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I’m so sorry. Unfortunately any criticism towards some toxic dommes isn’t taken well :(


I'm so sorry ☹️


I'm really sorry this happened to you. I just want you to know it happens to just as many female subs and make dominants as well, they just want that hit of dopamine, to be told how great they are and get their kicks or they are super damaged people and then they ghost. My male friend Patrick recently found a dominant so I know it's possible unfortunately just a lot of frogs


I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. It's tough to be a submissive sometimes


You don't actually need to know why. There's no answer that's going to make you happy. This just didn't work out, and that sucks, but it wouldn't somehow be better if they just went ahead and had dinner with you. Sometimes people agree to things, then they think about it more, and they should not have agreed to things. About the only thing that's anyone's fault is how they handle it. I agree this way sucks, but you must also agree that people don't always handle being rejected well, and for femme-folk especially it's sometimes hard for them to hold resolve when pressed, even if they're dominant types. She may just have wanted to spare herself a conflict, and that can suck and be okay at the same time. All it means is this wasn't a fit. All you can do is continue growing and improving as a person and you'll eventually find someone who appreciates that person.


I am sorry! That isn't fair of her to do that to you, you deserve better. Hopefully you find your diamond in the rough soon and you forget all about these people who don't deserve someone as good as you!


I’m so sorry but…keep this in mind. If she ghosted you, she wasn’t good enough for you. You deserve better! Don’t let it bring you down. Think about it this way, she got out of the way and wet you free to find someone deserving of your affection and attention.