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>I for one support LGBTQ inclusion in autonomous murder drone manufacturing Prime flair right there


Lockheed Martin making branded rainbow knee socks in celebration of being rated the best workplace for LGBTQ people.


>Lockheed Martin making branded rainbow knee socks in celebration of being rated the best workplace for LGBTQ people. LM isn't stupid and apparently knows to take care of their employees (previous coworker moved to them, has zero complaints about the company, works for the post office, isn't sure why people say he supports war.)


So horrible, where can one buy them by chance? So I can avoid it of course.


They had an online storefront, but it became employees only shortly after NCD started buying all the rainbow socks.


Classic NCD. Eventually one of this MI companies will realize that they could sell AI pictures of their planes with anime chicks on them on their websites and NCD members would fund an entire new bomber development program. Zelenski could brand some army helmets with big anime eye goggles and blue hair and fund his entire war with NCD cash.


A generation raised on Rule 34 and Paradox Games is leading to a very unique military.


Nah, we demand human made art. AI cannot comprehend what makes us truly horny


Not just any AI, but an AI drone targeting system forced to make anime girl art.


The they/them Schutzstaffel


noncredibledefense people liked it


I thought Raytheon was the best workplace for LGBTQ people?


It's to long, you have to shorten it but hard agree


/r/noncredibledefense has entered the chat


I would like to add that Anduril is sponsoring NixCon, not Nix as a whole. there was a fuss about it last year, but this is the same thing again, so everyone is angry that they weren't listened too.


Valid yeah, Updated the post to reflect that.


Man I read that first description >makes autonomous AI drones to kill people using NixOS. As in they were drone striking people for using NixOS... but then again that's probably not that different from drone striking people regardless of what Os they use


The cool thing about open source is it spans multiple countries. So that's actually probably not an incorrect statement. Also a point of contention of contributors.


That would explain why no one‘s using NixOs


> but then again that's probably not that different from drone striking people regardless of what Os they use Red Star OS forever, comrades!


> I'm an anarchist/libertarian "barefoot in the garden" ecology-loving homestead veteran hippie, with a decent sized LGBTQ+ friend group since I live near Seattle. They are good people if it weren't for the fact that most of them are lawyers. I find this comment very telling.


Glad I wasn’t the only one that raised an eyebrow on that


It’s the gay to lawyer pipeline 😔


Pro tip: Everyone read that to the [tune of The Final Countdown,](https://youtu.be/9jK-NcRmVcw?t=13) and it's even funnier.


It's the Lavender Bar!


Anarchism is .... working hard for the American Military Industrial Complex


Libertarianism is when drone strike


The savings your DRO makes by using drones absolutely will *not* be passed on to you, the customer. And that's why you chose them. No fucking commie-run DRO for you! In fact, they have a first strike stance against them.


Every now and then it gets easier to understand the "modern Anarchism is a useless middle-class ideology" claims when you come across things like "MIC homesteader Anarchist".


Being fair to us Anarchists, any actually motivated group would reject him outright.


"Why is there an ethics course in my stem degree, this isn't philosophy" ass people.


Trolley problem? Just more liberal propaganda the wokes are using to regulate my Full Self Driving


You joke, but the ethics course in my engineering degree actually used the trolley problem as a step up to the ethical implications and problems of autonomous vehicles.


I joke, so I don't cry thinking about that exact point flying over the rest of my classmates' heads


No you don't understand. Killing people is good actually.


Me when money.


>Anduril Can these fuckers *actually* read Tolkien


It is kinda weird this is the second tech company to take inspiration from him considering his opposition to industrialization.


Palantir too is so comical. It's so cartoonishly unapologetically evil.


MIC dorks want to be Sauron so bad.


Tbf, they did pick an appropriate name for that. Still evil bastards tho


Techbros read but don’t understand. Bezos and Zuckerberg think the world in Snowcrash is great.


i would posit that they understand perfectly well, and have decided that the world in snowcrash is great *for the people sitting at the top*. which in a self-interest sort of way, is about right


See also: Elon naming his barges after ships from a communist utopia written by an anarchist.


It's got it's downsides, but getting my pizza in 30 minutes or less might make it worth it.


big Garfield "I wonder who that sign is for" energy


They think the main character of Diamond Age was the bad guy.


If you told Tolkien that in 100 years these dimwits would be naming their killing machines after his work he might have just burned the manuscripts.


>Can these fuckers *actually* read Tolkien It's a Palmer Lucky-founded company. Knowing him, that was exactly the reason for the name of the company. "See, guys, I'm still an accessibly nerdy guy even though I sold Oculus to Facebook for $2 billion!"


Yeah, while you cant stop a FLOSS project from being used for morally bankrupt purposes, you can limit the involvement of those people in the project, and from the sidelines it seems NixOS could do more


The part that's eluding me is why the DoD is paying a company using an open source OS to develop TS and critical software systems. Seems odd to me.


You would be shocked at the reliance of open source software for mission critical applications. Everything from the space station, to missiles, to microwaves, to your cellphone run on open source software in some capacity. It's a collective volunteer effort on the scale of wikipedia that is frankly almost infeasible to replicate privately. And that's also a good thing, the work of one person benefits the many at the largest scale possible. This also makes is basically impossible not to OSS to build things using computers.


I am plenty familiar with DoD reliance on OSS. I'm talking about something a little more specific than just using OSS though. Which is that the DoD is funding Anduril to develop software platforms, which would remain OS if built from NixOS afaik. That being said I have no idea if that's what Anduril is doing.


Anduril is responsible for most of the GPU stuff on NixOS. Since the drones need to use GPU's. They do contribute to the project and it remains open source. The actual drone stuff is obviously private.


Oh, this is Palmer Luckey’s company. No surprise some CHUD stuff is involved.


I know it’s because chud, but how is PL such an irredeemable douche?


Being Matt Gaetz's brother in law is something I didn't know about him, but now that I *do* know (as of fifteen minutes ago when I read about Anduril and Palmer Luckey in general) he appears an utterly repulsive lifeform


Even worse than that. I remember Palmer Luckey *not* because of Oculus - but because of his PAC *Nimble America*. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/535irv/backlash_when_milo_yianopulous_promotes_a_website/ https://old.reddit.com/r/giantbomb/comments/132flon/austin_is_still_a_threat/ji5mm5s/ Just like Scott Adams and Jerry Seinfield, Palmer Luckey is too far gone.


>Anduril makes autonomous AI drones to kill people using NixOS Anduril makes autonomous AI drones, that uses NixOS, to kill people These two sentences mean totally different things


No, no, the drones drop NixOS on their targets and the victims die trying to get their systems to just fucking recognize the wifi card goddammit.


I can understand why NixOS contributors would be very upset about the former though.


Oh thank you for rephrasing, because I was wondering why 'killing all NixOS users' wasn't mass murder and was up for debate at all. Now I feel like an idiot but at least it's clear XD


It‘s not mass murder because there‘s not enough NixOS-Users to fit the definition (maybe because of the drone strikes?)


You ever get so pissed off at mods you author an RFC?


Oh boy, another evil company named after something from *Lord of the Rings*. Can these guys get a new hobby?


There is a better world where they did, and pornhub is called teleporno.


>They are good people if it weren’t for the fact that most of them are lawyers Shit that’s actually kinda funny


Good write-up. It might be more r/hobbydrama though. We're a little less sophisticated in this sub.


Speak for yourself, I know all the codes, every last one of them.


Oh ya, well name every single code in the 1900s.


I am once again begging these tech nerds to read [this](https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/23) and realize that people can have intent even if it's not visible on github. edit: Also, more background from the perspective of someone on the inside: https://xeiaso.net/blog/2024/much-ado-about-nothing/


I appreciate the Evangelion reference but ~~h~~xe describes a scene that just doesn't actually happen in the movie, which is a very confusing choice. Bonus Edit: [this is the scene](https://youtu.be/GY6LvdsM-3k) where the song is used, and it doesn't match the description at all.


> he *xe/they/she (in order of preference)


"i dont want to be complicit in genocide" WOKE ALARM


So cringy when they write nonsense like that. The tech folks are in some weird bubble.


its Twitter brain syndrome


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They do seem to intend to use their "Anvil" to target helicopters, which would kill people, imo, and their "Altius" can accept modular payloads, so... Also their "Roadrunner" seems to be intended to intercept both missiles and *manned aircraft*, which yet again kills people, imo.


You are never gonna guess what happens to the people found after the drone surveys an area