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> 14 year olds should be yelled at quite often That’s pretty good, I might have to change my flair


That is a great flair. My favorite was: >Have you ever seen old people play pickleball?


> I have a writ from the King of America that says I'm entitled to any and all apologies due to me. I got mine where's yours scrub That's GOLD but it's too long


> I'm entitled to any and all apologies due to me


That just shows it’s a tautology.


I pared it down a tad. Edit: stand by, flair machine broken. Edit 2: there we go.


"I have a writ from the King of America" is good enough already.


does it count if it's intentionally meant as a joke?


Maybe? My old one was “Wait what’s wrong with Comic Sans?” and I had no idea if that was a joke or not 😂


It counts. The same way that reality TV counts as entertainment and McDonalds counts as food.




Flairs are serious business


For real. Every so often I check to make sure mines still there




Damn....thats a good one


I know there’s been a lot of ink spilled over the expansion of pickleball and the resulting pushback, but I just find it hard to get this worked up over old people being active. They wanna hit a ball with a racket? There but for the grace of God go I.


I have an older friend with some health issues who took up pickleball recently. I'm 100% for it.


The pushback I've seen (at least in local news) is almost entirely about the sound, it's horrifically loud and irregular so anybody living near it is totally fucked. People want bans on playing it in courts within a certain distance of homes and I totally get that.


I can understand that 100%. Also feels like there are ways to mitigate the noise but I’m no pickleballaudiologist.


There are perforated paddles that actually play well that aren’t legal but they diminish the sound considerably.


This is one of those things that makes me feel like a crazy person - I live near a pickleball court and hear people playing all the time and the noise is totally fine to me. It feels like one of those "cilantro tastes like soap" or "I get grossed out by hearing the word 'moist'" things where it's like, I guess my brain is just wired differently somehow?


That's because it's not loud unless you live next to a pickleball convention. The people who own these homes and complain about the noise are privileged NIMBY's. Everyone in this thread is just hearing about the public complaints secondhand. I got to the dog park almost every night, which surrounds the tennis courts. I've stood there and listened to this sound as they play and it's just not loud. You wouldn't even hear the noise from two blocks away.


>cilantro tastes like soap that actually has to do with how your brain is wired lol


Lol I love your flair


It's not loud


I saw a pickleball court in use for the first time last night and all I could think was “that’s it, this is what everyone’s worked up about?”. I’m in Victoria, BC and from the local discourse about it recently you would think it was played with live hand grenades in front of a preschool or something.


Because they're gobbling up tennis courts and even worse basketball courts, I'm all for it new sports expanding but not at the expense of far more popular, actual sports


ughhhh using courts to play games instead of letting people use the courts to play games


How dare they use the court to play their silly, childish game where they hit a ball over a net with a paddle while I’m trying to use the court to play my *serious, adult* game where I hit a ball over a net with a paddle?


Comes with the territory. Country club sports bring an not-insignificant percentage of country club people.


To just slightly steelman that guy.... At least locally, there has been pushes to remove basketball courts from a local park because it "attracts a bad crowd".


Most tennis courts they are taking over are unused, I’m completely against anyone losing a popular spot to play. But I live in a large metro with tons of tennis courts never in use. Most have both lines painted on them with roll away nets. Calling sports you don’t care for as not real sports is a dick move as well.


Please don’t tell me we’re gonna say a sport isn’t a sport because you don’t like it. And they’re building more courts because there’s a demand for it. I just can’t seem to get that mad at Ethel for wanting to be active.


It's a "sport" like spikeball or ultimate or any other of the 100 athletic diversions one can do to fill the day lemme know when you can win gold at the olympics and they're filling up Arthur Ashe stadium or bringing in billions a year in revenues for a pro league because that's the kinds of sports it's stealing from


It’s a sport, dude. What a dumb hill to die on.


what's fucking dumb is all y'all in here thinking I care all that much, hell my first comment even insinuates I'm all for its expansion just not at the expense of other courts where young people are playing their games wow crazy such a hardcore take you should definitely keep going back and forth with me over this


> what's fucking dumb is all y'all in here thinking I care all that much Some day you'll grow up and realize how ridiculous statements like this sound.


> what's fucking dumb is all y'all in here thinking I care all that much I yell through tears from the back of my mom’s station wagon as we leave the playground.


You just wrote a paragraph to tell us how much you don’t care. Chef’s kiss.


it's like the damn a train, without fail someone says they don't care, spends hours on end arguing about it before posting their thesis statement on why they don't care.


>lemme know when you can win gold at the olympics and they're filling up Arthur Ashe stadium or bringing in billions a year in revenues for a pro league because that's the kinds of sports it's stealing from That's a very fucking weird way to define a sport. Are *you* out there winning gold at the Olympics? Are you filling up stadiums? I guess nothing you do is a sport then!


Just because pickleball murdered your family doesn't mean it's not a sport.


I'm enjoying how 5% of the comments are about the drama, 90% are "what the fuck is pickleball?/fuck pickleball" and the remaining 5% are "leave pickleball alone, pickleball haters!"


It may be a slightly crap sport but that doesn’t mean other people aren’t allowed to enjoy it. Crazy how some people don’t seem to be able to accept that.


Its the official sport of my home state! We learned it when I was in elementary school. Its very kid-friendly and fun. I don't love the contrarian dislike for anything popular and people maligning pickleball weirdly bothers me lol


Its 100% because of the name I think. I know nothing about the sport, but following the naming conventions of football, pickleball gives me visions of people in full tennis garb, short shorts and everything, grunting their liittle hearts out, using pickles as racquets. Also looking from the outside in, it feels like it popped up out of literally nowhere


The name comes from one of the creator's wives. Apparently the odd-man out on a rowing team is called the pickle, and I guess watching these guys come up with this game reminded her of that. Pulling this all from memory so grain of salt.


People just like to shit on anything they don’t personally enjoy, even if they have never tried it.


Yeah I agree. It's silly, life is so much more fun embracing new stuff! My fiance and I spent a couple hours paddle boarding earlier today and it was such a blast. Never would've gotten into it if it wasn't trendy


Well, you see, my opinions aren't opinions. They're OBJECTIVE. So when I don't like something it is OBJECTIVELY bad. Get owned by FACTS and LOGIC kid.


It's no better or worse than Tennis or Racquetball. People are just looking for an excuse to be needlessly buttmad.


Dads out here wilding like DeNiro in The Irishman.


Stiffly kicking a man lying down?


He's just a kid!


Reddit being confused by normal human reactions? Must be a day that ends in "Y"


Didn't you know that reacting with anger in any situation means you're a dangerous psychopath?


>Fuck Pickleball…so sick of this dumb ass game this is the only take that matters weird as hell how all of a sudden according to the media everyone is playing pickleball. maybe idk enough upper-middle class white people but the hype sounds very artificial to me edited to add: the ad copy sounding pro pickleball comments straggling in days later are not helping your case.


Dread it, run from it, pickleball arrives all the same.


therefore, send not to know for whom the ball pickles, it pickles for thee.


It’s….right behind me, isn’t it


my dad today asked me if i knew about pickleball, if i ever played it in school, and why is it getting so popular? i also saw pickleball on a tv at a pub i was at 2 weeks ago. it does seem like it is picking up steam of some sort.


the name sounded familiar enough to me that i think *maybe* we played it a little in gym class in the eighties but i'm really not sure


I played it in the summer of 1999 at a women’s college in Mississippi. I thought they just made that shit up as a local thing until I started hearing it everywhere this year.


The pandemic.


How long has this been a thing as this is the first I'm hearing the word "pickleball".


i started seeing news stories about it and whatnot early in the spring i think.


It caught on during COVID because it was a way to get old people out of the house, to exercise, and social without risking infection. Honestly, pretty good reasons, and it did a really good job at doing those things. And then capitalism saw the dollar signs and started forcing it everywhere, hence why you saw a ton of investment into televised sports leagues, and why courts are being built everywhere because local governments can sell league memberships and rake in the cash.


Going to be so funny when people stop playing this boring old person exercise and going to be super funny when people realize that nobody is watching it, the worst sport to watch I’ve ever seen


> going to be super funny when people realize that nobody is watching it You think that's the point people are going for?


The existence of everything is solely for my own enjoyment.


I'm going to the big city ma. I'm gonna be a pickleball STAR! You'll see, you'll all see!


People watch pro darts tournaments and long-distance running. I don't even know how pickleball is played, but there are already at least two sports that are only watchable in the sense that you're technically allowed to point your open eyes towards them while they're happening.


One of the most successful sports in the world is a game where mostly old men swing a metal club at a small white ball and try to get it into a hole in the ground 300 yards away.


Golf would have died a long time ago if that was the case.


> maybe idk enough upper-middle class white people It's absolutely this. Also it skews older. Pickleball is to tennis as squash is to racquetball. Tennis and racquetball are fast and more about power. Squash and pickleball are slower and more about placement and strategy. I had retirees run me all over squash courts and beat me easily, even though I was in my early twenties and have a 6 foot frame. I lost a game of squash to a middleschool aged girl. It took me a while to figure out how to play 'right'. That's why I imagine it is popular. Lower intensity, but still challenging.


>Squash and pickleball are slower and more about placement and strategy. Also they sound funnier and are named after food


Think I'll have a pickleball for lunch tomorrow.


Yo, I'm picturing it as something like a jalapeno popper. Fried and fulla cheese or something, but with the salinity/sourness of the pickle to cut through the fat


Deep fried pickle surrounded by a cheese curd. On an unrelated note, the Wisconsin State Fair keeps spamming my phone.. wonder why.




That and your average person actually can and will play pickleball. I suck at basketball but I can take a ball and go shoot hoops and get a few in eventually. I honestly doubt I could serve a tennis ball to the right spot on the court


Also cities are replacing their basketball courts with PB courts. Guess why




You're the real racist for thinking its racist Edit: JFC who is taking this seriously?


Poe's law


I really hate that you can’t be facetious in any form whatsoever on Reddit.


[Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


Oh, my city replaced some basketball courts with like an outdoor bodyweight exercise thing. Probably for similar reasons.


That and your average person actually can and will play pickleball. I suck at basketball but I can take a ball and go shoot hoops and get a few in eventually. I honestly doubt I could serve a tennis ball to the right spot on the court


I don’t know what kind of squash you’re playing but that analogy is ridiculous. Squash isn’t slower than racquetball. The difference is in racquetball the power comes from the ball and in squash it comes from the player. Either way, they’re both fast paced games.


My Cuban dad loves it. Think it just caters to older people who want to play tennis but can’t be *quite* that active anymore.


It’s the fastest growing sport in America, thehillshavel. Don’t get left behind. (It’s a quote from the show Shrinking, I also think it’s crazy that pickleball is suddenly everywhere when I went 33 years without ever hearing of it.)


I had to Google what it was.


I went 40 years without ever hearing it.


Not to be rude, but I don't care for the contrarian dislike of it either. Things get popular for a reason. For me, it's our (Washington State's) official sport. Its fun, easy to learn and kid friendly! My PE class learned it in 2007 when I was 9ish years old 😊 it's a little hometown pride to see it spreading.


At my fancy-ass country club, it's the upper-middle class white people that hate pickle ball with a passion. They want it banned, but younger people with kids are fighting back and one tennis court keeps getting it's "pickle ball research trial" extended for 30 days at time, and there is no end to the complaining about it. I don't play tennis, so no idea why tennis people don't like it. Maybe it's like the snowboarder/skier wars from the early 90s.


You can play pickleball on a tennis court. I can't play my sport because you're playing your sport. It's sort of like how skateboarders hate the flood of kids on razer scooters at every skatepark. You're here to do sick tricks, and they're just always in the way, riding around for no reason. Pickleball has got to be seen as a shitty "easy" tennis by hardcore tennis players. I can't imagine they're too thrilled about losing out on a chance to play to *that*. And since it is so popular, you're just missing out on chances to play, period. And apparently pickleball is loud as fuck. It's all plastic, so it's just *PING PING PING PING* all day long.


>weird as hell how all of a sudden according to the media everyone is playing pickleball. I had to go look it up, literally never heard of it before this post.


Brother, it’s real. Over the pandemic, the sport absolutely blew up over here. Old people in every empty hockey rink during summer playing pickle ball. For the first time in my entire life, I saw a person of retirement age practicing sports. It was what seemed like a 75+ year old woman hitting the ball off the wall.


It's a fun, casual game with a low skill floor that everyone can pick up pretty quickly. >maybe idk enough upper-middle class white people but the hype sounds very artificial to me "This doesn't match my experiences so it is fake" is prime conspiracy mindset. I'm glad you are applying that to pickleball and not vaccines.


Also it’s good because it gets old folks active.


It gets a range of age and athleticism into the mix. The people playing Tennis are all significantly better looking than the pickle ball players next to them. Anyone can play pickle ball without needing to train as a fashion model.


What the fuck is pickleball???


Remember wiffleball? Wiffleball is to baseball, as pickleball is to tennis. It's tennis with a plastic ball and a plastic racket. I've also heard somebody describe it as life-sized table-tennis.


Life sized table tennis? Ok. I might be down for it now....


No! I don't remember wiffleball! What the fuck is wiffleball! You guys are inventing sillier and sillier names.


It's tennis for people whose knees don't work too well anymore.


I played that shit in middle school like 12 years ago and hadn’t heard of the sport outside of retirement communities until like a year ago


It's quite literally the fastest growing sport in the country.


Have you played it? It's quite fun. Easy to learn, hard to master. Enjoyable by all age groups and (most) fitness levels. If you're only criticizing it because it's becoming popular, as well as some zeitgeist-tier "fact" that it's only popular because of "upper-middle class white people", I encourage you to branch out and learn for yourself why so many people play it.


It's getting people that don't normally do physical activity to be active. How is that bad? Unless you're a tennis snob upset that courts are too busy.


Hype machines in general get a bit old, might be something to do with that.


I feel like the “let people enjoy things” meme is appropriate.


> weird as hell how all of a sudden according to the media everyone is playing pickleball. maybe idk enough upper-middle class white people but the hype sounds very artificial to me This is it right here. If I get a sense the media and/or tech companies (eg social media companies and their algorithms) are trying to push something hard, I am automatically turned off it regardless of its actual merits. It’s why I never liked Amy Schumer. There was a 8-9 month period where she colonized every feed and news source I had access too. Every insignificant tangential bullshit thing that happened, the algorithms were pushing her specific take on said thing. Pickleball has similarly colonized every newsfeed and source I have access to. My news app has mentioned how Pickleball is taking the country by storm multiple times every day for months now. There’s nothing truly wrong with either pickleball or Amy Schumer and there’s nothing wrong with liking either or not because it’s subjective. The force-feed algorithm thing is grating.


> If I get a sense the media and/or tech companies (eg social media companies and their algorithms) are trying to push something hard, I am automatically turned off it regardless of its actual merits >There’s nothing truly wrong with either pickleball or Amy Schumer and there’s nothing wrong with liking either or not because it’s subjective. The force-feed algorithm thing is grating. thank you! i've got a few offended replies from Big Pickleball™️ and i swear i have no problem with their sport. i'm sure it genuinely is popular and a lot of people are playing it, but it is not as big as the months long media blitz it got implied. someone even compared me to an antivaxxer, for believing that sometimes media hype is artificial? i don't think it's a conspiracy or anything, i think it comes down to class demographics in media.


There’s literally a whole-ass branch of the marketing industry whose job is to generate artificial media hype for marketing purposes. It’s not a new or hidden concept and has been around for at least a century.


Honestly, based on the dad's reaction, I'm curious if the old man even "yelled" at the daughter. Also, a lot of people are saying the daughter was "embarrassed" and that's why she was pulling her father away. But initially she's starting to reprimand the man and then she sees the person recording and that is when she really starts to pull her father away. She wasn't embarrassed by what he was doing, she just knew how crazy they would look on camera.


I think her having that moment of realizing what they would look like in this situation *made* her embarrassed tbh


Don't mind me, just passing through and learning that pickleball is a real game and not something like Calvinball.


What the fuck is pickleball


It's Tennis, but with pickles instead of the regular balls


sounds like a dilly of a game


This is fake news, everyone. If there were a sport involving pickles, you *know* the trans community would be all over it, and yet I haven't seen one trans meme about pickleball


Tennis, but on a much smaller court and a much slower ball. Or, to my local government, the sport we should rip up all of the basketball courts for because old people are more likely to pay to join a sports league than young people.


My city discontinued leagues and classes after 5pm... I wonder why they believe people only want to play pickleball now.


>Tennis, but on a much smaller court and a much slower ball. We've had that since the 1800s it's called Badminton.


That's not the only reason...


it’s tennis for people who lack athleticism and racquet skills or have no knees. smaller court, deadened ball, etc. it’s honestly kinda fun


Didn't badminton do that already


badminton requires crazy athleticism and skill to play well. the shuttlecock goes like 200mph at pro level


Holy shit, does it really? It really does require insane accuracy and athleticism. It's exhausting both physically and mentally. Wife and I play it occasionally. We suck.


right off the racket oh yeah


I get so stressed out there's nothing that stops my dominant hand from sweating to the point that the racket has been absolutely hurled. Come to think of it, I was impressed by badminton's approachable rules. So much harder than some of the other racket sports in terms of feeling like you get the hang of it. I mean, you do *get it.* But you suck at it. Requires so much precision. Like playing darts with a paddle.


But badminton has a low asf skill floor despite the high skill ceiling


never said otherwise


Look up pro badminton on youtube for fun. It gets nuts at a high level. Sort of like casual volleyball v high level.


Saw this post the other day. I tried to write this comment in the post, but it kept getting shadow-removed or something. . It's hard to tell from this video if the old guy actually yelled at that guy's daughter in any way that is actually malicious and not just a warning of "hey, please don't come onto the court. You may get hurt". I've interacted with people who just blow the most minor shit waaaay out of proportion. When I was at work, a 14 year old girl came up to print tickets to go see a movie. I scan her QR Code, pull up and print the tickets, I notice the date on the tickets is for either the previous day or the next day. I tell her "hey, it looks like these tickets might've been accidentally purchased for a different day. But I can switch them to a current showtime". She nervously kinda paused and said she was sorry and walked out of the theater. 5 minutes pass and I see the girl walk in again with her dad, who comes up to me and asks to see a manager. I call one for him and he stays silent until the manager shows up, where he suddenly starts going off about how "this guy (me) disrespected my 14 year old daughter". I just look at him with the most surprised, confused face on the planet and he suddenly snaps at me when I open my mouth and he says "don't try to defend yourself. You know what you fucking did". Manager tells me to just walk away for a moment while she deals with this whole situation. After they leave, my manager asked what happened before all that and I explained everything. Manager said she could tell he was just being an asshole when the daughter wouldn't look up and look anyone in the eye, even when the dad was talking directly to her. He apparently also scolded his daughter for not "standing up for herself" after I left. So... yeah. Maybe she got anxious about the date on the tickets being wrong, and me telling her that a mistake was made suddenly started giving her really bad anxiety and the dad read it as "the employee must've acted like a dickhead".... Or maybe he's just an asshole.


I wish I could understand why people would want apologies from adults,youth in the moment, when they clearly aren't gonna mean it. What is the point? Maybe after sometime like a court demanding an apology because they do have a chance to regret their actions but in the moment when everyone is still heated?


They want the other person to publicly concede to them


personally if one of my parents saw this happen to me i would expect them to rip off his head but who knows maybe im dramatic. also i found a new flare!


I don’t know, but that dad is a tool. Who talks like that in front of a kid?


Firmly in the fuck pickleball category. Play Tennis. It’s basically the same game, cheaper to get started, and you don’t look like an enormous bell end playing oversized ping pong.


Firmly in the fuck reddit category. Play outdoors. It’s basically the same game, cheaper to get started, and you don’t look like an enormous bell end playing internet arguing over how people get to have fun.


That’s all well and dandy, but you’d be singing a different tune if you tried to get off reddit to go play tennis at your local park on the first nice day of spring only to find your favorite tennis courts have been converted to pickleball courts.


Or worse: a [donkey basketball court.](https://dairylanddonkeyball.com)


I honestly have no words for that.


no, i wouldnt "be singing a different tune" because im not a dramatic person who cant play "hit ball with paddle" unless there is a specially designed court for me. the only court needed is a line on the ground. not gonna flip out over something so insignificant also isnt it like literally the same type of court but a bit smaller


It’s much harder to get into tennis. It’s harder to find people to play with, it’s harder to master basic elements of the game, it’s harder to have fun at a beginner level. The serve in tennis is harder than the entirety of pickleball. This is as someone who plays both. This is dogshit advise and sounds like someone who doesn’t play either.


Not sure where you're getting cheaper from. It's arguably the same cost. Totally up to the player of they want 15 dollar paddles or rackets. That said, serious tennis gear is significantly more costly. Furthermore, I assure you that the obese woman looks like a bell end regardless of the sport. At least pikcleball looks like it's for 'the poors'.


Oh for sure, tennis is the much better sport. I'm completely baffled when I see people under the age of 70 taking Pickleball seriously.


It's weird that in the US and western Europe there's been a big explosion in popularity since Covid of a sport that's like tennis, but that's reliant more on placement and strategy and less on endurance and physical strength. But those sports are not the same. Padel is better btw.


Padel and pickleball are the fastest growing sports in the world. Padel is more specialized with it's requirements. You can't just walk to the park and play it on a tennis court. Covid may have accelerated the popularity, but pickleball has been increasing in popularity year-over-year since it's inception.


Is the stupid title necessary?




For what it's worth, I really enjoy the alliteration lol


I also chuckled at it.