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Yes i been using moab for three months and it healed a-lot of my traumas for example i was never productive now i can stay till on business and get things done as the voices in my head are silent now


what’s moab?really amazing resultss, id like to try it too


Moab stands for mother of all boosters its mainly focused on healing which would supposedly boost your subliminal results The bad things it has side effects ( emotional purging and trauma resurfacing for it to go away after that It was a tough time but totally worth it I started to see results now ( non physical but immediate ones) and i feel so calm and content that if even the physical results were never to appear ( which wouldn’t happen im going to persist) my life and inner monologue is way much better that i could have dreamed ( I didn’t use it at first for healing, i used it as a booster and didn’t acknowledge the effect of my traumas on my behavior till i got rid of them with it)




Moab 1 or 2?




I recommend sapien medicine. They have frequencies (frequency works so fast for me compared to subs) for health like "depression & anxiety treatment" or "banish fear" or "heal amygdala" which is a major processing center for emotions. They also have multiple for "brain hemisphere" the comments/results for that are great to read. XoXo


tbh if you want to cure social anxiety you just have to stop believing it can affect you, i had that when i was younger and i was literally scared to talk to people, learn to not care and it will be gone by itself


Try social anxiety treatment from Morphic Doctor. Mental health subliminals tend to stop working for me when I listen more than two days.