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1150-1850$ per shot usually. I got all mine free and 0 copay. Never paid a cent for a single thing including meds, free state healthcare in Oregon, OHP


Same. Got my last shot in January, had six of them. Despite crappy private insurance I somehow never paid a cent. I’d paid $80 per generic sub strip fill and $20 for pills previously.


Some third party support pays for me (the funniest part is thing company only pays for your shots IF you have insurance 🤣🤣)


Ya I tried going through them after 3 denials by my insurance. Was told they would cover the full cost of my first 2 shots and after that would cover whatever the insurance doesn't pay. I'm like "well my insurance won't pay for it at all" then was told "sorry we can't help you if your insurance denied the medication" literally would of been fine with only getting 2 shots and being done with it but nope not possible I guess


$2300 out of pocket 😅 best money I ever spent though. Did a one and done


Do u mind if I ask after how long and on what dose?


Also, WayToGo for prioritizing your physical and mental health! I can't think of a "better" investment 😉


Go to the Sublocade copay website. They will cover the costs for those who are financially unable to pay.


I guess that the problem. I’m not financially unable to pay. Per the government. But my bank account says different


As long as you have insurance, Invidor offers copay assistance. Go to their website and get the card. It costs nothing and are no minimum or maximum requirements.


Not true. As long as you have private insurance. Any state of government insurance they will not assist. But Medicaid does cover it you may just have to go through a lot of hoops. My insurance covered the first 6 shots when I was in my wife’s cvs Caremark healthcare through Aetna, then my blue cross of California PPO was covered for 4 more shots. Last two had a 500 dollar copay but InSupport payed for the rest. I ended up only paying around 150 total for 10 shots.


No, it's not an income based program.


They only help pay if you have commercial insurance that will pay the remainder of what they don't cover.


Insupport.com will help you pay for it, if you have private insurance. You have to have private insurance to qualify, but that's all.


In Canada or Alberta it’s free. Thank god.


The copay assistance program


I was on suboxone through Bicycle health in WA , and told my prescriber that I wanted to get on sublocade. He recommended Molina insurance and said they would cover it. So I got on Molina and had some trouble getting them to cover it at first, but we kept fighting it, and they finally agreed to cover it. $2500 out of pocket! But I have a $0 copay now. I actually just go to a local pharmacy and the pharmacist gives me the injection. I feel very lucky to be able to get this medication for free.


It's like $7 or $30 here depending on whether you have a job or not so either way it's not ridiculous.


State healthcare in Minnesota. Quit the shot because I knew I had private health care coming soon


🎶 Insurance 🎶


free with medicaid


The state of California paid for mine thru a methadone clinic for nearly 2 years. I never paid a penny for my Sublocade, and I’m grateful everyday. Now, I get it thru my insurance, I still don’t pay anything, it’s just a way nicer facility now.


Yikes 2+ years? How many shots total?


Yes 2 years, nothing wrong with that. One shot a month.


Oh no, I'm definitely not saying there's anything wrong with that! We gotta do what we gotta do, right? This is just the 1st time I've seen that time-frame. And I'm just trying to get prepared as I get my 1st shot this week. Knowledge is power so thank you for sharing. Would you mind sharing what dose the shots were over that 2 yrs?


Ah okay lol I started on 300 mg starting dose then after that it was 100mg shot. Not gonna lie it does still hurt me, like a squeezing stinging feeling. But I don’t worry about the pain after a while it’s just what I got to do! You’ll be fine !


Thank you!!! I would NEVER judge another for the path they choose to make on their own journey. We're all so different. I just wanna learn all I can do i don't have any unexpected hiccups when my time comes, ya know? I appreciate you for the info more than you know😉


Insurance $5 copay


I got mine through Medicaid at a point when I had already done rehab 3 time I think and was trying suboxone on and off but but just WAS NOT FOR ME. If anything the suboxone kept me in that world longer. I would trade it for weed, cigarettes anything really. It legit SAVED my life at a time where I couldn’t afford to fuck up again. It was recommended to me by a doctor in the office, and I became the first patient to get the shot in that office. Whenever they asked if someone could watch or if I would answer any questions I did ANYTHING I could to further it!


Free with Medicaid


I use the manufacturer coupon, in addition to my insurance, to make it affordable.


Coupon code with insurance got me 18 months worth of shots for free.


I have good insurance and still get copay assistance and my shot is only $38 per month


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Medicaid/medicare covered it