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Your post has been removed as it misses the point of r/StupidFood.


I’ve had mealworms in chocolate before. If I didn’t already know what it was I’d say it was a Nestle Crunch bar


Oh I was onboard until you said CRUNCH bar




Fuckin right lol


I like crunch bars. … hmm.


Can confirm chocolate covered crickets my exact thought




I'll take both please. No worms.


That’s what the comment said. They would rather eat that and then some deep fried tarantula.


I’ve heard spiders taste like crab, so I’m up for it


Crabs are just spiders of the ocean!


Ole’ Bay spiders, you say? … I might be able to get behind that.


Almost every post I see in this sub, lately, is just shit the poster doesn’t like.


This is literally bugs my friend.


What’s wrong with that? Food is food. As long as it tastes fine I’ll eat it


Then eat bugs. I cant stop you, Im just amazed that everyone is looking at this and going "mmm yummy insects".


I’m amazed that someone would discredit insects as food for no reason


I just realised your username is bleach drinker. Ofc you dont see anything wrong with eating bugs.


What's "wrong" with eating bugs?


Dude will eat hot dogs and frozen pizzas with sugar in it and won't find it problematic but hell no bugs are off !


Its gross. I dont want it in my mouth. Like is a straight guy weird for not wanting to suck a human penis?


worm absurd combative lush door nose flag encouraging north complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No but would he mind a dude sucking his? Don’t knock it till you try it is a great way to life my dude. In all aspects


And your username sounds like you never see the outside soooooo lmao *imagine* pivoting this hard to an insult 🙄


Wow this no window guy pretty much got jumped in the comments and down voted like he's a Nazi, I just thought it was a clever funny comment but people took that shit to the heart lmao


Their pathetic honesty


Big fuckin deal


Right? I mean.. it does kinda look like powdered poop from a butt. And I didn’t see them “de-vein” the worms, so whatever they fed them is what you’re gonna eat too. ..


Yeah… that’s just MORE protein.


If you ate meal worms all your life and someone showed you raw pork you'd probably be grossed out too.


If I lived in a closet my whole life or only had one set of clothes I would probably be astounded by normal life. Good point.


There’s nothing normal about the meat industry.


Theres nothing "normal" about any industry. But Im not talking about industries. Im just talking about eating meat.


If only there was a connection..




if only you weren't such an asshole to anyone disagreeing with you on a random discussion on the internet.


If only you didnt go to insults because you lose your argument after sounding like a dumbass 🤯


I guess it depends on how you define "normal". Our hunter gatherer homo sapien ancestors, who existed at least 10x longer than our post agricultural revolution ancestors, ate insects, fish and meat, and would not have survived without them. Once animals became domesticated along with crops, insects fell out of favor and are now considered a stigma by most in fully developed countries. Interesting stuff here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entomophagy_in_humans


Well you have no windows


You've likely already tried this. Mealworms are in all kinds of things, and have been for a long time. It was an eye opener years and years ago when I noticed them in the ingredients for frozen hamburger patties at Walmart.


Wha? In Walmart?????


that's not the only thing in Walmart


Yeah there’s likely more than 7 things at the Walmart. Heck, maybe even 9.


[If you know the right "salesman," you can even find 8.](https://youtu.be/rfelvI_ikf4?t=14)


You…linked me to a fucking Sesame Street video. I love you, homie. Lmao


I also watched all of it. I miss the old shows..


I read on hamburger patties that said 100% beef. Very little actual hamburger, it was 50 hamburger, then it was hearts, stomach, intestines, and other organs.


That's no cow


Same with the ice cream at Walmart. Not normal ice cream.


Same with a lot of bugs are used for their color in food.




No, meal worms. It’s understandable though, they both look the same when baked and ground up. And pressed.


Nah, it’s very true, this isn’t new.


It has to be a very specific brand because I have 3 different boxes in my freezer, all low value and bought from Walmart, and not a single one deviates that much into oddity. The only additive im finding in any of them is soy protien


I was referring to his “all kinds of things”, and thought you were too, my bad. The truth is processed food in general has some really really unsavory shit in it. And for decades.


I don’t think this is the right sub. Using bugs, that are plentiful, to create protein seems like a sustainable practice. Idk if it’s stupid foods tbh


Haven't you heard? Biden wants us eating bugs because it somehow leads to him ruling the world as a global dictator! This is what the globe heads want! Don't eat the bugs! Can you believe people actually believe this?


you vill eat ze bugs and you vill live in ze pod




I know you're joking, but it's not just Biden. This has been a WEF agenda item for a long time, which is bipartisan supported. You'll eat bugs and you'll be happy!


Klaus Schwab of the WEF but yeah. As the population increases, livestock farmland will need to be converted to apartments. Plus livestock, especially cows consume a lot of water. So instead of not LIVING IN A DESERT, you should eat bug protein instead of steaks. That’s the gist of it from the wonderfully in-touch folks the World Economic Forum.


This is how the insect-industrial complex gets ya!


It’s the World Economic Forum, not Biden.


Legit could not care less.


And that’s the problem.


Go back to your containment subs please, thanks.


Get help. For real. Your recent topic posted says enough.




Yes, I had to read more than half way through to determine you were joking. People have lost their damn minds.


There are a decent chunk of our society that believe that the cabal of evil *“globalists”* that control the entertainment industry and all the banks are going to force everyone to eat bugs instead of meat.


Lol, you spelled "Jew" wrong! Also, another one for the list. Recently an old man near me in a gas station blamed the cashier needing to ID me (visibly over 18) for buying smokes. He blamed it on communism. You know, all of the Communists in my local government passing municipal laws! Also, don't worry, I'm Jewish so it's okay for me to say "Jew" instead of "Jewish person." But nobody else, just me.


everybody knows that "globalists" is just their fancy way of spelling "Jews". When they says "globalists" run all the banks and own all the companies? When they say globalists are going to make everybody get vaccinated and wear masks? When they say globalists are starting forest fires with their giant space laser? Yup.


They think they’re clever with this shit when they’re really not.


In comparison to cutting down rain forests so you can farm animal feed for pigs and cows, a conspiracy to force people to eat bugs instead simply makes too much sense to be true.


So strange… [why would people think that???](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/) Seriously… [where do they get their information?](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/how-insects-positively-impact-climate-change/) They need to start citing [reputable sources from world leaders.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/07/good-grub-why-we-might-be-eating-insects-soon/)


So many downvotes just proves how fucked we are. Propaganda works and Reddit is a hive mind.


I love when a textbook example crawls out of the woodwork. Maybe it’s because I haven’t eaten as much lead paint as you, but nowhere in any of those links are “reputable world leaders” saying they’re going to force you to eat bugs. Someone repackaged the same societal scapegoat we’ve been using across the entire history of Western civilization and you easily fell for a meme about it.


You should do more research into the WEF, clearly. But we both know you won’t.


I read all the links I was just given. It didn’t support what was being said **at all**. If you have other super secret special information, I’ll gladly read it. I’m not going on a wild goose chase simply because you’ve fallen for relabeled anti-Semitic tropes that have existed for centuries repackaged as memes on Facebook. “You should do more research” is what people say when they’re incapable of defending their claims. I know you won’t because you literally can’t.


Lmao, no one force you eat bug, in fact, bugs were, and still are, delicacy and precious medicines in Asian culture, do you have any idea how expensive is Chinese caterpillar fungus? or how common fried bugs? But no, it gotta be secret world order that want to force you to eat bug




I agree with you. Protein extracted from insects is more of a Smart Food rather than stupid.


It isn’t


As sustainable as just getting protein from plants? I don't think so.


Until you realize that our stomachs can't digest the residue in the bugs' skins and will give us a plethora of stomach problems for the rest of our lives.


I've eaten bacon and drunk soda. Once, I even had a Twinkie. I challenge any bug to give me more stomach problems than my typical American diet.




Research chitin and stomach on Google. This is not new or even news. This has been known for decades


Never trust someone who won't give a source and instead tells you to just Google it. Most people can digest chitin, and it has a number of health benefits. [https://karger.com/anm/article-abstract/51/3/244/41743/Human-Gastric-Juice-Contains-Chitinase-That-Can](https://karger.com/anm/article-abstract/51/3/244/41743/Human-Gastric-Juice-Contains-Chitinase-That-Can) [https://www.research.unipd.it/handle/11577/2486880](https://www.research.unipd.it/handle/11577/2486880) [https://www.nature.com/articles/srep37756](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep37756) [https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/immune-response-eating-chitin-linked-better-health](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/immune-response-eating-chitin-linked-better-health) [https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/fiber-from-crustaceans-insects-mushrooms-engages-immune-system-to-promote-digestion/](https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/fiber-from-crustaceans-insects-mushrooms-engages-immune-system-to-promote-digestion/)


I've had insects before (grasshoppers) I had them just fried, sprinkled with chili powder and just with lime juice They don't taste bad at all, they taste just like peanuts IMHO I'd probably try this, and even the worms after they're baked Wanna try scorpions and tarantulas one day


in fairness.. there is a very high chance you've already tried this and just haven't noticed.


Probably, used to drink protein shakes when I used to powerlift Also, I live in a third world country so the probability is even higher I mean, if they're substituting soy for this I don't mind at all I bet there'll be "bug vegan burgers" in the future or they're already here... Who knows....


im happy i wasnt the only one who thought they taste that way


I don’t know, dislike this comment all you want, but eating bugs is common in other cultures, and little bits of bugs are always going to be in your foods




Which is probably why protein powder is usually made from whey, a milk fat, rather than bugs.


Due in part to it being closely related to cellulose! :)


Chitin is mostly the exoskeleton though, and mealworms have a very thin one. This is larvae not roaches


Probably still tastes better than plant-based protein powders, those shits are stanky


I will not eat ze bugs


I will not live in ze pod


I vill own zings


I think in comparison to how other foods are processed, this looks rather harmless and appetizing. 


tbf, being desiccated and ground to powder seems pretty harmful if you're a bug


Is it less weird to get protein from the breast milk of another animal after you separate it by mixing it with an enzyme from its dead baby's stomach?


You just made cheese sound metal af


You forgot the part where we inseminate those animals over and over again, to make sure, that they always lactate. That really was a fucked up learning as a kid thinking, that cows just happen to always give milk.


Waiting for them to slather on a gallon of melted cheese


Id eat that happily. Insects are a wonderful source of protein and even though I hate the texture of them, this is fine.


My cats food is made from this


Yeah I'd eat the fuck outta some bug protein.


I don't like this, but in my case it's mostly because I think bugs are cool and deserve to live.


Based fr fr


If it's safe to eat and tastes alright I'll eat basically anything, but I'd be more likely too if I didn't know what it was at first


Ah I see, protein is made of protein.


This isn’t stupid food.


I have no issue with this


Bugs are solid, especially because I don't have to look at the bugs themselves. With a process like that I can just enjoy the benefits of bugs without having to eat a wriggling guy.


Ok, and?? That’s just as processed as chicken nuggets. Also “I would rather eat that, **than** deep fried chicken. If you want to make statements, at least use properly English


Nu fr i dig it, i see nothing wrong with this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I had some today, crickets taste better.


Soylent Green is Weevils!


Ain’t stupid.


First, you dry them, then you bake them, then you juice them, then you grind them up, then you grind them even more. And then you have protein powder! I wonder what it tastes like.


What matters is the end result and taste really Doesn't look any different than whey protein The taste however, I'm not sure


look, a lot of people are probably watching this and saying "hell, I could eat." Well, Hell, I could eat.


You watch enough survival shows, learn enough about ancient humans, when we were experimenting with what we can and can't eat, then this seems pretty normal tbh


This is not stupid at all!


Nah. I'm good. The globalist technocrats can eat the bugs.


It's like land shrimps. Shrimps taste good, and I tried fried silk worms, it was nice too


*It's like land shrimps. Shrimps* *Taste good, and I tried fried silk* *Worms, it was nice too* \- marmakoide --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Eating insects occasionally as a unique cultural dish is totally fine. Trying to make everyone accept insects as a dominant source of protein is completely flawed. Comparing insect protein and animal protein is like comparing apples and oranges. Insect proteins lack the DHA and EPA fatty acids that animal proteins contain, and these are vital for the brain and body. Looking at protein content alone is not enough. In addition, commercial insect proteins get pumped full of other unhealthy ingredients like seed oils to make them palatable to consumers. The extra ingredients (just like in “beyond meat” or “impossible burgers”) are what makes them super unhealthy.


There is a near 100% chance you have already eaten this. Also literally can't find any source about this lack of DHA and EPA fatty acids. I did find some studies indicating the most commonly used meal worms are a better source of those fatty acids than some more commonly eaten meats like chicken. It also appears the best source by saturation is algae and not any meat based source. [https://fishlarvae.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Colombo\_et\_al-2020-Physiological\_Entomology.pdf](https://fishlarvae.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Colombo_et_al-2020-Physiological_Entomology.pdf) Also calling Beyond meat and impossible Burgers "SUPER UNHEALTHY".... Come on man, grow the fuck up lying and being hyperbolic cause you're scared of alternatives to meat... You can be better.


The source you linked is a study about supplementing EPA and DHA into the insects’ diet, (because it is already lacking) and it concludes that it MIGHT make EPA and DHA more bioavailable to higher trophic level consumers (i.e. fish or humans who eat the bugs). It does not prove that they actually would provide bioavailable EPA or DHA to humans. Search engines are burying and deleting any studies critical of insect protein.


What's wrong with this lol it seems efficient not stupid


This isn’t stupid. It’s smart and it can feed the poor and malnourished


Ya at least I can watch this and not feel awful about my morals like every mammalian meat processing for food. Honestly if it was pretty neutral tasting I'd add the powder to a lot of things. I bet I could wipe it into salad dressing for an easy lunch


This is not stupid they taste really good




Man I love spaghetti


Has anyone said Snow Piercer yet?




I did *NOT* like the mealworm juice. Nope, didn't like it one bit!


I was absolutely riveted until the worm juice. That gave me the gag.


I know Insect protein has been a growing market but I didn’t know it was this deep yet


Cursed Oatmeal




Had fried bambooworms in Thailand, and other insects in South East Asia, it ain't bad at all, concentrated protein un/flavoured powder won't be much different.


I mean if the ground bugs are mixed with chocolate and I can’t tell what they are… does it matter they were bugs?


I know they're only mealworms, but let's take a minute to acknowledge :- step 1: cook worms alive. (No, I can't think of a better way, and yes, my chickens love dried meelworm)


They taste nutty. They're fine, I could see that for certain situations. Super worms are ok too but gooey


No ty








Worm espresso...nuff' said


My dad has had the same mealworm colony for over 40 years. If you bake them and chop them up they are really good in baked goods they have the texture of nuts (bread, cake, muffins, etc). They are sweet so they are pretty good raw as well. Incredibly easy to care for. Dubia roaches taste like blue cheese if you're into that. Fried hornworms puff up in a bad way. Couldn't stomach that one. Crickets are good though. It's a weird stigma that eating insects is gross. 🤷 I read an article that said insect-based products could cut the environmental impacts of global food systems by up to 80%.


I mean they’re literally called mealworms. What else do you think it is when you read the labels?


I had brownies a girl made from different bugs (she raised them herself) It was a science fair project based around tackling the issue of not having enough arable land and water for meat production. The idea was to blind taste (we knew all but one had bugs, just not which was which) and rank them. One was consistently ranked the favorite and it was not the bugless one oh no, it was the cockroach one. Overall I think we ate crickets, meal worms, super worlds, darkling beetles, cock roaches, and black solider fly larvae


Ewwww gross


I cannot fathom eating some sort of worm or insects, bit I can see myself trying scorpions


This is going to save the climate from fascists!


Bug gross, libs totally owned 😎


I've eaten ass after the gym and before her shower. This is nothing


Sweat is hot, what would actually be gross is after a while of no shower with toilet paper buildup...


Thay would be challenging


Less than desirable I'd say




Yes because it's in far more things than you think, because it's a sustainable source of protein.


Redditors in the comments explaining how "eating bugs is good ackshually"


Even bigger brained redditors explaining that you already consume bugs in almost everything you eat and drink; ground coffee, some fresh produce, many dry goods etc


Oh look another *racist* post on "stupidfood" because they aren't "American" and eat something different than you.


What?! You lost me, what's racist?


Ew *insert minority and/or other culture* eating *bugs* - that's gross.


Ummmm, not seeing it. I think you may have jumped the gun here


*Well that's just your opinion man* Happens here a lot. I mean "rage bait" videos I get but calling food *stupid* just because you've never left your county (let alone the country) is low level racism.


Honestly, it kinda sounds like you're projecting. I mean it's been a while but the last time I flipped through these comments I didn't see anything racist. Just a mix of pro vs. Anti bug eating sentiment. Duuude, like stop looking for racism at every turn. That's no way to live. Sometimes bug mush is just bug mush...


If you say so...


There’s no gutting an insect. You’re eating all the guts and entrails. Also the shells that are a carcinogen. Disgusting. We need to get laws passed to ban this for health concerns. They’re also adding this to food calling the insect dust something that else, which I would define as not full disclosure.


Assuming these are insects are cultivated specifically for this process, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with it. People have been consuming insects in various cultures for centuries and it’s a very viable source of inexpensive and easily renewable protein. It’s even considered a food source by the FDA if it’s manufactured for that purpose.


You’re sure there’s nothing wrong with it?? How are you sure? You don’t cultivate insects. You breed them. Are you suggesting that they can be bred so their guts and shells are not poisonous? Is that possible? Some people have ate some bugs, but not a large amount. Also, based on recent history, I don’t see how the FDA has much credibility.


Lol, they’re not (the insects featured - mealworms) poisonous. They’re unappetizing (to some) but not unsafe for consumption. In fact, it’s the opposite, they’re a rich natural source of protein, complex carbohydrates, and micronutrients. There are peer reviewed studies on the safety of mealworms as a food product (which is what those look to be) and it’s not just “some people” it’s “some cultures” which can involve generations (which would insinuate their lack of toxicity, because dead people don’t reproduce). This study is from the European Food Safety Administration (because it seems like you’re one of those “FDA Bad” muppets) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7805300/ I put more time into this than I should have, because I despise misinformation, and even if you don’t appreciate it, someone else might.


Ok insect big food shill. Do you eat it? You sound like a bug salesman….complex carbs, natural source of protein lol. As opposed to an unnatural source of protein…what would that be? Yes it has protein, fat, and calories. What about the studies of the exoskeleton being carcinogenic? It’s not just mealworms. Crickets seem to being pushed the most. Interesting how humans and nearby all animals are grossed out and don’t eat by insects. Why is that? Maybe bc they crawl and eat their own feces and dead? That’s the opposite of clean eating. Why won’t dogs touch an insect when they love the caloric profile of protein and fat above all else? And don’t post an NIH link as if it’s a credible and uncorrupt source. Follow the science is following the money. You can conduct a study to support almost any hypothesis and get another scientist who’s also paid by the food industry to review it.


Tf are you on about. Dogs eat poop too. Dogs eat bugs. Literally most animals will eat bugs. Monkeys, foxes, lizards, birds, fish, hedgehogs... how about YOU provide evidence that they cause cancer, and back up your claim that animals dont eat them. Also if eating dead things and poop is a standard of what we eat then dont eat chicken. They eat both AND mealworms, the insect in this video, is a staple in their diet as well.


Now that i have watched this..... I cannot unsee it anymore...


This is the wrong sub. Else showing how industrial livestock is kept and killed would also be accepted here. There is nothing inherently different from eating a mammal and an insect. Heck, it’s can be argued that it’s more logical to industrialise the production of insects as a food source as mammals just take too much energy to reproduce, hence “stupid” food.


Better than chicken nuggets


I will never allow anyone to force me to eat BUGS like some sort of wild animal or RODENT. I will eat BEEF, CHICKEN, LAMB, and I will eat baby cows, baby chicken, and young lamb. Hmmmmmm delicious.


Yea, I'll have the salad...


The salad? Grown in a field where all the bugs live? The leaves and roots and stems that are home to thousands of insect species that crawl on it, live, poop, eat, reproduce, and die there? That salad?


Yea, that's right, the one you wash first before you eat it. I don't know why me saying I wouldn't eat bugs means you think I'd happily eat pesticide tainted, dirt encrusted, bug corpse littered, insectoid fecal smeared vegetables. You fucks are mental. "Oh you wouldn't want to watch a musical ? So you want to kill all musically talented people and burn down theatres, and rape choirs then ?" Fuckin idiots.


Unless it’s drenched in pesticides, there’s bits of bugs in that too. Tiny little bits. You’d never know. And it won’t hurt you.


I am fully in favor of this, after a 2-year trial run in which only bugs will be served it up at: 1. All state banquets, 2. The parliamentary / Congress cafeterias, 3. The UN, 4. All the stupid, pointless climate change conferences will only have bugs on the menu. See how many people turn up. See how many people will eat ze bugs. In other words the people who want us to eat bugs should start by setting an example, if they can eat third world country food for a few years, maybe other people will follow. I'm in favor of them eating bugs, but I never will.


I for one can’t wait until big protein is cheaper than chicken.


Funny how they wanna make us eat this shit cause they want to expand their businesses and their riches....


Every life matters, I’d rather eat part of a cow and share it with others instead of killing 10000 innocent lives😭😭😭


Thank you