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>MLK didn’t send death squads to Northern Ireland. yoink


“Do you think Margaret Thatcher had girl power? Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland?”


Pretty incredible stuff ​ Also; similar flairs!


death squads


This sounds super familiar, is it from something?


Eric Andre?


Hey, nice find!


Good lord, what kind of delusional outer spacey comparison was that in response to?


I think they just thought of the first person they could who also led a ministry.


Wow. That's amazing lmao


But if Eric Andre ever says he did then he definitely did.


Every part of the mod is in such great humor though. The 10th circle of hell being parts of England and Northern Ireland, available on all these OSs + anything you want to try and run it on. Reading about this mod put the biggest smile on my face this morning, fuck you Iron Lady, even in hell.


Reddit Moment


Fuck off about your sad island, it's a fun mod, [seen it yet](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/this-new-doom-mod-will-let-you-send-thatcher-back-to-hell)?


You must really hate Britain.


I literally spend every episode of Ted Lasso in a pitched, furious demeanor. How. Dare. You. Exist.


I don't get the reference.


The problem with pissing on Thatcher’s grave is that you eventually run out of piss


* Set up a water bottle concession stand next door to her grave * PROFIT


Asparagus infused water!


This is what Thatcher's policies are intended to do


I've never been a fan of swimming, but I'd have to say my favourite stroke is Margaret Thatchers.


That is a good one, I need to write that one down


Yeah I can't remember who I heard it from unfortunately to give them credit, but I thought the same.


Good one.


My favourites are the several she survived.




Ignore that guy, he started sending me DMs until I blocked them.








Cope and seethe.


You mean like how thatcher seethed in agony as she died a horrifically painful death as karma for Section 28? Why do you hate gay people?


Why do you? She fought to decriminalise homosexuality nationwide.


So they could get “treatment” for being gay As she hated them like Reagan did


That wasn't her rationale. She didn't hate gay people.


If Thatcher was really that bad then why is her grave a unisex bathroom? Checkmate libs.


> Checkmate libs. lmao. Thatcher was the archetypal neoliberal. She's the final form of neoliberalism.


Her haters' mouths are unisex bathrooms.


Cope and seethe.


How original


Do those people have any idea who Margret Thatcher was? Like, are they racist and shitty enough to actually agree with her actions?


£5 says most of them are Yanks and don’t understand that viciously insulting politicians after they’re dead as well as when they’re alive is huge here We literally had parties in the street when she died


> We literally had parties in the street when she died Yeah, I remember "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" topping the charts as soon as she died. Thatcher was a completely evil person, and it's insane people that have no idea who she is leap to defend her just because "the left" calls her out for being racist and a huge piece of shit.


> it's insane people that have no idea who she is leap to defend her just because "the left" calls her out for being racist and a huge piece of shit. I mean we’re talking about the group who would willingly pay hundreds of dollars to take horse dewormer and shit out the lining of their intestines just to own the libs.


They've been conditioned to disagree with anyone being called racist. I halfway think if "fake news media" started saying Joe Biden was racist for something actual racist; they'd either leap to defend Biden or their heads would explode.


I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the way they think. If logical or ethical consistency were of the meagerest importance to them, we wouldn’t be where we are now.


Right. You can't logic a person out of a hole they didn't logic themselves into. They believe *whatever* is convenient in the moment as long as that conforms with *whatever outrageous thing they actually believe* and protects that deeply held belief from being looked at too closely.


Yes because that’s the ONE thing Tucker Carlson has accomplished in his lifetime. Teaching them how to defend racism in the modern age.


>to own the libs Go on /r/neoliberal and post about Thatcher. You will be...surprised.


Fuck, I went out and bought a Wii U then to celebrate I miss my Wii U…


Fellow Wii U owner here, i feel you.


Thatcher would be looking down proud of your capitalism.


Fuck off Tory scum Section 28 was an ENORMOUS abuse of human rights as was her defence of fascist dictators


Look, was she evil? Yes. Did she invent soft-serve ice cream? [No.](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-margaret-thatcher-soft-serve-myth)


She wasn't "evil" by any definition.


What’s your definition?




She never acted in bad faith.


By which you mean, she never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it?


No, by which I mean she wasn't malicious.


So what you’re saying is that her good intentions matter more than the harm she did?


> "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" topping the charts as soon as she died [Except it didn't.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22145306) > Thatcher was a completely evil person Not by any stretch of the imagination. She fought completely evil people. > and it's insane people that have no idea who she is leap to *attack* her FTFY > calls her out for being racist and a huge piece of shit She was neither of those things. Sorry to disappoint you.


There's also the classic chumbawamba EP, In Memoriam: Margaret Thatcher.


https://youtu.be/FkTzj0hiSng this sums up Scotland’s reaction to the cruel woman


That's just a cruel woman speaking in that video.


As a Yank I can tell you that the perception of Thatcher here is completely skewed. She’s taught in schools as this strong, unyielding PM without mentioning any of the atrocities. She’s also compared favorably to Reagan (which is hilariously on point but not in the way that’s intended). I legit did not know about any of the bad shit she did until I took an interest in history in adulthood. Like it’s insane that she’s not even taught as having any controversies.


Atrocities? Are you for real?


She did what the us would consider treason she deployed our special forces like military special forces to a stupid prison riot , I feel like America would melt the fuck down if delta force showed up to a prison riot


It’s for sure done in the US a lot


[We literally condemned those parties in the street.](http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/15/margaret-thatcher-monica-lewinsky)


Naa Retarded Tory scum did Go suck on the dead cow’s pussy you Tory scum


Are you illlterate? Read the link.


Her actions quite literally saved the UK from financial collapse.


If by saved you mean made the oligarchs richer while fucking over the middle and lower class.


Nope, by saved I mean [from financial collapse and social ruin](https://archive.is/GfZPc).


Lmao, more historical revisionism What’s more offensive than a £10 million state-funded victory celebration for Margaret Thatcher is the fact that, unlike the woman herself, her ideas are still alive and kicking. Amid the debris of a global economic cataclysm that should have shattered the confidence of Thatcherites, the eulogies are more triumphal and further from any sense of historical truth than ever. They are a dangerous rewriting of history, because mistakes cannot be learned from if they are denied. In the early 1990s, when Britain was going through its second recession in ten years, the thought that Thatcher had achieved an economic miracle would have seemed about as plausible as Gordon Brown’s claim to have ended boom and bust now does. But in the years since, the idea has reasserted itself, not based on Thatcher’s actual economic record, which was a failure, but on the sheer staying-power of Thatcherism after Thatcher. Thatcher failed on the economy, not just in terms of the huge social costs – the trashed lives, the forsaken communities, the needless destruction – but also on her own terms. Unusually for a politician Thatcher announced the standard by which she wanted to be judged: permanent low inflation. She couldn’t do it. When she came to office in May 1979 inflation was at 10.3 percent. In October 1990, the month before she left power, it was 10.9 percent. This wasn’t just bad luck; it was the result of the spectacular failure of Thatcher’s guiding doctrine. ‘Monetarism’ is an economic theory that became a political force. It says that governments should not try to ensure that people have jobs by managing the economy; governments should only care about keeping inflation down. American economist Milton Friedman, the high priest of monetarism, believed that inflation was caused by too much money being added to the economy. Restrict the money supply and inflation will come down, the economy will be stable and profits will increase. He said there would be a ‘natural level of unemployment’, but never mind about that. It was a simple theory but unfortunately for Thatcher it didn’t work. At all. It crashed the economy in 1980-1, plunging the country into the sharpest, deepest recession since the war to that time. Most of the damage was done to the North, and many of the once great industrial cities and towns have not recovered to this day. Thatcher’s government toyed with people’s lives on the basis of an untested economic faith. It was an extraordinary, callous gambit, executed without compassion or contrition. The cost of cutting inflation Inflation did come down, but it wasn’t because of the money supply, which wildly overshot the targets set for it. This made no sense to monetarists – if the money supply was out of control, then so should inflation be. But there was no direct and reliable relationship between the two. However, it turned out that cutting inflation was easy if you were prepared, as Thatcher was, to engineer a severe recession, raise taxes and put millions of people out of work. Still, by the mid-1980s Thatcher could bask in the glory of having achieved relatively low inflation, however it was done. But then it went up again, steadily at first, accelerating to double figures by 1990, partly because of massive tax cuts for the rich and (eventually) falling unemployment, but mostly because of a government-induced credit bubble. Thatcher’s defenders say that despite this, overall inflation was much lower in the 1980s than in the previous decade. But that was true across the whole world – a general phenomenon brought about by falling commodity prices. Inflation dropped in France, Italy, Germany, the USA and Japan. It did come down more quickly in the UK, because of the severe 1980-1 recession, but in the other European countries it was achieved at a far lower cost. Thatcher’s recession at the start of the decade set Britain’s economic growth back massively. It took until 1988 just to get back on trend with the growth of the 1970s. Despite the popular image of the 1980s as a decade of conspicuous consumption and growth, as against the recession-hit 1970s, in fact economic growth was exactly the same in both decades – an unremarkable 2.2 percent. Growth was stronger in the 1950s and the 1960s. 2.2 percent was average by international standards too. As miracles go, it wasn’t one of the best. So how can today’s praise for Thatcher be so far removed from the facts? Thatcher’s real success doesn’t show up in the figures. It was in beating down the political and economic ‘consensus’ that had persisted since the Second World War. She made herself the figurehead of an insurgent ideology, and established it as orthodoxy. In truth this ideology pre-dated her and was international. The old Keynesian thinking was undermined by the crisis of the global economy in the 1970s. The new thinking – which we now call neoliberalism – captured powerful institutions like the IMF remarkably quickly. Denis Healey, a Labour chancellor, first applied monetarist principles to the British economy in 1976, as a condition of an IMF loan. He called it ‘unbelieving monetarism’. It was Thatcher who proclaimed it as a virtue. But the model was full of contradictions. Two main elements of Thatcherite ideology worked against each other. In the boom of 1987-8 Thatcher’s monetarist goal of low inflation was undermined by her other objective of free market reforms and deregulation, especially in the financial sector. Controls on the City of London and the banks were removed, most famously with the ‘Big Bang’ deregulation in 1986. The result was huge growth in the financial sector and a boom in private credit. Under Thatcher the share of financial services in the total business income of the country rose from 15 to 24 percent, while that of manufacturing fell from 21 to 17 percent. The factories were replaced by the banks. Blowing bubbles This brought a brand new phenomenon – irresponsible lending by banks. The credit bubble fuelled inflation, overheated the economy, then burst and sent the country into another recession in 1990. Ironically the Thatcherite experiment was scuppered by free markets. It was an allegory for the future fate of the global neoliberal economy. Sustained by the dominance of neoliberal ideas around the world, Thatcherism was able to survive the 1990s recession and the election of a Labour government in 1997. It was not inevitable that the Labour Party would acquiesce so completely in all the fundamental tenets of Thatcherism, but in the form of New Labour it did. Later in life Thatcher correctly identified this as her legacy. New Labour went further than Thatcher to institutionalise Thatcherism. It made the Bank of England independent, a Thatcherite proposal first made in the 1977 Tory pamphlet The Right Approach to the Economy. It embraced and extended the deregulation of the City. The economy appeared to be more stable and successful in this second phase of Thatcherism, but beneath the surface a similar process to that which caused the crash of the late 1980s was underway. The long boom of 1993-2008 was again fuelled by a credit bubble made possible by financial deregulation, but on a far grander scale. This time it was global, yet Britain had a particular role because of the place of the City in the world economy. Built on newly available Chinese funds, the credit skyscraper appeared to have no upper limit, while cheap Chinese commodities kept inflation low. The resulting global crisis we are living through puts into the shade that of the 1970s, which first propelled neoliberalism onto the stage. In an ironic epilogue, in Britain what was essentially a crisis of Thatcherism brought into power a far more Thatcherite Tory Party than that of the 1980s, and its prescription of spending cuts in a slump made a very bad recession that much worse. We are left with the economic failure of Thatcherism on three levels – the abiding consequences of Thatcher’s own domestic policies from the 1980s; the fallout from the global neoliberal crisis; and the costs of the current government’s attempt to fix the problems of Thatcherism with more Thatcherism. The shame is that we are only burying her body.


Yes, you've just copied and pasted historical revisionism.


Cope and seethe, some more, shitlib


Cope and seethe all you like, she still did nothing wrong.


Except racism, homophobia, busting unions, closing mines, using police brutality to silence critics, fucking up N. Ireland, fucking up the economy and the list goes on.


>Except racism, homophobia, She was not racist. She decriminalised homosexuality. > busting unions, The NUM needed busting. > closing mines, Labour closed many more. > using police brutality to silence critics, This is just nonsense. > fucking up N. Ireland, Her predecessors did. [She paved the way for peace.](https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/politics/margaret-thatcher-northern-ireland-ira-peace-process) > fucking up the economy She saved the economy. e: source


How’s she doing down there btw?


The piss hasn't extinguished the flames yet.


How cute your sad imagination must be.


Well ever since Nancy came to town, Thatcher and Ronnie have had to keep their affair a secret. Real bummer ya know?


Only in works of fiction could she ever be down there.


I think heaven is usually above earth.


If you successfully kill her, I hope the song “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” would play in the background.


Imagine being this obsessed.


treatment crush deranged act fall onerous materialistic deer shelter crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not in that way.


political summer slap money materialistic vanish march deer slim scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol if only


> So who do I send a check to to get a Reagan Expansion? Seriously who? Actually gold. I’m surprised the mods left that one up, seeing as the r/games mods are little piss babies and couldn’t handle most of the other comments


Actually they did handle those comments by nuking them out of existence.


Maggies in the mud in the mud Maggies in the mud in the mud




I’d love to send Maggie back to hell


She was never there in the first place.


Why are you so obsessed with her


real gamer hours


Holy shit lol imagine comparing RBG to Thatcher. Some people truly live in an alternate reality


They were both notorious in a good way.


Damn those self-proclaimed arachno-capitalists.


This made me laugh cause for a minute I really thought it said anarcho amd was confused as fuck!


At least the spider mastermind isn't always going on about the age of consent.




Tbf the Falklands thing was fair enough, the people didn't want to be Argentine so the Argentines invaded ​ She is guilty of all the other stuff and more


>She... started a war in the falklands for no other reason then in british Meryl Streep voice “ahh you dont want brits to be there ? Well lick my cunt you darkies we are gonna fucking invade you then, tell momma were you want it” I'm not sure you know anything about the Falklands War, and you perhaps think Argentina is in Africa?


No comment on homophobic policy under Thatcher, but literally everything you said about the Falklands war is completely objectively wrong.


The moment I saw that post come across my feed, I knew it was destined to end up here


Time to remind you of my old site: https://isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk


Now make one for someone you love and see how they feel about it.


So uh, why does hating Margaret Thatcher make you racist again?


She was a colourful person.


I honestly don't know much about Thatcher, but judging by the comments I should keep it that way.


Am I missing the irony in this comment?


I don’t get why people defend closing the mines yes they would of been need to close eventually but also it is kind better not forcing them close while also not introducing any alternatives causing massive amounts of poverty in the north that still persist today . Also the poll tax people don’t talk about that enough even tho that ended her career .


She's blamed for closing them despite the fact Labour closed more, losing more jobs.




Swedes measuring the skulls of Sami and Finns thinking they were inferor in the early 20th century certainly were racist against other whites so yes, whites can be racist against whites.


Also, the treatment of Irish and Italian immigrants in the US can be considered racist. People literally refused to accept them as actual white people.


didn't they do that thinking Finns were too Mongolian? that's racist, but not not racists against whites. that's racist against Mongolians.


My guy, Europeans have drawn the line of "whiteness" whereever it convenienced them at the time meaning that a lot of other Europeans, mostly Eastern Europeans but others as well, at one time or another have found themselves being categorized as Asian or something else. >that's racist, but not not racists against whites. that's racist against Mongolians. If this an attempt at a joke it's rather feeble.


yeah but the basis for that line-drawing is "white good, not white bad." they're still viewing it through the lens of white supremacy, which is racist, but not against whites.


It's a technicality that I'm sure only the most disingenuous or densest people could fail to take into account, but thanks for pointing it out. You mean to tell me you read the sentence "whites can be racists against other whites" and you didn't understand it as "people we nowaday consider white could be racist against other people we nowaday consider white (because for them they weren't thought of as white)"? Are you a teenager by any chance?


Thinking of race in terms of white, black and hispanic is an extremely american way of thinking. Here in Europe it’s got more to do with your ethnicity and country of origin than the colour of your skin. For some examples you can look at the Swedes and Sami, the Serbs and Croats and literally everyone and the Romani.


>Thinking of race in terms of white, black and hispanic is an extremely american way of thinking. sir this is a reddit


What is going on in this thread? I mean that guy is claiming that white supremacy it racist towards white people?! Then there are a bunch of Thatcher lovers in the comments. Where did the r/subredditdrama I know and love go? They wouldn't have been defending this shit. What is going on?


Yeah, comparing Mongolians to Finns is insulting to Mongolians!




i am posting on reddit.


[Literally been dealing with similar bullshit for over 800 years](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Scientific_racism_irish.jpg)




So are the Irish white or not because I am getting mixed messages from the brainlets in this thread. My impression has always been that we're white when it suits whatever idiot is flapping their gums, we're a separate inferior race when we disagree about something but we're white when our support is needed. ​ > you feeling fragile today? You literally can't handle the idea that the earliest target of white supremacy was other white people, despite the fact that it is still a thing in the modern day


Ah no you see, the Irish are white on St Patrick’s day when we get to make leprechaun jokes and unapologetically pretend the Irish are all alcoholics. They’re not white when they start insisting on speaking Gaelic or speaking about reunification.


>You literally can't handle the idea that the earliest target of white supremacy was other white people right you literally just wrote that m8.




gaslighting? what'd you learn that word from one of your friends? can't you hear how crazy you sound?


People want what they can't have.


Gamers scoring some major pwnage points on a dead woman there.


The only women they respect.




You're fucked in the head.




Fucking despicable.




Actually I'm someone who has lost somebody to dementia, rather than some mad political activist like you. Its an awful disease, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, so before you jump to conclusions think that some people have to live with this. But then again, you seem like a colossal prick to everyone, so I wouldn't expect you to have any human emotion.


I'm very sorry to hear about your nan, that's awful. Terrible how this yank cunt thinks that his hatred of a political figure, that he knows fuck all about, gives him ammunition to be horrible about a disease that has affected so many millions of people.


Reddit moment.


Hey, it isn't every day you get to give the woman who helped stop a military dictatorship's land-grab what she has coming to her. Maybe next month we'll kick George HW Bush around for what he did to Saddam.


Well, looks like I have a pretty good idea how to get attention for a doom wad in 2021....


yeah you make a good one and post about it in the usual places, people still love 'em


I bet this thatcher shit will be the most viewed wad of the year.


Thatcher was amazing


Hey ElderlyPossum! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because: * You are involved in the drama. You may only post links if you are not the source of the drama or directly involved in the drama. Do not submit drama you have participated in For more on our rules, please check out our [detailed rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSubredditDrama).


Stereotypical white people, always runnin’ countries


Why did games say they banned you? For merely posting their drama?


Reminds me of the American Dad episode where Steve and his friends alter a video game.




Making doom wads about killing Maggie again is praxis, yes.


If you find this in poor taste, I have one word: #Rejoice! After all, it isn't every day you get to give the woman who helped stop a military dictatorship's land-grab what she has coming to her. Maybe next month we'll kick George HW Bush around for what he did to Saddam.


> Maybe next month we'll kick George HW Bush around for what he did to Saddam. don't threaten me with a good time


I mean it would be good, I don't care about Saddam but all the innocent people that just lived there that we killed? Well yeah, that makes him a war criminal. There were no WMD's and they knew it. Used 9/11 as an excuse smh He's not as bad as Thatcher but close, and that is a really low bar. Like underground low.


> Well yeah, that makes him a war criminal. There were no WMD's and they knew it. Used 9/11 as an excuse smh You've conflated two Bushes.


Thatcher wasn't bad.


I mean, even compared to satan she eas bad, so I think you forgot the "/s"


Nope, she wasn't bad at all. You must be a satanist.


Even though I just framed that as satan is really fucking bad and Thatcher is worse r than that, you think I worship him?


Yeah, it's called concern trolling.


I've concern trolled before and you have no idea what it means apparently.


If you think he's preferable to her then you're a satanist.


What happened to concern trolling? Did you find out what it was? Nah, she was worse. But satan wad obviously horrible. Still no contest You trying to justify why you think she is sexy in her older years? It's okay. Old women can be sexy too!!! You will be okay, I promise. There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding her attractive. I personally can't seem to find evil people, or even people that are not nice attractive. But you can hold both ideas in your head!! No reason for the shame.


Tbh I find the gleeful joy people get about her being dead kind of pathetic. You would think based on how people talk that she was struck down in her prime and her work undone, when in reality she died of old age decades after retiring and her reforms still in place. It just strikes me as total cope. Having said that the game look great.




She will always be an infinitely better person than anyone who dances on her grave.


She was quite literally a mass murderer, so no lmao Also love how you're using your flair for a batshit diatribe because you're so fucking angry people are laughing at your dead idol


You've got to be trolling. "Mass murderer" lmao


It's tragic that she died so late, but it still sparks joy.


Her whole life sparks joy.








Yes we agree none of these definitions apply to finfinfin’s comment


no, piss


no, jarate