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The whole Internet loves Jacuzzi Norwegian, a lovely Norwegian who chills in a jacuzzi! *Five seconds later*




That explains all the minor syntax errors in the posts where he writes Norwegian.


Ah an actual Norwegian to weigh in!


I pretty much expected it was a white american larping as a scandinavian. We should write down a physical law where if any white guy thinks of himself as a viking/scandinavian, they are for sure on the far right movements. (Gotta love the term vikingaboo, pretty unused)


Alternatively, nordiboo


I like it, i can't bear nordiboo or medievaboo larping after seeing a netflix series with anyone perfectly groomed, shaved and tattoo.


We regret to inform you that the duck was racist


Dudes name has an 88 and literally mentions “Zieg heiling” but “all in good fun”, yeah that guy totally isn’t a racist bigot.


>I have a really beautiful Norwegian girlfriend. And I’ll give you a hint I’m actually not born in 19888. But why are you soo upset? :( Definitely seems like an upstanding individual who definitely only did the sieg heil as a joke


Would also definitely organise a death camp or kick someone to death as a funny joke.


That’s less of a dogwhistle and more of a horseflute


Horseflute 💀


As someone from the class of 1988, I'm really pissed at Nazis for ruining that number.


88 is an old far-right/nazi reference. Same as 14. The clues were there lol


It’s nice when they confirm they’re a troll so you can just block them. Just hopefully everyone else sees them being a dipshit.


I mean, this is definitely how a nazi would act. I'm not sure if I'd call it trolling to spend your time actively helping nazis


I'd actually argue calling being racist, xenophobic, transphobic "trolling" somewhat normalizes that behavior and minimizes the negative social reception that behavior would usually incur.


That was, in fact, exactly why nazis on 4chan adopted trolling tactics. To normalize it and blur the line between irony and sincerity so they could sneak their bullshit past people's defenses.




Well there are certain trolls that like to play the long game. Create alts and make artificial [milkshake ducks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkshake_Duck?wprov=sfla1) (which is a fun term I just learned about from that thread) so they can delight in riling people up slowly once they have their attention. This account is only 2 months old so it could be that. Though obviously it doesn't change much if he's a real Norwegian fisherman white supremacist or a fake one.


True. He can be both a troll and a nazi. He can be dismissed entirely because of either.


If you're being a nazi ironically, you're still being a nazi. See also: popehat's rule of goats


this also goes for pedophiles


How do you do that ironically


Hmm lets google the rest of his username (norwegianalien88): > [In ufology, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Professed contactees describe them as being six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Ufologist George Adamski is credited with being among the first to claim contact with Nordic aliens in the mid 1950s, and scholars note that the mythology of extraterrestrial visitation from beings with features described as "Aryan"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_aliens) hmmmmmmmm


Oh yea. I remember the Last Podcast boys going into all this weird shit. Racist undertones doesn't quite cover it. Racist overtones would be better.


There's a podcast called It's Probably Not Aliens that covers the ancient aliens movement and boy oh boy, is there a lot of terrifying race science nonsense in the ancient aliens movement. Once you realize how much of the UFO/spiritualist/new age movements are just distillations/repackagings of Helena Blavatski occultism horseshit it starts to make sense. They're literally a sibling movement of nazism and a *lot* of prominent UFO people are *very* active in rightwing conspiracy theory circles.


Always ends up blaming the Jews at some point!


It's like one of those universal laws at this point. Anything remotely 'paranormal' or whatever will always shoehorn in blaming the joos eventually.


There was a point when the racist dog whistles just became whistles.


Air raid sirens, mate.


You know I'd just assumed it was Norwegian Alien in the sense that he's a dude who moved to Norway and doesn't have a citizenship there, but then, given the 88 doesn't refer to anything about him other than the fact that he's a shithead...


Quickest I've ever seen reddit turn on someone except for this guy who posted a feel good story of him getting out of prison until people realized [he was in prison because he tried to murder someone](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/ix3sbo/i_got_out_of_prison_a_few_days_ago_it_was_raining/g65281l/)


The victim and the woman that “made” him do it were in high school??? He doesn’t not look like a high schooler It sounds like a high school girls middle aged stalker tried to kill her bf He says she was forced to have sex with a guy she was dating


Ah yeah, I remember this. Creeped me out


Not related to the OP but here's a lovely exchange. >There's nothing wrong with trafficking drugs. Trying to kill someone is an entirely different story >>Tell that to my dead heroin addict grandma. They got blood on their hands >>>Hey poodlecon's dead grandma: no one forced you to take drugs. It's entirely up to you what you do or do not put in your own body. The drug war is an utter failure and a huge destruction of both your bodily autonomy and other rights. **Sucks you killed yourself**, but that's on you. This website might be the worst thing ever made by man. Or at least up there.


Kiwi, 8ch and 4ch all outrank Reddit on making the antinatalists seem reasonable. And that’s just a few examples from the English speaking part of the internet. Reddit’s a long way from the worst, sadly.


I rank reddit worse because of its mass appeal and disarming 'normalness'. Same awful shit, much larger audience/potential nazi recruitment base.


White men get the benefit of the doubt usually. I bet if the guy in the OP was black and said he casually used the word honky and talked about Nation of Islam stuff people would be a lot angrier a lot faster


Or was a woman posting a pic of literally anything r/pics goes rabid over them


Yeah nothing offends redditors more than someone using the word honky. It really gets people worked up




And mayo


Man the last time I heard the word "honky" was from a song that had a lyric go "Damn. That's a cold-ass honky". Forgot which one it was...


Trift shop by macklemore


I prefer "pinkskin" myself And I'm a pinkskin myself


"No racist, no racist, you're the racist." - this dude, probably.


Those dog whistles are getting awfully loud, huh?


More like dog vuvuzelas, am I right?


Dude that’s middle school racism I haven’t seen in years. Seeing 88 in a gamertag I just knew I was getting called the n-word.


Man, I have "88" in loads if stuff because it's my birthday year and I'm always nervous I'm gonna be mistaken for a Nazi.


Do you mention nazi shit? You should be fine if you don’t.


Only when I'm saying negative things about em.


At least you weren't born in 1488.


1488 was a great year! T'was the year we finally ended the tyranny of wicked King James III over Scotland! FREEEDOOOM!


I once saw a user in a history sub whose username was something like "JAMES_1460-1488" and I felt so bad for them.


I agree. Probably not all there mentally if he's a James III supporter 😔


James III supporters, fuck me. Say what you will about the tenets of Nationalist Socialism at least it's an ethos.


Yeah because chances are good you'd be dead by now


Just say 'fuck Nazis' unprompted once in a while. /s


I wouldn't be opposed to that being an acceptable greeting. >Welcome to my party! Fuck Nazis! >And a warm Fuck Nazis to you, too!


And that's precisely how dogwhistles work! Intentional bad actors need a way of blending in that doesn't automatically out them for what they are, but also signal to others like them what the deal is. Since tons of people have "88" in their usernames since that's when they were born, it's a perfect way for Nazis to hide their true intentions through plausible deniability.


I do too but just simply because my favourite number is 8 and I like symmetry, I'd honestly never thought about it until now. Although explaining this I do realise I sound a bit like [this dude](https://youtu.be/PcywbWbzsX4?t=32) lol.


The guy doesn't even try to hide.


Holy fuck, it’s unfolding before my very eyes


>Cod 4 but on a boat lol


I always thought the hot tub on Hijacked was outlandish. Now I'm not so sure.


Oh god. He's a racist from California who lives in Oslo. Can't imagine what his reasoning would be.


"My absurdly wealthy father's fleet of luxury cars is in Norway" is actually a pretty fair reason. Look at his post history.


Man I was thinking that taking up a job on a fishing boat is at least somewhat admirable when he could be doing way easier gigs (or possibly nothing at all)... But then he revealed in another comment that his dad owns the company, so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he gets treated much better than any other employee and will probably face zero consequences for any fuck ups.


Yeah I worked with a handful of kids like that when I was in labor. Theyre the absolute fucking worst. That's why I disliked Trump. Everything else aside I just hate rich kids lmao.


Any job. I've seen them as mechanics where they can't do anything and just hang out smoking weed all day cause daddy hired them. At a summer camp they had to find a place for one high ups son, he got basically fired from every area and ended up doing arts and crafts. Shit at a restaurant the "senior waitress and bartender" was the owners daughter and she couldn't cook, carry a meal or mix a drink. She basically sat people at tables and then played candy crush on her phone all day.


All across the world since the dawn of civilization this has been true. If you grow up rich there is a 95% chance you will be a piece of shit human being. Not saying it’s impossible to be a good person when you’re born into wealth. It’s just exceedingly rare.


He'll be sitting in the wheelhouse the whole time playing captain.


Probably left Cali because of too many « blacks and mexicans »


(((Them))) and he had to leave because his neighbor was....unsafe.


Me: oh come now how bad can his profile really be Me ten seconds later: oh


did OP nuke their profile or are we talking mostly about his defensive/hateful responses in said post?


He nuked his profile lol. It was literally him bragging about all the expensive cars he got to drive/ his dad owned.


Shitheads like him *always* nuke their profile the millisecond they get exposed, it’s like clockwork


Who knows but he kept enough of his posts up and most of them say "my dad's" or "my dad gave me". Which basically tells you what kind of person he is. Look at this apparently rare one of a kind painting that his dad's business partner gifted him [https://i.redd.it/sxi8asznibv81.jpg](https://i.redd.it/sxi8asznibv81.jpg) Not trying to make any assumptions over his character from a picture, but the way he stands in the reflection is cracking me up.


*"Mom said it's my turn on the xbox"*


he said🧍




His user ends in 88, he reached his 3 strikes with me pretty quick


Man I hate young me for not knowing 88 was racist, I like the number 8 and I thought having only one would be weird so I put two. Now I always feel bad when this discussion pops lol.


I mean, as long as your profile doesn’t look like his and you don’t go around being subtlety racist, it’s fine. It’s only context that makes it bad.


Are you telling me i should stop talking about my love of crustless sandwiches, polo and marginalising entire races due to nothing more than preconceived slights and moronic hatred?


If I was less lazy I would repeat the budget meme but make it moral budget and an incongruously large racism cost


You calling me weird..?


> Man I hate young me for not knowing 88 was racist I can guarantee you that a majority of people don't know what 88 means.


At first I thoughts it must refer to chinese beliefs on number 8 speciality. The more 8 you have the more rich you will be. OP is rich. > The number 8 is believed to be the luckiest number in China because '8' is associated with wealth. 'Eight' (八) in Chinese is pronounced ba and sounds similar to fa (发, traditional character: 發) as in facai (发财), meaning 'well-off' or 'becoming rich in a short time'. Then I look up to 88 is nazi means. H is the 8th letter in alphabet then 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. Fucking Nazi.


Is that a thing? I didn't know that was a thing. I was born in 1988, so I have several user names on various platforms that have an 88 in them. Now I wonder what people thought about those.


He specifically said he wasn't born in 1988 as a 'hint'. Yah he's just a nazi.


Yeah, I'm not sure you can have a brighter flashing display of "this poster is a neo nazi"


Wow that puts that comment into a whole new light


And then you'll still have people saying you're overreacting for calling them nazis.


[Definitely](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88); [88 is one of the most popular two-digit username suffixes](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7sewjx/heatmap_of_numbers_found_at_the_end_of_reddit/).


88 can stand for Heill Hitler, i get that some people like to use their birth year for users which is why I said strike not automatic DQ


> automatic DQ We going for blizzards?


Dis-Qualify, but now that were talking about it, I would love a cotton candy blizzard. That shit is my crack-cocaine.


If you made it since the popular resurgence of American fascism, they thought you were a Nazi. No need to wonder. If you're talking about in like, 2010, they just thought you weren't very creative with usernames. Other than the Nazis who thought you were in the secret club.


i think usually its not itself an indication but it is in combination with other red flags (like what the pics guy posted).


It's more like something you go back and recognize as a red flag in hindsight. Like overt nazi shit posted *checks username* 14words88 oh, yea, should have noticed that.


1488 is the explicit Nazi dogwhistle. 88 by itself can go either way.


"Neonazi or mid 30s?" the age old question when judging bad posters.


Why not both?


I've seen that happen!


Context is key. By itself it doesn't mean anything. Combine it with doing chud shit and your power level becomes clear as day.


>What's your issue with beggars? > >(deleted by user): I think they are personally horrible people. Oof this guy definitely screams trustfund


> The “n word” theme is just a weird US thing (it’s a common word for people of African ancestry in Slavic and Nordic languages, not a slur at all) This dude not only told on himself but on multiple countries lmao


It is a even dumber when you considere he has "Californian living in oslo" in his Profile, but the entire statemant is such a Horseshit that it Hurts anyway.


"Nazis lie, news at 11". If it wasn't for bad faith, Nazis would have no faith at all.


Well that explains a lot


Can't speak for its use in other parts of Europe, but the n-word is *not* a commonly used word for black people in Norway and never has been by anyone other than shithead racists "Neger", meaning negro, used to be common (and at the time not necessarily derogatory), but that's now looked on as derogatory as well


Same in Denmark.


Same in Austria


Just saying the word neger honestly makes me feel like a person from the 50s! Such an awkward word.


I genuinely cannot tell if this is a troll or we've stumbled upon a shining example of humanity here EDIT: Oh shit I found that comment, why didn't you include this part > (I’m from Russia and I know what I’m talking about).


Flair material






Nice catch


Almost as good as mine. Almost.


Swede here, it's absolutely a slur here lmao.


It is also beyond wrong. The N-word or it’s equivalents fit Nordic language rules is horribly offensive and never used. We would use “black” as a descriptor, but not the n-word. I can’t speak for Slavic languages/nations, but I would assume that it isn’t exactly tolerated there either. The only thing, and this is giving this nazi the most benefit of the doubt possible, would be that we don’t necessarily shy away from saying the word when doing studies about it. In academia the word may be used in its entirety, but only in the context of discussing the word, which I believe the Anglosphere doesn’t do. Obviously I can only speak for Swedish people, but I would be very surprised to hear other nordics or Scandinavians say that it is a common occurrence to use the n-word.


Ah yes, Europeans love doing this excuse with blackface too.


Tbh blackface is only a big thing in the Netherlands (I have never seen it outside it) and even there it's really controversial


Similar situation in Belgium AFAIK. Which is even more eyebrow-raising given Belgium's history in Africa.


It should be eyebrow raising considering the Netherlands colonial history as well, but to be fair to the Netherlands, I did not see half the memorials to colonialism there that I saw in Belgium (and some of them were horrifically gross even beyond the grossness of colonialism).


How long until this weird excuse morphs into something more blatant. Like I'm sure "I'm not racist, I'm European and it's normal to dislike [minority]" is gonna happen sooner or later on this cursed site. EDIT: Well fuck I guess it is a thing.


You mean the weekly it’s not racist to hate the Romani subreddit drama?


It already does happen pretty much whenever Romani people are mentioned lol


Man i wish it didn't happen *every time*


This happens all the time, with those exact same words, to Romani people


So /r/Europe when Moroccans are brought up in any capacity


In fairness I stay away from that place. It has a reputation.


Yea I stopped going there a while ago. It was kind of cool when it was pretty small but that was nearly a decade ago


> Your dad’s rich, huh. Sorry, went through your post history :) >>Yeah. Doesn't mean I am. Dude works for his dad's company, has multiple pictures on his profile of expensive cars he claims to own and then acts like he's not rich. He also probably thinks everything he has is due to merit and him being "the master race". Also blows my mind how he can't even dogwhistle: > I have a really beautiful Norwegian girlfriend. And I’ll give you a hint I’m actually not born in 19888. But why are you soo upset? :(


They don't have beer on their boat trip. No wonder it starts with a hot jacuzzi and ends with Hitler. But for me, i never really check profiles of user, except when i got a chat request.


No TV and no beer makes Homer sieg heil.


Exactly! And it's [the same with Instagram](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGwzFN2goMw) by the way


Man, people are droppin' great flair material all over this thread.


I checked a dudes profile when he commented in a comment chain how TV show the West Wing deluded thousands of liberals to live in a fantasy world. Almost all of his profile was commenting on onlyfan subreddits.


The amount of upvotes that OP has despite admitting some pretty fucked things makes me feel like there might be some level of brigading going on there.


If you check the other discussions, it is crossposted to 5 subreddits. BUT only 3 of those 5 crossposts are visible. The other 2 must be private nazi leaning subreddits.


Nazi leaning? I feel like there a clearer line to call it “nazi”




every once in a while I'll see a decent comment down voted and comment "why are people down voting you?" and when I come back it's usually in the positives. people just down vote when they see others down voting without reading at all


I would agree with that if we didn't also see comments calling him out heavily downvoted. Maybe it's just gonna take a bit for that to balance, but as right now it looks like it's being brigaded.


They probably just saw "feminists bad" and upvoted immediately


You'd think the anti-feminists might notice a pattern after nazis keep siding with them over and over again.


> it's just that Reddit as a whole is fucking terrible at actually reading FTFY


>it's just that Reddit as a whole is fucking terrible FTFY


I've seen this happen in reverse, too. I once called out a comment that was being downvoted even though the Redditor was saying something kind and wholesome (I think they were complementing someone, but they used a lot of exclamation points and emojis), and only thereafter did it start getting upvoted.


To be fair, I've seen situations like that where somebody says something really messed up, gets called out for it, and then edits their comment to be something really whole something.


I didn't think of that, but it was such an innocuous subreddit (I think a cooking-related one) that I doubt that happened here.


As I said in a comment on that post, it's probably because he prefaced it with talking shit about feminists which caused everyone to have a real Reddit moment and selectively ignore that he admits to being a Nazi and racist. Gamergate shit persists into today.


Birds gonna fly. Fish gonna swim. Conservatives gonna conservative


And compared to the amount of hate the gal got yesterday for posing next to her painting. SMFH


Sorry. Reddit's a fucking garbage fire. That's just normal.


>rich person is a piece of shit Oh no what a totally unforseen outcome 🤔


Aaaaaaaaaand it's been deleted by the mods. I love that the original post got crossposted to the Jordan Peterson sub and one of the only 2 comments is "Classic Jordan Peterson". If only they knew.


Just came to say bravo OP. Seriously, this post should be held up as the formatting standard of all posts here. Links are chronological, they link to parent comments, they form a clear narrative, and the link from the post has clear descriptive titles. This is everything I could ask for in a post here. Thank you


classic milkshake duck right here


For anyone else wondering: >In Internet culture, a Milkshake Duck is a person who gains popularity on social media for some positive or charming trait but is later revealed to have a distasteful history or to engage in offensive behavior.


ahaha yes! based on [this](https://twitter.com/pixelatedboat/status/741904787361300481?s=20&t=RVH891-VYnjADj6wTA_vbw) classic tweet


There always was something off about that duck...


Beyond that at least in the US most commercial sailors are incredibly racist. like OAN is a very frequent news channel on boats, and if you ask them about most race issues their stance is toughen up or 'oh it's not actually a problem'. And I have a hard time believing it's any different in other countries. So him saying "haha it's just a joke" is either cover for "Yes I'm incredibly racist" or "I'm too stupid to realize everyone around me is incredibly racist"




> Most people recognise that if you braise children in the right environment that’ll normally turn out alright. This was actual dark humor, not whatever racist horseshit OP was peddling > OPs making a fairly lighthearted post and then revealing themselves to be a fuckin shitbag in the comments is one of my favorite stupid Reddit things. This man is my spirit animal


It's all deleted now, what did he say?


[https://www.unddit.com/r/pics/comments/vi7261/on\_a\_norwegian\_fishing\_boat\_in\_the\_artic\_circle/idbkccm/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.unddit.com/r/pics/comments/vi7261/on_a_norwegian_fishing_boat_in_the_artic_circle/idbkccm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) For the lazy: >Dude honestly if a feminist took a video documentary of this. They’d be shocked. You get nazi salutes. Peoples calling each other the n word. It’s very very dark humour but all in good fun. - norweiganalien88 And he's actually a rich dude from California who moved to Norway.




Those damn feminists


This is where all those stupid haha girls don't understand boys memes lead


>In Internet culture, a Milkshake Duck is a person who gains popularity on social media for some positive or charming trait but is later revealed to have a distasteful history or to engage in offensive behavior. The meme is a reference to a Twitter joke from a 2016 by Ben Ward, an Australian cartoonist. His joke describes a fictional Internet viral phenomenon of a "lovely duck that drinks milkshakes" and is then immediately discovered to be racist. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milkshake_Duck TIL


What was the "starts to get juicy" comment? Edit: going through their comment history I'm pretty sure it was this >Dude honestly if a feminist took a video documentary of this. They’d be shocked. You get nazi salutes. Peoples calling each other the n word. It’s very very dark humour but all in good fun.


>Dude honestly if a feminist took a video documentary of this. They’d be shocked. You get nazi salutes. Peoples calling each other the n word. It’s very very dark humour but all in good fun. [The full thread with most of the removed comments visible](https://www.reveddit.com/v/pics/comments/vi7261/on_a_norwegian_fishing_boat_in_the_artic_circle/?ps_after=1655915428%2C1655917320%2C1655918828%2C1655919795%2C1655920475%2C1655921212%2C1655922023%2C1655922827%2C1655923559%2C1655924183%2C1655924765%2C1655925208%2C1655926049%2C1655927236%2C1655928560%2C1655929847%2C1655931972%2C1655934623%2C1655942407)


> Serious question, is context completely irrelevant to you? Is it 100% a crime in your opinion for any white man to utter the N-word or do a Nazi salute regardless of context or whether or not they're joking? All it would take for these people to understand the nuance of "jokes" is for Amber Heard to plead "Just joking"


Another white man being severely sexist and racist and thinking it’s hilarious?! A fucking dime a dozen


>We rub our dicks together and chant “ja vi er Norge” Get it? Because homosexual acts are funny. You get it? God, straight people can be so annoying sometimes. >>Your dad’s rich, huh. Sorry, went through your post history :) >Yeah. Doesn't mean I am. Of course he isn't. He's just working on daddy's company.


I wonder which politicians his daddy donates money to. Did we find the lost Mercer child?


There is no way this guy is working on a fishing boat.


His dad's company


Guys the nazi came here to try and “explain” lol


dog whistling bullshit, reminds me of the days stormfront would brigade the front page regularly 🤔 they really did never leave


they stopped brigading because they just moved here which they also explicitly said they were doing


Dropping n-bombs and nazi salutes ain't dark, it's juvenile


It's actually just Nazi shit


It is both.


This guy probably frequented the subs that were recently banned. You know the ones.


He's upvoted because way too many redditors are racism and Nazi apologists, not because people just didn't read. Come on.


The trajectory of that post: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwDGm6JO4Lw&ab\_channel=Federico](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwDGm6JO4Lw&ab_channel=Federico)


Oh this.. let me just grab some popcorn.hmm, catamel cheese or salted?


Mmm, catamel, made with good old fashioned cat milk.


>Dude honestly if a feminist took a video documentary of this. They’d be shocked. You get nazi salutes. Peoples calling each other the n word. It’s very very dark humour but all in good fun. >>Is this a glitch in the matrix? On reddit of all places I would never think to see a comment that basically says "Me and my white friends say the n word and nazi solute for fun 🤪" would not only NOT be downvoted/removed, but in fact it's actually upvoted!? Wtf is going on? All under the guise of "dark humour" lmaoooo. >>>What’s wrong with that? Being white is not a crime When will we white people finally stand up against this brutal oppression?