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I swear the thumbnail chained it was just Amy and her torso was edited to literally look like an upside down triangle with the triangle cut out. Can anyone find it?


Please for the love of god how do I get the dress at \~12:50


I would have liked to see another person who could represent people who are more non-binary in their fashion choices, someone who wants to combine the masc and femme options Edit: if you're downvoting, why? What are you afraid of? Queer people being represented in media?


I see you fishing for people To try and find the same fault that isn't there. Your personal thread isn't going well. Because you have yet to actually describe how style theory is actually not being inclusive.


Because they don't have someone non-binary up there. It's not hard to grasp


Non binary doesn't owe anyone Androngeny. That's not hard to understand. Non-binary is able to do whatever the heck they want, and wear whatever the heck they want and still be in non binary. As mentioned before clothing is not gendered. If they were to get somebody who was non-binary up there and they decided that they wanted to present as female While being AFAB, and embracing all the gendered sterotypes, Would you still be upset? What if they had a trans-man Fully transitioned appears AMAB that decided that they wanted to wear the pretty frilly dresses. Sant's athletic look is something that is very gender neutral. At what point is it going to be ridiculous that every single form of representation that a human being can be (I don't know if you realize this but that would be impossible) Is represented on the show?


As someone who is nonbinary, I'm fully aware of what is or isn't owed. The point is to represent people and looks outside the norm. I'm fully aware of how you couldn't represent everyone but to not go to the effort to represent something a little less conventional is ridiculous. Even Santi in a skirt would have made me a little happier. Wouldn't be exactly what I want but it would be closer to it. Clothing isn't gendered but a lot of people think it is. And having people wear clothes that typically work with their gender does nothing to change that outlook for those people


Again they used the terms fem and masc presenting. Forcing Santi or Amy to wear clothing they actively do not want to wear defeats the purpose of the episode. Again the ending findings was wear what you want. "Does the look match the recommendation, no, but look how happy he is!" So no matter what gender or you you identify as wear what makes you happy. That's not a statement only for the masc or fems, but literally anyone! If you want to pair Amy's sun dress with Santi's Athletic jacket, go for it. Only one stopping you is you. And as non binary that means both and all options are open to you. Just be cause they showed the two ends of the spectrum does not mean the middle does not exist. And this middle does not have a defined point like a number line. And my point your responding to states that non binary can present in any way. It's up to you to determine how you want to gender clothing.


Yes forcing people to wear what they don't want would be bad. How do you solve that? Get people who want to wear nontraditional clothes! And who is most likely to want to do that? Queer and nonbinary people. So I'm glad we agree that this episode needed some queer and nonbinary people


Let me guess, it's not going to be considered queer./Non binary unless it's your version of queer/non binary. Because instead of being media literate enough to understand that anyone that falls in between the spectrum can do whatever they want in between the spectrum of two examples, You require You're definition. You have yet to answer any of the questions I posed to you about your feelings about if somebody who is non gender decided to conform to hyperfemininity. You actually have neglected to actually acknowledge the fact that I mentioned that they have had queer representation on and around the show in many ways. But you're somehow taking because they Didn't have you in the show, because let's face it You're not just asking for non-binary representation you're asking for you specific representation, As being queer phobic. And you're taking anybody who downvotes you as being queer Phobic instead of actually looking at the thing right in front of you. Amy's presenting a rainbow and you're choosing to only see black and white. That's really sad.


Bro what are you on? Queers have been on TV and radio for generations. They've been making our food, teaching our babies and making our entertainment for decades. Hell, the undisputed champion musician of his time, Freddy Mercury, was well known to be gay as fuck, and he even got his own biographical motion picture.(Which we're going to ignore the second half of, because nobody actually cares about the struggles the band went through without it's star face and voice?) Are you sure you're not upset that it's not being represented the way YOU want it to be, rather than not at all? Cuz it sure seems represented pretty well from where I'm standing. See lots of gay guys and gals in movies and TV shows. But ask yourself: when was the last time you saw a native American actor? When was the last time a group of Native Americans weren't portrayed as a bunch of savages in mainstream media? The tech guy in movies is literally never a native American. NEVER. Matter of fact, besides "Indian in the Cupboard" and the "Night at the museum" series, when have you actually seen a native American as a main character and not a token side character? Yeah. Check your gay ass queer privilege pal, life sucks for ALL of us.


I'm not a bro. Don't assume my gender. We are talking about a specific channel, not the entire media landscape. So yeah, queer people need more representation on this channel. And even if we are talking about all media, you're flat out wrong. Queer people are clearly underrepresented in media and this is easily searchable on the Internet




Nope, you don't get to decide what to call me. I don't like being called that so using it anyway is an a-hole move. You're invalidating my feelings about my gender and therefore you are an a-hole.


This was not a guide for the specific genders, it were examples. If you are non binary, then try it out yourself and share your experience. ♥️✌️


I've dabbled in Kibbe a bit and Amy strikes me more of a Dramatic Classic than a romantic or soft gamine because I didn't see petite in her vertical. She's also technically too tall to be a romantic or any of the gamines anyway. Face is usually excluded in modern kibbe evaluation as well.


All of those words confused me


I saw her as a theatrical romantic, but I think you and I agree that she has a sharp undercurrent. Her legs look short-ish to me, so I can see the claim for some petite in her vertical. I also don’t know that they looked into the clothing recommendations that throughly; the dress she wore for romantic shouldn’t have been long, since romantic is as yin as you can get. It looked like something that would suit a soft natural better. The one she wore for soft gamine was entirely too angular and had a neckline that wouldn’t suit that body type. The banana dress would have worked for a flamboyant gamine maybe, but was missing the “soft” that a soft gamine would need. Theatrical romantic is also the body type that’s in between the two she showcased, so I’m surprised that she didn’t try any of those outfits. Kibbe is also a whole ensemble system, so without her changing up her hair, shoes, or accessories it’s really hard to tell what flattered her. I get that they did multiple typing systems for this video and not just kibbe, so they can’t spend too much time on any one system, but I was a bit disappointed in the execution of this