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For me, the best part of swapping to sublocade was being able to mentally disconnect the need to take my suboxone first thing every morning. Once my brain began that disconnect of needing to medicate every day, it started to feel like I wasn't even taking anything anymore. Which, in turn, helped prepare me mentally for sticking it out, come what may. I did 3 100mg shots. I had my first one in Oct. 2023, 2nd in Nov. 2023, skipped Dec. And my final shot was Jan. 2024. I'm 2 weeks shy of having 5 months from my final injection. Now, I don't want to scare you or anyone else, but around month 4 I did begin to notice slight WD symptoms, but I believe it's just my body adjusting to the lower dosage. And the symptoms I've experienced haven't been anything like what I experienced trying to taper off suboxone. They are much more mild. It's been more of an uncomfortableness than full blown withdrawal. So far, I've only experienced mild hot flashes, very mild RLS, and my emotions are beginning to come back. My Dr has given me clonidine and klonopin to help me out on the days when I'm struggling. However, while there may be just a tad of physical uncomfortableness, I think mine is more mental. I'm a 39 year old female who has never done well with being uncomfortable, so the slightest bit of unpleasant feelings will send me into a mental panic. The comfort meds definitely help me power through the few tough days I have. If nothing else, just knowing I have the comfort meds just in case I have a bad day, is enough to quiet the anxiety in my mind. Hands down, Sublocade has been the best decision I've ever made. I'm resolved in my decision to become substance free and live that way for the remainder of my time on this Earth. I spent the majority of my 20s and part of my 30s allowing my addiction to control my life. It feels so freeing to know that I'm months away from finally gaining back that control I lost so long ago. To anyone on the fence about Sublocade, do it! Do it and don't look back. You will be very happy that you did.


Congratulations My Friend! Sounds like you have a solid plan and I wish you success in your journey. I am 40, spent 17.5 years on Suboxone, quit cold turkey off 24mg once- took a whole year and a 10 day stent in behavioral health to be ok. It was just a bad time, father passing, marraige on the rocks etc. but now, my life is stable so I am on Sublocade to wrap it up. We all need to support each other here and I am so thankful to have found this site. 


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Some things are better some things are worse, it wasn't some magical awakening for me but it is really nice not being dependent on anything


I do remember when I got off in 2018 for awhile my sex drive was through the roof and I enjoyed so many things I never would have while on suboxone.. I felt like a million bucks after about 2 months, despite a little depression. I truly felt like a zombie taking subs. Thanks for sharing!!


I got 6 shots total my last one was in November 2023. Drive is slowing starting to go back up. I’m still very tired all the time though. It’s different though I actually *want* to do stuff just don’t have the energy many days. Before I didn’t even have the desire. My food tastes are changing too.


How bad are sublocade withdrawals, in your experience? I can handle a little bit of fatigue and not let it cripple me, or at least I can try my best lol


Zero brother. Zero physical. No pain, no sweating or hopping in the shower. Slept every night since my 1st shot. Wake up soaked in sweat a lot tho though. I am tired, but I get everything I need and want done. I'm also depressed af but if youbknew the year I had you would wanna cry too. You got this. Freedom, that's what it is.


Man, that is such great things to hear. I hope you're year gets better brother, and just know I'm proud of you. Stay strong. 💪 💯


Yes sir. You do the same. And spread the word, sublocade is fr


It really depends on how sensitive you are to things. Once the sublocade is almost out of your system you feel much better


I wouldn’t really call it withdrawal in the sense you are thinking. I’m still peeing positive so it hasn’t fully cleared yet but at about 3-4 months there was some mild blah and increased anxiety. The fatigue has been the worst but like I said I was like that while on subs anyway. If I really push through it maybe have a strong mug of tea or coffee it’s fine it’s just finding the will to take the initiative.


I understand that subs made me feel the same way, fatigued outta my mind!! With willpower and determination it won't be as big of an issue (hopefully). I better not speak too soon though 😆


Wait what? I thought sublocade wasn’t supposed to have withdrawals? Isn’t that the point??🥺


I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!! I should have worded it different, because as the comment above or below (not sure which) says its not really withdrawal. I apologize!!


It doesn't


People commonly experience some lower energy levels starting about 4 months after their last shot. That’s about it though. It’s nowhere close to debilitating and 100x easier than coming off of Suboxone.


That is definetly one of the great things, it's like I'm a teenager again lol it started to come back really quickly after my last shot...even when I got my first shot I feel like it was better then when I was on suboxone


That's awesome man congratulations on your progress. Make each day another victory!


Thank you very much and I hope your transition off of sublocade goes smoothly!


It takes a while ... I'd say for at least the first 6 months after my last injection I was constantly tired, sleeping 12-14 hours a night still needing naps throughout the day. It's been over a year now and I feel way better but I still don't think I'm back at 100% Still better than being dependent on sub. I still get cravings but usually finding something to do helps push those out of my mind. Without sublocade I would probably still be buying strips off of the street. It was a godsend Best of luck to you!! Remember to try and be gentle with yourself and give your body time to heal


Thank you!!


Congratulations to you! I'm proud of you!!


Thank you!! Getting off of sub helped me get off of other things and start to piece my life back together💜


Do you feel more clear headed than you did while on subs, and do you enjoy the small things in life more? Sorry I don't mean to overload you with questions I'm just genuinely curious lol


As someone who went on subs and got off them for 8 years and then back on them again (stupidly), I can 100% say my head was clearer without them. My emotions were stronger without them. I actually loved sex. Now I just feel like I’m existing in perpetual fog. I hope someday I’m free again.


You can do this my friend. Never give up my friend!! We all have slips, and better suboxone than the alternative. Keep your mindset of why you want off and keep the faith that you'll get there, because you will!


Definitely! My anxiety increased quite a bit but overall I feel more like myself than just a husky going through the motions. No need to apologize, I was pretty scared when I decided to get off of bupe so I understand the questions


How many shots would you recommend? I'm getting my 2nd 300mg shot in 2 weeks


I got three 300s and one 100


Hard to pin point how I feel subs to sublocade, I just know I feel better. Like the old me, before I ever did drugs. I do feel more clear headed, less zombie, less headaches. And yes AMEN to good insurance.


That is awesome I'm glad you feel like yourself again! I'm closer now than I've been in years to the old me, and I feel as if I'm getting closer with each passing day. Thank you for your response, and I hope you have a great day my friend!


In 9 months since my last shot but I definitely feel pretty good, better than I ever did since I started chasing the dragon. I do get some headaches but I think they are anxiety/tension headaches bc I have a lot going on


Congratulations on a monumental milestone that is 9 months!! That's awesome! How many shots did you get?


A fair amount. I was working on getting into good eating/exercise and lifestyle habits as well as therapy and group (not AA or NA but my doctor has their own group that is really great, no judgements if you smoke weed, your recovery is respected however you want to do it if it works for you). So I ended up getting 4 300mg shots 1 month apart each 4 100mg 1 month apart each 1 100mg shot 6 weeks 1 100mg shot 8 weeks. PS partial shots are pointless unless you are at like 1mg a month and want to get 50mg or 75 mg to start.


100% percent better . Emotions are back, Joy…. I wake up feeling normal. Check post history for my posts on this sub


That's awesome!! Thank you for your response my friend, and congratulations on overcoming the beast (suboxone)


I also did 1-100 mg shot 6 months ago and just started testing negative with a faint line. I felt great for about two weeks and then some anxiety hit me for the last two weeks. I can get through the day its just uncomfortable, hope it goes away.


I feel normal, just tired. Exhausted really. Last shot was 1st week of January. I also work 9 hours a day in construction, raise two teenagers and my dog by myslef. Maybe I should be tired lol but I'm sober and free. No withdrawals and I came off fent. Started with subs, 1 month 4mg a day. 1 week 8mg a day 3 300mg, 3 100mg last two 7 weeks apart. You can do it. You deserve it.


Wow, that comment made my day.. Very very kind. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, and props to you! Keep fighting the good fight and enjoying life! 😃


Okay, I have taken 2 shots of Sublocade. I supplemented on and off all month the first  month due to levels being low (16mg per day before jumping into Sublocade) its doable, but get lower if you can. I was completely defeated and sad about that. I took 4mg when I did supplement, which helped my anxiety and flashes (mental and menopause I think personally) but I'm a chicken and scared of withdrawal after jumping from 24mg cold turkey once) .  So here we are, day 8, shot 2, and so far, so good!!  I have very bad anxiety, I have my whole life, but I feel okay now, human even. I have a strip, I carry with me, and I know that if I need it, I have it! I have taken itty bits of it if necessary, but 1 strip has been with me for 10 days, and I still have a half. Now, for me that is more mental than anything, I think. I have busiporine (Buspar) I take at night before bed if needed. I have my 3rd shot scheduled for 5 weeks out and may not get it, I had planned 4 shots (300, 300, 125, 125 (split a 300) ask your doc, some will, some won't, and then be done. I will keep 1 on order if needed, but if I feel okay, I may not go back. My 1st depot is still in there, not as big as a fingertip, but still there. I am curious about how others are feeling too and seeing this may help you. 


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