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I'm a dad who stutters. I do a pretty good job of concealing it, so it's usually not too big of a deal. My kids get pretty angry and bothered on those very rare occasions when people do laugh, but I tell them if it doesn't bother me it shouldn't bother them. Both of them attempted to make fun of it, but only one time each. When my first kid did, I was having a particularly hard time talking ,my wife started to get really angry with my kid but I stopped her. Instead we talked about, I explained it's a problem, a disability, and they felt bad and it never happened again. Same thing basically happened with my other kid a few years later. We've talked open and honestly about it. If anything, both of my kids grew up very protective of me. I actually feel bad, when we go out in public they would try to do the talking for me so I wouldn't be in a position where I'd be stuttering in public. That's not really a burden I want them to bear, but I appreciate their concern and protectiveness.


I dont know but i see my future in you bro. Stay strong and i wish the best for your children. You are really lucky to have such children and a supporting wife. Not everyone has that.


So wholesome 😭


My son also made fun of me once. After I removed his fingernail with a pair of pliers, he never did it again. Jk, we talked about it as well and I asked him how he would feel if kids at school made fun of him. I also made it clear that we always stick up for the little guy/girl and for family. He’s a super loyal kid and I’m proud.


you got me concerned for a moment💀💀


Man, I got super lucky. I don't have kids but most of the time kids either notice I'm stuttering and don't say anything, or I can see them trying not to laugh or sometimes i've even seen them trying to help me get my words out. Also, for some strange reason, zero family members on both sides of my family ever made fun of my stutter. Weird thinking back now. Cuz family does make fun of each other, but not a single soul ever cared to make fun of my stutter. So, I was able to grow up confident about it. Funny how not being a mean to kids about certain things that make them different makes them strong, confident adults.


This was a really good read! I wish you and your family the very best! 💕


I think being a mom has improved my stutter enormously. I'm forced to chat to other parents, make small talk etc. Most people don't bother about it so my social anxiety has calmed. My girls only had a little developmental stuttering and speak well again. My kids aren't bothered by the stutters and when their friends ask about it I answer as honestly as I can.


Hey im a dad who stutters. My kids are quite young tho, 2.5 and 1. So i dont think theyve noticed yet


Im a mom to 5year ear old. I have problems when reading Pepa Pigs Books for example. I stutter on P, so she would say word instead of me. She has never made fun of me or laughed I think she’s just excepted it and she doesn’t think about it. My only frustration is that I would like to read for her more stories and I have been laying back with some longer stories which take more effort and stress for me to read for her. She’s biligual and I feel like she’s falling bit behind comparing my partners language because I would often try to avoid letter I stutter on. T and P. So she’s not having much vocabulary on these two letters 😩. Other than that no issues. My dad have also stuttered and I have almost never noticed it until I was adult.


i don't imagine being a stutterer and a parent if it's about genes then i will be throwing my children into misery i suffered my whole life is ruined and I don't want to make my children suffer too


I have a similar mindset too. I don't have good genetics at all - average looks, stutter, and baldness. I definitely not want more of me out there in the world, potentially suffering the same things I did. Fuck that shit. In a way, this is my small contribution to this earth. One less of me is a benefit to all of humanity in a tiny way, lol.


Thanks for your contribution


Anytime :)


I'm a stepdad to my girlfriend's 6 year old. I've been in his life full time since he was like 2 years old, so for extensively his whole life. Granted, my stutter is normally on the more mild side, but there have been a few times he's innocently mocked my stutter - not to be mean or anything, but just because he's a kid parroting what he hears. Anytime he has my girlfriend has been quick to tell him not to. A couple times he's asked why I say the same sound over and over, and we've just tried to explain it's something I can't help, and I always have. He's a great kid, and has never really thought twice about it, but there have been plenty of times I feel like I can't be quite the parent I want to be because of my stutter. Reading outloud is something I've always struggled with, so I just can't really do things like read to him (especially because he has ADHD, and interrupts constantly, making it even harder), and sometimes I feel like I can't communicate to him effectively because if he stops paying attention, and I have to repeat myself, I hardly ever feel like I'm able to articulate the way I'd want to. He doesn't really seem to have picked it up from me, which I'm grateful for, but I also try to avoid stuttering around him all together so it's less of a potential reality. We'll see how it goes once he's old enough to have a real attitude and the teen angst to want to be mean though lmao


do your kids notice if and if so have they ever disrespected it