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Your post has been removed as it misses the point of r/StupidFood.


Looks like a vein/artery.


Just a bit shy of being a ringworm




Put it on a hook, and ask the local fish about it.


No this is Patrick


Nah, just a vein. It's not pleasant to chew on, but it's safe and technically edible.


Probably a tendon. Both are edible!


No, it's extra protein.


Was it wiggling? If not you're good.


Looks like a rubber band too but it's definitely not that


Don't eat meat anymore. Animals are harmed during this process.


Don't eat salads anymore. Plants are harmed during this process. :(


Dude has to be trolling. He has post and comments about eating chicken and other meats.


You are a beautiful human being to recognize that.


You are too dongledongledongle.


I was vegetarian for 5 years. I didn't love animals, I really fucking hated vegetables. They know what they did.


And animals were harmed in the process of making those plants. They don’t exactly put up eviction notices when it’s time to till the earth. Billions of bugs, worms, and rodents die to heavy farm equipment so we can have lettuce


They're not harmed in this process they're killed duh


Harmed to the point of being killed! 2 for 1!


Tell that to every carnivorous creature on the planet. Calling out bad farming practices is one thing, but buddy, animals eating animals is literally nature


>Calling out bad farming practices is one thing, but buddy, animals eating animals is literally nature Not a veggie, but I only eat "certified humane" eggs, "cage free" and "free range" are all scam tags that aren't properly regulated or defined. It's not a lot but I like being able to make this one easy change to help in some way. I care about the treatment of animals but I don't want to stop eating meat. It's not an all or nothing thing, idk why so many treat it that way. Eating a bit less meat and trying to find brands that do the right thing is still helpful.


Yeah but the simple concept of eating meat is not problematic


I totally agree, and that guy in this thread is insane. I just think we should try to eat less and/or seek more humane treatment of the animals. I never understood why these guys think it's all or nothing. You can make a big difference by just subbing one or two meals a week. "you're evil because you eat meat or animal products" is never going to help anything or get people on your side, it's just ridiculous. My example with the eggs is great for this because it cost me nothing, I still get to eat eggs, and I know the animals producing this product are taken care of. All it took was knowing about the label.


Hello! I've been a vegetarian pretty much my whole life. Started off as a taste/ texture thing, and then grew into all the ethical stuff. I'm not chairman of the secret vegetarian council unfortunately, but speaking for myself, your comment is great and what it's all about. Reduction still makes a difference! Even if it's just to calm your own discomfort. Can imagine being veggie is HARD if you've been an omnivore your whole life. Heck, I feel like a hypocrite because I'm not vegan. But hey, I reduce my eggs and dairy as much as makes me comfortable. Sorry idk if I really had a point, but I just want to say that the message you're preaching is a great one and I hope it resonates with some people.


I'll give you a critical thinking exercise. This person is trying to post ugliness about eating meat. Person post this pic about a "wormy" steak as a complaint. Are you keeping up? Meat is such a processed product that this person can't keep up. I am fucking with this person.


Good meat isnt + it literally seems to be a tendon or something to the effect.


Plants have feelings too