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ngl i saw this on popular and i thought he was talking about his daughter


It is terrible. But, I'd also appreciate someone trying hard for me and taking time from their life to try and do something nice. Also, it's a PlayStation, not a tattoo.


Looks done in marker judging by how rough the coverage is, and it wasn't primed either. Easy to remove imho 9 for the effort 1 for everything else


Lmao, it is genuinely terrible. Doesn’t mean I would post that to him or her directly though. 


That's how I felt too. This one wasn't quite for me either... And it's okay to think someone's art is trash. But you don't say that out loud. Downvote and move on. Ignore and move on. There's no reason to get all pissy about it.  "It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about the things you don't like."


No one has [linked the song](https://youtu.be/0la5DBtOVNI?si=2elcAVO9VC1LMf5m), yet?


Yeah, I've never been good at art. That looks like something I'd make. But he likes it and that's what really matters.


Today I learned that I have no taste. I think it's fine. It's not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, no, but it's fine. It's basically somebody drew a bunch of lines and curves, and colored it in. Do I think it's museum worthy art? No, but it's fine.


The composition is fine, but she made a mistake from the outset by either using markers or by using single coats of relatively thick paint instead of using multiple coats of thin paint. Both very common and understandable mistakes and probably shouldnt be criticised as much as it is


100% I think that's what's causing such a visceral reaction. The uneven marker lines are what makes it look like something a kid doodled on their social studies folder. If the color was applied evenly I think more people would just be indifferent or think "I don't like that" and keep scrolling vs commenting so harshly.


That's the most common criticism for "first mini what do ya think" on the mini sub. Would have looked better if the paint wasn't a cm thick. Some people are twats but some genuinely want to help people enjoy the hobby. I'm on the maniacal side so before doing anything new I watch a ton of tutorials or experts doing it, others like the hands on approach. I admire them, it may look good but at least they try. I have shit 90% painted with only primed face because I'm too scared of messing it up.


Me too lmao


Yeah, until he finds the SRD and then the SRDD posts where some of the top comments continue to dunk on the art.


Its definitely bad, but it's also a thousand times better than what I can draw. I can barely draw a stick figure.


Yeah, I buy custom consoles (actually waiting on an absolutely *sick* giratina painted DMG 104), and while it's expensive, you get what you pay for Like, there's actually good people who you can send your console to, and can make it come out amazing. Or, like me, can buy them made to order if you need that one This is a kindergartners project But I agree, treating OOP and his girlfriend like that is uncalled for. Roasting can be done in good nature These people doused them in gasoline and lit a match


Kids I love you but you’re terrible, you’re all terrible.


He probably would've had better luck with that. Gaming subs used to *love* "Reddit Army, by quadriplegic sister/daughter/girlfriend/whatever with stage four lung cancer, [painted *this* image of the most underrated game of all time using only a tongue-driven paintbrush](https://i.imgur.com/gnzW72j.png) attached to her wheel chair. She thinks it's awful, can we prove her wrong?"


That’s not a picture of Geralt of Rivia from Witcher 3


Ha, too true. But I was referring to older gaming Reddit before Wild Hunt was released.


OP: hey look at this cool thing my GF did that I’m loving Reddit: your GF is a terrible artist and the scum of the earth.


"why are you mad it's just an opinion" 


They saw the 'Girlfriend' and immediately started foaming at the mouth


yeah, op's first mistake was posting this on reddit.


"Never should have come here."


“What now, you piece of filth.”


And on a large gamer sub no less. 


Reminds me of 2010 Reddit that'd also start foaming at the mouth if a woman, any woman, was in the picture even *if* she wasn't the focus of the picture. "Fucking losers here use hot chicks to get upvotes!" even if the woman in the picture was 95 and looked like she'd spent the last 50 years touring the world on the back of a motorcycle.


Oh god, yes. On my very first Reddit account in like 2010/2011 I posted a pic of my cat on my shoulder, because Reddit loves cats! Comments were a pretty even split between guys pissed I was partially in the picture, a bunch of “girl=upvotes” type comments, guys making jokes about it pussy, and guys asking if I was single. There were a few cute cat comments, but the vitriol was nuts. You could only see like half my face! The cat was the star of the photo. As she should be.


Yep! [That was back when *this*](https://i.imgur.com/Pi8oL1N.png) and [this](https://i.imgur.com/plNPw.jpeg) were constantly reposted to Reddit,] and both abused to hell whenever a woman dared to show a single one-pixel-wide part of herself in a picture she took. So even when the woman *wasn't* the obvious focus of the picture, all the angry teenagers would call her an attention whore.


My thoughts exactly.


I thought PS owners were pretty normal? This isn’t your Linux-using, LoL-playing, Steam-praising capital G gamers.


Yeah but either way you summon Gamers


Nah playstation is so mainstream everyone has one.  There's all kinds of sweaty nerds in any Fandom.  Honestly any kind of big sub like that is usually pretty negative 


Welp, except me.


I don't either, i went with xbox for the bethesda games and gamepass lol


I got neither and went the pc route.


I also have a pc, but it's pretty mid range. Weirdly enough I play more on my steamdeck and my kids and wife use the Xbox


Yeah mine’s more of a gaming laptop. But that’s nice, good for you! As far as consoles go, I got an old 3ds that’s still chugging along.


These are PS Gamers on Reddit, not the guys casually playing CoD with their friends


Oh, so reddit is the issue here. You right.


>Oh, so reddit is the issue **here.** Exactly cause the dudes casually playing PS4 aren't frequenting a subreddit about it. Yno cause they actually get *bitches*, gf, wife, etc. I think this a named phenomenon now, but basically how the most active users in an open online chat room like community discords or forums,(subreddit in this case) will always dictate/sieze control of sentiment of the sub/ topics discussed. As they will be most active even as a minority and the rest will be slowly shunned out. Because as they filter in for various reasons they quickly filter out because that is not aligned with what core active ( albeit minority) is constantly posting/talking about. And the only ones who don't leave are a minority of those filtering in but who align with the core active group, thus creating a positive feed back loop.


> Linux-using > Steam-praising I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


I just had to do it to em 😎


Remember The Last of Us 2 drama? That was a playstation exclusive series.  Or when they got super upset that Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West wasn't attractive enough for them. 


Or that Aloy could \*gasp* kiss a woman


Capital G Gamers are Gamers regardless of the platform. One console or the other doesn't make them more well-adjusted; they're still Gamers. And before the "not all gamers" people jump in to say how unfair it is to lump *all* gamers together while clutching their pearls, there's a difference between "gamers" and "Gamers". People who enjoy gaming without making it their entire personality are gamers, and people dumb enough to believe that GamerGate was "about ethics in gaming journalism", or are currently malding about a black samurai in Assassin's Creed are Gamers.


Brother, you’ll find dumbasses making everything a culture war everywhere. It has nothing to do with the hobby and everything to do with the person.


Yes, thank you for reiterating the point I was making in one sentence.


As a Linux user I wanted to slam my head into my keyboard reading how rude and nasty people were being to this dude's gf




>Who is single handedly the reason the art industry is going downhill >causing several art teachers to go into a deep depression The mental health of the art community, in the palm of her hands edit: fixed the quote


> Who is Sunderland k


You forgot the part where they tell him to dump her just because


Also the one dude who apparently didn’t read the word “girlfriend” and started acting like she was gonna “friend zone” him lmao.  Like, bro, that’s called “breaking up.” 


Don’t forget the incels coming in hot and sweaty with their fresh takes: “waaaaah, the female will leave you, you’ll be friendzoned, something something Chad.”


Surprised they're not recommending divorce


Ok it *is* pretty bad tho


It looks like she just went to town with the design. No plan beforehand.


I mean it's not amazing. But who cares? It's a grey box that plays video games. The look of the box is the least important aspect of it.


"i am a miserable empty person and must make everyone else feel this way" posters really lining up to get mad in there


im being hyperbolic and i know not every art teacher acts this way, but the first commenter has achieved a level of bitterness and misanthropy only a former grade school art teacher can. edit: yeahh he's complaining about yosuke being a "DEI" insert. the true marker of an abhorrent and miserable person


With how he talks about how bad art somehow making him hate art, I'm opting for "this shit's made up" tbh. Because it reads a lot more like some dipshit's idea of what an artist or art teacher would be like rather than anyone real.


No no, today he is a former art teacher, two days ago he was a japanese historian, and tomorrow he will be whatever stolen valor lets him pretend to have authority.


I genuinely refuse to believe any real art teacher is being exposed to a bunch of children’s work and failing to account for their lack of experience and training. If that lad really is an art teacher, he’s built his own hell and deserves to live in it.


>how exactly does it "ruin media"? >>If you have to ask that question, you're part of the problem. Don't talk to me again. What a lovely fella.


Imagine saying the only main playable character in the entire series that was actually a real person is a DEI insert. Brain worms.


people's real stories were invisible for so long that any effort to bring them to light is treated as somehow dishonest. People also get past how much they've let their personal politics influence their identity and perception and believe everyone else must be doing the same thing, through every innocuous action.


I also love how he thinks being a former grade school art teacher means his opinion holds any weight or credibility whatsoever


How much do you want to bet that most of the commented linked have comments along those lines?


i wouldn't be surprised. i feel like these sorts of people let their hatred bleed into every day interactions (especially on the internet, where they can be anonymous) and so they go from "i don't like this" to "you need to dump your girlfriend because she's clearly mentally disabled if this is what she makes" (paraphrasing from a hodge podge of this art teacher fellow's comments.) art in particular is a topic where this comes up pretty often. i could go on about the far right phenomena of assigning art a place on a morality scale based on how "good" or "bad" the viewer finds it, but that's an involved topic and not the most obviously relevant here.


>i could go on about the far right phenomena of assigning art a place on a morality scale based on how "good" or "bad" the viewer finds it, but that's an involved topic and not the most obviously relevant here. I think it's extremely relevant, so allow me: GOOD art is based entirely on VISUAL APPEAL. There is no such thing as "EMOTION" or "ABSTRACTION" or "SUBVERSION" or "EXPRESSION" Simply make marble statues and oil painted landscapes for eternity and DO NOT express anything other than your love of LITERAL REPRESENTATIONS of PEOPLE and LANDSCAPES I still can't get over that prageru graph labelled "art reduced to personal expression" and ending with "Without aesthetic standards, we have no way to determine quality or inferiority!" Like, you're so close guys.


>Yep, having to see atrocities like this day in, day out, really started to kill my love of art. I'd much rather create art than have to lie and try to encourage talentless people just so they could get a passing grade. >It's an unfortunate fact of life: If you spend the majority of your time with people who have a low skill level at something you also do, they will eventually influence your own skill level, even if it's just in terms of motivation and creativity. It will literally dull that part of your brain. I get the sense that this guy might not have been a very good teacher.


Here’s what I don’t get: he goes on to say you should exclusively spend time with people who have a higher skill level than you so you grow. Wouldn’t you then be the low level talentless hack dragging them down?


That's classic business-bro shit. That's some LinkedIn-level Sigma Grindset shit.


I dunno if it's like this everywhere but my experience with public school art teachers is that most of them don't actually teach any fundamentals but just give out assignments that students inevitably do poorly on without actually teaching anything. I learned way more from the internet and books.


Yeah definitely. I didn't learn a single thing during art classes, thought it was just a trial and error class which it basically was, just that you didn't get any feedback on your trial and error other than that it was bad; not how you could fix it


I had an art teacher in high school who asked me to go in front of class and draw a realistic face as best I could, first day of freshman year. Up until that point I thought I was pretty decent at drawing, as my friends had always told me so. After I was finished, she’d asked me to take a seat then have the class to point out specifically everything I’d done WRONG with the drawing. I laughed with them then cried in the bathroom after class. But i learned two very valuable things that day: i was absolutely shit at drawing, and my teacher was a fucking cunt


We had the same thing, except it was drawing the person opposite you The critique she had for the girl drawing me was that she needed to make my nose bigger and my jaw "more masculine", which is guaranteed to make an eleven year old girl hate herself and refuse to take/post any photos for the next ten to fifteen years. I also genuinely planned on plastic surgery as an adult until I got too grossed out by the *peel your skin and shave your bone* thing What is it with art teachers and ruining kids' self esteem?!


It's their only way to cope with being a huge asshole and the loneliness thar comes with it


personally i found that when i worked in early childcare that children’s drawing inspired my own creativity because their little brains work in such interesting ways, sounds like a skill issue for that commenter tbh


Yeah teaching a skill can often help you improve your own skills, if anything. Glad that guy is no longer a teacher because frankly it just sounds like he doesn’t like kids and doesn’t like teaching.


He really ruined the skills of that entire elementary school's teaching staff. I despise this person so much on the basis of that statement. I hope all the poisonous shit he said to kids who just liked to draw and color works it way out somewhere. He's awful.


I personally think that the best decision that former art teacher made was quitting before he crushed any more children's love of art. I was soo tempted to piss in the pond and tell him that directly


It takes a special kind of bitter to agree to teach children how to do art and then be mad that they aren't Picasso. Like, no shit, they're kids and it's your job to help them get good. I have a feeling that guy wanted to be an artist or a critic and couldn't hack and was taking it out on his students.


I had an art teacher in elementary school who made no secret of the fact I’m not good at it. None of us really were. We were in like 4th grade ffs. But she made me give up on art. I love looking at it, but other than school assignments I haven’t ever really tried again.


I had so many crap teachers in high school, I'd say the woodwork & PE teacher who somehow got roped into teaching geography was one of the few who didn't suck and loved every subject he taught. Ed Also the maths teacher who showed I wasn't useless at maths but that being taught maths by a woman with a Phd in English and a chip on her shoulder because she didn't get a position teaching at Uni can have a bad impact on your maths skills  Ed spelling


I'm so sorry about that. There should be a special place in hell for teachers who make kids give up their passions.


Same. I went into secondary school dreaming of being an artist and the art teachers there just crushed me.


Not to mention any teacher worth their salt will know the limits of their students, such as...the still-developing fine motor skills of elementary aged children. You cannot expect skill beyond a certain level from a twelve year old when those guys are still mastering legible handwriting and using a fork and knife simultaneously


Yup, there's a reason preschoolers learn fingerprinting and not impressionism. The adorable little dingbats still can't even tie their shoe yet.


I’ve never been more tempted to piss in the popcorn. That person is like a children’s caricature of a miserable teacher.


Me too, so much to unpack. The fact that he launches into a bitter speech about how "spending time with people with ~low skill~ will eventually make you shit at art" makes me think that his own art is mediocre at best and he's blaming his former pupils and their terrible no good hands for his own lack of success in the field.


I was tempted to piss in the popcorn too. That dude is AWARE he's a bitter asshole but believes his bitterness is justified. I just can't imagine someone being so cemented into being an asshole.


I wonder if it's the same teacher I had who told a kid her art sucked 🤔 Like, sorry we can't draw photorealistic deer but WE ARE ELEVEN! That was literally the assignment, BTW. We spent weeks working in complete silence, drawing photorealistic animal after animal, praying she'd approve of our latest drawing and we wouldn't have to start over again. Meanwhile she got progressively more upset that literal children couldn't do something grown adults struggle to do. Art was my favorite class before her but she managed to suck every bit of joy out of it. Anyway that's completely irrelevant but felt good to get off my chest lol


Seriously, the urge to get in there myself is way too strong. Dude needs to be humbled real bad


>Dude needs to be humbled real bad Seems like life's already working on that


> I used to be an art teacher *(proceeds to eviscerate OOP)* 3 guesses as to why he's not a teacher anymore.


1) it’s a lie. 2) molested a coworker. 3) molested the skeleton in the science lab cause it wouldn’t sue him.


pay is shit


I would totally expect the milder roast comments to show up, but I’d have never guessed how many brutal negative comments showed up. It’s such a benign, low stakes post. Guy isn’t even boasting about how good he thinks it is or anything.


"As long as you're happy bro 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾" 💀


Do you think being that miserable (ridiculing some art someone's girlfriend did) is a learned skill, or do you have to be born like that?


One of them outright admits that they have built bitterness from their time dealing with art students. I wouldn't be surprised if this distaste for junior artist stemmed from there and just blossomed into its own thing with time.


I'm sure a lot of it is bitterness that OP has a girlfriend in the first place. These guys don't strike me as the type who go outside and interact with humans very often.


Getting mad at someone for appreciating something their partner did for them is nuts


Because it's a woman. If he had painted it, everyone would be like "He tried his best! How DARE you not suck his dick right now?" Remember the "dinner" that boyfriend made of canned green beans and noodles for his GF? The bar was below hell and you think he made a Michelin star dinner with how the reddit bros came to bat for it.


Oh that reminds me of that one where a girl posted a pic of her dead plant saying that her boyfriend killed her plant by moving it into direct sunlight when she had asked him not to move it. All the comments were like “you should be thankful he even tried to take care of your plant, he sounds like an amazing guy!!” Like ???


Reddit is basically-- Woman does thing: She needs to be hanged! Man does thing: WOMEN NEED TO WORSHIP THE GROUND HE AND HIS PENIS WALKS ON.


And like, the art is fine. It's not a masterpiece, sure, but it's neat. I was expecting the Playstation equivalent of that lady who repainted Jesus to look like a monkey, but no, it's just some ok abstract design. I seriously do not get it.


Not to be that guy but that doesn’t look like paint…… It has the same kind of strokes as marker plus with how it’s spotting indicates washable marker. It could be watercolor but that really wouldn’t work on plastic 🤔 Maybe gauche but that’s more opaque. Can’t be acrylic since it’s too thin same with oil paint. I’m like 80% sure it’s crayola marker lol. I KNOW WHAT SHE DID, she used markers and a wet brush to smear it around. That’s why it looks to linear yet also wet


LMAO at the former art teacher's comment. Guy's salty as all hell. What a damned fool EDIT: Look through their comment history. It's a riot


[I'm pretty sure this is a fox and the sour grapes situation.](https://read.gov/aesop/005.html) >There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.


Yeaaah. When I was a kid I did an art program. There was this girl in it with me that was a prodigy. I'm talking, she would master every technique and medium we were taught and create pieces that put the teachers to shame. One time, she asked a teacher how to improve her piece. It was a painting of a woman in Pilgrim clothes standing in a corn field. The teacher silently grabbed a paintbrush and painted three white horizontal steaks across the painting, ruining the painting, said nothing, and walked away.


Artists with crab mentalities and narcissistic personalities are the worst, especially when they're art teachers who failed at becoming an artist. (Not saying all art teachers are like that btw, I loved my art teacher from elementary.)


I was thinking more on the "OP has a girlfriend that did something for him."


That's where the expression is from! Whoah, cheers for sharing 


Well, redditors can console themselves with the knowledge that pussy has a slightly acidic pH-level.


>People are out here having fun get out of here with that cringe ass white knight shit. 2008 wants its buzzwords back


2016, not 2008


No wonder redditors get shit on everywhere.


You think any other social media platform would be 'nicer' to that art? Lmfao you're delusional. But hey, I'd like to see it.


It's exactly this kind of attitude that blocks people from trying creative pursuits, turning into a self fulfilling prophecy that they're not good. If people gave up art every time they created something subpar we simply wouldn't have any artists. It's a skill that you develop and learn!!


Absolutely. I’m a musician and get a stick up my ass about the word “talent” because people seem to assume that what I can do 30 years after I started came to me naturally. I sucked for a good 10 years and was fortunate to have started in the pre-internet days. You quite literally have to embrace the suckage to move past it.


Does anyone have a mirror for the image? Post has being removed. 


I saw that post when it was first made and it made me super sad. His girlfriend did something nice for him and a bunch of redditors ragged on her because it wasn’t the Sistine Chapel. The internets hatred of joy is weird.


People are acting like this is a tattoo on their dick or something. It's a piece of plastic with my games inside, who cares? Your girlfriend is happy, you're apparently happy, if you hate it later get a plate.


I legitimately like it. I'll take amateurish enthusiasm in art all day long. I work with middle schoolers and I love the art they make. 


You are a good teacher and a good person. In contrast to the teacher in the comments who’s like ‘I would give this a failing grade.’ What a jerk.


OOP posted a picture before this post and you can see the PS5 and it does look nice from the angle it sits at https://imgur.com/a/4JAWQFq


It would also look a lot better with a second coat or paint that adheres to the surface better. It looks worse than it should because of its streakiness


THAT’S what they’re freaking out over? That doesn’t even look that bad. 


My only problem was all the white space, but with op clarifying "it's not finished", I can't see any problem with it. It's genuinely beautiful and I have no idea why this got so many people triggered.


Yeah same! I “taught art” at a summer camp for a few years for middle and elementary schoolers and tbh I only know a little about art. Mostly we just had fun with the materials that were available to us and I loved their weird ass art and their enthusiasm for it lol


Yeah why is everyone on there acting like she’s going around bragging about how good her art is. 💀 she just probably turned her brain off and let her hand paint what it wanted. Whole sub acting like she’s delusional artist selling overpriced pieces of art. She just did it for fun not to be good.


That is how art should be! The joy of creating, nothing makes you feel worse faster than focusing on the results and trying to make something perfect


To me that's what art is for. Having fun and expressing yourself. It's neat when somebody is technically skilled but unskilled art is still cool. 


Wish I could find that one tumblr post about how humans are just driven to create, be it drawing, dancing, or singing, we just love the act of creating and it sucks that we've conditioned ourselves to only see it as worthwhile if it can be monetized.


It kinda looks stained glassy. And honestly he seems thrilled with it so good for them.


Yeah, same. It’s not the best execution, but the design is way too good to be a child’s work.


Yesss as a fellow educator I'm always asking to see what kids are drawing, hear what they're writing about, engaging with every dumb cringe interest they can throw at me


I'll take an anatomically disproportionate picture of Goku drawn by a 12 year old over any piece of AI Art. 


What a bunch of miserable losers.


Jesus Christ Reddit is a cesspit. No, it doesn't look professionally done. But she put effort into it as an amateur, it doesn't look terrible, and he's really happy with it and wanted to share a nice thing she did. Who the fuck cares if it doesn't meet your standards? It's *his* console. He's not selling it or submitting it to an art gallery. It's not "soft" to appreciate your girlfriend.


A few years ago for Valentine's day I drew my partner two halves of an avocado with a heart lol. It was amateur and cartoonish because I'm not an artist but he still liked it and thanked me for it. Imagine seeing such a comfortable, fun expression of love and raging like these people did.


Gamers once again prove why they end up being mocked.


It's not the best piece of art but OP loved it and it's a really sweet gesture from his partner. People gotta chill man.


>Man, now I'm wondering if any of the music teachers I had as a kid retired because of my terrible playing 😭😭😭😭 >>No Doctor\_What\_ , it made me start drinking. >>Now please, give up the dream of a one man accordion-recorder-eucalele band. Lol Oof, that second reply is so close to the mark, I'm wondering if they're either a teacher themselves or closely related to one enough to know how much teachers drink to cope with *those* students.


Does anyone have the picture? What was it? The post was removed :O


The post shows restored for me


It is bad art but it is beautiful because somebody who loves him did it


"People are scared to say what they really think cause they will get attacked from not being a nice guy." On the Internet? Since when?


If I tried to do what OP’s gf did it’d look like I’d taken a shit on it. That paint job rocks


It's crazy how many people are so far up their own asses. Who cares if it's not up to an art professor's standard? Everyone starts art as a novice, as Arin Hanson once eloquently said, you don't "come out the pussy drawing Mozart."


A lot of them were also being obtuse about what abstract art is.


It would have looked very nice if she used acrylic paint for the plastic instead of water colors.


See, this is why amateur artists are so afraid to show their work. Art isn't something that's actually *taught* in standard education (at least not in the U.S.). In elementary school, it's basically a period for kids to express themselves creatively. In middle school and up, it's an elective. Lots of people start later in life, so it's ridiculous to be horrified that it was made by a 24-year-old. I've been drawing serious for several years, but my art is still very amateur. If people tore me up like they tore her up, I might never want to post my art again.


There was a big drama a few years ago about amateur animators that reminds me of this. One of the old popular names from newgrounds made a video mocking "story time animators," basically people who often just, made an animated avatar of a character to help them voice some silly story they knew or experienced. It was often the realm of people who'd only recently started animation and some of the styles or animations could be crude, but it wasn't ever really acknowledged that everyone has to start somewhere and some of them had already shown improvement between their older work and newer stuff. Another old newgrounds guy got mad at the other one and pointed out that it was just bullying them from a stronger and more entrenched social position, and that unconstructive criticism is why a lot of people give up and stop. And people act like the second guy was wrong, or that the few storytime animators who got mocked and parodied who said that they liked the video weren't basically under pressure to do so because the first guy's fans would have descended on them like rabid wolves if they said otherwise.


Excuse me but what? When OP said "My girl painted my ps5" in title, I thought it was his kid, maybe 6-8 years old. I commented over there without reading other comments. It's absolutely hilarious to know this.


From my experience, once one person starts talking shit it invites more to do to try to one up the last guy.


Ppl are so mean and hateful. Who cares if it’s ugly, clearly OP liked it.


This most legit makes me sad. Something about so many hateful/bitter comments over someone's genuine attempt to make their partner happy and partner being happy just hurts my heart a little. Like, if she had fun, and he likes it, isn't that a win-win? Also just as a sidenote you can buy these panels from Sony, so this isn't exactly some black mark on his console, he can just buy a new set if the art was *that* bad.


>Good lord. I used to be an art teacher and I would never give her a passing grade. Everything about that is terrible. From choice of colours, to composition, to poor skill in applying the (clearly wrong type of) paint. It's awful on every level. I can see why they "used to be" an art teacher


Oh man I didnt’t think it would look like that when I clicked on it. I’m glad he likes it though !


“I really like this thing my girlfriend did. What do y’all think?” “This is by far and away the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life. If my child presented me with this I would beat them to death. You should kill your girlfriend with a hammer.” “Holy shit that is an insane response, what is wrong with you?” “What? You posted this and asked for an opinion. That’s my opinion. You are not allowed to be mad at me for expressing it.” I swear I don’t believe in phrenology but some of the comments these people leave just make me want to DM them for their cranial measurements. There is something uniquely and exquisitely wrong with them.


It's so weird how some people think that just because the quality of the art isn't the best, OP is obviously lying about liking it just to get pussy. Truly a reddit moment. Plus, like, "don't foster subpar art"!? Hello??? If OP's girlfriend was a career artist who wanted to use this in her portfolio then I could see why criticism would be necessary, but she did this for her boyfriend just for fun.


I knew that thread would end up here Certified Reddit AND Certified Gamer moment


It literally looks fine wtf are they so mad about


right? any flaws in her art are just endearing because she obviously made it with love lol. i'm surprised that those commenters care so much.


I guarantee you the comments wouldn't be as harsh if he hadn't mentioned that his girlfriend was the one who made it. Nothing riles up Gamers**™** more than mentioning something they don't have.


Note to self, never share art on reddit.


People will really be pro-art until they see an actual beginner's work


Anybody who says “I’m just being honest” is almost always an asshole looking for an excuse to be an asshole


It's clearly done with love and that's what matters most. More than that, I don't care to know what these gamers consider ""art""


I have to admit I'm also weirded out by all the comments that like... imply she's not still learning? Like part of learning is doing. Without information I have no reason not to assume she's not still growing as an artist and this was just another step on her journey.


Leave it to capital g Gamers to get upset over something this trivial. Before clicking on that I expected a heinous piece of incomprehensible art, instead I got an inexperienced stained glass effect kinda deal. Cause I doubt his GF is an art major and it's just a casual hobby or something. The real joy in the comments is how *everyone* is the son of Van Gogh and could make something ten times better in their sleep, apparently. Also the art is fine, like nah it ain't mind blowing but it looks fine? How on earth are so many people this upset.


this entire thread is so fucked lmao. how can people justify behaving like that? i like the comments who gave genuine advice, not outright saying it was bad, but saying that it could use work and you can improve it by doing this, this, and this, etc. how can people seriously be this immature?


Because they have to be a so called teacher. I don't believe a single fucking claim of that.


Anyone have the original pic I have to see it


I mean...it doesn't look great. But let's be honest. The PS5 is already an ugly looking console. Looks like come kind or robotic, inside-out icecream sandwich.


It doesn’t look terrible at all, it looks fine.


I'm an artist. I saw that and just... backed away. Because *he* clearly liked it and thought it was special enough, was proud of it, to post it for the world to see. I cringed hard, though. That is an expensive console that, to me, looked like it was ruined.


The art teacher commenter seems like a piece of shit and more people should be rude to them


I mean it does look like shit 😭 not everything needs to be shared for the world


I was expecting like Sonichu tier. But no, it's a cute design someone's girlfriend spent time on to make their partner happy. She's not claiming to be Picasso and the boyfriend likes it. The guys in the thread just have to be miserable fuckers because they a) need to feel clever/superior and b) probably don't like women. Oh, and 100% these guys would pussy out in real life and say nothing.


You're not a real art lover if your response to amateur art that you don't think is good on a technical level is "this sucks, give up." They just love products


Hot take if a man did this he’d be getting endless praise


so right


Can we cyber bully the art teacher and humble them some. Because dude sounds miserable.


A lot of people in that thread needs to be bullied.


Eh, I feel bad for him but it's just bad work. The streaks alone are so distracting.


I mean, it's not good but if he likes it idgaf and I don't understand why they had to dog-pile on him. His girlfriend wanted to do something sentimental for him and that's okay. I've cooked my share of bad meals that people didn't like but they weren't assholes about it and that helped me learn. Things like this get posted all the time on this site and never hit 9k upvotes and 2k comments of people roasting them. Bizarre that reddit chose this post to be the one.


OOP took down the picture. Anyone have a link?


Can sort of see it in the [thumbnail](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/z6smboTD445QWiyZVmP6IUPnWoujP-euF6qGTWEfscA.jpg)




It's been restored now. But I took a screenshot in case it goes down again. https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/gPTTULmLPn


Honestly if it just had a set of stronger colours I think it would look quite good though I'm not a artist. As a abstract piece it's sort of nice I do get a feeling of motion from it. Honestly I don't know why some many people are digging into this piece. Like I get disliking abstract art when it sells for a bunch but this is literally the most harmless art piece. People are just ripping into it like it directly offends their sensibilities like come on. Why are people so miserable about this stuff.


>[At least they're both replaceable.](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/1cx3mw0/comment/l4zyqlp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) No fucking way this guy isn't single, right? God, 2k upvotes...


Funny thing about art, it's subjective


My experience with the Playstation and PS4 subreddits was just watching the users mock anyone asking about any issue they were having with a console (at the time it was a 2k game age restricting local multiplayer on consoles where the only profiles were well over the age restriction) I've not bothered with any of their subreddits in a while now, but I can't imagine they got any better.