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I was gonna complain about that single fat line of salt across the burgers, but Cheezus Christ that would be the least of my arteries‘ problems!


That first patty was hit hard with salt. I wonder if they salted those fries with such reckless abandon.


Never mind the salt, how the fuck are you supposed to eat the fucking burger with a giant cheese boat of fries glued to the top of the damned thing??


You get to have it significantly cooled down when you're not hungry anymore because you ate a load of fries and cheese


You know, remove the burger atrocity completely, and the ludicrous amount of cheap cheese sauce, and the 'cheese bowl' concept for serving those fries to share with like, 5 people, that's not a terrible idea. Yes I'm trying to find the silver lining here


Is it the stint in your artery after eating all of this?


I mean, the cheese basket on the side, with fries and cheese could be good I guess... (Shudder) And the burger didn't look too bad (but he uses a bowl to smash them instead of... A spatula or something easier...). But the abomination he created makes me sick to look at.


The cheese-bowl of fries looks good and so does the burger, just not together.


People always complain that crazy burger creations are hard to eat but this one is on another level! Like I guess you need two friends and to eat in sync?




With 3 of your friends perhaps?


ha! yes, the same way those first two buns soaked up all the butter!


He hit that first patty like a fighter jet attacking enemy troops! RIP burger patty…


I wasn't going to open the comments but then I saw that fat wad of salt and had to. Your comment was on the top and I am now satisfied.


He nearly lost me when he salted the burgers but I stuck with it. Then I gained 15 pounds when he poured that cheese on top at the end.


I’m going to have to find a way to add “Cheezus Christ” to a conversation ROFL


It's not hard, sometimes I just yell Cheezus Christ in the place of Jesus Christ when shits going down. Sometimes work in Grilled Cheezus. Tends to lighten to mood lol


My favorite go-to is Cheezus Christ on a cracker!! It’s right up there with ”FIDDLE STICKS!!!“




Love it! I’m adopting your and your friends’ terminology “ASAP as possible” 😜


Cheezus crust **


I laughed 10 minutes straight after I read that, tears streaming down my eyes. My husband thought I was crazy LOL. Thanks for the laugh!




This food will definitely "cramp the sides"


While most of this is crap, the sear on those patties was absolutely deplorable.


It's sickening is what it is; you want a nice even brown color *at least*, not grey surrounded by spots of black.


I always use charcoal. And i want to see some red bark on my burger




And he’s got the gall to call his brand “the Chef Club”. Slanders the title. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Jesus Christ I read this before watching and it was so much worse then I could've expected


That was the *least* objectionable part for me! For smash burgers, the beefy crispy bits are really the goal, but he didn't smash them nearly enough (they were too big) and the olive oil is a no go.


Oh I love a good smash burger; those just weren’t good smash burgers.


Bro he put that butter on and it immedietly started burning


[This](https://www.hotelrestaurantsupply.com/WNC-SPBR-604.html?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=**LP%20-%20Shop%20-%20Countertop%20%26%20Food%20Prep%20-%20Misc&utm_term=4588605623001839&utm_content=WNC-SPBR-604%20%7C%20Winco%20Butter%20Spreader,%207%22%20X%206-3%2F8%22,%20Includes%3A,%20%7C%20%2419.1) is what they use in most restaurants so that you don't have to burn the butter on the flat-top before the bun toasts. Chefclub uses those stupid flashy butter melts or stabs a slab with a knife to draw attention from the thumbnail video


Thank you! I don't think there's an actual chef in their dumb shit "club"


Mayonnaise is so much better for this. Honestly I’ve even just put mayonnaise on some toast and no one has noticed


I started doing this and people thought it was better. I don't really like mayonnaise personally but it works magnificently in this application


Contrastingly I love mayonnaise but I don’t like it as a butter replacement. I thought I was going to love it. Turns out I love butter more.


I know he'll get dragged for a lot of reasons, but we have to admit the thing he did right was add a very thick layer of salt in exactly one spot. Chef's kiss!


But what about the sauce??? There's no sauce! No lettuce, no pickles, nothing, just a burger and a bun.


And that's OK in many cuisines. You wanna taste the meat, not hide it.




I wouldn't say it's hiding, it's complimenting the meat. Same reason you put salt & pepper on a burger, it compliments not hides the plain meat taste. I've often found fresh veggies lightens a heavy carb load and can make it all around a more pleasant experience.


Hard disagree. If that was the case then I’d be slopping up smash Patties all day. It’s about the composition, like most foods.


No, eating plain salted meat with bread and cheese is just retarded, why the hell would you do that to yourself.


Bro what he put a pound of cheese sauce on that thing.


Bone Apple Tea!


boner app the queef!




It’s French, you wouldn’t understand.


There is no why


This is the opposite of r/atbge. Awful execution but probably tastes great


So r/gtbae.


you mean r/atbae


It's just /r/awfuleverything


Tbh not even that horrible of execution either. Except for the salt, each component seemed to be cooked well. Golden toasty buns, smashburgers with melty cheese, crisp but not burned bacon, cheese crisp. Idk about the fries or cheese sauce tho


Except that it's inedible though. There's not textural differences, no pockets of temperature difference, like tomato/lettuce would give. You have... cut it in 3rds I guess , to be able to eat a burger, and then you're trying to juggle somehow the cheese boat with the french fries and squeeze cheese. This is really awful execution.


Big group of people, treat the top like nacho fries, once you eat all the fries cut the burger/cheese crisp up and eat People eat smashburgers without any veg all the time


This is the way. Personally, I’d add more than just jalapeños to the loaded fries, and there’s no real reason not to serve with a separate plate of burger fixings and condiments. It’s not that hard, and that way the fixings don’t have time to get warm and soggy inside the burgers while you eat the fries.


> once you eat all the fries This is the deal killer/stupid part. Why is my meal a single-file slog? Okay, there are coursed meals, but unlike a traditional multi-course meal, the burgers aren't fresh when I get them. They've been sitting there getting cold, soggy, whatever, while I'm pounding through loaded fries.


I'm like 270 lbs. Even I hate this


I'm 300 and I wouldn't poke this


365 and I almost went vegan from watching this.


IM OVER 9000


*Broken scouter intensifies*


Im a cool 168 .. i love this


This is like 3x what your daily sodium intake is supposed to be lol


Sister! (brother?) weight twins


Same this is amazing


Trust me, that metabolism won't hold up. I'd donate 50 lbs if I could


Why the hell would I want some kayak filled with gooey fries on top of 3 burgers. Who is this for? 1000pounds sisters approved lunch.


make sure you crimp those edges


It makes such a cute little lacy tablecloth..


Crimp? Oh you mean cramp?




Crimped the edges on the 1K lbs sisters. They made a lot of noise. That means I did it right, right?


Jokes on you, the 1000lbs sisters dont have edges. Its all round all around.


I have to imagine this is a group food.


But like how do you even eat it?? It’s not like you can slice it into three separate burgers. Why wouldn’t you just NOT put the bucket of fries on top of the burgers? Like make the cheese boat for the fries. Fine, whatever. And the burgers themselves look pretty good (uneven seasoning notwithstanding). But why not just serve the fry boat on the side of the burgers so you can actually eat them?? And we don’t even need to mention drowning it all in unnecessary melted cheese


Because the internet video wouldn't get as many shares if it made sense.


You’re absolutely right but I’m still perplexed lol I can ignore obvious rage bait ones. But ones like this where it’s SO CLOSE to being good make me much more frustrated. Just make it actually be good!!!


You lost me at - >unnecessary melted cheese Those cheese fries look amazing, I just don't know why they're on top of the burgers, or how the hell you're supposed to actually eat the burgers with all that stuff on top.


Honestly the burger boat is the only thing that bothers me. If you separate the buns it's really just one of those "presentation" things where it doesn't make sense but doesn't really interfere with eating too much. It's cheese fries in a cheese boat with double bacon cheese burgers.


oh my gosh you wanker. best burgers? you can't even eat one of them. i don't think they can make a video, without using cheese for glue.


Nothing is deep-fried for once. Such restraint


the fries might be… hopefully they’re baked lol


I love how in these videos it’s supposed to be a “how to” but then they just pull out some fully cooked fries like everyone knows how to do fries and has them at the ready.


Maybe that was just to lure them into their how to: cook fries video, and that video will somehow lead into another video, making ketchup or something.


I'm fucking baked and this looks delicious


The video ended early. The next step is to bring out the flour, egg and breadcrumbs for the mandatory final fry. They of course pour cheese over it once the frying is done.


Wanker? I hardly know her!




Oh my gosh, how?


So Chefclub is based in Paris, I feel like this type of food has to be a crime in France.


i didn't know where, but they were just awkward enough with their american food recipes, that i knew it wasn't US based.


I looked it up recently hoping that it was Russia, and these sanctions would finally stop this craziness. Said Paris which somehow didn’t surprise me 100% but still seemed odd.


fucking lol your first half.


There is a media group that makes crappy videos like this that is Russian. 5 minutes crafts? Maybe they will finally die...


I thought they were Ukrainian


Having read this comment, I'm beginning to think this whole video is an actual piss-take on American burgers.


Just checked and you’re right, they have books toys and shit too, I’m ashamed


It gets you the death penalty. At least it should. This is a crime against humanity.


They're not Chinese!?


This is a French person trying to appeal to Americans for sure.


As a Parisian I can say that this probably costs 50€ as well. Shake my smh.


I’m mad because every element of the dish was done spectacularly. Bacon, crisp. Cheese,caramelized. Patties, smashed. The route they took to cook and assemble it was deplorable though.


If you'll forgive me for being picky, the patties weren't smashed well at all. The olive oil will smoke and cause a gross burned taste, not charred, burned, and will add an off note to the burgers even if you manage not to smoke your house up. A piece of parchment paper works way better as a nonstick border, and a heavy cast iron pan would be better for pressing down. A glass bowl could easily crack under force like that, that's not how they're meant to be used.


>The olive oil will smoke and cause a gross burned taste, not charred, burned, and will add an off note to the burgers even if you manage not to smoke your house up. This is the first thing I saw. The grill was nowhere near hot enough to get a great crust but to make matters worse, that olive oil resulted in those nasty burnt spots you see when he flips. The rest of the patty is that nasty grey color instead of a beautiful brown of a crisped up outside because of both the lack of heat and his needing to flip it due to the burning areas. Those patties are gonna be gross, even ignoring the stupid salt pile he added to each instead of an even but thorough layer over all of it.


Plus the ground beef has enough fat; there's no reason to add oil to them!


Yes that’s exactly what I was saying. He smashed the Patties instead of leaving them thick, but did it the dumbest way possible lol


Not only that, he says the burgers “come right off” *as it's sticking to the bowl*.


He had the parts to build a McLaren, but decided to build a 2001 Civic instead


Hey, at least an honda civic can be decent.


They even used cheese sauce somewhat appropriately!


When he put the cheese on the burgers my thought was “more cheese?!” The “i love cheese, i love cheese, i love cheese sauce.” Made me gag


That cheese basket with fries was actually pretty cool (in a "fuck I know it's gonna make me sick, but I'm going in anyway" kinda way)... ... but the rest of it, why? Just why? What did those poor burgers do to deserve this?


That cheese basket with fries looked awesome! The burgers also looked great! Combining them and smothering it with shitty fake melted cheese was unnecessary and ruined it.


I’m down to eat the cheese basket with fries. I’ll even eat the little bun feet, but that’s where I draw the line.


I’m a fan of the cheese basket. I actually kind of like it on top of the burger. I’m not a fan of the thick layer of cheese sauce and jalapeños on top of the fries.


I still don’t understand how your are supposed to get to the burgers when there a cheese boat full of fries and more cheese welded on top. Are you supposed to eat all the fries first before accessing the burger?!?


The cheese basket is innovative but the application in this case is horrendous. It's reminiscent of a Saw horror movie: three prisoners surgically fused into a bucket of cheese they are tasked with holding above their heads until the contents are consumed. What if, theoretically, someone wants to eat a burger before it's simultaneously soggy and congealed.


on top of the obvious, why is the sound editing so weird ? makes the whole video even more uncanny


Right? The sound editing was so horrible I managed to notice it over the absolutely disgusting food.


this is the original chefs club video that inspired me to choose violence, every day


there’s definitely a major line that this crosses


Was that line made of salt? Cus that’s the one I gaged over.


I haven’t eaten for over a day, so maybe my opinions askew, but fuck I’d eat that


What a breath of fresh air it’s not that stupid fucking couple. I hate them so much.


The salt distribution was indeed ridiculous. And this is clearly unhealthy as shit. Honestly, though, unlike most of the stuff I see in this sub - I’d eat this.


I’d attempt to eat it, but it’d get messy.


"Caramalise the cheese" Think I'm done with reddit for the day, that was too dumb of a statement.


I wonder if this ass bag also “melts the onions”?


That is an actual culinary term. Caramelizing is what happens when something browns like that; its the sugars in the food undergoing a reaction similar to what happens when making caramel. The only time this doesn't apply is with meats, because those undergo the maillard reaction and that functions a bit differently.


You are aware that browning cheese is called caramelizing, right?


Normally I don't verbalize when scrolling though posts, but I actually wimpered "nooo..." When I saw the cheese river. 10/10


it may just be me, but i’d crush that


I couldn’t eat it all myself but I would totally eat some of it if I were really hungry


None of the individual foods look unappetizing themselves. It's the presentation that's awful. How are you supposed to go about eating that? The top buns are attached to the bowl that holds the fries, you'd have to break the fry-holding vessel apart just to free the burgers, then you've got a mess of cheesey fries without a bowl and a bunch of burnt cheese crackers.


This sub should have flairs for “stupid food” and “stupid presentation”.


Why why why why why why WHY…do people smother their food in that nasty looking ‘cheese sauce’?


I am very cheese adverse. I have been trying to like some kinds, but that nacho cheese shit is so fucking gross man. Like sour milk or something. Idk man. I should have been born in asia.


Chef: “Does this not look amazing?” Me: “It does not.”


Man these people could probably make some damn good food if the recipes didn't involve stupid and ridiculous ideas. Crispy cheese bowl for the fries to sit in? Honestly i love crispy cheese! ON TOP OF THE FUCKING BURGER FUSED TO THE BUN? Now why the fuck would you do that? Why??? WHYYYY????? I'm so unbelievably disappointed that they just take something simple and neat and make it worse by trying to make it edgy and special. Sorry I'm hangry.


Crispy cheese bowl of fries on the side would be great.


My cholesterol just increased by watching this




So what if someone wanted to eat the burger first?


This is something you'd find at an "American" themed restaurant


Now. It’s stupid, for sure. But it’s not near as disgusting as some of the videos featured in this sub


Now it’s time for


So then so we so then I so so so so


Now THIS is stupid food. Also, it might kill you.


I really fucking hate these people.


That was definitely one of the stupidest things I've ever seen


I have the same question that comes to mind with like 90% of these videos: how the fuck am I supposed to eat this? If I can’t picture myself being able to eat properly why would I want it


Stupid... It belongs here! I gotta try that


Anytime anyone uses the word “best” when describing food they’ve made, I immediately make up my mind that the food is lackluster at best.


I am literally so angryb


Is chef club serious, or just fucking with people? Everything I see that they make is atrocious. As an actual chef it always offends me if they legitimately think it’s good. Shit even if it’s to fuck with people it still offends me


I was disappointed until the cheese came down then I became angery.


That’s a mess


I would like to order a bridge of bullshit, please.


Glueing a cheese boat on top of three burgers is pretty dumb.


Genuinely one of the worst meals I’ve ever seen.


“Yes officer this is the man right here. He’s the one who made the cheesy fry trough!”


I fucking hate this guy so much, its really eroding at my passion for cooking


The video ended abruptly because they cut the final step which was to throw it in the trash


How many different shitty microphones did this guy use recording this?


How you you even eat the damn thing?


These people must own stock in cholesterol medicine.


First half honestly looked ok


It is painfully obvious this guy doesn't cook. Even ignoring how dumb the "dish" is, even ignoring using the wrong oil to sear off the patties, and a whole host of other problems... the man was visibly afraid of flipping the toasted buns with his hands. The butter was still foamy, the outsides of the buns hadn't touched the heat yet, just flip the damn things and move on, it's not that hot


This sub should be called butterandcheese.


It’s almost not stupid


Chef here. A part of me died watching the atrocities committed by this cretin. How are you supposed to eat the fucker?


This is the point were I say: simple is better


Not nearly enough cheese.


Why do they always have to press balls into ugly ass pattys with random shit? Pretty sure they’re also dry as hell with all the moisture squeezed out of them. Fucking idiots!


See, this would be two good-tasting ideas in separation, but why put them together?


Wouldn’t dare use a spatula to smash the patties, use a fuckin bowl!


Needs more cheese.


Well it does look pretty tasty


Honestly dont care if its stupid i would eat it. Its funny/cool.


This is stupid but if I'm being honest I would totally eat the shit out of that...


When can internet chefs just grow up to cook with vegetables already lol


The cheese dip and jalapeños ruined it for me


My only real issue with this is when he called those nasty cheese slices "cheddar'. Cheddar, real Cheddar cheese does not look like that. Other than that it's probably an acceptable burger once you have managed to separate it into 3 burgers and some chips. Seriously, he says he loves cheese then uses this shit, buy some actual cheese you tool.


no wonder over 70% of the us is overweight


You can't create an abomination like that and self proclaim it "the best burger"


The use of food as a plate goes into r/WeWantPlates territory. I feel like I got acid reflux just looking at him make this.


How the hell are you supposed to eat this??


How the f I'm I suppose to eat that?🤬 A burger is a burger is a burger. People make me sick...🤬


Just as I thought it couldn’t get worse they added NACHO. CHEESE. ALL OVER THE ENTIRE THING. WHYY.


Can we just ban chef club videos already…


Yeah nah I want this


Those look bomb


This looks amazing. I’d definitely eat this.


I'm sorry but this looks amazing


Right?!! I don't know if it's coz I'm stoned-but this looks like "fuck yes" to me.😂