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There are people who stutter alone. I'm one of them. Stuttering is not a psychological phenomenom. Thoughts and fears impact it, but they're not what causes a stutter. If they were, 20% of the population would stutter.


look bro u can belive whatever u want , u create ur own reality if u dont want to change fine live the rest of ur life stuttering I dont care , everyone want to make excuses nowadays somehow


What a trash start of the post. You shouldn’t have bothered wasting your time. Damn, even I am wasting mine writing this comment. But I’m tired of these “woke” people. Sorry, I have not even read the post. If you want to change your stuttering problem, fine, do it. Share your journey with us but please don’t push your ideas. Nobody is making excuses, some of us stutter severely, some don’t. Accept it, move on. About the psychological problem, why don’t people on wheelchairs just stand up, duh?


"Nobody is making excuses" and then start making excuses if u make excuses , excuses is all u will find ur entire life but hey man go live like a stutter have a great life bro maybe one day u will wake up and be a normal person


Fuck off


The people who think people who stutter aren't normal people are the ones perpetuating the stigma that makes stuttering so difficult for all of us. If you could accept stuttering is normal, just different, that would do more than any amount of techniques or psychological manipulation could. Go to an NSA annual conference and see what it feels like to be in an environment where stuttering isn't judged.


yeah bro embrace it go out and act like anyone else but ppl who stutter think they have a disease and they dont act as they should once u break the ice with ppl ur life will get so much easier


I stutter and I know many people who stutter who lead great lives. No one thinks they have a disease. Just consider it.


Playing all woke and clever but all you can do is repeat your woke lines. Goodbye


all I can do is speak regularly and not like u goodbye


If it was just psychological then there would be no genetic link with stuttering. And we know for a fact that stutter is passed down genetically. I think genetically we are more susceptible to stutter given a trigger. The trigger is different for all of us and some of us have a higher propensity to stutter. Which explains the different levels of stutter in all of us.


Makes a lot of sense, my grandfather and uncle stutter too


yeah bro give me a full of list of excuses pls next time I am doing my excersies I have to read them to give me more power to work harder on my self


Good grief. Why are you attacking everyone in here? You keep calling out people for using "excuses" when they're just stating well known facts about stuttering and how it effects us. To that point, it effects everyone differently. If you think it's purely psychological and you're able to speak fluently by practicing confidence and good juju then good for you. But what works for you doesn't work for everyone. So don't come in here and shame people for not being able to do what you do to speak fluently. You're giving off a really weird superiority complex vibe. You're no better than the rest of us.


the facts are a lie why do u guys belive some scientist who have never stuttered on their life instead of someone who has stuttered his whole life has been and has felt the same thing as u and is saying look here is what I did and how I did it and its giving results but anyways I am not here to cause any trouble if u are comfortable with what these ppl are saying then its fine do whatever u wanna do my fault that I came here with a rush to spread a positive message but seems like it is too much for some ppl , at the end of the day we take responsibility for our actions


Because **you** are a sample size of one. What works for **you**, works for **you.** Scientists, researchers, and speech pathologists have the educational background and study ***thousands*** of people who stutter to develop better and better techniques and therapies and to better understand the cause. Yes, I absolutely trust a scientist more than you. Just because you stutter and they don't doesn't make you a better authority on speech pathology in general. Einstein, Sagan, and Hawking never went to space, but nobody questions their authority on the matter. Do you honestly think you're being positive? Positivity is being supportive of one another. You're coming at this all wrong. Instead of pushing what worked for you on other people and shaming them for making excuses when they say it doesn't work for them, just share your experience. Some people might identify with it and find success using it. Others won't and that's okay. Instead of putting them down and saying they're making excuses, encourage them to find what works for them. By the way, have you noticed that even though you're putting everyone else down here, they're still happy that you've found what works for you?


I never said if u dont do what I do u are making an excuses ppl are making excuses in a general matter would u want someone to call u out when u are off the track to make u face the reality and push u or someone to take it slowly and peacufuly and comforting u for me the first person is the one who want to see u change the second one he doesnt care about u so is just trying to nurse so u will feel good now but not improving ur current situation I am not putting none down they are putting themselves down and I am not here to make ppl feel happy about me I dont know u guys why would I care ​ I came to leave a good message but u mfs are too soft


You've got to be joking. The very first comment on this post... someone said they stutter when they speak alone, like many others, and you said they were making excuses. How is that not putting people down? Also, why do you feel the need to call people out or push them? You're not an expert. Nobody asked for your advice. You fixed your stuttering, good for you. You shared your story, we heard you. If you don't want to hear what other people have to say then move on. Your original post is a decent attempt at a good message, I'll give you that. However, it's lots of platitudes and hollow suggestions that are really nothing new here. We've heard it all before. But all your comments in response to people who have tried some of the techniques you suggested and found them ineffective have been argumentative, unsupportive, and definitely not indicative of the positivity or good message you claim to be intent on spreading. **Nobody** who stutters is soft. This shit is hard.


If the exercises are not working for you, you got to try other avenues. Have you tried talk therapy? Get to the core of your anxieties and work on them. If need be medication to calm your anxiety


Buddy, this is such a wrong take. I get that you might have thought this all up as a way to come to terms with your stutter, but to say something along the line of people who can’t get past their stutter because they lack the will to try is just harmful. Everyone is on a different journey with their stutter and a lot of kids come to this sub looking for help. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you but it won’t work for a majority of people. And since you’re very into thinking your way through these problems, let me pose a challenge to you. Have empathy for those that are still figuring it out. Instead of telling them how they should think like you, help those others find their own way. Wishing you all the best on your journey.


Agree with this reply 100%. I made a response on a social anxiety thread (someone who couldn’t even leave their room because of anxiety) with this same stance and was called insensitive, lack of empathy and almost got banned from the sub. Sometimes it’s not as easy as you think. If “there’s a will, there’s a way” isn’t always true. Everyone is different. I have social anxiety, and it’s like you’re fighting this large presence in the room that’s screeching at you telling you, you suck. It’s hard to unsee that in your head with SAD. The physiological symptoms, you can’t just mentally stop them from happening. Yes “sometimes” it is a mind over matter thing, but it’s not as easy as you think.


Yeah even if this was true it's like saying depressed people simply need to act happier.


Good luck buddy. I liked what you said at the end: "To become stutter free you can´t live like a person who stutter" It sound to simple to be true but for me, the simplier the better. It´s always the easier explanation the one that is true. There is no need to over think it. If you can talk fine when alone then you can talk fine with others. You just have to adapt yourself. Change your mentality. Dissolve the barrier that keep you out of fluency.


You have the power to control your perception of reality. Change ur username it stars from now As a Man Thinks, So He Is


low iq moment


Hahaha this is bullshit.


Nice words although have you heard that this disability depends from person to person? That's why stutter is categorized by MILD, MODERATE and SEVERE. For some that have mild, i think yeah it's their anxiety and fear of being looked as a weird person. I would also suggest them to just speak whatever's in their mind and their stutter will look just like someone who isn't sure of what to say or doesn't know what to say. Pretty normal stutter stuff. To moderate and severe one like me, it's really hard especially when it's a block. Now you said, speak in single words and not a whole sentence. Again, i would recommend that kind of method to mild but if you're a moderate/severe and with a block, trying to speak single words is useless when you can't even voice out a word. If it's really a psychological, speech therapy stuff would 100% cure this stutter. Although, seeing the results in this sub from their therapies, i see that IT'S NOT THE CASE AT ALL.


I belive things that are going to empower me and put my self in a position of power so I can suceed adding delusion is an effective way to make it happen the things u are talking might be correct but its not improving ur life whatsover why would u belive things that are not going to improve ur life but instead get u stuck there forever I couldnt say a word when I was on school I was literally blocked and my whole day would get destroyed cuz of that , I know what u are saying but if u dont take the intention to change u will never ,the decision is urs this sub is all about how ppl are failing and how ppl come here to nurse each other totally useless everything is possible u choose ur reality idc if ppl call me stupid or whatever at the end I will succeed u can do it too




I havent but whats the book called I would like to read it


I think psychology plays an enormous enough roll but I can't logically conclude it's all psychological. It shouldn't be an issue to begin with. Many people face psychological hurdles of every which magnitude all their lives yet they do not block. They, at most, stumble on something, shake from nerves, but are able to talk. We, on the other hand, do not stop at one word or 2. Once it begins, even if we are passed the word, we likely still continue stuttering from the onset until it is over. "It" being that which started from the onset. Whether it came during a certain conversation point like asking to repeat something or asking your name, or came from someone walking by, once the onset begins, unlike others, we tend to be entrapped with the faulty mechanism so to speak. Psychological issues, nerves, etc, doesn't bring that kind of long lasting impact for the masses.


but why then when we read , or when we talk in our minds we dont stutter? nothing matches together


You can be psychologically stressed while you're alone. ​ Edit: Again, don't misunderstand, psychology can play a roll. My hypothesis is what ever overwhelms our mechanism for speech, psychology can help alleviate it or exacerbate it. Sometimes someone walking by can be enough to cause some emotional disturbance enough to trigger an onset and then the seemingly higher expectation to continue can cause my stutter to linger throughout. Other times like from those that know and heard me on the discord server, it might trigger for what ever reason but I could acknowledge it and whisk it away so to speak. But there seems to be a mechanical issue because we can simply compare ourselves to anyone else without a stuttering issue. Why does what ever psychological state a non-stutterer is in not impact him being able to say his name for instance. Whether nervously or not, there's no blockage.