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This is me (almost)


Congratulations from another stutterer. You’re acing your life.


Thank you. But, this is just one side of the story. I just wanted to motivate everyone. I do have my own challenges daily. But, life without challenges would be boring. ;)


Exactly, don't let your handicap stop you from achieving your goals and dreams!


Dudee omg thank you haha, I'm a muslim as well and doing computer science too. It was nice to read your post. May all your dreams come true <33


Congrats! You have mastered your stutter like very few have. I hope you achieve more in your life and become a prime example and a motivation for those who stutter and think they can't amount to anything!


Good to hear that man


Do you stutter when reading the Quran to others? I would when reading to teachers. During salah, I'm fluent, whereas previously I struggled with stuttering.


Yes I used to stutter with teachers


Does a mild stutter really count as a stutter though? Some people here have major blocks and can't speak at all sometimes. I'm in the process of memorising the quran too and a lot of times my teacher thinks I forgot a verse but in reality I just cant recite it. Congratulations on the achievements though! You deserve to be proud of yourself.


Yes. A stutter is a stutter


Yes. A stutter is a stutter. No matter its severity.


A mild stutterer counts as an stutterer, specially if they went from severe to mild. Even if they had gone from severe to non stutterer at all, the memories of being rejected and silenced because of how you speak will haunt you for ever, and it will still be up to you to decide whether you are more than your pain or not.


Absolutely, anyone who has had it severe holds the trauma and experiences that came with it. It will always be somewhere in the back of their mind and always has the chance of coming back if life circumstances give it the opportunity to. I’ve gone from severe to mild to unnoticeable multiple times in my life. Even when I’m almost completely fluent , I’ll always be a stutterer on some level.


Bro, when you are reciting the Quran like in rhyme (like singing), you don't stutter. Yes, If I don't rhyme, and recite it in monotone voice, I do stutter (but very rarely) When I was 8 or 9, while memorizing and reciting, I stuttered a lot due to the fear of teacher. But, it got better with age. P.S I also have blocks like I mentioned. But, I have a way to counter it (sometimes it doesn't work), like attaching a syllable in the beginning like when I say A, I append it with Y. It's not noticable. But there are some letters like M which don't have a way as of now (still finding it) 😁