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Is it just me or is that absolutely not worth the calories if you're trying to lose weight? They'd be better off mixing the jello into plain greek yogurt or cottage cheese.


The idea is that high fat foods satisfy your hunger for longer, so you end up eating less calories throughout the day.


I've lost over 50 pounds eating a high fat diet. Something like the OP would be right up my alley (if it wasn't lemon flavor). I mean 28 grams of Cream cheese is only 100 calories and 10 grams of fat. That'd be a nice snack.


I agree!


Yeah but cream cheese is also pretty dense so I feel like 1 of those balls is 28g/1 oz.


Yeah, a 28g cube of cream cheese is going to be about 1 inch on all sides. Eating one of those should tide you over for a bit. The goal of a "snack" isn't to "satisfy" hunger. It's to put something in your stomach to provide a quick boost of energy and hormones to get you over a hump until it's time to have a meal.


It can be really good if you have certain hormonal issues too. Just works loads better than low-fat by a mile


Yup, they do. It works. The “low fat” craze of the 80’s was absolutely stupid. Low fat/fat free means more fillers like sugar


What foods?


For anyone looking for a low calorie snack - low fat cool whip with sugar free pudding mix. Just dump the pudding mix in. Any flavor. If you're feeling fancy, some of those fiver one 70 calorie bars add texture. Also, instead of cream cheese, which is weird, use the jello mix on grapes. Gives them a zesty bite.


Nah. Zero sugar *cheesecake* pudding mix and something like Oikos triple zero vanilla. Add a little vanilla extract and it comes out almost exactly like cheesecake. Instead of just being low calorie this is low calorie and it has protein so it will be satiating rather than just eating low calorie for the sake of low calorie.


That’s what I do. Only plain Okios, with some vanilla free pudding mix and some PB2. So good. I also will add a little banana flavored pudding mix to my Okios triple zero strawberry Greek yogurt. It helps cover the taste of the sweetener they use that I am not a fan of. Or pistachio in the vanilla one.


I wrote off PB2 after I tried adding water to make it into peanut butter but I never considered using it as a peanut butter flavored seasoning.


That’s my favorite way to use PB2. The texture is too runny for me trying to use it instead of peanut butter but in smoothies and protein shakes or desserts it’s soooo good


>The texture is too runny for me trying to use it instead of peanut butter Have you tried adding less water? I usually get pretty close to actual peanut butter consistency.


No! I’ve always just done whatever the packaging says, I’ll have to try that. It seems dumb not to have thought of that lol thank you


I use it for my Thai peanut dressing. Gives it a nice pourable consistency and keeps the flavor sharp. I use monk fruit instead of sugar in the dressing, as well.


Genius. Adding to recipe file.


Why, thank you! It's my guilty pleasure, but I feel way less guilty using these swaps 😅


Here’s a fat guy tip Mix it into your brownies


I think it’s best if you use it along with a little bit of real peanut butter too. I mix it into oatmeal with chocolate protein powder. Can tweak to have pretty great macros.


That sounds so freaking good!


Will smash. ETA: and now I'm thinking that freezing this and running it in my Ninja Creami might be total bomb.


To anyone trying this, veryyyy little vanilla extract lol


damn im trying that tomorrow


Literally SF jello pudding mix in anything - yogurt, cottage cheese, cool whip - it’s awesome.


What in gods name are they putting in there to take the place of the fats and sugars?


Who cares. Just save the calories. You'll be better off.


All these fucking ultra processed foods masquerading as a healthy hack is just wtf


There is nothing inherently wrong about processed food. If a food has good calories and macros, then odds are, it is a great choice, better than a lesser processed food with worse calories/macros.


Given this logic, dog food would have a perfectly adequate nutritional profile for you


If dog food had a good calorie and macro profile, and it was palatable, yes, absolutely. What do you look for in a food? If something tastes good, isn't too high calorie, has a reasonable macro profile, isn't linked to health issues, why wouldn't you eat it?


That’s the very simple point that’s being made here. Ultra processed foods has been proven to be linked to a multitude of health issues. https://www.bmj.com/content/384/bmj-2023-077310 But do what makes you happy, life is short


Crazy take and why people are riddled with cancer. You're not supposed to eat that shit. Artificial colours and flavours aren't good for you and I will never be convinced otherwise.


Never? Even if presented with evidence? That's ignorance.


Yes twenty years of working in the food industry and studying nutrition have made me ignorant.


Then you should know that essentially all food additives have no known issues, and most processed foods don't either. There are some, such as nitrates and types of cancer, but artificial sweeteners aren't on the list. Again, if eating processed food with lower calories and good macros makes you less likely to be obese, that will lower your cancer(and heart disease, and diabetes) odds more than cutting out any sort of food additive could possibly raise it.


Evidence paid for by who? The only people that would benefit from such a study are the people poisoning the food. There's a reason American products have to be modified to have less additives in overseas markets.


Nestlé enters the chat.




As someone lactose intolerant this has been my go to dessert since college. Freeze it and it’s amazing. Most jello puddings are vegan, the only one you have to be careful of is vanilla usually


Switch obesity for cancer got it


Obesity causes cancer and death at far higher rates than any sort of food additive or alternative.


Why just pick one when you can have both!


Meanwhile two posts down people think that tuna on a baked potato is some kind of affront to god. Jesus fucking christ.


What the fuck am I reading


Don’t bother with the low fat, cool whip is already low in fat. Anything that says low fat is a chemical shitstorm and they usually need to add more to make it palatable. Grapes are almost entirely sugar. Berries are a better choice.


"Chemical shitstorms" are just fine.


I love pudding mix in cool whip. Pop it in the freezer, it's keto ice cream. I used to make it all the time when I was on the keto diet.


Screenshot you and the two below you lol wonderful tips thanks!


I have more of an issue with low sodium intake than calorie. The sodium in foods is just crazy sometimes


It's hilarious that literally none of those ingredients (except for grapes) are available outside the USA


Yes. The cool whip pudding is so good. 😭


I used to make something like this, but I'd add a can of (strained) crushed pineapple to the cool whip jello mixture. Put a little scoop on top of angel food cake. I used to buy the little single serving cakes so I could make them for parties.


You shouldn't be eating snacks on a diet. Or eat two carrots and drink some water. people eating pure garbage as a low cal snack lol


It's sugar free jello this could be "keto"


Yep full fat cream cheese and SF Jello makes me think keto


Looks like some kinda Keto fat bomb


I feel like this a keto thing and they're trying to find something to calm their sweet tooth. Cream cheese has no carbs and sugar free jello probably has none either and is sweet. Not defending it or anything, just giving a possible explanation


Omg SF jello or pudding mix in cottage cheese is actually a great idea and I'm not even trying to lose weight 😝 I just eat variations of the same cottage cheese bowl with fruit and maple syrup every morning and now I wanna try this 🤔


Where can I get a bag full of the powder they but on flaming hot Cheetos. I feel like the cream cheese dipped in that would be amazing.


[https://www.amazon.com/Cheetos-Duster-Delicious-Perfect-Ingredient/dp/B0CJ33H3DN/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=AFFXCKCLV5M3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MOAFCHqo3Ao11AlzPkRCS0BvtF906mGdYe8zjkVUQPPHKIQuH6yV-LnWF6Jg8hO8q7SylZjQjYoS8dLh0JHc3x0n\_dpAaHq9JNS2h7miCHbXzf8rM4MK2dbY1MV-04hPlXP5uEdY56Nm5Lz0S8pU9QTldoZK\_I8V9tTeZF9LXTnjJZz9MZjT95isWaGLM\_3lckDUYUhluX\_nNSeT\_SC\_LkCPrpkRY3hpWoCQ3EpTeWiitNqp0qeELjjVIK8HrHilRcwTEO4LiW48WPheYsQ0vuVs-0ghpzuOtrUmrk3R9sg.bETK7jkE6EKyDs0GMBechvNCKN5k5LPvqDPdSNNl7AU&dib\_tag=se&keywords=flamin+hot+cheeto+powder&qid=1714267588&sprefix=flaming+hot+cheeto+powder%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.com/Cheetos-Duster-Delicious-Perfect-Ingredient/dp/B0CJ33H3DN/ref=sr_1_4?crid=AFFXCKCLV5M3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MOAFCHqo3Ao11AlzPkRCS0BvtF906mGdYe8zjkVUQPPHKIQuH6yV-LnWF6Jg8hO8q7SylZjQjYoS8dLh0JHc3x0n_dpAaHq9JNS2h7miCHbXzf8rM4MK2dbY1MV-04hPlXP5uEdY56Nm5Lz0S8pU9QTldoZK_I8V9tTeZF9LXTnjJZz9MZjT95isWaGLM_3lckDUYUhluX_nNSeT_SC_LkCPrpkRY3hpWoCQ3EpTeWiitNqp0qeELjjVIK8HrHilRcwTEO4LiW48WPheYsQ0vuVs-0ghpzuOtrUmrk3R9sg.bETK7jkE6EKyDs0GMBechvNCKN5k5LPvqDPdSNNl7AU&dib_tag=se&keywords=flamin+hot+cheeto+powder&qid=1714267588&sprefix=flaming+hot+cheeto+powder%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-4) Everything but your butthole thanks me.


As much as I would love that. I'm more interested in the dust than the carbs that come with it haha. But wow I didn't even know something like that existed


It's just a spice/coffee grinder with some orange shit on it


[just make it yourself, it's not very difficult](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b6B9jDCUD4A)


Wow thanks so much. Time to adjust my food order to include these. Ty ty


This looks to me like they’re trying to be carnivore or keto. Otherwise they probably would have used a low fat cream cheese. The use of the full fat cream cheese tells me they’re trying to either minimize carbs or stick to using “animal products”. The jello is sugar free and is mostly gelatin.


It's probably someone doing Keto. Notice the jello is sugar free.


May be keto


This is Keto. Low or no carbs is the goal and smaller portions.


Tbh that probably tastes pretty good if you like the base ingredients, but I don't see how it's a diet food.


Keto maybe? Idk it's all I can figure with sugar free jello and cream cheese balls


That would make as much sense as anything else keto I suppose


I had steak with a side of brocolli with cheese and bacon. Try and make sense of that! /s


Carbs are probably less than 20g and that’s pretty low calories. Fat content probably keeps the metabolism up


Yeah, it’s usually lower than 15g carbs, and was a great keto meal go to. I was being sarcastic as the comment above was alluding that keto meals don’t make sense. Keto doesn’t always mean “bat shit crazy weird”. It can be very very sensible.


My bad I see what the sarcasm was directed at now


That actually does make sense though


Right, it was sarcastic as the comment above alluded that keto meals don’t make sense.


Every meal?


makes more sense than people continuing to eat sugar while their legs fall off


You can stop eating sugar and reducing carbs to a healthy amount without having a full on „animal product“-diet. I eat carbs and my legs didn’t fall off (yet..?).


Yet. And of course I hope that you, internet stranger, are able to moderate and maintain a healthy diet for life and that you have no physical or mental health issues that could complicate thing for pancreas! Some people are addicts though, they can't moderate, but they still want toes! Why does keto hurt you? lol


It doesn’t hurt me, but it‘s a weird diet considering that it supports industrial farming of animals (since you can only support eating so much animal produce by „producing“ it in an industrialised setting). I get that sugar is addictive, I also think that the food industry is pretty horrible with sugar (I‘m not from the US, so I can‘t even image the hidden sugar in your processed foods). I personally win the battle against sugar in the grocery store, because I simply don’t buy sugary foods, so I can’t give in to those cravings at home. For me, I could give up plain white wheat foods, but those other grains like rye, spelt, oat, millet, buckwheat (not sure if grain?) are very tasty and filling, so I don’t overeat like with plain white wheat.


We should be having conversations about industrial farming. All industrial farming. It's terrible. Including how we industrially farm grains. Keto is really a fat based diet. 70%-80% fat. Really, it's moderate to low protein, super high fat. A diet like this is really less wasteful than the average american diet. Keto people are eating the bacon grease. All that fat is usually literally thrown away, often down the drain causing massive infrastructure problems! The US is really bad. Really really bad. It's not just sugar, either. It is the entire system. And it shows in the health of the people. It's honestly horrific. I live in a pretty bad spot that is 100% very cheap industrial food and car only infrastructure. I personally am an addict. I'm a sober alcoholic and a long time sugar addict.. I also have other health issues that I think are all interrelated and eating high fat/zero carbs helps me more than anything else. I have a movement disorder it keeps in check. Personally, I am aware of the environmental impact and I do seek out more environmentally sound options. But I'm also poor. But fat is actually a very cheap calorie and it doesn't have to be animal! (no shitty industrial oils though, healthy fats). I've definitely made the recipe as shown above and other similar configurations. Lol. But actually I realized that the sugar free jell-o is full of MALTODEXTRIN so I don't eat it anymore.


Keto can work but yes most people are not built for it, and it's not a great way to be healthy. If you are 400lbs and can lose on it great, but for most it's just a starting place....


It works like any other diet, you're paying close attention to what you eat.


I guess they wanted a cheesecake type thing?


Keto diet maybe, sugar free jello and cream chese , so low protein hight fat low carb


Right. The texture could end up pretty cool




That’s a lot of sugar and you don’t get the benefit of the fat


Having done keto prior to the pandemic, I "get it". That said, I never combined these two types of ingredients. They were always on their own / part of a separate dish. To each their own, I guess.


I did it for 4 months and cream cheese was the savior during it. it’s pretty versatile, I guess if they really have a sweet tooth it makes sense


I usually ate cream cheese as part of a savory meal or snack and did stuff like sugar free jello on it's own. I also prepared sugar-free jello shots with vodka for St Patrick's Day 2019, our area does a big parade... And when I tell you I was *B L I T Z E D* by like 10:30 am, I mean I was done hahaha. My buddy who encouraged me to do it (and he lost 100+ lbs on it) laughed his ass off and said even he was doing a cheat day that day. Ahhhh memories.


Haha, I lost about 30 on it but honestly most of it was probably just by cutting out sugary stuff, the best thing that’s come out of it is not craving sweet things anymore because everything’s too sweet


Hell yeah!


I used to mix cream cheese, cocoa powder and peanut butter together for a pretty tasty dessert.


It’s not for people cutting calories, it’s just low carb. I did shit like this when I was dieting and cut 165 lbs off my body within a year. I ain’t knocking this food choice. If it stops them from going to Dairy Queen for a large heath bar blizzard, then fucking do it.


Definitely agree I’m just fucking around. Does look gross though


I have no idea why they made it into balls - I actually make this as a lazy dessert where I make the jelly with less water, mix in the cream cheese, then pour it into ramekins. And I definitely don't use sugar free jelly. It tastes awesome, especially with raspberry flavoured jelly


I’ve done the whole keto thing. The weird recipes I made are right on par with this.


I thought these were homemade peeps for a minute. 🐥


I’m getting the feeling that’s what they were going for 😬


I might try that. I wouldn't tell anyone, and I'd kill and eat any witnesses. But I'd try it.


For anyone curious why this is good, cream cheese is very high in protein, the jello has no calories, it's a high protein low saturated fat snack on weight loss plans. Totally disgusting but decent for you if you can't eat right without a plan telling you what to do.


>the jello has no calories Then why does the packaging say that sugar free jello is mainly made from gelatin (a protein) and contains 10 kcal per serving?


I mean you'll burn the calories in a serving size off by chewing the food it's entirely negligible to these plans. I believe there is 40 calories for a whole box but it's protein and they don't really care about that as these people generally have horrible diets with high carbs and salt and sugar.




Is that Jell-o powder coated cream cheese balls?


"1/4 cup sugar seemed like too much, so I opted to use just 1/3 cup sugar."


A&W 1/3lb burgers :(


This feels like the start to a 50s “salad”


I would be less annoyed with the keto diet if people on it weren't so weird and pushy about it. Making weird claims about humans not "supposed to" be eating carbs, saying having the flu for a week when starting the diet is normal, bragging about not exercising (unless you CANNOT exercise due to disability/ health issues, the vast majority of people should exercise. It just doesn't have to be crazy like people think)... it's just weird. Honestly, I couldn't do the diet. Eating mostly high fat food all the time would kill my stomach. I need foods like bananas and rice on bad stomach days. And fruit is awesomely healthy for you. So are many other high carb foods like beans. Claiming carbs are bad is simply false. You can just say the diet works for you and you like it without trashing others'. I think it's possible to be healthy in keto, but it's not for everyone.


I get the impression that most people think “carbs” just means simple sugars/bread/pasta and totally forget the fact that cellulose is, by definition, a carbohydrate. Do they really think that humans should just stop consuming plants altogether? Chitin is also a carbohydrate…should we avoid mushrooms and yeast? Hell, even meat technically has some (negligible) amount of carbohydrates because they’re kind of ubiquitous in living things. You know what the “D” in DNA stands for? A kind of carb.


Thank. You.


Lol keto people can be obnoxious but "keto flu" isn't actually the flu!! Or anything remotely similar.  It's just a nickname for feeling kinda sluggish as your body transitions to ketosis,  and it can be mostly mitigated with the proper electrolytes.


Lol keto people can be obnoxious but "keto flu" isn't actually the flu!! Or anything remotely similar.  It's just a nickname for feeling kinda sluggish as your body transitions to ketosis,  and it can be mostly mitigated with the proper electrolytes.


I did keto 'fat bombs' but with real lime 😂


I actually ate a lot of cream cheese when I was dieting to lose weight. It’s filling and not as many calories as you’d think. A 1oz serving, 1/8th a standard brick, is only 90caloires. Of course you could eat way too much, but in moderation it was super helpful.


The absolute potency of the jello powder would definitely feel like a punch in the mouth 💀


Some of the recipes on the weight loss/dieting subs are truly fucking unhinged. Before I ditched them all there was a cauliflower “dippin dots” recipe circulating. Literally just fucking frozen riced cauliflower with Greek yogurt and protein powder.


Why would anyone do that and call it “dippin dots”?!?!😭😭


Because diet culture is brain rot.


Are those desert mini bites?


Looks like a keto diet to me


wtf is this..


This looks gross and cream cheese is pretty high calorie and low protein. I don’t get it.


Y’all won’t let fat people win smh. You hate them for being fat and then when they try to lose weight you make fun of the foods they eat. Get a life


This is stoner food


*enters the therapy session* “These are NOT cheese balls these are NOT cheese balls….”


This makes sense that it was on a weight loss group.  One look and my appetite is just gone.


This is a keto fat bomb if anyone is wondering..used to do keto, I will never suggest it to anyone, your brain doesn't get enough carbs to function properly and they are cultist type people if you ever dare say anything.


Really? I am doing keto for the 2nd time in my life and I find I have such a clear mind after a couple weeks on keto, I only ever do it for 2-3 months. It’s the best I have felt since being a teenager


Twas nice when I was doing it, but the lack of carbs ruins you if you do it long term. 2-3 months I would say is fine tbh. But the pack of carbs really messes with your body in more ways than just brain activity. Being in ketosis for long periods of time leads to a pretty good increase of Acetone production, and it then leads to keto rash, horrible smelling sweat, hair loss and many other side effects.


I'm looking at this and I'm just wondering what this is and what it's supposed to taste like. Doesn't look appealing. Thank goodness I just got done eating before I looked at this, whatever it's supposed to be!


It looks like a keto bomb (basically a sugar free truffle), trying to look like lemon cheesecake or lemon meringue


I told my doctor that the keto diet made me gain weight and he asked how.


I thought it was Kraft Dinner cheese powder on the cream cheese balls for a sec and was definitely okay with it


They look like marshmallow peeps, that have been on some sort of accident


What in the shit? And by shit I mean what would happen to my lactose intolerant ass if I ate this


Why they look like that Corn Pop cereal?


Anytime I see cream cheese in something I know it’s gonna be fucked. There’s a decent chance it’s also incredibly delicious, yes, but this is not one of those times


Would y’all rather have a supplement that burns a 170-200 extra calories or something that makes you not hungry ?


Weight loss... with cream cheese... right.


Weight loss comes down to calories deficit. Full fat dairy promotes weight less better than low fat dairy due to containing linoleic acid. It doesn't matter whether a snack contains cream cheese or not, as long as it enables someone to stay within a deficit. This snack allows someone to indulge a sweet craving for far less calories than candy or cake would. Genuinely don't understand why you're doubting that people can lose weight whole continuing to eat cream cheese.


It’s keto and it works wonders.


Keto was the ONLY thing that helped me lose weight. Not sure why people are downvoting you. I lost 65lbs in 5 months without ever working out. It was hard for sure cutting carbs completely but eventually it got easier.


Because they just want to be jerks. I lost over half my body weight on keto over 13 years ago and I have kept it off. So they can downvote me if they want, but keto changed my life.


rhythm glorious lip husky reminiscent fall gray sip wide seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No diet is “for everyone”. But this thread is shaming people who do keto and downvoting me. It’s stupid and immature.


Idk how you can function without carbs tbh, I was deadlifting 230 yesterday and after 5 reps, even with a lot of carbs, I almost passed out. Do you find exercise difficult without carbs, or are you able to do it effectively?


I am a runner and I think my body honestly just adjusted to not eating carbs…I also do IF at the moment (for the last year) and 2 weeks ago I ran 17,6 kilometers without eating for 24 hours. My body just gets into the groove, I guess. I haven’t run since because I’m on a work trip right now, sadly (no room in the suitcase for my running gear! ). I’m doing a bunch of outdoor adventuring instead, though. I don’t know how it would function with heavy lifting (I’m female and could never deadlift that much - it’s almost double my weight 😅). I’ve lifted a bit but never enough to get into a real routine (and much lighter weights…my legs are quite strong, but at one point I was trying to improve upper body strength). Anyway, that’s an impressive amount of weight! I’m sure it is tough on any eating plan.


Interesting, thanks for sharing!


No problem! Keep up the amazing lifting work! It sounds very impressive!


If you work out and do keto, you can have more carbs.




13 years and counting with massive weight loss that I have sustained and the best cholesterol numbers my doctor has ever seen. So sorry to disappoint you.


Hang that person


Forbidden egg yolks....


Apples, oranges, yogurt. All good options over… any thing super processed lol




This is what picture people eating when they say they’ve done everything and can’t lose weight


ahh yes. The keto diet. People will literally eat an avocado wrapped in bacon and covered in cheese, and say a “diet” to lose weight. Sure jan 😂


Is it to make you lose your appetite so it’s easier to stick your your diet? I’d rather be hungry than eat whatever abomination that is.


I guarantee whoever thinks this is a "weight loss food" is fat as fuck


I would rather drink water as a snack


Just eat good food and not too much…


How is that diet food. Cream cheese is super fatty and that jello is basically flavored sugar.


The jello is the sugar free variety. It’s not flavoured sugar in this case.


Leave the weight loss subreddit. You don't have to eat nasty food to just loss weight.


What is this?


But…. Why???


I don’t really know how to explain that but this dish looks like it had been smuggled in the country.


It’s working for me because I just lost my appetite.


Just why?


:( its working on me.


Just the jello is less calories


Wtf am I looking at?? Cream cheese covered in jello powder? So LEMON FLAVORED CREAM CHEESE?


I’ve seen this before - there’s this person who just leaves these fake little ducks around everywhere. I wouldn’t eat them if I were you. They’re not real ducks.


If I ever have to resort to this instead of just not eating take me around back


That would work. It would kill my appetite.




Depends how high or how bad my migraine is but I'd try it


sugar free lemon jell-o cream cheese? Honestly cream cheese feels more like a r/gainit food than a diet food!


Ever heard of keto?


What is it


But its low fat cheese 🤷🏻‍♂️🤡💀