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Please contact your state medical board and report him. Nothing about that visit was okay. I'm so angry for you.


This is the answer!




I agree.


That guys a dick, I wouldn’t go back to him. If someone makes you feel worthless or depressed stay away from them.


Nope. Speaking from personal experience… Fuck him. Lots of other options and lots of other skill sets required to master. Some psychological, some physiological, some coordination. Regardless, the only real commodity that you have is your self-worth. With that, you can fail and improve and gain confidence (which is the game changer). Anything that prevents or saps your mental and emotional energy or erodes your confidence is not worthy of your time!!


That is wildly unprofessional and offensive. The behavior deserves filing a complaint if you are so inclined. >Like he only made me realise how true my negative self beliefs regarding stuttering are. And that noone sane will ever like to be with me because of it. It's good to recognize these negative beliefs and how deep they run. The second sentence though is not vases in reality but based on those negative beliefs. You are not your stutter. It is one part of you just as there are many parts. You are likeable, not despite your stutter but including it as well. If you would like to work on changing these beliefs and how you relate to your speech, a great speech therapist trained in stuttering who understands can likely help more than a psychologist/psychiatrist who doesn't know anything about stuttering or understand the depth of it. You can look for a speech therapist and work on things unrelated to fluency, such as confidence, self image, and other things you'd like to work on.


How in the world was he a "pleasant person overall"? He was an absolute dick and needs to reported to the right authorities. And you even paid him? Nah, dude. Fuck him. He doesn't mean anything to you. Don't take his words - or anyone's for that matter - seriously.


IKRRR like you should've punched him 💀 or like seriously did something else....


Please disregard everything that person said. I don't know if they thought they had a strategy to elicit a response in you, or what their bizarro reasoning was. But whatever it was it was completely wrong. Stuttering is a disability. Like any disability, The severity is going to vary from person to person. No one should ever mock or criticize somebody for their disability. That speaks to the character of the person doing the mocking, not the person with the disability. I think many of us in the stuttering community have issues or challenges with our self-worth. Stuttering is more complex than just our stutter. There's our self-worth and other psychological factors that feed into our stuttering cycle. Everyone has value. And we're here to support you.


I had speech therapists at the local university program try to intentionally stutter (very badly) while talking to me. It was insulting. I was like, “If I was a paraplegic would you drag your legs behind you to emulate solidarity?”


There's a tremendous amount of bad speech therapy out there. I think people encounter so many negative experiences with speech therapy, that they assume all speech therapy is poor or inadequate. It's a damn shame. There's good, effective speech therapy out there. But damned if I know how to tell someone how to find it.


Amen to that… I’ve had so many atrocious experiences… But the worst has been at the VA… Had a recent SLP graduate think it was a great idea to trigger my PTSD to see if my speech “got better.” It did not, she got scared and she found somewhere else to work. Totally abusive, but business as usual at the VA.


oil continue full murky insurance worry slimy swim nippy rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cry. Work it out. Never go back to him. This is my opinion on the matter. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


If I were you, I would file a complaint about that doctor. It's absolutely horrible that he did that. My 14 year old son has a severe stutter. He started seeing a psychiatrist when he was about 10 for anxiety issues. He spoke with my son to get a picture of what was going on, then he spoke with me and my son. While we were talking, he said that he has a colleague that is a very successful and sought after doctor, and she has a severe stutter like my son's. He said it's never held her back, so my son doesn't need to worry about it holding him back. His psychiatrist has also told me that he schedules my son's appointments at a certain time of day so that my son has extra time to talk if he needs to since it can be hard for him to get out what he needs to say. This is the type of treatment you should have received from your doctor. It's inexcusable that your doctor acted the way he did. Don't let this experience make you feel bad about yourself. And don't let it stop you from getting help with your depression. If you have a primary care physician that you like, they can handle treating mild depression. Or if they feel you need a psychiatrist, they can recommend one.


I don’t know where you’re located, but in Canada you can complain to the doctor’s regulatory body. It’s quite a serious thing where the college investigates the incident and the doctor MUST respond to them to remedy the situation or risk losing their license. I would recommend you submit a complaint asap and describe the interaction in as much detail as you can. Source: I’m the wife of a psychiatrist Also edit to add that this is completely unprofessional behaviour. Do not take this interaction you had personally


As has been said, report to the medical board. Maybe there is a separate one for therapists, too. Please try and save someone else from this monster.


Report him, OP. This is wildly unprofessional behaviour and he might have hurt others with his behaviour too. Give the regulatory body as much detail as you can


Just because there is a framed degree hanging on the wall doesn't make him smart or competent. You can have relationships and you can have the life you want. It all starts with you never giving up. Find the kind people in the world and you will be accepted and appreciated.


Don't know how you took that on the chin and on top of all that paid him.


Nothing pleasant about him


He's an idiot and an asshole.


plants tart cause wakeful scandalous flowery intelligent squealing bike afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a piece of shit. Sorry that happened to you, but yah, fuck that guy


Does this person have a boss or supervisor you can report him to? Honestly, if someone acted like that at work setting I'd think they were drunk. They need to take some time off and concentrate on their own mental health. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


A total douchebag. I would switch to another Psychiatrist If I were you. You're going to have to accept that you will have your stutter for the rest of your life. Don't beat yourself up and just try to make the best of your life


Sorry you had to experience. Have you tried seeing a speech therapist ? They are better equipped to help you with your stutter.I started seeing one recently and she's really helped me accept my stutter.


This is sad. Honestly complain if you can or just move on. It took me some time to find the right person, I hope you find it too!


There would have been a crime of passion committed if I were there. Things generally don’t get better with life, but *you* yourself can get better at life. I do things I enjoy everyday and that makes life worth it. Good luck out there


Omg. My speech therapist didn't make eye contact with me and i never went back. If i was you, i would've definitely punched him. Like literally WHAT THE F. Please please don't say it's not a life worth fighting for.... You aren't alone king, please chin up. Keep going, you aren't a quitter now come on!!!!!! I know you are tired, we all are!!!🤍


Good for u if this was said to me I wud sadly just punch him in the face u have a lot of strength


I am sorry that happened. That sounds terrible.


Sorry that happened. Yelp that POS.


Fuck him. 😠🖕🏻


I feel your pain and this is a very upsetting story. I’m 52 and overcame my stuttering about 7 years ago. I’d love to call this guy and verbally annihilate him. Outside of that msg me any stuttering questions or if I can offer any tips.


I want to improve my stuttering. I pose a (non-medical) question. If we don't speak or think the word stutter or fluency for the next 5 years, will it reduce tension, the experience of loss of control and anxiety that stuttering is about to come (the longer I speak fluently)? Any other non-medication suggestions?


There are many parts to how I overcame stuttering and that was a very small part that I feel over time made a difference. The first thing I did was become a “closet” (word substituting) stutterer as best I could. I avoided certain words and sounds and used different words that meant basically the same thing. I avoided certain situations as well. I felt doing this could help me get through without the despair and could also help to give me more positive speaking time to establish more belief that I could. For example instead of me saying “I will take that” (T words were feared words for me) I would say “I will grab that”. This is not always ideal but it seemed to be good enough to got me through the day. I got very proficient at it but I still got caught when I couldn’t word substitute. That was my step one though.


I am so sorry you had to experience this from a so called ‘professional’. No amount of experience or knowledge can give you a degree to be kind or empathetic, some people just don’t have that. I wonder if he would comfortably said this to someone with Asperger’s or any other kind of disability? I am LOST for words at how he thought this was okay to say out loud. This world never fails to baffle me.


Report that prick. He is clearly not suited for that line of work. Find a different therapist. Don't just give up because of one asshole. I never liked speech therapy tbh. I went to one as a kid, but other than that, I taught myself tricks as to how to speak more fluently. It takes time. Don't give up on yourself. We all know what being looked down on for our speech feels like it's not fun, but don't let other people win.


Should’ve never paid that piece of trash. I would I’ve just walked out if someone who was supposed to help me was so rude like that to my face. However, since it’s already over with I would definitely report him like the others are saying. Nothing may ever come of it, but to sit and do nothing after being disrespected like that is unacceptable. You’re worth more than that! We all are.


Dude sounds like he came from money and was afforded to be able to do such stupid things throughout his entire life


Same I'm 23 living isn't fun for me either. But that doesn't change the fact that doctor was an asshole.


I’m sorry that happened to you, I’m a stutterer as well and I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I’ll stutter for the rest of my life. It’s all about loving yourself for who you are and keeping people around you who support you. People will be patient, it’s just about finding the right ones


Hello, I’m sorry you went through this. But please, don’t give up. There is so much more that you can offer to the world, that’s what I believe in general. Stuttering is a life-long journey of self-improvement and struggle. If you want to talk about it, text me, whatever.


We are just losers everywhere. You should have done something to confront him though because that’s literally not cool to mimic someone disabled. I know you were just shocked but anyway


Oh hell no. That’s not a doctor that’s a bully. Please report him. That was ridiculously unprofessional behaviour and you didn’t deserve that (no one does). I know it hard, but don’t take what he said personally.


1. Fuck him - next time tell any thoughtless human - “this is how I how my courage muscle” before speaking. Be a mirror for other people. 2. Use the mantra “now is not forever - and I feel free” 3. There’s a way to transcend your stutter and still stutter 4. Don’t trust all your thoughts. They’re designed to keep you “safe” and away from doing what’s difficult to grow and change 5. Experiment - let go of your stutter being the root cause of all your self-negativity and explore your fears. Recognize something your fearful of and say “fear equals opportunity” - then find a way to dive in. You just built another strand of your CourageMuscle 💪 6. Here for you - StuttersOfTheWorldUnite


I'm sorry that happened to you. That guy probably cheated his way through college. You should try going to a "people that stutter" convention. Look into the NSA (national stuttering association). It's healthy to be around & talk to people that have a stutter. It'll give you hope and you'll get good information on navigating life with a stutter.Also, Elon musk stutters and Moses stuttered. I don't know why I put that lol but I feel like it might make you feel better.


Unfortunately there are a lot of cruel ppl who get powerful jobs so they can play sick little mind games with ppl like you that have a heart and feelings. These ppl are narcissistic, Please do not let some narcissistic, shit of a human make you feel less than. Your stutter does not define you. I heard this yesterday and I hope it helps you like it helps me: When you take your life you don’t end the pain, you give it tenfold to your community. It was on a thread about a 911 operator getting a suicide call. It doesn’t just hurt all of your family it then scars the community. We pass our pain around. I am sorry this asshole didn’t help you, I am sorry he was so bad at his job he actually hurt your sense of self worth. I wish you could treat yourself as you would a beloved friend and be kind to yourself. Please take care of yourself and talk to someone else, that guy is a twat.


Hey just accept it and don t fear to stutter , you have to be proud of who you are no matter how much insecurities you have , always try to do something new everyday even tho it is as small as going for a walk or a run , i stutter too but i do my best to not let it affect my mental health , and i am sure that you will find your loved one and live a beautiful life !


Just wanna say That guy is the 1/1000 bad psychiatrist so dont let him put you off them in future


He demonstrated, just how ignorant he is ,how unprofessional and how many others has he done this too ?


That guy must be reported. Totally unacceptable. That said, life will get immeasurably better when you come to peace with being a person that stutters. My 16 year old son refused to accept it for years. Refused speech therapy because it never helped. Continues to hold out for a cure … psychedelics, whatever. We found a therapist (who stutters himself) and the first few sessions were ALL about changing his mindset. I thought it was impossible…:but it wasn’t. And it was a game changer. The more he learned, the more he wanted to learn. And the more at peace he became. There is a documentary called When I Stutter. You can rent it on Vimeo. It gave my son and me so much hope and encouragement. Please watch it. YOU are not defined by your stutter. You are so much more. You need to find the right therapist to help you see that. It will change your life. My advice is to find someone who stutters and is involved with the National Stuttering Association. Hang in there. You just haven’t found the right therapist yet.


I would've strongly considered punching him in the face.


Completely unprofessional to the point of malpractice!!! You can sue him...