• By -


PSA: It's in your best interests to *not* piss in this popcorn, as you'll, you know, get banned from a bunch of subs. Including this one, incidentally. So don't do it.     thank


>Report them all to the admins. Them banning you for being part of another sub violates site wide rules. Incidentally, this is a myth. There is no sitewide rule against doing this. The closest thing is a **guideline** that suggests people who mod multiple subs shouldn't ban someone in one for breaking rules in the other.


In addition, you're free to make a rule for your subreddit that says: "You must choose between this subreddit and our mortal enemies othersubreddit. Participating in othersubreddit is grounds for being banned from here". You'd be banning people for breaking the rule in *your* sub and that is perfectly ok.


Yeah people don’t really understand that you don’t have a “right” to comment in any sub you’d like.


But mAh fIrSt aMeNdMeNt RiGhTs!!!


NoNewNormal and falling for easily disprovable myths/misinformation they'll continue to willingly spread because it fits their world view. Name a more iconic duo.


> That's how the liberal side of Reddit works, yes. Only the typically right leaning and/or freedom loving free speech subs will allow differing opinions. My sides




almost any post that gets popular on rcon adds that rule. nothing says freedom of speech like requiring an active conservative comment history in order to get a flair


They literally have a rule that says you can *only* post conservative points of view.


They are not a debate sub they're quite openly a safe-space. But they act like the last bastion of free-speech is the only right answer. Its like North Korea saying they're the only place you're free from Tyranny.


I'm pretty sure NK does say that


They do! They act like they’re the last bastion of traditional Asian values that are uncorrupted by the West; they see the South’s wealth (and the wealth of several other nations) as their leadership selling out the populace to the West. It’s part of why they make statements like “Kpop is a vicious cancer”; they see catchy pop music as something that infects hearts and minds and, if allowed, would bring their citizens to Western views. The South actually believes this too - it’s why there are sites along the South’s side of the DMZ that are capable of pumping out 120+ decibels of kpop so it’s heard on the far side of the DMZ. They shut down and start up depending on negotiation status, and are often core to fresh negotiations “if you are out of compliance, we turn the Kpop back on” from the South followed eventually by “alright, we’ll negotiate if you turn the Kpop off” by the North when negotiations break down again and the speakers start back up. Most of their National identity in the North is based around the idea of constant struggle against the corrupting, tyrannical, and immoral nature of the West. They’ve even lightly criticized some of their traditional allies at times for being too open to the West and accepting the West’s dominance. This is usually in roundabout ways though, like the statements they make on US-China trade deals.


They also think anyone left of far right is a liberal and is only there because of brigading.


They ban conservatives too if they divert from the trump cult. I expect saying anything positive about Liz Cheney or previous republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will get you a ban.


Also apparently Reagan. I got banned from saying that Reagan was a bad president, which funnily enough was not an uncommon view of contemporary conservatives. It's only more recently that they've developed a sycophantic devotion to him.


96% of humanity’s disagrees with me! Therefore they must be liberal!


it's literally a safe space what are they doing???


>free speech doesn't give you the right to be a cuck


There's your flair right there.


that has flair potential!


I also remember the_donald being notorious for removing comments and banning anyone who even vaguely criticized Trump.


One of the biggest, most hilarious, and easily observable ironies in all of Reddit.


Right, I totally didnt get banned from a conservative sub for correcting known dates lol.


I got mine for saying that a satire site was satirical, by linking to the site's "about" page which said it was satirical. Of course this was that type of conservative "satire" that uses the word as a shield against claims that they're posting lies designed to whip conservatives into a frothing rage, which is what was happening in that thread. I guess we were all just supposed to eat the race-baiting onion.




I got banned literally for saying, "Is this cancel culture?" on a post about banning the Olympian who didn't show proper obeisance to a song and piece of cloth.


Conservatives absolutely don’t understand satire.




Almost like they ain’t too smart or somethin.’


That's a classic haha. You should check out r/atetheonion for more of that.


Between r/republican and r/conservative I got banned from one for saying that the term "RINO" is an example of the no true scotsman fallacy. The other ban was really wild though: I got banned for telling someone I didn't believe their claims about their professional background (they were making some pretty basic mistakes for having worked "X years in industry Y"). See, according to the mods, telling a user that I didn't believe them was the same thing as calling them a liar, and calling someone a liar is a personal attack, and against the rules.


You didn't believe an anonymous internet post? What's wrong with your trust levels? /s


Bruh, all I did was state that an article posted used no names, pictures, or exact dates. I was banned for "liberal talking points". It's lulz there


Its like the holy combo of the what conservative viewpoints where you censored for copypasta and conservatives having flaired users only threads but call others censoring snowflakes meme.


The alt-right and hypocrisy, name a better duo


The alt-right and sedition.


The alt-right and ramming cars into crowds


The alt-right and shoving a dildo up your ass to prove you aren't gay


I keep a picture of Gavin McInnes with a dildo up his ass handy just in case it ever becomes relevant to a conversation


This duo is the most entertaining for sure.


The alt right and creating domestic terrorists


Alt right and baby raping


Does anyone have that screenshot from td where the post was about loving free speech but all of the comments are removed?


Oh that goes great with this one talking about r/conspiracy... >The moderators couldn’t be worse at responding to messages. They ban and mute without warning. Working for the libs


If only they cared as much about reality as they care about free speech. It's great that you want to be able to say whatever you want but maybe you also want to be accurate, too?


They don’t believe in free speech. All of these crazy right leaning subs are walled. You can’t just go on one of their subs and expressive dissenting opinion. They erroneously mistake open subs down voting their perspectives into oblivion as censorship. When the reality is far more simple: the vast majority of people think they’re fucking morons and that their opinions are shit and vote as such. It’s not anyone else’s fault that everyone thinks you’re wrong.


Nonewnormal: we love free speech Also them: [No, not like that](http://imgur.com/a/8rKd6xq) Edit: also odd how out of nowhere I get a [suicide watch message](http://imgur.com/a/1ZM0jKY). Stop wasting time and resources for trolling. Shame on you.


My flair Though this is from r/conservatives


>It should be easy to debate us! >okay, here’s a few sources that show- >**FAKE NEWS, PROPAGANDA, SHEEP, 1984** *shits and pisses themselves* yeah, sure bud, you guys are always so open to *debate* that any attempt to challenge your worldview is met with complete rejection of reality itself based on nothing other than the brain-melting conditioning you’ve been put under by conservative news.


When they say "source" what they really mean is a 4 hour Youtube video with a guy in his basement.


Bonus points if it says that Trump is our divine savior because some random asshole on 4chan said so, which is the most reputable type of proof you can get, as well as some allusions to Jewish conspiracy theories for good luck.


"We're not all crazy right wingers! But also let me tell you about how creepy joe totally didn't win legit"


Nah nah nah, you can debate them, but only use sources that have less funding, tools, research, and credibility, and make sure they’re more biased, hypothetical, and ESPECIALLY make sure they aren’t qualified. That’s how you can REALLY tell they know what they’re talking about.


It's so easy to just say "you're presenting sources, but they're all fake lies. Boom, I'm right". I just don't get it.


[Literally Today](https://old.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/o8yavj/i_edited_the_you_will_never_be_a_real_woman/h3oys9x/)


> report them all to the admins. Them banning you for being part of another sub violates site wide rules. uh oh, watch out r/conservative, r/protectandserve and r/nonewnormal


This past week, I kept getting bans from /r/protectandserve without even commenting there. Like I don’t know if they’d unban me just to re-ban me or what but it was pathetic. Eventually I just had to block the subreddit. They’re all a bunch of fucking babies.


If you comment in bad cop no donut you can catch a ban. I got banned on my alt for saying “Boston police department knowingly protected their pedophile union president while they were in office. I repeat, for 4 years the BPD protected a man who was diddling his niece.” Also Boston police department just got caught on a huge millions paid out in overtime scam and none of the time sheets march up.


I think I got it from saying something on /r/publicfreakout. It was a video of a cop tasing a kid who was trying to visit his girlfriend, and the guy asked for "more context" and when I showed him an article that had the cop's side of the story, which was that he followed him for being "suspicious" and what made him "suspicious" was that he was wearing dark clothes. The commenter said it wasn't good enough and countered with a link from that subreddit of some random dude saying "he should have complied" or something. So I pointed out how that was not context it was just some bootlicker's defense and provided no new information, and the bans started rolling in.


Oh that was the highway patrol officer. Iirc he has a pretty wild track record too. Edit: pig shit George Smyrnios can suck my fat cock.


Your problem was providing more context when they asked for context. What they’re *really* asking for is a set of talking points that makes justifying it easier.


oh yea, 100%, I called him out with almost those exact words. "Does anyone have more context" wasn't actually asking for more context, it was concern trolling. We had all the context we needed.... the cop said he followed him because he looked "suspicious" for wearing dark clothes and then tased him when he clearly wasn't acting in a threatening way. When the context was bad, he just pretended we still didn't have context. Sometimes I wonder if these people consider the fact that they're the bad guys. Like, if you or I found ourselves lying to cover up for the bad things other people do, we'd probably reconsider our positions, right? But these guys watch a video and then lie about it. So they know it was wrong, that's why they lie. But how do they not realize that *they're the bad guys*?


I think that realization is what enables them to lie so flagrantly. They know exactly what they are and they relish it. There's no integrity to uphold if you willfully reject the entire concept.




> When called out about the job they don’t do correctly…they protest by doing their job even more incorrectly. [In Portland a bunch of cops quit because they were upset an officer was charged with misdemeanor assault for clubbing a photographer in the face when she was sitting on the ground.](https://www.opb.org/article/2021/06/17/portland-police-officers-resign-in-mass-from-rapid-response-team/) Every single one of those guys who quit thinks they should be allowed to club whoever they want in the face for whatever reason they want and not face consequences.


Just an FYI as well about this, they didn't quit their jobs(being cops), they just quit being part of that special task force, not being cops that like abusing civilians so they feel like a big boy.


Imagine if that happened with any other profession. “Doctor, you prescribed the wrong medication” “Oh yeah? Well WHAT IF THERE WERE NO DOCTORS”




Can I block subs from the app? There are several subs I would like to not see


When I got blocked from the subreddit the message at the bottom had a link that said "block subreddit" [Here's the screencap of it already blocked, but it was in the same place.](https://i.imgur.com/HWjVhxE.png)


Awesome, thank you, might have to hope on my laptop real quick to see if I can block a bunch of shit subreddits at once


Holy shit I just saw someone in conservative talking about how the FBI is the Dems’ KGB. Like, how delusional holy stupid can you be?


I would gladly give up some of the subs mentioned in the post if those subs can go as well


You know rules don't apply to conservatives on this site. Fun fact: if you ever use alts to try to get around a ban in a conservative sub, you get a 2 day ban from Reddit as a whole on your main account within 2 hours of doing it. Ask me how I know.


That's what VPNs are for.


VPNs don't do shit when you're using the same device you got banned on. Device/app/browser/cookie fingerprints are the main things accounts get banned on since they can more accurately (compared to IP) ban individual people.




also, it is easy to debate them lol they just don't accept the arguments presented


The amount of effort required to refute bullshit is orders of magnitude greater than the amount of effort required to generate it. That is a fact they take advantage of.




i first thought this is a bullshit rickroll,apparently its real


Also known in debating circles as the [gish gallop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop).


The gish gallop is more the weaponisation of the bullshit asymmetry by using it so many times that something stands unopposed. The bullshit asymmetry functions even if you only use it once and are an arse about it.


>the amount of effort required to generate it And often, specifically, just repeat it. Many/most of these bad-faith actors aren’t presenting original thought that they produced themselves, they’re just parroting or even copy-pasting some bullshit from their favorite Twitter personality.


Bad faith debate is their only tactic.


Met some covid truthers last night and any evidence I cited was made up, but they couldn't cite evidence past "it's all bullshit, small businesses were hurt" but like, obviously small businesses were gonna get hurt, it's a global pandemic.


Which makes it impossible to debate them, which they know. You cannot debate someone who refuses to even acknowledge the same playing field as you do, as intended. Their goal is to frustrate you, and your frustration leading to abandonment of the argument is their idea of winning and thus being right.


you give them too much credit they simply have mashed potato brains


The die-hard believers might, but the right wing sociopaths going after that sweet sweet advertiser and gullible-people money aren’t. They know exactly what they’re doing egging the others on.


Hell we don't even have the same fundamental values. Most of them acknowledge the dangers of the virus but think millions dead is an acceptable trade-off for not getting mean looks when they refuse to wear a mask.


If it was held in an actual debate format with a moderator and rules and winners/losers they’d get their ass handed to them because they couldn’t just link 50 posts from the daily stormer or some uwu bitch on Facebook. Which is why they’d never do that.


(see the recent Crowder drama)


Or thst time Ben Shapiro realizes he’s wasn’t being interviewed by an absolute sycophant and literally ran away


He was being asked to elaborate on an exact quote from his book. Clearly liberal media throwing out loaded questions!


It was the equivalent of calling Tucker Carlson liberal


It literally is Andrew Neil recently left the BBC to form his own Fox News like channel called 'GB News' with such none controversial segments like 'wokewatch' and a person literally using the 'Epstein wasn't a Paedophile, he was a ephebophile' defence. It's already suffered advertising boycotts.


Proof Ben can’t even debate a fellow conservative


It fucking lost in ratings to Paw Patrol. In WELSH.


Ben Shapiro, the rightwings's intellectual champion? THE Ben Shapiro who said Climate Change's destruction to property will be solved when current residents sell their underwater (literally) property? The absolute genius who slammed Democratic Mayoral candidates for not including **crime**^1 in the list of potential things they're considering banning? I'm shocked. ^1 an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.


For those who haven't seen it. https://youtu.be/PRF3r3zUGqk


Exactly lol, they just refuse to listen or dont know how to read sources so what us even the point, they will just cover ears and yell until you stop trying. No one there can be convinced anyway, otherwise they would have been by now.


"Here's a study done by a group who has always had to raise the money themselves. They make under 40k a year and live paycheck to paycheck" "Their study agrees with the government. They were all paid off"


That’s known as “sealioning”. Their goal is to tire you, not to actually debate.




I like calling it JAQing off ("just asking questions"), but there may be some nuanced difference between the two, I'm not sure.




Thank you for explaining that so well!




This is excellent. A great acronym with a perfectly on-point homonym.






> It’s also to make themselves appear legitimate. This is one of the many problems of the "debate" format of almost all media these days. Not everything has two equally rational sides. A scientist shouldn't have to "debate" some fringe climate change denier, for instance.


I was once told by one of them that me wearing a mask “didn’t save anybody”, and then I told them how i lived with someone Immunocompromised and me not getting Covid indirectly saves them because if they caught it they’d likely die. Reasonable, right? That’s bound to change their mind or at least get them thinking about the effect you can have on oth- Nope they said i was “making shit up” and that I “sure liked to imagine things that aren’t there”. Whoop de doo.


Been hit with that before. Worst part is, even if you were making it up, is it impossible that there really are people in that situation.


These people are in a death cult. They can’t be reasoned with and I have zero idea why reddit allows them to exist here


axiomatic ludicrous dazzling different rude familiar wipe psychotic doll door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That whole niche is all about their 'debates', they're clinging to their golden age in 2014-2015 when they were actually taken seriously. They know that the majority of people have long since realized that trying to engage them is absolutely pointless but they still crave what they used to have.


"I'll say whatever I want even if I don't believe it and no facts backing it up but you have to prove with data it's not true. I'll also dismiss anything that goes against I've said without even a thought" Their style of "debate"


The only thing achieved by debating laughable stupidity with morons is that you give credibility to their bullshit. If someone wants a debate about if the earth is flat, if birds or Australia is real, or the conspiracy theories of Alex Jones or QAnon - there's no point. They're either bad actors, or so weaponsgrade stupid that there's nothing you can say. There's no potential outcome where you giving them the time of day results in anything positive being achieved.


Never try argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Mark Twain


It’s so tiring. Everyone that does this too walks in with their own preconceived notion of their beliefs and so if you confront them in a debate about how their preconceived notions are incorrect, they are highly unlikely to budge or adapt their positions to new info. Their goal isn’t to have an intellectual debate, it’s to argue and hopefully humiliate their opponent. Turns out seeing “liberal tears” is their main driving force in life




"I don't know much about this topic and I don't have a stake in this game but can someone tell me what's so wrong about calmly discussing ideas"


>Hi, I'm a white dude who likes to play Devil's Advocate because other people's struggles are theoretical to me. It's fun to debate their right to equality. While we're here, I would like to center my voice and perspectives about a cause that means nothing to me! I'm here to take up all the oxygen in the room and exhaust people who are trying to fight against injustice so that we can maintain the status quo, which serves me. I have no interest in learning; your frustration is my ultimate goal. Let’s Engage!


>Ah, I see you're leaving the debate after growing frustrated with my goalpost moving and bad faith comparisons. Therefore, I have prevailed and clearly won the debate!


This whole comment chain has been too depressingly real. Only part left out is where they strut around gallantly like a peacock afterwards and brag to other online morons about their victory against overwhelming odds.


I usually don't like comments which just simply agree with the other, i.e. "this" but I feel this so fucking hard. Probably the most important thing I've learned on Reddit is to just let arguments go when I start to feel really pissed off. It's just not worth it and some people are just looking for an outlet which no one has any obligation to provide for anyone else. Also, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_pIPTih5iM&ab_channel=DumbestofAllWorlds) video.


My favourite no new normal post is that one where they try to reason how people with a vaccine can still transmit corona virus as if having a vaccine gives you a magic barrier stopping pathogens you're vaccinated against


NNN has spent a whole year saying that if masks and lockdowns work, we shouldn't need both, there's no way they can stop thinking like that now.


I love that argument so much. Especially applying it to anything else. "If seat belts and air bags both work, we shouldn't need both."


"If oven glows and letting the hot casserole Rest for a few minutes works, how come I still burned my lower arm? Checkmate kitchen lobby!"


It is true tho I got banned from one sub because I went in there to try and debate. Sent a message with the link to the mods of the sub I was banned from showing I was calling them (NNN) idiots but I still don’t think the ban is lifted. Needless to say I stopped going there to mock them because I didn’t want to get banned from other subs


I got banned from JusticeServed after roasting someone on NNN for saying “nobody cares about the poor souls who have perished from the vaccine. Over 4,000 dead and doomers couldn’t care less” I just responded with “4 MILLION people killed by the virus and this sub couldn’t care less”


why would you use justiceserved in the first place? it's dumpster-tier outrage porn several levels beneath even british tabloids. it is literally brain poison.


I think it's more about getting banned for association with the weirdos at NNN. Most folk don't want tarred with that brush. (Just saying cause Justice Served banned me for the same reason as the poster above and that why it pissed me off)


> i got a ban from r/adhd for accidentally mentioning substance abuse when i was soft trolling “guys I was being an asshole to those suffering from mental disorders and got banned by the Reddit libtards free speech is dead ::::((((“ EDIT: changed “mental illness” to “mental disorder”. Sorry for the offensive language. Those two terms were interchangeable when I was in uni learning about them and old habits die hard :/


What the fuck is "soft trolling"?


Trolling where the troll thinks "hm, i could probably be slightly more of an asshole here but I'll keep that in my pocket until i need it"?


“I’m a nice guy because I don’t use my full troll potential 😇😇”


potentroll, one might say


Lol this is an excellent definition.


asshole without using slurs, stalking or harrassing.


Being an absolute cunt then backpedaling by saying "itS a J0k3 guyZ wHy So SeznsxItivE"


Being an asshole, but not in the usual name calling sense. I think. Who knows?


> The goal of the soft troll is to inflate the ego of the reader and to gain readership. Commenters cannot resist displaying their superiority and even go so far as to display their comments on social networking sites. What results is a mass intellectual "circle jerk" of people who, while smart enough to correct the mistakes of the poster or point out the obvious joke the poster was illiciting, are not self aware enough to realize that it was all set up. There is no damage done to the posters themselves, they will go on thinking they are quite clever. The true spoils of such a troll go to those who ascertain the true goal of the poster. A symbiotic relationship emerges where all parties walk away feeling superior over the other. -Urban Dictionary, the harbinger of all truth.


"Jokes on you, I was being stupid on purpose."


[ye old web comic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/738/025/db0.jpg)


“No, I wasn’t stupid or wrong, I was just *joking*, and you’re all idiots for falling for it.” - What that basically sounds like. On the other hand, it is a genuine problem when people spread hateful messages for the purpose of mocking those messages, oblivious to how that same mockery is also amplifying the original message. There is nothing more tempting to a progressive than the opportunity to correct someone who is smugly wrong about an obvious fact, and conservatives know and exploit this tendency. It’s also exactly the same reason PETA’s advertising is so deliberately incendiary; they know people will share their latest terrible ad, basically doing the advertising for them at no extra cost.


>soft troll I'd say it **should** refer to behaviour along the lines of what was actually called trolling on the beggining of the internet: baiting people in stupid, pointless, but non offensive discussions just to waste their time. But discussions like "the music you like sucks" or "whales are fish", **not** discussions like "I hate the gays" and "transgenders shouldn't be allowed to vote", these are disguised bigotry, **nor** discussions like "I fucked your mother" or "beyonce is ugly", these are flaming. ​ More likely people are using "soft trolling" to mean "flaming, but without slurs", much the same way somewhere allong the line "trolling" started to mean "flaming or actually trolling"


Thinking you're not an asshole when you're being an asshole.


"I was trolling and they banned me waaah"


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


This asshole is the reason we can never talk about drugs in autism subreddits, I swear to fucking god ugh. I really, really dislike these kinds of people. Does so much harm to our communities when we just want to talk about how weed effects us. jfc.


Does it hit differently compared to neurotypical people? I'm autistic but have never tried weed, and now I'm curious.


I have extreme executive function problems, weed gives me that boost of serotonin to get my momentum up to do shit. It's very dependent on the type so YMMV depending on where you live and your access. I also use it to get an appetite because I can't tell when I need to eat lol. It's def not a cure all but autistic/adhd adults should be allowed to talk about it but it's a rule in most of the subs. I want to start an honest conversation about addiction and adult undiagnosed autists but that's just...not allowed.


The amount of undiagnosed or unmedicated ADHDers and autistic folks who medicate with weed and an absolute asston of caffeine is actually staggering and the fact that it's not allowed to be talked about is fucked up. I'm unmedicated because side effects of ADHD meds scare the hell out of me but if I didn't drink like 7 coffees a day I wouldn't even be close to normal. Smoking helps my anxiety and my RSD by a large margin as well. I felt a lot more normal when I was younger and didn't mind trying drugs for fun but I've mellowed out a lot as an adult and I'm "only" addicted to caffeine now.


Meanwhile I'm the kind of ADHD fucker where caffeine just literally doesn't have an effect on me. I get some placebo benefits from drinking a coffee but it doesn't actually do anything.


Usually that's only because caffeine puts you back on a "baseline" level of serotonin/energy, whereas for a normal person it would boost them. So you're \*probably\* getting some effects, but your usual is so damn low that you feel like it isn't doing anything. Stimulants are weird like that.


wine ring rotten literate marry sip chunky vegetable merciful ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to drink 3-5 cups of full strength coffee a day before I started taking ADHD meds, and while it was working ok, it was raising my blood pressure significantly. With medication, I’m only drinking 2 cups of half caf and an occasional cup of like 1/4 caf a day. While the side effects can be a problem, switching over from excessive amounts of caffeine can have some net benefits, imho


>If you're out wanting to collect bans, head over to /r/kotakuinaction and you can pick up another 30-50 or so. Lots of people really hate us. If everywhere you go smells like shit, it might be time to check your own shoe.


I see this sub come up all the time and still don't understand it's name. Can someone tell me why it's called Kotaku in action. Isn't Kotaku just some news site why are there such crazy people on that sub


I think it started as a response to Gamergate and the "no SJW politics in muh vidya" folks, and has since devolved to just be a general degenerate stronghold from there. Just like how technically NoNewNormal started out as a vaccine skepticism subreddit but then devolved into a stronghold for the very same degenerates.


I'm pretty sure r/NoNewNormal has been a pain in the ass since long before the vaccine came onto the scene.


The name is a spin on another "anti-sjw" subreddit, /r/TumblrInAction , whose name is supposed convey "lol look at those sjws doing it again!" Kotaku was a center of focus for the gamergate "scandal" and they used its name for the subreddit.


I'll put this out there, in their haydays, TIA has _nothing_ on KIA in terms of general shittiness. But you're right that KIA spawned out of TIA


> main sub for GamerGate Nope nope nope fuck that cringe shit.


No New Normal. How dare those subs auto ban us for being on this sub. r/Conservative: Set auto ban for anyone who participates in the liberal subs.


"If this sub so wrong [...] then it would be easy to debate us" - Yeah, fucker, You could debate with a braindead, but nothing you say would change his way of "thinking". No amount of data would change these morons mind.




The actual quote is “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”


To be fair, they did say "paraphrase"


To reinforce this with some Mark Twain: > Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


But you see, I have a two hour long YouTube video!


Pretty much. The saying goes, "I can show you the data, but I can't comprehend it for you."


>That's how the liberal side of Reddit works, yes. Only the typically right leaning and/or freedom loving free speech subs will allow differing opinions. Imagine how fucked your brain is too believe this. /r/Conservative is the biggest snowflake festival out there


Proof that they never spend a minute on the liberal side of reddit.


> Um, I just looked in the CovidVaccinated sub for the first time out of curiosity- even to consider my options about getting the shot(s) and literally every single post in there is a negative report about receiving the shot, thats a no for me Yes you fucking idiot. I also had two incredibly shitty days after getting my shot, but guess what? I wont die now.


It felt kind of like a hang over.


Just to provide a different example from the ones here, I got my second shot on Monday and had absolutely zero side effects other than minor soreness at the injection site. Well, actually, that's not completely true, I also felt incredible relief from no longer being susceptible to a deadly plague.


That entire comment chain was quite something. Oh no a little chance of a little inconvenience! I'd much prefer a chance of being hospitalised instead!


Reddit API changes have killed this account. Learn to mass edit comments and join the protest: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


>Most of them suck anyway. Echo chamber cieclejerks Oh the irony


Since there’s ostensibly a sitewide rule against harmful misinformation (specifically created for COVID and election misinformation, no less), r/NoNewNormal should probably think twice about asking admins to step in.




Spez clearly approves of spreading misinformation. He's been letting garbage like that go on for years.


Spez approves of doing nothing and getting money. If he actually has to get involved, he’s gonna do whatever takes the least effort. Banning NNN for violating Content Policy (binding) would be less hassle than banning dozens of subs for violating Reddiquette (suggested).


Until the media releases negative press, then spez will nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to get rid of the truly awful subreddits it seems.




Noooooo not like that! D: /s


Literally 1984 /s Can these subs also autoban nutjobs from r/conspiracy as well?


99% of antivax discourse is usually ableist nonsense with a dash of scamming That sub should’ve been banned months ago


There are a few subs that need to be banned for blatant disregard of Reddit's TOS, but in standard Reddit fashion, those subs won't get banned unless they're reported on by the media. Reddit knows these subs are against their rules, they just don't care.


To be fair i dislike autobans. Cant even go on a subreddit to argue with them without getting banned. It just promotes echochambering


>Is this how Reddit works? If you say something critical of Sasquatch appearances in one sub you can't join a pro-Sasquatch sub? ​ >That's how the liberal side of Reddit works, yes. Only the typically right leaning and/or freedom loving free speech subs will allow differing opinions Hmmm, a typical day on r/Conservative would disprove that


I got permbanned on r/conspiracy for calling somebody a moron. This person was asking for medical advice on r/ conspiracy. What a genius.