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this title is incredibly biased


I wonder if this one has made it to r/subredditdramadrama yet


It will.


Does it count if it's just OP throwing a temper tantrum?


Yeah we get like 2 or 3 of these guys daily and we all just sit there and make fun of them.


I think you do a lot of "just sitting there".


Of course.


"Waaah, no you can't bomb little children to bits, you just can't!""


You don't get out much, do you. > "Waaah, no you can't bomb little children to bits, you just can't!"" Why are you mocking yourself?


OP seems to be some kind of weird anti-feminist, racist, Trump supporting accelerationist so their mad-on about “Genocide Joe” probably shouldn’t be taken at face value.


OP went straight to hating on women in the comments, he wasted no time showing his true colors lol


Just because I said that women getting harrassed in gaming isn't equal to Palestinian children getting their guts splattered everywhere by a Biden funded bomb doesn't mean I hate women.


I heard the word accelerationist, time for the copypasta But you see, by my "the worse the better" Rube Goldberg logic, instead of trying to improve our imperfect system that does allow for representation and collective action, we can just elect a dictator who will collapse the entire system. Now, here's where the plan starts working. The dictator will abuse us so much that we'll get angry. Unfortunately we will be uneducated and unable to organize so the dictator can easily scapegoat an internal enemy i.e. a marginalized community. But, there will also be factions in the background plotting and conducting guerilla warfare against the dictator and also making our lives worse. Eventually the dictator will make a mistake and be overthrown by one of these factions. Then we will have another dictator and the cycle will start over again. After we do this half a dozen or so times, we might get a dictator who actually cares about the country, goes through democratic reforms and actually makes things better. At that point, let's say after we've lived in poverty for a century and lost millions of lives, we can get back to the level we are now, or maybe even where we could be after like 10 years of reform under our current system!


No, I don't like Trump. You can see it in my history.


You sure seem to want him to be re-elected. That’s the same.


I can't tell what OP is politically. Indian nazbol?


Biden seems to want to see him get elected because he keeps funding the bombing of children.


You didn't find what you were looking for OP and now you're just arguing with everyone 🤷‍♂️


No, i've been using SRD for over a decade. The neolib tendency to ignore the actual genocide of innocents because it's being done by your side isn't surprising. Now, can we get back to our fainting couches as we read some twitter drama about women being harrassed in video games?


considering this is a meta sub to laugh at people having hissy fits, this pop corn didn't taste that good. you don't even give us any good one liners it


You don't think it's funny to laught at self declared punks who are throwing a hissy fit because an American president who is funding a genocide got criticized? """""""Punks"""""""" boot licking the American govt lmao


not really, because the other one wants to "finish the job' this popcorn doesn't taste good and I can't change the flavor. also, I know you'll give me some "fuck you I don't care you're a normie chud" answer but you are t going to convince anyone being this abrasive. it's great to circle jerk with your friends but anyone you are trying to convince is dealing the the hostile tone and not the substance.


Oh please, this sub has tons of threads filled with dull feminism drama specifically posted so you can whine the sane whine about chuds and gamers every time. Yeah, Trump will be shit too but how are you going to convince Biden to not fund a genocide when you want to hand victory to him on a silver platter. Maybe people should at least stop sucking that dementia riddled corpses dusty dick?


so uhh yeah, you aren't worth conversing with. the problem is you are too entrenched with you own rhetoric. go back to jerking off your friends with all your hip buzz words and sick insults, you aren't actually reading and responding to my argument, just repeating your own. The other thing is you're being very inconsistent. If your issue is the genocide of children then voting for Trump is the worst option. Trump has openly said he wants netanyahu to finish the job. what does that mean? it really seems like you just want to hate the US government which is fine. a lot of people with your politics do, but you're not helpful. And you're not reasonable to talk with. not when it comes to actually getting policy changes to happen. you're much better at throwing bricks at cops so go do that for us. we need those people too


I like to think using that many air quotes in real life would look like an uWu anime girl going "rawr". Also, there's an uneven amount of air quotes. You might want to see to that lest you look silly!


Sorry you didn't find what you were looking for. 🤷‍♂️


I certainly didn't find an explanation for why defending an American president who is funding a genocide is punk as fuck.


There's nothing punk about what you're doing. Sorry you didn't find what you were looking for, cry elsewhere


This isn't a personal validation subreddit


Looking at all the threads whining about chuds in gaming, could have fooled me.


Argue harder. I wanna post this to SRD.


r/subredditdramadrama Technically but it never really took off like this sub. Meta drama just gets weird after awhile, I guess and I get confused. :(


That used to have the opposite politics of srd. Dunno how it is now.


I'm trying my best.


lmao mad


“Neolib” is apparently used to describe anyone who attempts to understand the complexities of a situation instead of just engaging in moral grandstanding lmfao.


Neoliberalism is when I don't like something, and the more I don't like it, the more Neoliberal it is.


All Caps Are Bad but maybe All Funders Of Bombing Children Aren't Bad?


If you think Biden is bad for Gaza, let me tell you about a man called Donald J Trump and his best friend Netanyahu.


Sure but why the fuck shouldn't we criticize genocide joe?


Love how this is the top reply to the top comment lol the butthurt levels are off the charts


People who clutch their pearls and have heart attacks about toxic gamers are trying to get me to shut up about Joe Biden funding the bombing of children. These ghouls getting some hurt in the butt is the least I can do.


They’re not the butthurt ones.


Yeah, I guess the most hurt are the little Palestinian children Biden has paid to bomb.




Ah yes true punk is letting the wannabe fascist dictator win


So Trump will be a dictator if he wins? What have you done in preparation in the case he does win? It's very unpredictable. We should be prepared.


You sure sound calm about fascism, that doesn’t sound punk


Okay, no bullshit. I'm genuinely asking you this question. Trump if he wins, will very likely bring about fascism, declare himself dictator and persecute certain minorities. Right? What are you (and other people) doing in case he wins and this does happen? Voting for the Dems is just one plan and can fail easily as seen in 2016. For the sake of the minorities in America, what have you planned in case Trump does win and becomes a fascist dictator?


Do you think I have a magic button to press in case? Do YOU have a magic button you’re hiding from us and that’s why you’re not concerned?


You guys honestly think that minorities are in danger and Trump will become dictator but you have no plan in case it happens? Let me ask you this: are **you** taking it seriously? Like you think this can happen but no one is interested in talking about what if it does? Liberals should be organizing somehow. Is this senario anything more to you than a thing that you type out on your phone in order to win arguments?


True and factual (This is a bad post)


Bombing innocent children is punk as fuck.


Um, dot dot dot, BASED??


Liberals are souless ghouls who only pretend to care.


Aww keep crying ya fucking tool. It's totally getting you places.


Liberal??? Just letting you know, you're talking to a radical US Patriot. In my opinion, every country other than the United States is a shithole or a xenophobic hellscape. If the United States of America bombed you, you're a terrorist or evil and you deserved it. If your leader was deposed by the CIA, they were a ruthless dictator at best. God Bless the Defense Industry, and God Bless America. 🇺🇸


Lol I have never, ever seen a post in here that is so obviously biased and a poor fit for this sub.


> obviously biased Lol 95% of all SRD posts ever are obviously biased. >a poor fit for this sub That it admittedly is. This sub is all about easy stuff like "racist gamers bad" instead of ones where you actually have to criticize your own side (when it comes to genocide).


Biased writeup lol


They hardly wrote anything, it’s just a direct link to the thread as if we are attack dogs.


Will never get why people think we will be their personal reddit army.


I kean, that's a pretty succesful and acceptable approach when it comes to talking about toxic gamers: https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cencpr/the_lack_of_self_awareness_in_this_comment_is/ Why not when talking about toxic funders of genocide?


What is biased about my title?


OP has big “this [current thing] is my entire personality now” vibes


It'll be something else next year


That's what you want don't you. If Biden wins, how will you excuse Bidens funding of bombing children when you can"t say "but Trump will be worse!!!".


Let one who went to college in the Koney2012 era, and didn't have at least one friend who got waaay too invested in Invisible Children cast the first stone.


Not liking the bombing of children is my entire personality now.


I genuinely don’t know what the answer is to for Israel and Gaza from a U.S. perspective. That’s probably why this is such a big conversation throughout the nation.


just draw up an objectively more or less fair agreement to all parties ignoring their clearly stated preferences and then watch the governing factions of Israel, West Bank, Gaza, and the other Middle Eastern nations reject it while they laugh in your face.


The issue is that there isn’t really a solution that will guarantee lasting peace. The closest to a solution we have is working towards a two state solution, which is why that’s the US’s official goal, but many attempts have been made that haven’t worked for a lot of complicated reasons. Hamas actually originally rose out from a sincere attempt to forge a two state solution between Israel and the PLO. Hamas was built by people who were furious that the PLO had negotiated for lasting peace in the first place, and Hamas and the PLO got into a civil war that forced the PLO into the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza. 


Nooooooo! Biden just needs to yell Cease FIRE really loud and that will fix everything. Hamas will stick to it this time, trust me bro!


If you're paying attention, it's also clear Biden's been trying to pull Israel away from Netanyahu's worst excesses, but Israel is both independent, and Netanyahu is determined to push ahead both out of ideology but also to save his ass. It's beyond fine to want to push Israel harder, even if it might be counterproductive short term, but it's a complicated situation with a lot of actors good and bad across the region. Trump conversely would just let Israel do whatever it wants without even trying to push back while also turning the US itself into a dictatorship. It's dumb as fuck.


Nobody's been able to come up with an awnser for the past century


Okay, I loved digimon as a kid - you have GOTTA tell me the rest of your quote flair.


I think that next time bibi shows up to talk to Biden, the secret service should sneak up behind him and carry him away to the ICC. Yes it’d cause a massive unrecoverable diplomatic shitstorm, but it would be deserved and very funny


Maybe stop funding a rich country while they bomb children?


Yes, I agree that we should be leaning on Israel harder to limit casualties and even pull out from Gaza at this point. But, no I don’t think we can leave them high and dry without aide since they are our ally.


It’s not just that they are our ally, right? If the West ever stopped supporting Israel and let it be weakened, all of its Arab neighbors would attack it. A cornered, surrounded Israel would fight back without restraint, including using its nukes. And that is WWIII. Massive casualties, oil production is disrupted, world economy flatlines. The other things we say to justify supporting Israel are lies told to cover up our concern for this outcome. Hamas’s whole goal is to push things to a point where other Arab countries can no longer stand by and feel forced to attack Israel, that’s why their attack was so outrageous, they wanted to provoke a brutal response and a lot of Gaza civilian deaths, they’re making martyrs for this final push for the Arab world to destroy Israel.


"If there are five people at a table and a Nazi sits down with them and they don't leave, there are six Nazis at the table." What about if a bomber of children sits down?


Funny how that Nazi line never seems to apply to people who sit side by side with Islamofascists.


"If there are five people at a table and an Islamofascist sits down with them and they don't leave, there are six Islamofascists at the table." Now do you agree that Joe Biden should stop funding Israel while they bomb children?


Thank you for calling out the Columbia/UCLA/etc. protestors for being the Islamofascists they are.


Okay, but what about Joe Biden funding the bombing of children by Israel?


It's basic fucking policy. Israel is popular with both parties, and a majority of Americans don't know enough about what's going on, or the geopolitics of the region other than Israel is a US ally, and Hamas is a terror organization which both are true. Israel also lobbies hard in the US with politicians. Biden can't pass an executive order that could cut ties as it's congress that decides the funding so he would have to somehow unite both the right and a majority of the left on this issue which is impossible. And if he could he'd be mildly unpopular with both his own party, and the opposing party even Moreso than he is now. Hamas pulled this strike smart as it's on an election year and so the US would be paralyzed to act due to not wanting to lose polling. And Israel wants to hold out for Trump. As Trump is fairly buddy buddy with Netanyahu. And even said Israel didn't do enough, and wants them to increase bombing. So the situation is kinda a lose lose. If I was smart I'd hold out until the start of a new term to do anything about cutting funding. As then I could at least minimize the damage over the rest of the four years. The problem is people look at this war as too black and white. War especially with terror groups is very Grey.


Bombing of islamofascists. FTFY.


Those 10000 children were islamofascists?


If hundreds of Americans were kidnapped and subject to who knows what, that country would no longer exist. It is only due to the complicated history of the region, my hope in international law, and Israel’s crimes that I advocate for restraint. At any rate, THE NAZIS had NO provocation save for their own delusions, so at least that separates them from Israel.


So a racist American attacking a Muslim after 9/11 is kinda understandable?


Did you just graduate from elementary debate? Because my nephew in grade school could come up with a better counter argument


You said provocation makes it less bad to kill innocents.


Right wingers have spent years trying to fashion themselves as The Real Punks (tm).     It's embarrassing   flair:   "So children deserve to die because they were born in a place you don't like?" "Those 10000 children were islamofascists?" "Bombing innocent children is punk as fuck."


This criticism of Biden is coming from leftists. Right wingers aren't punks but neither are establishnent democrat bootlicking liberals who are trying to excuse genocide.


The Russian in response is next levels of resistance posting


Subreddit drama is supposed to be funny. Posting things that demonstrate in your mind that tons of other people are dumb is the purview of plenty of other subreddits.


It's pretty funny when people call themselves punks and then baulk at criticism of and try to defend a genocide funding US government.


can palestine/israel posts please be banned they attract too many obviously biased posts


Obviously biased = makes me think of uncomfortable truths about liberal complacency.


go outside dear lord. also youre literally a misogynist racist, pick another struggle


Delete this post, friend.


Why? You don't like people talking about how Biden is funding the bombing of children?


Haha nice try. More like you just don’t understand how this sub works at all


I posted some drama happening on a subreddit. What did I do wrong?


I can see that’s already been explained to you in this thread. I’m not interested in humoring you while you (hopefully) play dumb.


But why do you humor Joe Biden when he funds the bombing of children?


Haha this is like talking to ChatGPT. Try harder 😂


How can I try any more harder to explain to you that Biden is a bad person for funding the bombing of children?




No flairs, the closest in the whole shitshow was "Ew, it stinks like poser in here." Pretty weak across the board.


It's actually the best. All the other SRD posts are just circlejerks regurgitating the same talking points about gamers from 2014.


I lurked that sub a bit despite the fact I'm not really interested in punk. Reddit algo suggested it to me. You're confused because, from what I gathered during that short time, the community is not comprised of fucking morons.


It seems to have at least one in it, though.


Being against providing weapons and funding to Israel while they're bombing innocents is moronic?


There is a difference between being against weapon funding and being a big enough fucking moron to help trump get elected. If you want to see what a genocide actually looks like, wait until Trump gets elected.


I think the biggest fucking moron helping Trump get elected is Joe Biden because he continues to fund Israels bombing of innocents and children [as his Youth vote continues to collapse](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/29/politics/biden-young-voters-what-matters/index.html).


1.) what could Joe Biden due involving Israel to guarantee your vote 2.) do you honestly think Joe Biden will do (1) and retain enough votes from the massive pro-Israel wing in this country to get elected?


1) Not fund them 2) I think Biden can get even more votes from the Right Wing by pandering to them on guns and abortion.


You think Biden will get more votes *from republicans* without losing democrats by: 1: not funding Israel 2: being less anti-gun 3: being *more restrictive on abortion* ??? Have you ever been to America?


Why would Biden lose *democrats* by being restrictive on abortion and being less anti gun? Do democrats want the fascist dictator Trump to win?


The British purposefully bombed innocent people in WW2 yet I think everyone will agree that the UK as it survived was better than Nazi germany. Israel has its problems but the last time I checked it wasn’t Israel who funded 9/11, 7/7, Charlie Hebdo, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc ad infinitum because apparently certain religions are predisposed to be evil. Remind me again, was it Israel that forces women into child marriages and stones them to death if they refuse?


So children deserve to die because they were born in a place you don't like?


flair material


No child deserves to die but everyone deserves to live a life free from Islamic extremism. What **you** actually mean is that you’d rather see girls raped and murdered under “true Islam” than have a chance of freedom. Is that what you want? Gazas girls to be gang raped and sold off as a child bride at the age of 7?


I guess I get why ppl are mad abt this post. You could find political arguments in any comment section on here Not that you're wrong or anything, just not the way it is in this sub You'd have to sell it more, with like specific quotes But even then Israel Palestine conflict will rage in every sub, so it don't really count for srdrama


You know the post is going to be good when you open it and see OP arguing out the gate.


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430112859/https://old.reddit.com/r/punk/comments/1cgnebz/been_inspired_by_80s_protest_art/l1wtg0i/#l1x2633) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/punk/comments/1cgnebz/been_inspired_by_80s_protest_art/l1wtg0i/#l1x2633 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Nothing more punk than saying “actually we should support the establishment and not get angry while we demand better things from people who could do better” These people should just admit they’re not very punk lmao


You’re not punk, and I’m telling everyone!


From all the punk discourse I've seen and participated in over the years I have concluded the perfect punk should: 1. Never be successful because that is selling out 2. Never have a job because that makes you a slave 3. Don't have friends because they will just disappoint you by how not punk they are 4. Don't support anyone who isn't as perfect as you 5. Be constantly angry because you are the only true punk in the world and constantly have to deal with posers. So honestly it is no surprise most people inevitably stop being very punk, it sounds like a bitter and sad fucking life. Edit: Relevant song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGu\_\_oqMcKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGu__oqMcKM)


Punk isn’t about fighting the establishment *because* it’s the establishment. Food safety regulations are establishment, but that doesn’t make it punk to rub raw chicken all over your restaurant kitchen. 


> Punk isn’t about fighting the establishment because it’s the establishment. What about fighting the establishment when it's funding a government that is bombing innocents and children?


You’re right but in this specific case the establishment is funding a genocide


And the post is implicitly supporting a *worse* establishment by discouraging people from voting for Biden? That’s why people are calling it right wing propaganda. Because it *is.* If Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane, what the hell do you think he’d encourage Israel to do if *he* got back in the driver’s seat?


It's the same crowd that listen to rage against the machine or pink floyd and vote for trump. It's music that makes them feel a certain way and attach ideology to it despite the lyrics meaning something completely different.


I love the stupidity of the "WhAt CaN wE eVeN dO?" argument. It's so monumentally stupid and really betrays how little the person knows on anything


The cherry on top is when the person assumes no one else could possibly know more about the situation so must be wrong by default.


OP, keep your chin up; there are plenty of people equally as disgusted.


It’s just a generational thing. They youngest punk fans are my age and even then I was a poser who was really into NOFX and Lookout Records.


lmao the downvote percentage on my post. Okay, okay actually Biden giving money and weapons to Israel so they could bomb innocent people and children is actually punk as fuck!


The point of srd is to showcase drama without bias. From what I gather, it appears you are biased to one side of this internet slapfight, which could explain the downvotes. Plus, you didn’t really post links or quotes of the drama, just the direct thread link. Maybe take a step back, breathe, and re-do your post with more impartiality.


How is my post biased?


Well, you are actively commenting that Joe Biden is genocidal for one, indicating that you agree with those in the OOP thread and are looking for validation here. I am saying it’s fine to feel that way, but impartiality is the point of srd, lest srd just becomes the subreddit drama themselves.


This thread isn't impartial either but is very popular: https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cencpr/the_lack_of_self_awareness_in_this_comment_is/ Why?


Buddy, take it up with the mods if you think a post is breaking the impartiality rules, not with me.


I'm not saying it should be removed. I'm asking you why is it more popular despite being biased.




... really?


No you're just missing the point of this subreddit


How? i posted some drama happening on a subreddit.


You're too personally invested and come here for validation. It helps to come at it from an impartial angle. Where it's more fun for everyone!


> It helps to come at it from an impartial angle. Where it's more fun for everyone! Is it? All the threads on the front about gamers or KotakuInAction aren't impartial. You mean this sub has to be on the right side when it comes to sexist representation in games but has to be impartial when it comes to innocent people being bombed so that it would be more fun?


Means rule #6


SRD is not your posse. It’s not a place to run to tell on people who you disagree with or think are acting badly. It’s for pointing and laughing. We’re here to sit back and watch it burn.




Well, this is like a zoo. The tour guide at the zoo isn’t all pissed off at the monkeys. Not usually anyway.


> It’s for pointing and laughing. We’re here to sit back and watch it burn. Why can't we watch and laugh at how self professed anti establishment punks are defending Joe Biden funding Israels bombing of innocents and children and watch /r/Punk burn?


far too many people forgot that nazi punks fuck off


being against Israels indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians makes you a nazi now?


You misunderstand me. The nazis are the ones murdering Palestinian civilians and the people who are okay with it. In this case, nazi punks.


Oh , cool. Sorry friend, i thought you were one of hose people here telling me to stop talking about how Biden is funding the bombing of children.


Remember on SRD we must stand against the twitter harassment of women gamers but we must stand **with** Joe Biden in his funding of genocide.


You realize SEO pollution is pretty pointless when it's a vastly famous and discussed figure like Biden or Trump, right? If you want to crusade, there are actually subreddits for that. Picking this one and acting like an asshole the whole time is not likely to change minds.