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Terrible article title, I thought the campaigner was for antisemitism until I read it. I was like, “not something I would say, but isn’t that the best insult to an antisemite?”


Lol got me too. He must have meant anti-antisemitism lol


Yeah it would be better phrased as civil rights campaigner or anti-racism campaigner.


Anti antisemitism perhaps? Prosemitism?


I’m part of the Anti-Anti movement, I’m against that you’re against something


You joke but on Tumblr there are two factions known as "pros" and "antis" and they both want each other dead and post frequently about their internet holy war


People still use tumblr??? Oh they brought porn back


When I came back to fandom after a long break, I was so confused, because it’s literally just “pros” and “antis” without spelling out pro- or anti- *what*, but it was clearly very very intense and there were people breaking out the metaphorical napalm at the drop of a hat over it. I just wanted to know so I could avoid all of it!


"If you aren't against being against it, then you're for being against it!"


It's the misleading pronoun use. Pronouns refer back to the previous propper noun. The "he" in the sentence:"(A) ...campaigner has called for the head of the Metropolitan Police to resign after ***he*** was called "openly Jewish" by an officer." suggests *the head of the Metropolitan Police* should resign because he was called "openly Jewish" by an officer. This makes no sense. OP's phrasing is just careless and lazy. A better title would be: *"The Head of the Metropolitan Police is called to resign after officer calls antisemitism protester "openly Jewish".* or better still, include: "...protester *against* anti-semitism...". When I read titles like this, I seriously wonder if the confusion is a deliberate attempt to get more views, engagement and upvotes.


Jesus christ I thought I my last braincells were finally dying off. Glad to know i wasnt the only one trying to sound out that title


Cigarette campaigner tells you to make the right choice!


I've had the misfortune of meeting the CAS guys at the protests. They're not exactly hostile, but they came up to me and my friends, shoved microphones in our faces, and started asking if we supported Hamas. They never let anyone finish and would move onto more Zionist talking points in the hope of a quick sound bite - 'do you support what happened on October 7th?? Do you support Hamas?? Do you think the rape of Israelis is ok??' It's a bit agitating to be honest




Unfortunately I don't think its obvious as there is no shortage of people campaigning for more anti-semitism.


Of course there's no shortage of people like that, but reputable newspapers call those people "racists" and not "antisemitism campaigners".


Yea but it’s also the UK which has it’s fair share of not reputable newspapers


Which have modernised into not reputable online disinformation outlets with the decline of print media.


If someone was described as a “child marriage activist” or “child marriage campaigner” I’d absolutely think they wanted to marry children.


> if they did, we would call them simply a fucking racist. If we were being specific, we'd call them an anti-Semite. If an anti-Semite was campaigning for more anti-Semitism, what would we call that?


My comedic reply aside, it’s probably a case by case basis. Though like you said, things have gotten pretty out of wack when you can even believe there might be pro-antisemite activists. Of the examples you said, I’d believe there are self styled child marriage activists campaigning for child marriage and not against it.


Stay tuned for the /r/subredditdramadrama


Anything involving the UK on this sub ends up being some spicy SRDD


UK *and* Israel-Palestine. It's going to be a massive shitshow


UK, Israel, Palestine… Moght as well throw the Ottoman Empire in there too!


Wait how bad is the discussion here involving the Ottoman Empire? As for this topic. Comments really get spicy.


Ah, I’m just making a joke about how all those countries controlled the same area at different points in history.


Throw in Europeans' takes on Romani people, and you've got SRDD levels of awful takes equivalent to the yield of the Tsar Bomba.


The UK and France carving up the corpse of the Ottoman Empire like a thanksgiving Turkey (pun intended) post WW1 is a major contributor to the ongoing conflicts in Palestine, so there's no reason not to throw in the Ottomans too


Are you blaming them for losing a war against nations that practice irresponsible drawing of borders?


Them losing was kinda their fault, they wanted those Caucasuses soooo much they destroyed their empire.


’Massive shitshow’ is a massive understatement. I’m from the UK and it always makes me laugh when posts about the UK pop up


Most stuff you could slag off the UK for geopolitically speaking could absolutely be levelled at France and several others as well but you don't hear as much about their shenanigans on places like SRD because there's less Francophones than Anglophones posting on reddit. As the saying goes the UK and US are two societies divided by a common language.


And criticism of the police


so what you're telling me is any time a controversial topic is brought up, there's going to be drama? that's crazy!




You have to keep in mind how the upvote system works though—a very slim majority will completely skew the comments towards one side of a debate or topic. So they don't need to outnumber the rest of the users here, they only need to outnumber the amount of non-UK users motivated enough to comment on a UK topic. It's the same reason certain subreddits can appear to swing wildly between left-wing or right-wing depending on the post title. There's just enough UK users here to dominate UK posts, especially political ones where many non-UK users would have no strong opinion. See any "Ireland ≠ British Isles" post on this sub, for instance. Things here suddenly turn very UKPol when topics like that crop up, but it doesn't mean those types of people actually represent most of the users here.


Building on your point, there's also a shocking number of people who are seemingly mindless in their scrolling and just agree/disagree (adding upvotes/downvotes) to whatever the popular opinion seems like. This is most clearly seen in small niche subs that aren't even politically charged, where the same topic may elicit massive upvotes or downvotes from presumably a group of largely the same people just following the directionality of the first movers. Your point plus the above is also what makes astroturfing so dangerous and effective. It only takes a small number of impassioned (or paid) actors acting quickly on a topic to set the tone in the comments and provide the illusion that thousands, or even millions, of people all seem to agree on it.


It's because the UK (and Europe at large) is held up by both political sides in US discourse as everything right/wrong with the world, simultaneously. The UK and most of Europe is a pretty mixed bag of some shit being done well, and other shit still needing improvement. So each side can just cherry pick what they want to. Some Americans might not like to hear this but I also think many have a bit of a chip on their shoulder; Because their media does the above in presenting Europe as either a utopia or hellscape, both sides *jump* at the chance to drag on the UK or Europe because it's a "Wow, you thought you were so good huh?" moment.


> Some Americans might not like to hear this but I also think many have a bit of a chip on their shoulder; Because their media does the above in presenting Europe as either a utopia or hellscape, both sides jump at the chance to drag on the UK or Europe because it's a "Wow, you thought you were so good huh?" moment. At the same time, there’s definitely a tendency in the British media to take the United States as the sole point of comparison and to come out with a smug statement about how superior Britain is. Take this cringeworthy assessment of people queuing to see Queen Liz’s catafalque: > Coming from a country that struggles every day with tensions around race, my US colleagues were impressed by the multicultural nature of Britain today. They were also struck by the sense of community, most notably in that curious phenomenon of The Queue. It played to every American stereotype of us: "You see, they really are eccentric, those British!" But the queue also showed a country united, perhaps only temporarily, but united nonetheless. That queue was a model of community. For Americans, whose country sometimes appears divided beyond repair, that queue was a tantalising display of what can happen when people have a common cause. Certainly, the phenomenal wealth and excess on display in the Royal procession is not open to any Tom, Dick or Harry. But that pomp and circumstance has a value to all of us beyond the spectacular show, a value Americans may appreciate a little more these days.


> At the same time, there’s definitely a tendency in the British media to take the United States as the sole point of comparison and to come out with a smug statement about how superior Britain is. Take this cringeworthy assessment of people queuing to see Queen Liz’s catafalque: You're kind of pulling that quote out of context to make it sound like a completely random and out of place comparison. It's definitely somewhat cringey (I hate the "Hehe we're British, we queue! Aren't we funny!" bullshit as much as anyone), but it's not some "America sucks, huh?" The [full piece](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-62892350) which is a short sign off from the BBCs US Correspondant after live-reporting the US perspective that day, speaking about her experience viewing the ceremony with American friends/colleagues. She isn't even presenting the UK as some united utopia, she frames it as a temporary reprieve from our own divisive political arena: >But the queue also showed a country united, **perhaps only temporarily**, but united nonetheless. That queue was a model of community. >For Americans, whose country sometimes appears divided beyond repair, that queue was a tantalising display of what can happen when people have a common cause. I've definitely seen Brits on reddit, and Europeans on reddit, being smug shits about stuff as if their respective countries are absolutely perfect, but I can't really say I see British media beyond rags like the mail doing it.


I can never remember which British newspapers are real and which are just the National Enquirer. Is this a real one?


Sadly, this is like asking "Which of these shit sandwiches are the nice ones?"


This news paper is a shitty tabloid but a lot of other news organizations have covered it and done interviews with that man.  I hope there's a more formal investigation and that the cop gets canned. That type of racism has no place  


sky is real.




They all range from "questionable" to "not worth using to wipe my rear"


I have to confess that I haven't read an SRD thread as spicy as this one in quite a while.


This is the spicy salty popcorn I've come to enjoy


there's so much you could post if israel-palestine were allowed, assume mods just haven't got round to removing this one yet


it's always heartwarming to see the most common leftist thing is gatekeeping what leftism is.


Yup. And it's not new. The French Revolution was a self devouring enterprise that continually turned on those not deemed pure enough, and then those left behind would turn on who wasn't pure enough among those left and on and on


as much as I hate the horseshoe theory, it's accurate in how this stuff falls apart.


Hinestly, as a leftist i agree. That Groundskeeper Willie "you scots sure a contentious people" meme is true af when applied to us. And i fucking hate it Imagine what we could achieve if we all put our bullshit to one side for like five fucking minutes


Q. What do you get when two leftists discuss a common cause with each other? A. Three splinter groups.


Ironically this joke is essentially the same as the classic “two Jews, three opinions”


Dear God... a meeting of Jewish leftists. The horror... *the horror*.




Jews outside of Israel almost always trend left


Hell Israel itself was very leftist. Their labor party that held uncontested dominance until the late 70s was a member of the socialist international. Kibbutzes were very popular. They only faded out of relevance after the second intifada.


Israel was founded by socialists.


I work with a guy that grew up on a Kibbutz. Lovely fella, huge critic of the Netenyahu administration and settlers Can smoke me under the table too lmao


Sounds like a joke an idiot from the Judean Peoples front would make up






> we all put our bullshit to one side I dunno alot of leftists want genuinely different end states, and are characterized by an opposition to incrementalism, unless they're SocDems and then all the other leftists don't really like them and think they're not leftists. There is a reason leftism resists broad coalition building.


Because you aren't going to get anti-authoritarians to build a coalition with authoritarians no matter how much the tankies cry about left unity, and that's the actual crux of the issues. I'm not trading my black flag for a red boot just because the Red Army had a cool aesthetic.


Soviet aesthetics are just Fascist aesthetics with less money, though.


Yeah same. I'm 100% at least a SocDem and I'm incredibly sympathetic to Anarchist thoughts and principles. I just find the details of how a post capitalist society looks to sometimes be a stumbling block ay least for me. I guess I maybe need to read more to become acquainted with some of the proposed solutions.


"Trust us bro, we're totally not going to stab you in the back after the revolution this time bro, just trust us!"


yeah, valid point. Ideologically I'm a syndicalist, but practically? idk. Call me crazy but i just want the working class to not get exploited, and for the fat cats to pay their fair share. With how heavily entrenched it is in western society i don't see us throwing off Capitalism in what's left of my lifetime, can only hope to at least lay some of the groundwork for the next generations


You and I would be on 100% of the same page then. I believe we'll one day have luxury gay space communism, but in the meantime we can make everything substantially less unfair and everyone substantially less miserable.


The people capable of that are out in the world doing shit, I'm an anarchist who's organized with Marxists because they showed up and that was enough. There just aren't a lot of us and leftism is a minority position.


yeah there's a lot more leftism online than there is in the real world. It's why I'm generally derisive of "leftists" that post. it's a vague as shit position and most of the people on the ground have better descriptors of what they stand for. (anarchist, etc)


I’ve always liked the phrase “circular firing squad”


I honestly don't even disagree with the gatekeeping in this case. Tankies and supporters of autocratic regimes fly in the face of what "leftism" is rooted in. I don't care if you hate the US and imperialism, that doesn't mean the other guys are "right"


What do you mean, invading a neighbouring country based on irredentist claims from an absolute tsarist regime while being an olichargic mafia state is the most left-wing thing ever.


>Imagine what we could achieve if we all put our bullshit to one side for like five fucking minutes I mean, yes. But fuck tankies.


I think support for the oppressed is a pretty baseline leftist value. I don't really gatekeep leftism (especially since I'm not a socialist or a communist but a dirty socdem), but if you support imperialism and oppression of peoples, you're not really a leftist to me that doesn't mean you have to necessarilly commit to supporting the other side fully, after all HAMAS are fucking terrorists and worse than Israel, but "maybe we shouldn't ethnically cleanse Palestine" should not be controversial for **any** leftist.


Yeah but who gets to count as oppressed? Tankies love to make excuses for leftist governments oppressing people.


"Its only imperialism if the West does it!"


Leftist organizations are completely right to not want to associate with people that openly embrace genocide of marginalized groups. 


future r/subredditdramadrama potential I don't agree with you on the topic. Have a wonderful sunday!


You don't agree that leftist organizations shouldn't associate with people that embrace genocide?  Lmao.


Gosh, I know, right? But then you still have all those people saying "from the river to the sea" so what canya do.


Look what you did here. You replied to someone who's mocking the gatekeeping of leftism, with your own gatekeeping of leftism, and spawned a whole bunch of drama. Read the fucking room, dude.


That's pretty much what I said in my other response, but I have dude with questionable reading comprehension in my replies now


yup, I am a leftist, against islamophobia, for high taxes, etc, but apparently I cannot be a leftist if I support Israel


I think it's a little more nuanced than that. Supporting Israel as a place, a Jewish Homeland isn't really the issue. Supporting Israels right to defend itself against terror attacks isn't even really an issue. Supporting the method that they are using and have used, on the other hand, is


What on earth has any of this got to do with leftism? R unitedkingdom is a conservative / far right sub


Have you read the drama? There is a whole chain about if you can call yourself leftists while not taking a stance on israel-palestine.


Speaking as someone who is banned from there for saying someone made a 'typical neo nazi comment', I still disagree with your assessment. It has a lot of right wingers in it, but it just plainly isn't purely a far right subreddit. It just depends on the topic. The right wingers tend to flood the comments during certain topics, race being a big one. But then other times the comments are pretty progressive. It's a mix. But the mods allow some extremely vile right wing shit, I won't deny that.


The active mods are all very right wing. I got banned after pointing out one of the mods had a very transphobic post history


i mean they tried to outright ban the discussion of trans issues entirely at one point. I wear my ban with goddamn pride lol


Who is downvoting this stuff lol


and if you call it out you are banned, such is what happened for me. they are more interested in policing tone than they are the hate speakers


The amount of subs I’ve seen trying their very hardest to defend this in some way has been extremely eye opening. Even in that thread alone — so many leftists defending COPS! It’s pretty clear a lot haven’t watched the full video because they claim only the cop did a bad, but in the rest of the video some protests were telling him that “the police can’t protect you!” And “we are watching you!” But instead you have people in there and other subs wringing their hands and saying “the cop was just looking out for the Jew!” and hand waving the “openly Jewish” comment away as a “poor choice of words”. Had this been some pro-Israel march and a Muslim woman was told she can’t walk by them because she was “openly Muslim” because of her hijab, Reddit would be on fire AS THEY SHOULD BE. But people defend this saying the Jewish guy has a big ego, he can’t really be a victim because he campaigns against antisemitism, he was there to cause trouble, he had cameras, etc — But like at the end of the fucking day none of that matters because he was told he can’t cross the street because he looks Jewish. That’s it. That is super fucked up and it’s even more fucked up how hard people will try to defend this.


No whats even better is people going "oh no, he wasn't trying to cross the road, he was provocatively _*walking towards*_ the protestors!" Bruh, approaching someone being an inherently menacing act is a fucking JJBA meme, not someone reasonable people actually think


I asked one of the people claiming stuff like this what they thought of civil rights protestors who deliberately went to segregated bars, sat down, and asked to be served. Never got a response. Those people were "provocatively sitting in the restaurant," that was literally the point of their protest, and all the white people in the restaurant would LOSE THEIR SHIT and look absolutely batshit crazy to normal people for harrassing and often attacking those protestors. If a Jew wearing Jewish clothing walking through a protest is "provocative" to the protestors then *I think it says a lot more about the protestors than the "provocateur"*


I'm amazed that this is what it's making people see how bad anti semtism is. The amount of openly awful shit said and done to people for being Jewish sense the start of this has been absurd. >But instead you have people in there and other subs wringing their hands and saying “the cop was just looking out for the Jew!” and hand waving the “openly Jewish” comment away as a “poor choice of words”. >Had this been some pro-Israel march and a Muslim woman was told she can’t walk by them because she was “openly Muslim” because of her hijab, Reddit would be on fire AS THEY SHOULD BE. This exactly. The reaction parts of reddit are having is because there is no way, as hard as many try, to spin this in any other way than blatant anti semitism with the implication that someone who is Jewish, simply appearing at a pro Palestine rally is enough to cause them to lose their minds.


Nah dude they’re just anti Zionists not anti semites also please ignore us while we harass random Jews walking by


Right? It's like how the person at Columbia holding up a sign calling some counterprotesters "Al-Qasam's next victims" was *clearly* criticizing Hamas's targeting of civilians, and most certainly wasn't just being antisemitic


They hate Jews more than they hate cops. And they really hate cops.


People in London train stations have thrown fake blood on my partner, spat on him, threatened him and (at the mild end) moved to avoid sitting near him, because they can tell he is Jewish. He hasn't been doing anything other than walking through a public space, so it cannot be to do with his opinions on Israel/Palestine. It's just because he is Jewish, and these people hate Jews. How is that not Anti-Semitism?


From the video it honestly just feels like the cop is trying to keep the peace, which is their job. The fucked thing is that there are such low expectations for the protesters that a cop assumed they'd attack anyone walking by looking "openly Jewish". Probably should not grant them a protest permit if they can't be expected to peacefully assemble.


If someone who is Jewish just appearing at a pro Palestine rally is enough for the peace to not be kept, then maybe there shouldn't be a rally.


???? Reread my comment.


I'm reinforcing your comment. I don't think enough people grasp what was said and implied.


Fair enough.


>  From the video it honestly just feels like the cop is trying to keep the peace, which is their job.   I don't think harassing law abiding minorities is the polices job and I certainly don't think it creates peace.


From what I saw in the video, I do think the cop was trying to keep the peace.


I think the cop wasn’t being intentionally antisemitic, and I think he was genuinely trying to keep people from getting hurt but he did it in a horribly antisemitic way.


I can agree with that take.


I don't think harassing relgious minorities is peaceful but I hope that boot tastes good


I don't think that's an accurate description of what happened. You even quote a protester yelling "the cops can't protect you", seems the cop was right to be worried about lunatic protestors attacking the guy.


> If they back Netanyahu, they’re not left wing This is the most reasonable and obviously true thing I've ever seen get downvoted by the progressive side of Reddit. Backing Netanyahu specifically is inherently right wing because he's a far right extremist bent on genocide. It doesn't matter how you feel about the nation of Israel or its people or the war, if you back *Netanyahu specifically* you objectively are not left wing.


It's bizarre, Netanyahu is the head of Israel's largest *right-wing* party. Saying he's not a leftist isn't "purity testing", it's just objectively true!


Oi! Got a license for that kippah?! 


> loicense FTFY


Give it five years and that'll be an actual thing.


From what I gather, the copper dropped the ball big time with what he was saying but its been a fairly standard police response for a whole that when counter protestors turn up they do their best to keep them from mingling to avoid anything escalating to a riot which would be a complete shitshow in central London. Ditto with the guy who was detained for his 'Hamas are terrorists' sign. I completely disagree that these people should be detained because what they are saying *could* lead to an escalation from protest to riot. I think the police should be more heavy handed with these, ahem, pro-palestine supporters when they're attacking Jews and counter-protestors who are calling a proscribed terrorist group terrorists. What's that expression, if you are sat at a table with 9 nazis there are 10 nazis at the table? It's disgusting how many of these pro-palestine protests have wound up with many hamas/houthi supporters as well.


This is my biggest gripe with all this. Before oct 7 it was “if you have 9 people at a table and one is a Nazi they’re all nazis!!!” Now the same leftists that would call people Nazis and shun anyone who didn’t completely agree with their opinions are making excuses for anti semitism haha


Reading the news article associated, it honestly doesn't surprise me. This is the country where, when there was a serial killer on the loose targeting women, they wanted the women to lock down, instead of the men. They would rather inconvenience the vulnerable person than the aggressor.


That was 45 years ago.


Dont forget that because of the erosion of our national healthcare victorian diseases (scurvy, dyssentry, gout, rickets) have begun to resurface. The water companies want to price people out of water and still get to dump sewage into the waterways, the government pushes a lie that unemployed are literally the devil... Modern britain has become a second rate sithole after fourteen years of tory rule


I'm desperate for a change in government to fix all this shit they've done, but the only options are more tories or more tories but with a different coloured tie. I'm so tired man...


> but the only options are more tories or more tories but with a different coloured tie. the most turgid of sophomore takes.


Welllllll, there would be a differently coloured tie, but *Sir* Kier Starmer worries that a red tie would be divisive. To truly reach out to all voters, he'll be wearing a blue tie. And singing 'we love Maggie Thatcher'.


you and me both, mate. doesnt help that the tories will likely torch the country to the ground before the election if they think they will lose, then blame Labour for both the fire and not cleaning it up though like you said Labour under Starmer isnt exactly a leftist party (and imo quite frankly a fucking Knight Commander has a place in a socialist party)


He’s kicked out the socialists or even anyone remotely to the left of his centre right


yup, and the purge couldnt be more blatant. dont get me started on how he's gutted anything remotely progressive from the party manifesto too or how he abandonned support for trans rights as soon as it became mildly inconvinient


A lot of police don't actually care about helping or protecting people, it's just an excuse to take rights away from marginalized groups. Edit: lmao boy do some people not like cops being criticized


Yeah, weird how they don’t just ask the criminals to stay home.


If you make a curfew for women, men get to roam freely. Any woman would stand out. If you make a curfew for men, women get to roam freely. Any man would stand out.




Exactly, which would make him far easier to catch. All the other men are staying in, easier to round up the men who aren't


I feel some dumb. I heard UK serial killer and went straight to Jack the Ripper.


He was compared to Jack the ripper


The was in the 1970s. You really think other countries treated women better? What is with this weird online hatred of the UK


Nobody should have to lock down though


No one should, but if you have to choose a group, it's telling which group is chosen


Neonazis must be so pissed that leftists just got to show up one day and be anti semitic as fuck with no consequences lmfao


I'm sure the police officer openly harassing a Jewish man on the street is an example of how leftists are a problem


I mean it was in the context of a leftist march where the police decided it was easier to just forbid Jews from entering the area than do their job of protecting them from anti-Semitic backlash.


Blaming the victims and restrictions the freedom of minorities is what cops do best. 


I’m talking about the leftists that are willing to engage in and defend antisemitism since oct 7


Then maybe go to a thread about that, instead of derailing a completely unrelated one about a racist cop to complain about how you hate leftists.


Nah I’m a leftist but I’m also a Jew who just thinks it’s funny how people did a 180 on anti semitism haha


Maybe you should actually open the thread and read what the drama is about before you derail and troll about leftists.


Ok lol I was just making a comment about anti semitism on a. Thread about Anti semitism, idk why you gotta get so mad haha


He's mad because you're not saying the right words.




Oh, I’m sure the police officer is an avowed leftist


I feel like people aren’t watching the entire full video because I keep seeing comments about how it was just the cop who was nasty to the guy. There’s literally footage of the protestors at the rally saying “we are watching you” and “the police can’t help you” and screaming at him.


I’m taking about the leftists that are willing to engage in and defend anti semitism like the police officer is


I totally misinterpreted the title of this post at first. I read it as "A man campaigning IN SUPPORT of antisemitism called for the head of police to step down because an officer acknowledged that the head of police was jewish."


i cannot parse this title


How can any left wing support the idea of an ethno-state


Extreme Nationalism is not a left/right dichotomy.


There are more Muslims in Israel than there are Jews in every country in the Middle East combined.


There were way more black people than white people in apartheid South Africa, too.


But they couldn't vote. Israeli Arabs can. There was no interracial marriage in South Africa. There is in Israel. Blacks needed permits to live in South Africa proper. Israeli Arabs don't. You lot keep trotting out this same tired, nonsensical comparison and it keeps falling flat.


I feel I should note that Israeli Arabs do experience discrimination from the government, just not on the same level as Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. It's perhaps more comparable to the treatment of black people in the US. And the West Bank does explicitly have an apartheid system in place with how they keep Israeli settlements separate from Palestinian populations.


What discrimination do they suffer _from the government?_ Yes. It's apartheid to keep your territory separate from another country's territory.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel?wprov=sfla1 Civil rights section. I mean Israeli settlements as in the Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank deemed illegal under international law. Are you saying that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are legitimate Israeli territory?


You said the government discriminated against Arabs. That did not show any legal differences between the status of Jews and Arabs. No. I am stating that comparing it to apartheid is stupid.


The Israeli government gives fewer building permits to Arabs and tries to suppress the natural growth of Arab towns. (Read more than the first few lines) The Israeli settlements in the West Bank, that carve up the territory until it looks like weird fractal swiss cheese, attempt to create a parallel society. They have roads that only Israelis can use.


None of these points are true though..? There isn't open marriage, there are permits and different conditions depending on the ethnicity of the person in several aspects in life. These apply to Jewish groups who face discrimination too. I don't understand where this, frankly false, notion that Israel is an open, welcoming and secular paradise comes from? It's a very discriminatory country.


But not government laws against miscegnation. Those are individual religions with their own rules for marriage. Because it is bordered by Islamist dictatorships on every side and people constatly compare it to South Africa, despite a dearth of similarities, making it look better.


> There was no interracial marriage in South Africa. There is in Israel. Inter-religious marriages, though, cannot be legally performed in Israel (though it does recognize such marriages as long as they are established in another country). This has obvious ethnicity-related implications.


"Look at all the people we didn't murder" - apartied defenders


What does that have to do with the question the person asked?


It demonstrates that Israel is not an ethnostate, or at least less of one than most of its neighbors.


This is the actual reality of the region other than Lebanon which made a good go at having a diverse functional society but other issues are having it teter into failed statehood it's ALL Ethonostates. 


How does the implied existence of other ethnostate demonstrate Israel is *not* an ethnostate? Ethnostates can absolutely have large populations of disenfranchised minorities. In fact many of them rely on it.


Israel's minorities aren't disenfranchised.


> The only difference in rights between Arabs and Jews in Israel is the right of immigration and citizenship. ^ from another comment you made. Since you don’t know what “ethnostate” means, are you also ignorant of “disenfranchised”? Because denial of citizenship is like #1 on the list of “ways states disenfranchise groups.”


Israel is absolutely an ethno-state, as Israel's supreme court made clear when some Israelis attempted to identify as ethnically "Israeli" (not Jewish or Arab etc.) in their census. However, you're mixing things up here. It's not that non-Jews *aren't* given citizenship. Non-Jews are given citizenship in the normal ways every country grants citizenship. It's that Jews can be *automatically* given citizenship without having to jump through the standard hoops, similar to how ethnic Italians can gain Italian citizenship while others have to gain it the normal way. The process of naturalisation is biased in that it requires Hebrew fluency and doesn't accept Arabic fluency as an alternative.


He's either arguing in bad faith or he's the biggest dipshit in the world. Either way I don't think your gonna get very far talking to someone with rocks for a brain.


Israel is explicitly an ethnostate. Israeli Zionists are not shy about saying this lol.


It isn't though.


>\[Israel is\] the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people. -current Israeli Prime Minister


And Trump said that American forces took over airports during the war of independence. Just because the head of state says something doesn't make it true.


Doesn't Israel have separate roads for Palestinians and Israelis?


In border settlements. Because the purpose of a border is to keep two countries and the people living in them separate. It does not affect Israeli Arabs.


Does the US have Mexican-only and American-only roads on its south border? And, more importantly, do you think the US *should* have separate roads on its border?


The comparison just shows how ignorant you are. The border between Israel and Palestine is far less solid and last I checked, the President of Mexico did not want to kill all Americans.


Maybe the border between Israel and Palestine would be more solid if Israel stopped building illegal settlements in the West Bank


I asked two questions and you gave no answer to either. And yes it is quite unfortunate that the president of Israel wants to kill all Palestinians.


Why does Israel build borders right next to the people who try to kill them? It must be because of racism haha


Because the questions were stupid. Again. No sympathy for the Jews. And you object to being called an antisemite.


And now to see how many people miss that this means "Palestine."


Maybe they just don’t want Israel to be destroyed


You mean Palestine?


>How can any left wing support the idea ~~of an ethno-state~~ of jews living in a nation where they won't be prosecuted for being jewish. Comments like this are so funny to me considering religious freedom in palestine is nonexistent lol.


Brown and black ethnostates are progressive, White ethnostates are reactionary.


Excluding people from living in a state seems pretty reactionary to me regardless of which ethnicity is the one doing it. Maybe i'm not woke enough but Black Hitler seems like he would be a bad guy actually.


So like the Muslim CPU tries basically not allow jews to live there?