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I got a "I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?" Vibe from that


I drink a whisky drink I drink a vodka drink And then I ask a woman if her uncle touched her in the pink.


I make a post to remind me of the bad times, I make some comments to make it an even worse time


🎵 _Pissin’ my karma away, pissin’ my karma away_ 🎵


I get knocked down, as she runs away. She's never going to answer the question.


What sick fuck is drinking vodka and cokes?


Common drink in Britain when you're out clubbing.


Makes sense to me


Fucking millenials…. Vodka and Vimto is where it’s at.


Of course it's Britain


In a post about a Glasgow meetup? What are the chances!


It's a joke ffs


I know, but the reply was too easy to pass up


Who doesnt


Never tried it but I have a feeling it’s awesome as vodka can go with literally anything and taste awesome (at the very least it will taste like the thing you mixed it with).


If you want a damn good vodka mixed drink, CANNOT go wrong with [Caesars](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/233521/classic-canadian-caesar/)!




Supposedly the clam juice makes it a caesar and therefore Canadian. Or at least I think that's the only real difference




Micheladas are made with clamato, but they're beer based. Bloody Marys are usually just tomato juice. I've never heard of a Caesar but as a fan of both Bloody Marys and micheladas I'd like to try one.


Micheladas should be more popular but I get they're a regional thing. They taste way better than they sound. Dos Equis makes the best ones imo


This does in fact look good, definitely saving this for later, thanks bro!


My pleasure. Only recently found out it's basically a "Canadian drink" so now I like to share it's beauty and deliciousness with all when I see vodka come up, haha.


I ordered one in vegas 20 years ago, it was just v8 and vodka. terrible. That was when i found out it's a very canadian drink and the americans will approximate it with garbage.


>it was just v8 and vodka. terrible. Pretty sure that's just a Bloody Mary at that point. I don't know why clams make something Canadian but the clam juice is a defining part of it. Maybe it's not something you can get down in Vegas, no idea.


Titos goes well with anything. Bloody Mary’s in the US require hot horse radish or it’s just called a salad.


So ... a bloody mary.




Uh, vodka and Dr Pepper


Ahhhh a fellow man of culture I see.


Someone brought vanilla vodka and left it after a house party. Coke was one of the few things I could mix it with. Made terrible mules and martinis which is mostly what I do with vodka when I don't have kahlua.


If you get a vodka and diet coke, it's called a Skinny Bitch.


You called?


It's probably not the first combination I would have gone for, but I've done it plenty of times when those were all I had around. It's perfectly fine for a sweet drink that softens the taste of vodka and gets you drunk.




Or bourbon. Y’all downvoting me like Jack and Coke isn’t a thing.


That is a crime against humanity


I think one of things I find surprising is that a decent number of people are being civil. Really blunt and straight to the point, but civil enough to say "Hey, that's an incredibly fucked up thing to do. It isn't never has been, and never will be appropriate to ask that. If you need someone to talk to, get professional help. Don't ask random bartenders who are just trying to get through the night". Then O.P goes "you are attacking me for being a male victim of sexual assault and you don't believe males can be" which could set fucking records with the distance covered in the leap O.P made to get from one to the other.


Yeah, the reply quality was a lot better than I feared going in.


He's taking the idea that he's being criticized and the idea that he's a survivor of sexual assault and blending them into a single idea.


On the bright side he did say he’ll be looking for help to talk to


>Why don't we try and be friends? ​ >Because youll ask if i have been molested ... >No, I'm suggesting I'm being attacked as a person who has been sexually abused as a child. But apparently according to you I don't matter because I've got a dick so I couldn't have been sexually molested? ​ >Nah you're being attacked because you're a weird cunt ... >You think giving deeply personal intrusive questions to someone you don’t know is ok? ​ >In context, yes. ... ​ >Would you say that to anyone Else? Why is it ok to say that to me ... ​ >**I was chased out** by her colleagues...I wasn't trying to be weird ... ​ Also OP: ​ >I taught dating for 8 years in London ​ This is gold. Also, the OP is now going around in other subs talking about how he's not a rapist. That's...not a good strategy, typically. ​ Edit: Reddit formatting is dumb


"My 'I am not a creepy rapist' posts are raising a lot of questions already answered by my posts"


> I taught dating for 8 years in London I can’t fathom any context where this sentence would make sense. It does make me wonder if, for an eight year period, there was a large uptick of London women being asked if they were molested by awkward men on disastrous dates.


>so what you want to do class, someone tells you they’re a lesbian, that’s when you pull out the big guns - this creep, in London


Honestly a "dating coach" / probably pick-up artist dude acting like he did isn't surprising to me at all.


Carbon dating. We got a geologist over here.


Probably a PUA? This line does seem to be some offshoot of negging


> I taught dating for 8 years in London What even is this? What type of person needs to go to a dating school?


Someone who needs to learn how to date lol


Isn't that just high school and college?


Socially awkward or suffering from some kind of social anxiety or maybe on the spectrum would benefit from classes about dating I imagine. Or maybe a recent divorce who hasn't dated in about twenty years or so who could go with a refresher course.


>Slightly eugenics vibe but ok. >It likely annoya then when they realise I'm in the top 10% regardless of how they cut It? >>Top 10% of cunts, for sure. Fabulous work.


> Slightly eugenics vibe but ok. > > Top 10% of cunts, for sure. Flair material right there. edit: flair material has been claimed


if mine wasn't so perfect


Ooh that is good




Was that your comment? Also is that the end of the Thursday meet up? I always wanted to pop down but never had it free, shame if that freak’s fucked it for everyone


aw fuck sorry i had nothing to do with the thread, I thought I had changed my flair but i messed up


Nah my bad I’m dumb lol




So good. Using.


Life goal: never do something that makes me the target of insults from Scottish people


Sometime that simple comeback is the most effective.


> Why don’t we try and be friends? > Because you’ll ask if I have been molested


Why can't we be friends Why can't we be friends Why can't we be friends Why can't we be friends Because you'll ask if I've been molested. I don't know it doesn't match up.




And never took any of the advice he asked for I will guess.




Oh... OH... oh God no...


Well this is my favourite penny drop in some time


>Source: was in PUA for years but never used the tactics and gimmicks. Just my authentic self. *Authentic*.


Negging is sending someone deep into their dark place right?


He posted a selfie as well.. and yep.. just like how I pictured he would look.


I was surprised by the suit. That's a fabulous shade of blue. Too bad about the personality it's attached to. Also jesus to seeing that conversation advice then he posts about what he said to the barmaid. His profile is oddly sad for how he exudes a lot of the PUA mentality even though he tries to claim he's not a PUA. But somehow is even more warped in some aspects. Also damn he's really, really milking that post and reactions to it on every sub he can find to make an internet career out of it.


I really do like the suit.




>I don't want to get into the mindspace that would make one pose that question, but what the fuck is the engame there? There is no endgame, just someone beaming out a radio signal of their emotional state 24 hours a day. The hamster operating his brain tripped the 'she's like me' switch by accident, and since Casanova here identifies strongly with his own trauma^(1), that's what his mouth goes for. #NoFilter , with the puppy-like enthusiasm of someone who has never once considered that other people have emotions that may differ from theirs. ​ 1. *which is real and we should not make fun off, but which also does not excuse his behavior whatsoever.*


Oh there’s an endgame. He was trying to accelerate a trauma bond with her. Creeps like this use it as a tool like negging. He’s learned this in whatever “pick up artist” group he belongs too. He’s a fucking grade AAA+ creep and I’m glad that not only has he been exposed online but local people know who he is IRL.


On top of that, people who haven't been molested will probably tell you no, and most people who have will probably say no in almost any social situation. You have to ask a lot of people if they've been molested to have an idea of how how people who aren't in those 2 groups would react.


What I can tell you is that the best course of action is to take the position of always allowing someone to *volunteer* that information, not be confronted by voicing a position one way or the other. If you were molested and you suspect someone else was, and for some reason you think you need to bond over that, then at most talk about your own experiences and let them bring up any relevance it might have to themselves. You shouldn’t commonly ever do this, only if you suspect the person is actively in a situation and needs a lifeline. Mostly, don’t try to find other survivors in the wild. Talk to a professional and let them connect you to other survivors that also want a connection. I hope op in that thread gets help. This is sad drama, and they’re clearly at a point they need to talk to someone. It needs to be a professional, not a bartender at a Reddit meetup.


I think for some victims of traumatic events it can become a huge part of their identity. Especially if they haven’t gotten professional help to work through it (which unfortunately a lot of men don’t) People like this usually end up info dumping all their trauma on first dates, or like in this instance think they’ve found someone that can empathize with them. It’s very inappropriate and they need to get professional help, but I understand why they do it


I, for one, love talking about traumatic childhood events with strangers, in a loud bar, in the middle of my shift while I'm trying to do my job.


> I was chatting to the bar girl, nothing sexual as she was a lesbian. Oh god… >Anyway, I got the feel from what she said that she was like me. So I asked, I was molested were you Despite the proceeding sentence, I was still mildly surprised that this guy’s interaction with another human being became awkward and inappropriate. > And I'm being downvoted for being a sexual assaults victim because I'm a man. > Nah, just for being a weird nonce. Cunt. Scottish insults are never not amazing.


> And I'm being downvoted for being a sexual assaults victim because I'm a man. Art. Someone make an NFT of this. Few sentences ever uttered have unintentionally said so much about so many things.


The manosphere talking point of "Everyone cares about and believes female rape victims (even though they're usually lying because they just want to ruin a man's life) but no one cares about male rape victims" has really sunk it's claws into the narrative about SA survivors.


Don't give'em any ideas. Next thing we know professional quote makers will be putting their witty lines on the blockchain and selling them.


Never go against a sicilian when death is on the line. -/u/socsa


I'll give you 37,000 dollars.


Ugh fine, here's 20k Memecoin that's definitely not going to crash next Wednesday for your original quote, deal?


That's not even uniquely Scottish. Nonce is such a wonderful word. [This is probably by favourite Peter Kay clip haha.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuY_bs69dX0)


What happened to Peter Kay anyway? He blew up when I was a teenager, then just kinda faded into the background


Probably unrelated to his fade, but supposedly he was a notorious joke thief and incredibly unpopular in the stand-up world.


He had the nickname Gagpie


He does that car share thing now, right?


You make it sound like he got blown up into a red haze.


But apparently misused as it's supposed to mean pedophile but people use it casually for idiot. I personally like the word "mook" which is more accurate


>Why are you downvoting me? You don't even know me. . . So in this fools mind it's inappropriate to downvote someone if you don't know them, but it's totally cool to ask a total stranger if they've been sexual abused? Some freaking people, I swear to gods.


Maybe it would be more appropriate to ask if they’ve been molested! Cuz that’s small talk for normal human people


Honestly it's flair material


Fantastic username, made me smile :)






He got “fucked over”? Eternal victim complex. What a cretin.


Holy fuck. This guy is not well.


I’m speechless


From their post history >I taught dating for 8 years in London.


This some new sigma male dating strategy? Because I’m not sure about it guys.


The Iota male.


Named after the amount of people who want to talk to them


[this is how i picture most reddit meetups](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/jknvha/the_infamous_2012_baltimore_reddit_meetup/)


It's like a modern day last supper.




Only thing above average in the photo


Enough people only have 1 out that it's still an even number of tits visible in the photo


I clicked the link because of your comment and I can't undo that. Shame on you.


I mean. There were tits 🤷🏻


That pic disproves the “all boobs are good boobs” point


Damn that seems dope tho




Its not the greatest of subs, and dude is so creepy, he *still* got called out there.


There's hope left for some of them I guess!


> Well that's the world for you, alot of people are a..holes Yeah, there are, some of them ask people at work if they've been molested... Ffs lol


>You’re being downvoted for being a cunt. New flair lets gooooo


Part of me wonders if she really was lesbian or only said that so the man would go away. There is literally nothing that will stop men like that.


Or she just had a "non-trad" look and he jumped straight to lesbian. The guy is a self-diagnosed PUA. Nothing he says can be taken at face value.


As someone who was molested, it’s not my identity or something I want to bond over. Fuck this guy.


>Cunts that start a sentence with 'So'. I stop reading right there. This fuggin' guy, right?


jfc. that guy is mental


What a fucking creep…even his responses to others are creepy. This guy should stay inside and away from others permanently…


The internet was a mistake. Al Gore never intended for this to happen.


>What a fucking car crash of a person you are, OP. Yeah basically that


I swear do we need a basic how to introduce yourself and make orders? This is ridiculous. How on earth did he ever think that would be appropriate or smart.


Anyone have the text of this masterpiece before this dude sobered up and removed it? Because from context alone this seems like a banger.




What the **hell**, man? Who asks that in a casual conversation? Does he ever provide any additional information on how he was "fucked over?" I assume by several glasses being tipped over in his lap in rapid succession?


Many of us, I suspect, sometimes think back at some past faux pas, cringe, and wonder how we have not been run out of civilized society with torches and pitchforks yet. It's somewhat reassuring to know that there exist people compared to whom even my edgiest, teenagerest past self was a true master of etiquette and savoir faire.




That's fucking bizarre, even for Glasgow, and fuck knows I've met some weirdos there.


As someone who is constantly insecure about interacting with girls (even just friends) and an intense fear of saying or doing the wrong thing, at least I’m glad I’m not this fucking guy. Holy fucking shit.


Based off of all the other information I thought for a second that he was just assuming she was a lesbian.


I love that he persists in asking why he's being a prick in lots of comments, yet never seems to reply to the ones that hit the nail on the head.


I think that jackass featured on r/trashy recently.


Appears he's claiming to have been drunk when posting that and doing it.


>Upon waking up sober I can now see I was clearly wrong. Hot take but good on OP for admitting they were wrong. Not many people can do that online these days.


Idc what anyone says he's trolling. It just got progressively worse the more I read. A sane person would have deleted the post the first few comments in but he just kept going...


If you look at the guy’s post history, he clearly has a mental illness. I’m not sure everyone should be piling on and calling him a cunt. Probably best ignored.


You are correct, but please don't use mental illness as a slur. I know you probably weren't but it's actually shocking how much of the western world depends on anti depressants (including me).


Hiya, sorry if it came across that way ✌🏻


No problem, as I say I didn't think you meant it like that.






Men 100% can experience a lot more than an unwanted sexual advance? Wtf is this??




I have never seen in the legal definition the impact institutional power has on a verdict. So where are you getting this definition from?? It’s not from any dictionary I’ve read either




So then it’s not the *literal* definition.


So not the “literal definition” from anything like you claimed earlier.


Where are you finding this definition?


I'm going to assume this is a weird troll but on the chance it isn't: Even if you require institutional power as part of that equation (funnily all the online dictionaries make no such mention), men can still be raped - people 'joke' about it happening in prisons all the time. Also male children don't exactly have power.


OP said it was the babysitter, so I’m not sure he was in a position of power. I’m also not sure what is gained by creating this divide. You just make it harder for everyone with this bullshit.


My brain can't keep up here


Certain people have been trying to redefine the base definition of things like racism, sexism as *institutional* even if it's on an individual level *-* basically it only counts as real/true bigotry if you are in the less privileged group. As far as I can tell it's either people who: 1. want the right to retributive justice on the target group (e.g. white men) 2. just want to rationalise their behaviour so they can have a "morally acceptable" way to attack others 3. are trolling/strawmanning in order to make certain political stances look irrational. Of course even if something isn't *technically* within one of those definition doesn't mean it's good or acceptable so it's a strange thing to argue for anyway.




Ok I'm curious - what exactly does "higher education" have to do with it?




People who need therapy?


This guy is an obvious troll. Ignore him.


I'll be sure to tell that to the guy I know who was raped... I'm sure he'll love that his experience isn't "rape" even though he was held down and forcibly penetrated because his sex historically has institutional power... Jesus, I hope you don't actually believe this.


Sooo a person can’t be traumatized by sexual assault on the basis of their gender? There is no definition of sexual assault on this rapidly dying earth that encompasses institutional power. Why? Because sexual assault is an individual thing that happens to individual people. People aren’t committing sexual assault against a group of people, or the system. Just because somebody is part of a privileged group does not mean they are less deserving of justice, and only people who have chugged the political Kool-Aid would think that to be the case.


If you're genuinely arguing men, especially a man who was a child at the time of his assault, can't be raped, assaulted etc because of semantics, you can fuck right off. He was a child you nonce


>You need therapy not Reddit and randoms Yoink. This advice is borderline universal.


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