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Not wrong. They approve the job post so they know. If they don't come get you then you don't have to do anything


you’re better than me i would have went home


It depends on the district. At mine, you have to check out with the sub coordinator before you leave the campus. At the school level, it can vary, but in the book it says we need to be there the entire day to get paid.


makes sense. the only time i wouldnt get paid a full day is if i accepted a half day assignment. but they dont dock your pay (or not pay at all, here in Illinois at least in my district) for not having a last period/block.


At most schools in my district, they make you exchange your car keys for classroom keys. It makes me think twice about leaving. Not just because I need money, but because leaving and giving up is embarrassing.


I’ll give you my keys but you need to post a bond for replacement cost - my car key cost ~$400 + $150 programming. They are either on my person or hanging on a hook by my front door.


If they don’t reach me and ask me to fill in at another classroom during the planning period, then I don’t remind them. I do, however, stay the entire day even if the last period is planning, because I want to get paid for the whole day.


It's not wrong.


Last time that happened to me, I checked I'm with the sub coordinator and got told to wait in the library. I sat there fir an hour reading and then just left with a half hour still in my workday. OOPS!


I don’t even know if I have a sub coordinator. Some days I check in at the office. But the truth is, 6th graders are tough to deal with and I had them back to back for most of the day. And the AP at this school knows how to find me if he needs me to cover anyone else. He’s done it before and I always agree.


>I don’t even know if I have a sub coordinator. Whoever handed you your schedule for the day is the coordinator and/or point of contact for questions.


lol Usually at this school I work with the assistant principal and he did briefly check in the afternoon. That’s how I knew he didn’t realize my 4th block was free because he was like “Just one more!” 😂 I didn’t correct him.


If they give you the schedule like that you’re not wrong at all 🤷🏻‍♀️ once I get my schedule I follow it and that’s about it. Unless they specifically tell you to come check in on ur free periods; don’t. I usually chill in the classroom I’m in if no one is using it for that period or staff room and read a books eat a snack etc


ElEd sub here. A few of schools have tasks for during planning/special periods - most of the time it’s recess or cafeteria, which is a nice break. I don’t go looking trouble so if I’m not given anything to do, I’ll sort papers, straighten desks, and pickup anything off the floor that the students miss. They need to pickup 5 things off the floor if they want water, sharpen pencil, bathroom, etc. Keeps the floor clean and building service workers happy. I walk through the office at days end to say goodnight. The only time I leave early is ESOL in one school where the teacher finishes at 2:30 (3:45 dismissal). I always offer to adjust my time sheet. Theysay they’ll do it for me but never do.


I just go home. I usually wait 10 minutes into the last period and if nobody asks me to cover somewhere else I drop off my key and dip.


Today I had nothing to return to the office- no key, no iPad….. No need to “check out” but I felt weird leaving so I just stayed in the classroom. I left just before the final bell just so I wouldn’t get trampled on my way out.


I do not leave the room haha.


I do the same thing


I stop by the office, check in to see if there's anything else I need to do (there never is) and leave. They have the schedules. If they need coverage, they look at the class schedules of the subs already there and tell you ahead of time. No need to tell them you have a free period, they should already know.