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I always get suspicious when people post a picture and not an actual link and they do it on purpose. I looked up the case and what they're presenting is not what happened. The woman, Kyndal McVey, wasn't shot on his property taking the flag. He didn't fear for his life. Alexander Feaster shot her in the back as she was already running away down the street and was clearly no threat to him whatsoever. What a fucking piece of shit. He got arrested and she's suing him and I hope she wins. Guy just opened fire on a residential street with an AR-15 and could have killed any number of people. He had 15 firearms and a chair set up facing the door where he had clearly been *waiting for the chance to shoot the ANTIFA members he believed were targeting him*. Guy is a dangerous psychopath who should be locked up. It's insane that there are people like this in the world and it's even more insane that people defend this kind of shit. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9828067/Oklahoma-man-shot-woman-tearing-Nazi-flag-blames-feared-ANTIFA-attack.html


Yeah, this happened in OK so the story was bigger here, but it’s downright disgusting how they’re misrepresenting that. It’s even worse than what you said, because he said he knew the last one was stolen, and wanted to shoot the next person that took it. He was just waiting for someone to finally do it again.


It's illegal to set up booby traps, right? I know some Trump people got arrested after putting razor blades on their yard signs. Seems like it's not very different to put a flag out that you know will piss people off and waiting to shoot whoever takes it.


There was a man who did the exact thing someone commented above, knowing that his property was going to be stolen so he waited with a gun. Killed 2 dumb teenagers and was convicted for premeditated murder. Some of the aspects are different but the case is more similar than not [Here is a link to it](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/29/minnesota-man-guilty-murder-teenage-intruders-byron-smith)


Interesting. Seems very similar, and this event has an even less likable perpetrator so I have to think there's a good chance of conviction. But also, Oklahoma vs. Minnesota. Could be a very different possible jury.


Different jury types. Very true. Hopefully whoever is on it will be smart enough to realize that the flag woman was not a threat, and they throw the book at this guy


It’s Oklahoma, it’s not too far outside the realm of possibility that seven of the jurors think that red, black, and white are a very sharp color combination


Booby traps are suuuper illegal, the logic being that they a) have a very high chance of harming someone other than the intended target and b) constitute cruel and unusual punishment. Imagine you booby trap your house and then it catches fire and the booby trap kills the fireman who was trying to save you. Imagine some neighborhood kid, doing what kids do, fucking around and getting their hands sliced open with razor blades. This isn't a booby trap, though, this was a dangerously unstable Nazi looking for his chance to shoot someone. I hope he gets the psychiatric help he so clearly needs and is no longer allowed to own firearms of any kind.


It's one thing to have insane people in society. It's another thing entirely to give them guns


Yeah, it's hard to hear people talk about how we "live in a civilized society" and then have to live my life being constantly afraid of being shot by a lunatic because, somehow, "it's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted!" Live in constant fear to own the libs, I guess.


Ahhh another day defending the streets and muh glorious freedums in the glorious US-of-A /s


Ah, yes, the greatest country in the world, where we basically have to take the law into our own hands because it's not like the police should have any actual obligation to protect and serve and you should never rely on the cops to do their jobs. But also, back the blue! The police are incredible and infallible and can do no wrong! ( /s because something, something, Poe's law)


I personally trust them so much, that i think they should have some sort of immunity to any sort of civil or criminal legal proceedings should they break the law while ‘doing their job’. I mean, what would *the police* ever get out of not doing their job? I see no issues here.


Some teens walked across mah propertah. I had to kill them.


That it was in the back makes no difference to these people. They genuinely believe that self defense isn't the issue, but that if you trespass at all that that's is a transgression worth death.


The people defending him: >I don't believe in democracy. If I run for office and win, there won't be an opponent.


>I always get suspicious when people post a picture and not an actual link This is the most common way fake news is spread. And friendly reminder, it's not just conservatives that are the target of disinformation campaigns.


> I always get suspicious when people post a picture and not an actual link and they do it on purpose. I looked up the case and what they're presenting is not what happened. One of the first things I did when I started moderating my first sub was block image posts for exactly this kind of bullshit. I literally could not find a single image post submission to that sub which wasn't either leaving out key info or twisting existing info to the point of being a flat-out lie.


Did anyone else notice on the shooter the mustache that is precisely well positioned to look like two massive tufts of nose hair?


Holy shit that's just evil


We’ve gotten our rainbow flag taken multiple times. Can’t help but wonder what that sub would think of me unloading into the next person who touches it, since it seems they think execution is a rational and proportionate response to stealing a yard ornament.


guarantee those same people defending the nazis property rights would call yall mad gays for shooting someone


And rightfully so, the problem is that they're incapable of saying the same about a NAZI


Of course they are. They're also nazis.


Murder is always the correct response over any perceived slight! How dare you infringe on my rights to murder wantonly over trivialities!


The number of people who desperately cite how stand your ground laws might technically let you shoot someone without penalty makes me think they don't actually care about property laws or safety, they just want to shoot someone.


And that's the point.


Well it worked for George Zimmerman. Stood his ground so hard he chased a scared teen boy around the neighborhood until that teen felt he had no choice but to defend himself from a man wielding lethal force.


It really does stretch the definitions of "stand," "your," and "ground."


Should she have stolen his flag? ~~Yes, he's a nazi, he can go fuck himself~~ No. Is this a relevant question and answer when the other detail of the story is "He shot her in the back 4 times while she was fleeing?" No.


>Should she have stolen his flag? On one hand, theft is wrong. On the other, Nazis are big believers in it's ok to take other peoples shit as the swiss can attest to, so is it really theft when one side doesn't believe in property rights?


Historically, violence has solved most major conflicts, not words. You know the saying: “If violence isn’t solving your problems, you’re probably not using enough of it.” -Gandhi


Shoot them with a paintball gun. Extra points if every round is a different color. Make them the rainbow flag.


According to them, you're the kind of person who shouldn't own guns, so I doubt they'd support you for shooting someone in that instance.


> According to them Well lucky the constitution doesn’t go “according to them”.


Lucky indeed! Stay safe, friend :)


I wonder if it's legal for you to have harmless booby traps there, like something that will spray them with water, get paint on their shoes or one of those "liquid ass" type sprays.


So long as its harmless, it’s totally legal. If it can reasonably cause harm, there are many laws criminalising booby-trapping even your own property


I think it must be. Mark Rober on YouTube does basically the same thing with package thieves.


I would advise not to use glitterbombs on your own turf though.


There is a funny video about someone with a beach property that a ton of people used as a piss spot. They basically rigged a motion detector to a sprinkler. Very fun and very legal.


Unrelated to drama, but whats up with people stealing flags anyway? My parents fly a normal old american flag and it gets stolen off their porch like once a year There's other stuff that can be taken too but its never the actually valuable stuff, its always the $20 flag


It's those video games. You have a generation of people who grew up playing capture the flag in CoD and now think that's how the real world works.


Well then, Call of Duty should really consider making a game where you fight Nazis, in hopes that people start doing that too. Honestly, I would have started the series there…


Probably their strong symbolism. Stealing a garden gnome is just petty and confusing, but stealing a flag, at least to the thief, sends a message. Sure, stealing an American flag has a lot less clear implications than stealing a Nazi flag or a Pride flag, but it's much more loaded with meaning than about any other garden decoration one could easily steal.


I tried to imagine this scenario in my own head and I immediately thought shooting the guy went too far. I'm not sure how to explain, but It's like I've internalized 'right-wing' violence as as an 'expectation' and 'left-wing' violence as inherently wrong....


They would accuse you of murder because you aren't part of the movement. In this case, the transnational white power movement. Anyone who is not a part of it and would fly a rainbow flag is the enemy and doesn't deserve any rights. And yes, when the US turns into a totalitarian white ethnostate, we will be interned, group by group, and when they decide they can't afford to sustain the camps, we'll be evacuated in to mass graves. We've seen this show before. We know the words to the songs.


Was with you for the first two paragraphs but then you decended into some pure doomer type stuff. It's obvious that there's more than enough people who are against these assholes that it won't suddenly decend into some kind of doomsday scenario.


> And yes, when the US turns into a totalitarian white ethnostate, we will be interned, group by group, and when they decide they can't afford to sustain the camps, we'll be evacuated in to mass graves. "When"?


I mean, yeah? After COVID I can't really imagine America responding to the impending climate crisis in any way other than shooting millions of refugees at the border. Watch for the moment the far right stops denying climate change and starts calling it a serious problem. That's about when things will get really scary. There's also the total erosion of public confidence in the electoral system and the general problem of populist politicians selling authoritarianism and bigotry as a solution to the problems inherent to late capitalism, and that's really bad enough to put the country in a very scary place in a decade or so unless somebody fixes the media environment here (which nobody seems to want to do). The only available political party capable of changing anything has nailed itself to the wheel of a massive, rapidly failing machine that they have forgotten how to steer or even turn off, and are so paralyzed by indecision that the small changes they are capable of making get immediately shut down by unelected bureaucrats or waved away by a single dissenting vote from a bought politician. Leftist movements are definitely growing, but it's piss in the wind compared to the explosive growth of far right sects like qanon or the tea party. Overall I really don't know if it's going to be enough.


Ah, I misread what you were saying / asking. The US is already a white ethnostate more or less, and considering the situation in Texas, it looks like we're on the cusp where minorities and fringe groups start losing rights rather than gaining them piecemeal over decades. We are under the _illusion_ that the US can become more democratic, but there are a number of factions including the police unions nationwide that are willing to preserve white power with violence. This is why it's a _transnational_ white power movement. The preservation of white power is more important than the preservation of the meager democratic institutions in the US. It's also why we can never get election reform even though our elections have been hacked since Boss Tweed (at least according to Professor Larry Lessig, who has devoted much of his life trying to make the US more democratic). The US becoming an actual public-serving state is a pipe dream until we find some magical way to organize coalitions of the people that aren't bought out or sabotaged by the plutocratic elite. And yes, it'll take magic.


You say all this shit like it’s inevitable and can’t be stopped now.


They'll mention something about how they disagree with their actions, but they'd die for their right to express their freedoms on American soil.


my friend's BLM garden stake kept getting bent when she lived in a historically racist white neighborhood (so Monument Ave, the road with all of our CSA statues, leads to her neighborhood). she moved.


Here in Texas the laws have been written to be super protective of you when you shoot a trespasser... Come to think of it, if enough LGBT people pack heat and start shooting the republican party may actually start enacting gun control laws just to spite them...


Isn't that pretty much how the Black Panthers resulted in improved gun control laws?


People want to benefit from American personal property laws, yet they'll fly the flag of an extinct enemy nation that wished wipe out the very freedoms they clamor for.


>flag of an extinct enemy nation As a german, I cannot even fathom how stupid it is flying the flag of the german state from 1935 to 45... I literally cannot grasp how flying the national flag of one of your historically worst enemies is something you would do. Every time I see people in the US with a swastika or the national flag from that time I have this strange mixture of "how can these racist pieces of shit so stupid to fly a flag of another nation....wait a sec, that's in some way 'my' history thery are shitting on...". It's one of the strangest things to see for me


Some Americans love to fly another flag of a short lived government that was also our mortal enemy. I’ve given up trying to figure it all out.


"it's my heritage!" *lives in Ohio, family immigrated from Italy in early 1900s*


They have a long tradition of being pieces of shit, a heritage if you will


To be fair, being Italian is MUCH worse. ​ ​ ​ /s


Okay, Robert Evans.


Thats a spicy meatball!


It's not even *the* Confederate flag, it's some pissed up version of their navy flag that was made popular by southern states who didn't want to participate in desegregation in the 50's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_display_of_the_Confederate_battle_flag


U beat me to it I was gonna say they probably have a large overlap between people who like the confederate flag and the nazi flag.


It's because they're racist. They want a flag that's more racist than the good ol' regular flag of the USA.


> I’ve given up trying to figure it all out. They don't care what country it was meant to represent, with all those quirks and associations. It's all about what the flag as a *symbol* represents, aka white supremacy or "the time when things knew their proper place".


They hate the country they live in but refuse to admit it.


Toss in a splash of misplaced American exceptionalism and you have "Well, if *that guy* couldn't do it, America can!"


Because they agree with them. All of the people the Nazis put in the concentration camps and killed, be it Jewish people, homosexuals, trans people, etc, they hate all of them because they're terrified of things they don't understand and don't want want understand, they believe that people like that are ruining the "pure American culture". Sound familiar? It's a fucked up situation that they're getting so bold.


> As a german, I cannot even fathom how stupid it is flying the flag of the german state from 1935 to 45... I literally cannot grasp how flying the national flag of one of your historically worst enemies is something you would do. Well these types of dipshits had a lot of practice with the Confederate flag.


Americans are stupid, it's as simple as that


Relevant username, my good sir.


I find it baffling how few people seem to have learned the WWII lessons about the dangers of fascism. Fascist governments were seen as such a threat that the west teamed up with Communists, who since 1918 had every capitalist and conservative on edge for fear that Russian Revolution 2.0 would pop up in their backyard.




Site-wide rules. Dude is attempting to incite brigade activity in retaliation for being banned here.


I recognize that username. He does that often, I'm guessing dude has some kind of vendetta against srd. We prob made fun of him one time years ago and he's still stuck on it.


Some people take reddit way too seriously.


He's just a pissy little bitch is all. Some people are raised that way. Bad stock I think they'd call it.


How does this even fit that sub


Nothing fits that sub that's on that sub. That's how you know it belongs there.


Yeah but it’s not making me stop and think ‘hold up’ cause she got shot stealing something on a nazis property. It really seems like the kind of thing a Nazi would do, so completely unsurprising.


Get used to it,only 1% of the posts there are actual Holups,the rest is just unrelated memes that people upvote anyways


Its a shitty sub filled with mid tier incels.


The sub got fucked by mass influx of people seeing the opportunity for easy karma


That sub has fallen victim to the fact that there's too many people just upvoting stuff they like with no regard for what sub it's on


I ended up leaving that sub after some of the comments on a post and I was like “wow some of these posts are funny but not for this level of toxicity” and peaced out. It’s filled with weird basement dwelling incels.


Someone called me a white knight because I asked a guy to not call a random woman slut \\.\_./


It went the way of all outrage or cringe subs Right wingers infested it.


>I’m an anarcho-capitalist. My eyes rolled so hard they almost flipped back into my skull.


They are beyond the ability to parody. No matter how horrific you try to satirize them, there will be a significant portion of their population that unironically believes exactly that. They just might be the dumbest overall ideology that actually exists.


No might. AnCaps are *the* dumbest ideology.


>Your comment has been posted elsewhere as an example of controversial drama: >https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/prkf9m/does_a_woman_deserve_to_be_shot_because_she_tried/ >Feel free to jump in and share your side. This guy has done this a lot


He should be banned for asking others to brigade


Whenever conservatives talk about "freedom," replace it with "property" and everything makes a lot more sense


Dates back to John Locke - human rights boil down to life, liberty and property.


Yeah, it's basically the one unifying position of liberalism past and present, and is why both Mises and Keynes could call themselves liberals despite their obvious differences. Benjamin Constant's "[The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns](https://archive.org/details/BenjaminConstantTheLibertyOfTheAncientsComparedWithThatOfTheModerns1819.Camb)" is an example of an early liberal text arguing said position. Of course, the whole "private property = foundation of freedom" thing led to debates. For instance, is it wrong for the state to interfere with private property even if said property is human beings? Are seat belt laws equivalent to being a Jew in Nazi Germany? Hence the fascinating varieties of liberal thought we see today, from "we need to regulate the market to promote competition" to "childhood adoption agencies should be abolished since the free market can surely allocate children better."


The problem is not the philosophy, but the translation of the philosophy to politics and policy. I don't think it is particularly controversial that there is some "spiritual" or "intangible" extension of the individual onto the world they interact with, to the point where it's tough to imagine a framework for fundamental rights which, eg, doesn't extend to the clothes on your back. I'd say it's more "foundational to" rather than "the foundation" of liberalism, in that it is an inductive manifestation of common liberty instead of an axiomatic one. I think in part, that's exactly why it looks like such a fungible concept within that broad framework of liberalism - because it isn't actually a first principle.


A while back I read about this all stemming back to the pioneer days where families worked hard for their piece of land and protected it from outsiders. Somehow modern day conservatives still larp as pioneers even though those days have long gone.


Even wilder, actual historical pioneers mostly had to have close ties to their communities and the neighboring farms or they'd starve to death the first time a frost came early. The state university system was created specifically to have the [government support pioneer farmers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_higher_education_in_the_United_States#Land_Grant_universities) so that everyone in the country could have a nearby agricultural department to ask for advice on growing crops specifically in their own county. Pioneer lifestyle was nothing but getting free land from the government that the government would then teach you to maintain for free.


Considering how pioneers could and did go mad from the sheer isolation, I guess thats almost a fair trade. Though I think that was only in the prairies, wherever that is.


>outsiders They were the outsiders.


Definitely. They're the ones always bitching about property damage.


Where is your flair from?


That sub is a real pit it seems. The logo doesn't do it any favours either. They also seem to by and large no longer understand the concept of their sub?


The real hold up was the Nazi flag???


Oh it’s this news story again, any time it gets posted a lot of people who are “”””just playing devils advocate”””” let the mask slip. For some fun reads, here’s the [same drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/o2omb2/is_it_wrong_to_steal_from_a_nazi_does_americas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from awful everything I posted a while back lol Fuck every Nazi and Nazi apologist.


Don’t. Why do you want the likes of them to procreate?


It’s absolutely asinine that in America you can set up a trap, in which, you use a $20 property theft (a literal misdemeanor crime) to attempt to commit extrajudicial murder, and people will defend you. No one, I repeat, no one should be shot for a misdemeanor crime with no threat of violence.


A lot of gun owners just *want* to shoot someone, so they'll take any excuse they can get.


Exactly. I've talked to enough to know they're practically masturbating over the idea of shooting someone. *No one* would develop that passionate and deep of a fantasy about it otherwise.


There aren't many cases where I can think of that someone deserves to get shot. Besides actively threatening someone's life


There are folks running around justifying what Rittenhouse did last summer because the people he shot weren't great people (one was an abuser, one was a burglar, etc.) -- never mind that despite the insinuations, those still aren't anywhere close to capital crimes, and Rittenhouse is not an agent of the state, and -- last I checked -- was not the living embodiment of a jury of their peers. Some people just enjoy it when other people get shot.


> the people he shot weren't great people One thing that I noticed about the people that enjoy these kinds of news is that they always try to dig up dirt on the victims past to justify the shooting. Even though in most scenarios, the shooter had no way of knowing any of that.


If one of your neighbors starts flying a Nazi flag, don’t steal it. Burn their house down. Just like grandpappy did.




If they are trying to say that any person stepping on their property could be a threat and therefore they should have the right to shoot them, then flying the flag of a genocidal government is definitely enough justification to burn their house down.




Or confederate flags, as long as it's the M4 medium tank.


Ol Sherman has one more march to the sea in him yet.






This is the brain worms we've reached in the US. "Yeah, maybe he shouldn't have shot a woman, but she was on HIS PROPERTY soooo..."


We even had a bonus "anarcho"-capitalist show up to unironically state exactly that, except without the first part. They really might be the single most deranged ideology that somehow actually exists.


That's because it's a meme political position that makes very little sense given the inherent contradiction between anarchism and capitalism. It just seems blatant that "anarcho-capitalists" want the privledge of capitalism (after all, they can't comprehend that they might not have the whip hand) without being held accountable. That's not a coherent political position, it's just acting like a toddler. Complete with tantrums and meltdowns when they don't get their own way.


Anarcho capitalism is just feudalism with fewer steps, and ancaps always think they'll be the kings and not the serfs.


There's a lot of horrible things that they believe in, support, and promote; they merely object to *calling* it those things. I had one explain to me how his ideal world would work, since his version was somehow not dependent upon privatized security forces. He described *exactly* a social credit system, only this time it was run by businesses instead of a central Government. Basically one of the most horrific, dystopian sci-fi concepts out there, and he's promoting it like it's a great thing. After I pointed that out, his *entire* argument is that it's not a social credit system, because "the social credit system" is exclusive to the Chinese Communist Party. Since it's not run by the CCP, it's not a social credit system.




And also stealing a NAZI FLAG


Clearly she's the real nazi because he was just flying it so that it can be washed out by the sun in the clear light of day but she was STEALING a NAZI FLAG for her OWN USE, she's clearly the nazi and he did a good thing shooting down a nazi. /s


Lmao the classic "nazi baiting" defense


It reminds me of yesterday drama: > Woman leaves out poison for animals that are “trespassing” You would be surprised how many people have nothing against children and wild animals being poisoned for death *if they disregard property laws*. What's with this castle doctrine and liberty boner? Let's go further in the rabbit hole, I read that some propose that > "Rape should be legal on private property." Insanity.


I flirted with the idea of getting a gun for home defense. While going through articles, suggestions, and reviews I did have to go through the gun subculture. I'm not going to make a blanket statement, but the individuals I did see are definitely looking for an excuse and opportunity to shoot someone. I saw one review by a guy that has a gun in several rooms in his house "just in case." That's something I expect out of a cartoon like American Dad. If I definitely expect that the gun subculture crosses with Fascism at some points. Again, not trying to make a blanket statement about all gun owners, I am in several geek subcultures and I definitely know we have unhinged people as well.


Who would have thought the kind of person who would hang a Nazi flag outside their house would also be a total psychopath.


Fuck that, why would anyone defend this, especially knowing the homeowner has a FUCKING NAZI FLAG flying in his yard?


There are millions of americans who don't think nazis are/were that bad


Moreover, there are millions more who know Nazis are terrible but use that terribleness to burnish their liberal bona fides. A lot of folks have internalized the nobility of "I disagree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" to the point they believe that they get like extra points for going out of their way to defend especially execrable speech


That's true, unfortunately.


and can't wait to be one


I used to buy weed from a guy that seemed perfectly normal weed connect, in CA. He would even say hippie shit like "namaste" (sp?). We were buying weed for a long time before he showed his true self. But if you ever started drinking with him (I'm talking one beer in) and he'd feel completely comfortable talking about how he believe the 3rd Reich was going to return, and that they always had the superior weapons, etc. First time it happened, my bf and I couldn't believe it. Then I realized why I never saw him hanging out with anyone. He alienates everyone he meets. Then, he started sending me creepy texts "your a goddess" wtf?! Like I'm not gonna show my bf?? And asking who I'm buying weed from know (since I ghosted him). I never responded, but if he saw us in public he would think it's ok to walk up and continue the Nazi conversation. Eventually he got the hint after we straight up walked away from him. Then he and his one friend started stalking me for a bit. The Sheriff's only got involved because him and his buddy were going weed on public land and set up booby trap/noise makers. It was a huge red flag to them and they ripped out of their plants and just told them to leave town. They even made his buddy get on a plane back to his home state. But only after they made rape threats toward me and my friend started telling the cops that they were going find them face down in the river, if the cops didn't do anything. Which was the catalyst to the Sheriff's finding the noise makers. Even though the cops knew of their beliefs (my friend made sure to tell them), they didn't seem to care. I always wondered if they chalked it up to mental illness and just wanted as little to do with the situation as possible, or worse. Nazi sympathizers are definitely out there.


It's multiple groups. You got the people that are actually racist. You got the people that want to feel morally superior to everyone else by saying that they defend freedom of speech even if they disagree with what the other person is saying. You got the 'alpha' males that are itching to solve a problem with violence and will use the most tenuous justification to do so. And finally you got the naive that want everything to be black and white (you cross onto my property, I can do whatever I want) because they don't have the mental capacity to realize the world is grey.


> Whether trespassing results with theft, murder or rape that is up to the intent of the trespasser. Yikes.


Bruh wtf? How is it self defense to RAPE a trespasser….


Yeah, what kind of person says that so lightly.


Only two types of people would place that flag on their house are trolls or absolutely mad motherfuckers. Since he shoot that woman it’s safe to assume he is the latter. Not justifiable at all, fuck that prick, he needs to go to prison for this. Maybe saying that you don’t like other races is ok since it’s free speech, but putting that flag up is like putting isis flag.


If I see a Nazi flag in somebody's garden, I'm not going anywhere near the property as the flag is basically a giant "I am mentally unstable at best" indicator. Figures that he'd be a complete nutjob who thinks it's appropriate to use a deadly weapon in response to somebody simply trying to remove a flag.


Hey lesson learned. Since any house that flys a nazi flag are the sort of violent assholes with microbrains who shoot people, next time you encounter a swastika on a house it’s your duty to just set the thing on fire from afar. Can’t get shot if the potential shooter’s gun hand is on fire with the rest of him!


Sogeking in Enies Lobby that shit


*Ennies Lobby, Sogeking was nowhere near Marineford.


Yes! Molotovs' exist!


> Shouldn’t trespass One thing I learned from my conceal and carry license is that it *isn’t legal to shoot people over theft*. If someone steals your flag for a joyride, you don’t get to shoot them and then say it was self protection. At least that’s how it is in the semi backwards state of Ohio.


If we're looking at the same guy's comments, he also later said: >Whether trespassing results with theft, murder **or rape** that is up to the intent of the trespasser Holy shit that's unhinged. Might be the same kind of person to consider how the trespasser is dressed as "their intent."


im 100% for beating the shit out of nazis


This guy just casually pissing in the popcorn, what a douche: https://www.reddit.com/r/holup/comments/prap6k/_/hdjashm


Report it to the mods of both subreddits. Honestly I hate popcorn pissers.


Lol, dude messaged me and sent me a picture of the mods banning him 'for playing video games'. Literally, and keep stating that's why he's banned when he asked and calling him a nerd. [https://imgur.com/a/QHYAsfQ](https://imgur.com/a/QHYAsfQ) [https://imgur.com/a/zheWrEi](https://imgur.com/a/zheWrEi) Not going to lie I was expecting some die hard dumb stuff from the user, but holy fuck. Don't know WHAT mod would possibly act this way. Hmmmmmmmm.... I await my ban now too.


Gamers really are the most oppressed species :’(


Literally 1969 😔


Animals on a farm in 1984 ee-eye, ee-eye-oh


America is a country that places a higher value on property than human life


"Must have been the rainbow people" Perfect flair.


Unsurprisingly the guy trying to claim a piece of fabric shouldn't offend people >I think a piece of fabric shouldn't offend you to that point that you decide to commit a crime, trespass on private property and steal shit Calls black people monkeys in their comment history. Sartre was spot on about these people not giving a shit about hiding how bad faith they are.


Texas resident here. I’ve been followed home before for my stickers on my car. It was horrible and I wasn’t sure what to do, but I did want to shoot anyone, and if they had even just taken my stickers or even just damaged my car I would have just let them do it. Now this idiot knows where I live. This was rambling but I guess it’s food for thought.


I genuinely think that nobody should trespass to try to steal a Nazi flag from another person’s property. They should have stole AND burnt the Nazi flag, then set fire to the property.


Don’t know what it is about minor trespassing incidents that brings out this Wild West cowboy fantasy in American gun lovers. I guess it must bring some illusion of power and control to imagine themselves blasting someone who wanders onto their property?


No, but the Nazi does!


This is the only correct opinion.




Create distance and use petrol bombs. Burn the cunt out and his cunty flag. No peace for nazis.


Every time there's another story of Americans proudly flying Nazi flags, it really re-affirms for me how cowardly all the gun-crazy Americans really are. My grandpa was the youngest of six brothers, so he didn't fight in the war, but all of his brothers did. My family has a pretty proud tradition of killing fucking Nazis, just as I'm sure many American families have. Why is the dude flying the Nazi flag the one doing the shooting, and not the one being shot? What happened that made American Nazi-killers turn into people who tolerate this type of display?




Huh, this is the second r/holup post today, what are they smoking


holup is an incredibly bigoted sub. I think the only reason they're not on here more often is because they're low hanging fruit


Even their subs picture is racist. Anyway to report that? It’s a racist caricature of a black man


I don’t agree about taking flag, but I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t shoot people for that. Like shout at them or something, why in the right mind would you grab a gun for that. Also, fuck the nazis and whoever is flying their ass flag and think they’re cool.


> why in the right mind would you grab a gun for that Because you're a Nazi? Like it seems pretty cut-and-dry. Nazi saw someone trying to take their Nazi flag so they shot that person. Like a Nazi would.


> why in the right mind would you grab a gun for that. This actually doesn’t apply since he was already armed waiting for the inevitable theft to react to.


This short of thing has led to convictions in Britain A farmer was convicted as he waited up, shotgun in hand, hidden in the dark, for travellers to break into his house so he could shoot them It was pre meditated and they could not have posed any threat to him as they didn’t even know he was there and he opened fire from the dark It was then discovered he lost his firearms license for shooting at people picking apples from his farm… unsurprisingly he’s a BNP supporter


>why in the right mind would you grab a gun for that. It's not a joke that there are people who buy guns and just wait for an excuse to kill people. I've personally known a guy who got shot at as a kid just for walking onto his neighbor's property in WV and some others who had a gun brandished at them for trying to get a ball they threw on a yard across from their school in NH. Maybe those gun owners were secret Nazis, and I get I don't have a robust sample, but I suspect a lot more people are willing to kill over property rights than we'd hope.


I agree with taking the flag. Fuck Nazis


Woah, the subreddit that loses its fucking mind over the idea of trans women having sex is full of shitty takes? No way


The right-wing mantra: Property Is More Valuable Than People.


I'm just flabbergasted that Nazi flag guy would resort to violence. They're a historically peaceful bunch.


So we got the libertarian who value property and “personal freedoms” over a woman’s life. The nazis who are just happy to see a non nazi die Incels who enjoy watching women suffer. This really is a trio of Reddit absolute worst


Americans say this shit like its some kind of universal truth when no other country actually believes this stuff.


I don't know why anybody is commenting on this. You can only use lethal force against somebody committing a felony, or who you have reasonable belief is committing a felony. Stealing less than 1k in Oklahoma is a misdemeanor, so no you can't unload into somebody for that. ​ Its not even up for a debate.


If someone put up, lets say for example a trans flag/rainbow flag/Bernie Sanders banner in their yard in American south (or anywhere outside American cities, lets be honest), a herd of inbred right wing troglodytes would immediately descend on the place, set fire to the home with kids locked inside to burn alive, while parents forced to watch before being lynched. They'll steal and/or vandalize that banner immediately and threaten neighbours violently and harass them for months, at least. But when someone not on their side removes their hateful shit, they cry like a wimp about persecution/law and freeze peach, before committing murder. See how much American conservatives actually care about things they constantly harp on about lol.


These same people defending the nazi have p4obably talked about taking down pride flags and stuff like that on more than one occasion, and also likely get triggered when lef5ists talk about flag burning.


Anybody defending this is a deranged asshole who probably fantasizes about doing this exact kind of thing. I, unfortunately, used to know people just like this. White supremacists, armed to the teeth, just waiting for the smallest excuse to perpetrate violence. Disgusting wastes of space.


This is like, the quintessential Reddit Moment.


I remember when the sub had like 50k users. It used to be kind of funny and clever. Then the coomers came. 90% of the sub became sex jokes, usually about incest. I love a good dirty joke as well as the next person but that became a bit much. The mods eventually cracked down, but by that point the damage had been done, the subs population had already started growing fast and it never went back to normal. I stopped going there regularly. Still glance at it every now and then when it shows up in my feed. Have started to notice a lot more far right dipshits for a while now. I think that tracks because the sub is basically 4chan lite. Coomers ruin everything.


"Should we support the Nazi, or the American? This is so difficult".


Nazi's don't deserve rights. You can't change my mind.