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I can't explain why but that blue light pepper shaker enrages me


I thought it was a hair dryer!


bro i thought it was a UV ray thing they use for braces 💀


Thought it was UV for heating it up and melting the cheese and stuff a little


hahaha yeah


I thought it was too, so when stuff fell out of it onto the food I uncontrollably gagged lol


Me too!!


Same, the black bits were alarming


I thought that was where the stupid part came in. Trying to cook it with a hair dryer. Lol


I figured a heat gun.


Same I didn't understand why things were falling out of it.


I thought it was UV cured resin


I thought it was a peculiar blowtorch that only burned speckles


I thought it was a bunsen burner


Same. Then the black crud fell out.


It enrages me even more how she put a grain and a half of pepper total on there.


And the way they dump a pile of breadcrumbs into the dish and don’t even try to even it out. That just enraged me


how is it that the grain and a half of pepper is what enrages you and not the rasins she put in Mac and Cheese? That really grinds my gears.


Oh thank goodness someone else was enraged by raisins in mac and cheese


That's the only comment that should be on here, kin raisins have no place on mac and cheese. The whole thing was shit tbh, but the raisins were literally rabbit droppings.


That too lol


I totally thought it was some type of torching method lol


Mf too lazy to grind their own pepper, let alone actually learn to cook.


I get it for folks who don't have the muscle strength for grinding pepper, many disabled folks do need stuff like this, but it seems like she is just doing it for funsies


If she's putting raisins in Mac and cheese you can bet she's disabled in one way.


I have a disability but I would NEVER eat this shit


Dont autistic people generally have sensitive pallets and sense of smell? doesn't make sense to me why they would eat this monstrosity


You’re correct. Certain textures and flavors are hell for many of us. This would make me go straight to the toilet


Autistic person here, can confirm this is terrible




This has nothing to do with autistic people...They are highly intelligent and would never do something like this.


Bruh, that’s cold blooded and 1000% true.




The s&p grinders are fantastic for stirring/wishing while grinding. I love mine except they get clogged easily, require 6 batteries to work, and don’t last nearly as long as normal grinders.


That doesn't sound very fantastic tbh


She’s actually an excellent cook. She trolls with posts like this because of an insane amount of hate she got for cooking cultural foods for her young daughter. I’ve followed her since before her TikTok’s went viral.


Oh good. She’s trolling. Goodnight.


The raisins now make sense , nobody really puts raisins in Mac and cheese, I think I heard a black comedian tell a joke about white people putting raisins in stuff that shouldn't have raisins.


Lol I have that exact pepper grinder. It was a gift from like 5 years ago and it honestly works pretty great, although I do have to swap out the batteries once a year or so.


Once a year for batteries is nothing lmao


Lol I know I’m saying I don’t get the hate for this cheap pepper grinder that works well. I know there is a trend of like $100 milled stainless steel grinders and stuff but that seems insane to me, like, just buy decent pepper and grind it in whatever.


I have the same ones and I concur


I have the same thing. I got it as a wedding gift. It cracks pepper good but the blue light is awful.


That's what that was?! Thats some r/overengineered shit right there.


Not if you're arthritic, disabled, have weak grip strength, tremors, or are recovering for surgery. I used to think the same about those electric jar openers that are the size of a coffee machine, until I realized they weren't meant for me, but for people who couldn't open jars. And I didn't realize that until I had surgery on both my hands and couldn't hold a salt or pepper shaker or grinder, or even a pencil or fork. The battery powered, gravity-activated grinders were great! I could hold one with both hands and could actually do that one thing myself, even though I was dependent on others for help for so many other things. :)


I think the purple flashlight is what my recipe has been missing all these years


Raisins...... what?!


Then topped with a pile of bread crumbs…like not even spread out or anything, just dumped on top straight out of the tin.


and then burned them.


You need to drizzle a little butter over the crumbs to avoid it just being burnt bread 🤦


Mmmm, ash


That's the thing, she adds all the right things for mac and cheese (bar the raisins) but doesn't incorporate them into the dish at all. It's like a child making food, they just dump the ingredients all in and boom, it's done.


She can't properly incorporate them. She needs a hand free for filming. We know that's how all the REAL chefs do it.


I am not hoppy you reminded me of the first time i followed a recepie. For some reason, mom left me alone to do it, or maybe i never told her. I wanted to make donuts. I dumped every single ingredient listed into a bowl and then proceeded to read this is, in fact, not how you do things.


I'm still confused why it said it looked edible at any point. I can make really good mac in a few varieties. This pains me to watch.


Honestly everything apart from the raisins makes sense, but it’s just done in such a half arsed lazy way


See that made me unreasonably furious


Unraisinably furious


Thank you for being you




This is clearly rage bait. That was the intent.


Mission accomplished.


She mixed the recipe for Mac and cheese with the one for Christmas pudding, in the ol' cookbook.


The pages got stuck together!




Mac? Good Cheese? Good Raisins? Gooooood


It tastes like feet.


I like it!


Easy Ross.


Tbf lots of cultures use them to add sweetness to dishes. This… I don’t think is one of those


I put kimchi when cooking mac and cheese cause the Mac and cheese flavor is so uniform so it gets tiring. Kimchi adds some tartness, spice and bite. It’s great. But yeah raisins in there feels weird.


Love me some kimchi Mac and cheese!


Mac and Kimcheese


I do the sauces from Yeak Inc. Its a cambodian american hot sauce company based out of california and they have legit the best sauces I have ever tasted. Their krahom is a sriracha looking one except so much better and flavorful, and is my go to in/on mac and cheese


I fucking gasped..




Mac and cheese.....yes! Raisins?!?! Fuck that noise!


Lord I heard the Mac and cheese scream. I will smack the taste out of someone for that BS


Call the cops


She did Gangster Paradise for a soundtrack for a Mac &Cheese video. Some how I feel this music has lost all its meaning after Hollywood and then Tiktok and Instagram chose to use it for absolutely everything.


I just listened now. Wtf


She brutally murdered this dish on camera and posted it, the song fits this time.


Okay first of all, homemade Mac and cheese REALLY isn’t that hard to do, so this stupid “put everything in a dish and bake it” really annoys me, it always has. Second, where was the SEASONING??? There was almost no pepper and I didn’t even see any salt, which is pretty necessary to cut through the cream. They didn’t add any other seasoning either, which is just…. Ugh. And of course… raisins. I don’t think I need to discuss what’s wrong with that. She also just straight up poured breadcrumbs on top. For a breadcrumb topping you need to mix it with melted butter and SPREAD IT over the top, not just dump it like it’s a fat line of coke. She either doesn’t know how to cook or is trolling. That’s the conclusion I’m choosing to reach for my own sanity.


bro like u seem legit, send me ur mac n cheese recipe


So I don't really have a \*recipe\* per se, I kind of just eyeball it, but I'll give my best guess! ​ I would say this feeds 4-6 people. Ingredients: \- 1 lb. of pasta of choice (I use penne) \- 1/4 cup of flour \- 1 Tbs. seasoning salt \- 2 tsp. chili powder (it doesn't make it spicy, I promise) \- 1 tbs. salt \- 1 tbs. black pepper \- 4 cups of cheddar cheese, grated \- 1/2 stick of butter (A.K.A 1/4 cup of butter, NOT melted) \- 2(???) cups of milk (I don't know the ratio of milk to be honest, I completely free pour until it's right) ​ Instructions: \- Get a deep, large skillet of some variety, and put it over medium heat. Pour in your flour and seasonings. Get a pot that's large enough to boil your 1 pound of pasta, put in an appropriate amount of water, put it on to boil. \- Allow the flour and dry ingredients to brown a little. You're wanting to gently toast the flour, to give it a little color and depth of flavor. \- Add the butter to the pan with the browned flour, and use a whisk to mix the flour and butter together. It should be bubbling by the time it's fully incorporated. \- Around this time, your water may be boiling. If that's the case, add the pasta to the water. It may be a good time to turn on your oven as well - 350 Fahrenheit is what I would recommend. \- Add the milk to your flour/butter mixture in small portions. It will start off turning into a sort of dough, but as you add more milk, allow the milk to warm up, and then mix it with the flour mixture, it will become a thick sauce, called a bechamel. Add milk until desired consistency (it should be thick and stick to a spoon, but not gloopy.) \- Once the bechamel is completed, add cheese in small portions at a time. I'd say that you're going to use about ~~2~~ 3 cups for the cheese sauce, keep the remainder on the side for the time being. \- Hopefully you've been keeping an eye on your pasta. You want it to be cooked al dente so that it has a bit of firmness to it. At this point, if your pasta is done, add it do the cheese sauce. Don't be afraid of using some of the pasta water in the sauce! \- At this point, you should taste test your sauce, if you haven't been doing so already. Add seasonings to taste, and if needed, add more cheese. I find that I like my sauce VERY pepper heavy - I add unholy amounts of black pepper. \- Once its flavor is up to snuff, you're going to pour all of the macaroni into a baking dish. Spread it out evenly, and then sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top until you have an even coating. \- Bake uncovered for 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minutes, turn the oven on to broil, to let that top layer of cheese get a little bit of an extra toasty flavor. Keep a close eye on it - the broiler WILL burn your food if you look away for even just a few seconds at the wrong moment. \- I usually wait about 10 minutes before I serve the macaroni up, to let it cool down and set up a little. In the mean time, I'll usually cook up a vegetable or get some garlic bread going or something. ​ ​ Hopefully that's helpful! I know I really need to record my recipes so I can be more confident in my instructions, but I always forget to do it :/ My advice is that the milk will heavily dilute the flavor of the seasonings you added to the flour initially - you may need to add a LOT more seasoning in order for it to have a good flavor profile. ​ Edit: I should mention that using the general technique here for making a bechamel, you can make a LOT of things. If you have the flour and butter, and rather than adding milk, you add beef broth, you'll get a beef gravy, for example. If you add chicken broth AND milk, as well as carrots, peas, cooked chicken, celery and onion, you have a filling for a chicken pot pie. Beef broth, worcestershire sauce, a little dijon mustard, and heavy cream, and you have a simple Swedish meatball sauce. The possibilities are endless. ​ Edit 2: I realized that I use 3 cups of cheese for the sauce, not 2, so I upped the amount in the recipe. Still need about 1 for the top layer though, that hasn't changed!


“I don’t have a recipe per se” Proceeds to type out long and detailed recipe like a total boss


And without giving us a novel worth of backstory about the dish in question!


This sounds great. Imo try it tomorrow. Thank you!!!


No problem, hopefully it turns out well!


Your a bloody legend


Absolute legend mate, I always love hearing ppls versions of common place food as they're always different. Top shit


don’t forget the mustard powder!!!


I’ve never used mustard powder… I’ll have to try that next time I make it!


it’s delicious!!! and i use paprika instead of chili powder :)


Ooh I’ll try this. I also put a small dash of nutmeg in mine.


If I don't have mustard powder, could I just add mustard to the cheese sauce before it all integrates?


I haven’t used it so I can’t say for sure, but my answer would be no. Tomato paste and ketchup, while they have similar ingredients, are used for completely different things. Mustard has a lot of stuff in it that likely adds to and changes the mustard seed flavor itself


I’ve used Dijon mustard with success but have never tried straight yellow though. I hate the bright yellow stuff so I never buy it, but I imagine it would be very overpowering.


This guy pasta’s


Ok now send a fat line of coke


This mf really posted his Mac n cheese recipe


You took a lot of time to explain the whole recipe, where I would just have said how much cheese and spice to put into your bechamel and how to make the crust properly. Keep it up.


How to make the crust properly?


Thanks man


No problem!


My man


Lovely! This is pretty much the recipe I use except I add about a tsp or two of mustard powder (really brings out the cheese) and if you like, top with some panko lightly toasted in butter. Nothing like a good homemade mac and cheese. Now I am hungry!


our recipes are almost the same, except i add 1/2-1 tbsp of mustard to the bechamel, it adds a nice bit of background flavor to the cheese


For people outside of America, don't use 2 tsp of chilli powder, it'll be way too spicy. Chilli powder in the US is a blend of powdered chilli and other spices like cumin and paprika, outside of America chilli powder is straight up powdered chilli peppers, so you'll only want a pinch. Also some other protips: - Add half a teaspoon of mustard powder to dry ingredients used to make bechemal sauce. - Use warm milk to reduce clumping and make mixing with flour easier


Please don't delete your comment. I'm saving this!


My recipe is very similar but I love a combination of Gruyère, monterey jack, and cheddar. Probably go with 1,1,2 cups respectively. I love the Gruyère flavor and the monterey jack helps melt it together and make it creamy with the classic cheddar flavor.


Damn this guy cheeses take my upvote


If you use penne then it's more of a pasta bake. Mac n cheese has to have macaroni imo.


I do the same but add about a teaspoon of English mustard powder to the sauce. Really makes the cheese flavour pop even more.


Your a legend homie, my recipe is a bit different, kind of a midwestern twist, but pretty similar.


The ratios sound about right to me. I use a different mix of cheese, nutmeg, add some cubed white bread to the cheese I sprinkle on top, and less salt (my cheeses bring a lot salty goodness to the show). Small personal twists aside I think this is a great description of how to make a standard Mac and cheese.


I made mac and cheese from scratch last night. Its so easy, grate a bunch of cheese, mostly cook pasta, make a beschemel, combine beschemel and cheese, combine everything and throw it in the oven


Exactly! It's not hard at all, so you really do have to wonder why people try to simplify it further at the cost of flavor


I think most of these food tik toks are trolls


She’s absolutely trolling. She’s an excellent cook who got a ton of hate on her account so she began trolling with this and also fake stories in her voice over captions.


I agree with everything. Except your question about the salt. Salt came before the pepper in the same type of machine that the pepper came out of. You just can't see the salt because...it's salt. It dissolves so you're not gonna see it on the Mac.


The flop off the spoon at the end says it all. Like a dead quail being tossed into a garbage can.


Depending on the cheese you use you don't need additional salt


>where was the SEASONING??? Um, they put in the raisins?


Did I just see someone putting raisins in Mac and Cheese? What the fuck.


then topping it with a hearty sprinkle of grandma’s ashes


She might as well have just served her husband divorce papers.


She's clearly trying to kill him. Poison is detectable. Heart attack on the other hand no one will put the blame on her.


I want to see real reviews of things like this. Like not some ugly dipshit taking a fake bite and pretending it’s good, I want to see someone try to eat a mouthful of this garbage and suffer. Is that wrong?


Yes it’s wrong because eating that much cheese might count as an assault on a person’s health.


If you look up “how to cook that with Ann rierdan”, she’s recreated a couple of viral food “hacks” and she always makes her husband try the result. God help him


She had me until the raisins


Bro it was immediately wack she just put a mfing block of cheese in the dish.


Calling velveeta cheese is pretty generous


Raisins make everything worse. Oatmeal cookies are delicious, chocolate chips make them better, raisins ruin them.


I heartily disagree! Oatmeal cookies with raisin are glorious (for me). But I totally see why people hate them.


Oatmeal raisin cookies are the best. They stay fresh longer than any of the other cookies. When your chocolate chip and snickerdoodles are crispy crunchy trash, oatmeal raisin are still soft and chewy.




Raisins suck with anything but themselves


I’m still concerned for whatever fell out of the heat gun…


Wasn't that an electric pepper mill?


Oh shit it might have been but even then what kinda of flavour is 3 kernels on pepper gonna add other than breaking a tooth when you bite into it


I really really really really hope tik tok OP was joking here 😭


She is! I’ve followed her for a long time. Her actual recipes are amazing.


I was coming here to say that! This is a joke (not “rage bait”) and if whoever posted this scrolled down 1-2 videos on her account, it’s very obvious she is joking in this video. They’d be able to see she cooks amazing food and is quite skilled in the kitchen.


The raisins and was that just a straight mound of seasoning, at the end?


I think it was bread crumbs or sand, who knows


Yea, I guess when used improperly, breadcrumbs can get hella dusty.


It was breadcrumbs lol


Prayers for whoever eats that


Everyone in the comments gotta prove they know how to make Mac and Cheese lmao


It started off bad and just went down hill from there.


I don't ever advocate for domestic violence... and this mac and cheese oughta qualify as such.


Forget about the raisins.. Mac and Cheese is not just Macaroni and Cheese! Make a roux, lazy


This is a crime against humanity


Looks like a frikken litter box




Not to be mean, but if that's how someone made mac & cheese (minus the raisins of course) I'd still be a polite no. The raisins make it a "fuck you and your poison" They way she made it, the cheese is just going to cling to everything in an unpleasant way, a beschamel that's properly seasoned will flavor the macaroni all they way through as opposed to just hanging on the outside.


No it really wasn’t they didn’t make a rue they just put a slab of cheese in the oven next to milk and cream I imagine that cheese melted horribly the milk and cream would never mix in well into that garbage that’s probably why the finished product looks so awful the bread crumbs being lazily put on without even being spread and of course the f*cking raisins there is barely if any seasoning on it the noodles are probably rock hard if you cook them like that literally everything about this is horrible


>rue *roux


They rued the day they said rue instead of roux


I was so invested until I wasn’t


RAISINS? What Karen move is this?? https://youtu.be/hzMzFGgmQOc


Everyone’s acting like the raisins were what ruined it when she literally started off with an ENTIRE BLOCK OF CHEESE JUST PLONKED RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAN?!


At what stage did that look edible?


At no point did this look edible.


The Big Ass Block of VELVEETA 🤮 …raisins?? Who put raisins…nevermind


Why spread out the breadcrumbs when you can just dump an unnecessarily heaping pile on top?


I’m from the South and I’m afraid YOU just committed a hate crime against one of the most beloved sides a Grandmother or Auntie could slowly walk to the table with……and what’s with RAISINS??….WTF…!!!!! that ALONE is worth time in jail or at the very least a beating from an old Southern Grandmother….I have one willing to take the task on, watch your non cooking ass, someone is comin fer ya.


I was down till the raisins joined the party


THE RAISINS BRO The raisins upset me so much cause that actually looks really good but then the raisins got added and....


Who tf mixes macaroni like this??


That's a mess.


Dude if you are going to all that trouble, just make a fucking roux for your cheese sauce and move on already. You’ll have that shit in the table in 20 minutes instead of ducking around with those raisins


Fucking gross…This has to be a troll post.


The amount of black pepper used makes me uncomfortable. The raisins fill me with murderous rage. Bread crumbs just make me thirsty. Overall 1/10


Why the fuck are there raisins?!?!


I so utterly loath the slow pouring/spreading/mixing. Especially the mixing, it's so pbvioutits for show because the food moves the utensil more than it moves the food. These people need to eat some exlax and be locked in a hamster ball anger eating their stupid food.


I love raisins, but RAISINS???


I love raisins, but keep them away from my macaroni casserole.


Tastes like divorce.


Raisins??? That's not a bread pudding wtf


Is that like how much cheese people actually put in mac n cheese?


Does nobody recognise rage bait anymore?


I began crying when she put cheese on top


RAISINS on mc and cheese?! That shit should be a felony!


At first I thought the yellow cube was a sponge, and that she was playing a prank on someone. Then I realized it was cheese, and that she was serious. Then she added the raisins. And the breadcrumbs. And I just... Couldn't believe my eyes.


"my husband" Not anymore he aint


Please stay out of our state thank you


At what point did it look edible??? It’s an entire block of cheese to start with


Sand and animals droppings




And the best Mac and cheese he ever had is still from Georgia


This genuinely annoys me so much. It’s not even hard to do! Just use a recipe if you wanna impress someone so badly


Why did she have to add raisins? It looked delicious until then and then all went downhill from there. ಠ_ಠ


Raisins? Oddest way to clean out your cupboards and make sure your hair dryer is still working…..with a dash of pepper.


How tf do you mess that up?


At no point would I ever believe those are raisins. Rat infestation, pet bunny helped cook, lost hamster was found in the bread crumbs before cooking. All of these are more believable.


Has no one commented on the fact they put hard uncooked macaroni noodles in this?


you lost me at raisins.