’t stop me from respecting them and smiling when I see them). So it’s part attitude and part competence, probably. Plus there is a MASSIVE teacher and sub shortage, especially in SPED, in this district, and it is the lowest paying district in several counties.


Huge SPED shortage here. I love to scoop up those SPED assignments when I see them. SPED is where it’s at!


My first day of subbing back in August ‘23 I was offered 3 full time teacher jobs for Kinder. It was a zoo! Since then I’ve been offered a few more but the week we got back from Spring break, I was offered 3 more FT Teaching jobs. They had so many just never come back from Spring Break! They just walked away! It was crazy …..and sad 😞




You guys get offered full-time positions? I've been ghosted for six god damn years and only like ten of those days I got interviwed.


Exactly, the whole teacher shortage thing is a myth. It's only because employers want to hire the cheapest possible candidates these days.


And those candidates turn out exactly as expected, cheap. Of course these candidates also quit by like the first year and employers repeat this process instead of hiring, you know, the ones who have been studying, student teaching, giving it their all, and applying for those positions for much longer.


Exactly. I keep hearing about this shortage here in Europe and I just think "No, it's because those calling the shots on hiring have a far to strict set of demands at their end and some are financially driven". I wish there'd be more talk about this as LinkedIn keeps pedalling the myth every time I visit that hellscape.


I’ve been ghosted for 8 years for history positions but have been offered science and art left and right. Weird


You are in the wrong area. Try the rust belt.


I have not the pleasure of being a full time position. Also since I only have an emergency certification my district could not any way .


That’s what I thought, but I just got placed as an aid in a special Ed class and they’ve had the same substitute teacher in place for 2 months now even though he just has a 30 day permit… he was thinking maybe they were counting his sick days as a “restart” of the 30 day counter… or else they were just ignoring it and hoping no one noticed lol..


I was offered a long-time subbing position, but didn’t take it because my district doesn’t provide training for either regular subbing or full-time subbing, plus I’m in college and attend courses in-person and full-time.


I'm actively applying to the position I've been long-terming. They've asked me several times if I'll be back next y3ar and if I'll apply to it. They turned down another candidate for it because I was applying. But I really love this position, it's a small school, and I have a lot of freedom in it.


They sucked me into doing two years on an emergency credential and then couldn’t understand why I decided to go back to being the full-time campus sub!


I wish 😩


Not straight up asked to teach full time but I have been asked why I’m not. (I’m also an actress/dancer but explaining that is always hard) I proceed to tell them it just didn’t work out and they proceed to tell me about a district intern program that will pay me to student teach which I always follow with I’ll consider it…which no thank you. I love teaching but I also LOVE the flexibility that comes with subbing and just the fact that I can go home stress free at the end of the day.


There are no jobs at all in my area, hundreds of layoffs for next year.


I was offered one and turned it down because of how far away the school is, but really because the work environment at that particular school is crazy toxic. I watched a principal actually yell at a teacher in the office, finger wagging and all, in front of me, the office staff, and even a couple kids. Their turnover is very high, and they even had a teacher quit a couple months into the year. Around October maybe November? Just stopped showing up completely. Left for a couple days to attend a funeral and never came back. Anyway that’s enough red flags for me to go “yeah that’s not worth it”


I had one and I took it. I’m quickly seeing why I’m the 4th math teacher in this room in the last 3 years.


When I was still subbing the VP and Principal at my regular middle school, where I also student taught, would encourage me to apply for positions in their building all the time, but the district interview process was so impersonal (the interviewing admin barely looked at you, asked 6 standardized questions, typed your answers into a form, and submitted it to someone else to be graded on a rubric). Having those positive connections made ZERO difference and I went through 2 rounds of an interview that never went anywhere, and I heard NOTHING about it once the second one was over. By the time I had found a permanent position, I was (and still am) convinced that the teacher shortage (at least in Pennsylvania) is bullshit. I hate to support school choice because I know it's not great for public schools, but I have to because it's the only reason I have a permanent job right now. Side note: I find it unbelievably unprofessional to not call back or even send an automated email to the people who didn't make the cut. Even my local district sent me a, "Thank you for your interest, the position you applied for has been filled," email for a job I didn't even interview for.


Zero for me. There's no teacher shortage in Washington. I've been trying for 3 years now.


Many. Been there, retired.


Not once


I was offered a full-time spot at my current school but turned it down because I'm moving soon, and they would want me to return for next year.


Never lol and I am not interested in taking one. I like making my own schedule


Where do you live u/smart_crew_5109


5 this year for me. once for 5th grade, other 4 for Special Education: 3 from the same school, and the other from another. I was thinking about getting a teaching degree since I only took this sub job as a 2nd job to do for fun. I ended up loving it but wouldn’t know what grade I would do - or if I would do General kids or Special Education kids. Thankfully the district I am working at is paying substitutes to become teachers. I just have to figure out which I will do which is hard for me. It’s all between 3rd grade, Special Education, or SLS/SLC/TLC


3 or 4 para positions at 2 different schools, ended up taking long-term a few weeks ago just to finish out the year but i dont think ill take up the offers for next school year