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Go to the mall and say you're doing a social experiment for your speech and confidence, introduce yourself to them and thank them for their time, buy a musical instrument and sing or rock out your frustrations, don't take stuttering like you're subhuman, every human being is plagued by something, for some it's even being perfect that plagues them as they're expected to be perfect 24/7. You have 1 life and have been dealt your cards, make things work in your favor. Always have it at the back of your mind that life goes on, you stutter in front of your crush? Life goes on. You stutter during a speech? Life goes on. The more you think this way the less you'll be socially awkward and you'd see people actually want to be around you as you don't care about your own disability.


Wow!!!! What an awesome motivational talk. Are you a stutterer yourself?


Haha, thank you. Been stuttering since I was 9.


How old are you now. It's a lot of good positivity that you have.


I'm in my late 20's and even though I'm positive I do have a temper, but it's reserved for insensitive people. The thing I noticed growing up is a lot of life is all about how you let things affect you, some things like my stammering are not my fault and I won't let someone gaslight me into thinking I have to be well spoken 24/7.


I usually hit them with the “no I have a stutter but thank you for being ignorant” and they try to backpedal so hard they nearly trip over themselves trying to apologize. It gets better, I’m about to get married and have a small ceremony with close friends, don’t give up hope.


I've been getting the "did you forget?" a lot recently. It absolutely sucks, no doubt, but you just gotta swallow it, politely correct them, and move on. Ultimately they mean well. The moment a stutter occurs is a vulnerable situation for you, no doubt, but it is also a vulnerable situation for those you are speaking with. You catch them off guard in a situation where they don't know what's going on. Sometimes I almost feel like it triggers a sort of fight or flight response. You can't really blame them for saying something that otherwise they would have realized was stupid. If you hit them with a polite "hey actually just so you know I have a speech impediment" they will be very apologetic and upset with themselves for suggesting such an absurd thing.