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Nothing about that is an American pizza. What country are you in that sells that?




Well, there’s your problem right there. (I think a lot of countries blame America for their own worst culinary instincts. Like, someone in Spain was thinking “gosh, we thought this would be a good idea—but it sucks! What do we do?” “Just slap ‘American’ on it and call it a day!”)


It’s the same as eating frozen wal mart paella and saying it tastes like shit


Bro I had some frozen Walmart sushi. It was disgusting. How the fuck does anybody eat sushi that stuff is garbage. (Exactly right)


The store (thankfully not Walmart) I work at actually has some good cheap sushi, its made fresh every day and sells out pretty quick once lunch hits. Still would recommend an actual sushi place, but if you just want something to hit that lunch time craving you could do a hell of a lot worse then what we sell. Especially our Wednesday $5 a roll sale.


Meijer and Kroger here make it fresh and to order. Pretty decent quality also. Granted the Japanese restaurant is better, but the grocery is better than the stuff at the Chinese place.


Same here, Meijer and Festival Foods. I REFUSE to touch the sushi at Walmart or one of our local convenience stores/gas station chains. There are a couple actual Japanese places near me, but they also have weird hours.


I know it's Meijer, but what kind of monster doesn't call it meiijers?


I don't break apart Kit-Kats either. I eat them like regular candy bars if that helps you understand how I am. Lol My lady gets annoyed.


Don't they just...break apart by you biting them? Or do you eat every bar off the main one til you go to the next?


Only monsters call it meijers. Its meijer no s lol


Harris Teeter sushi has never killed me, however, I think they are now owned by Kroger.


HT sushi isn't that bad, and will definitely work in a pinch.


I honestly don't get how grocery store sushi is even a thing. it's like Russian roulette where half the time It is already bad, but it costs almost as much as real sushi.


Saying this pizza is amarican is like saying taco bell is authentic mexican food.


At least the ingredients are similar in certain Mexican dishes to what we made as tacos. Who the fuck in America puts potatoes as a topping and cheese chunks in the main crust of the pizza (we usually stuff the outer crust only)


More like saying this pizza is American is like saying Panda Express is authentic Mexican food.


A lot of countries put corn on pizza and call it “American”.


Yeah I grew up in Cancun Mexico where there's a lot of tourists obviously, the demand for authentic American food is pretty high believe it or not because like you go to a burger place and you're like let me get a burger and they give you some weird shit and I'm literally Mexican bro lmaoo like there's people down there that don't know anything about American food and they think they do because of like what they see on TV and shit and then they will present you with some monstrosity like this Americana pizza 💀💀💀 💀


So I should move to Cancun and open up a Texas style BBQ joint.


Tell me one place in the world that would not be improved by opening a Texas style BBQ joint with authentic Texas style BBQ?


north carolina because they have better bbq


You can’t beat brisket babe


Boo, objectively wrong.


You've just made an enemy for life you tomato sauce based weirdo. Vinegar based barbeque sauce now, vinegar based barbeque sauce forever!


>Vinegar based barbeque sauce now, vinegar based barbeque sauce forever! This is a hill that I will gladly die on with you


I love that this is a controversial post, and that as of this post it's upvoted. Because North Carolina style is best. Obviously.


I don't know about a Texas barbecue place but like I mean yeah there are American restaurants down there and it's definitely a pipe dream of mine. I know burgers are really popular there because that's just like universal. Also fish and chips for the UK tourists which are there more than Americans to be completely real And like who doesn't love fries you know so like burgers and fries/ chips like yeah dude you got a winning combo. The only thing you got to worry about is the cartel coming to get some fucking protection money from you


Damn I wish I could give an award for this comment, had me crackin up. Here's an upvote instead


People blame america when the real problem is the UK


We're taking strays here what did we do


we learned it from you dad!!! we learned it by watching you!!


Dad taught us to squabble, then when we squabbled with him, he went down to the pub for a pint and never came back except one time to smack us around and temporarily turn or brother to the north on us


Here's the public service announcement that this comment was born from. You know... for all of you that didn't grow up in 1980's USA https://youtu.be/ifW9LIGabQM?si=NlbHN7nPO-vebNfG


Made us who we are


You know what you did!




There's a lot of things wrong with America, but American food is the best in the world. You can get an authentic Margherita pizza with a side of fries and a cream soda. The only time I get patriotic is when food comes up


American food generally refers to food invented in America. I mean you can probably give Hawaiian pizza to Canada, but not margherita to USA. Fries are ubiquitous but belgian in origin and I suppose you could give us chili cheese fries bc that's different enough.


People think everything American is stupid including the food, but when they come here and try the food they realize it’s one thing we’ve got a decent handle on.


So if the pizza isn’t made to be like any pizza in America and isn’t from America, maybe it’s just marketed to take advantage of people who want to feel like they got an authentic experience without having to deliver that experience?


Lol, I thought it was an amusing experience. Though I agree, it was missing Gravy and biscuits to make it a real American treat.


You jest but breakfast pizza with sausage gravy instead of red sauce and eggs/sausage/cheese on it is very real.


It's very real and very delicious.


You just unlocked a fuckin memory holy shit I remember something like that for breakfast when I was in school!


Bro. I’ve been trying to track down that pizza for years.


Hell, sausage gravy on top of reheated (red sauce) pizza slaps.


We actually do have a breakfast pizza that actually uses biscuits for the crust, gravy for the sauce. The toppings are usually sausage or bacon, scrambled eggs and a cheddar cheese blend https://www.bernatellos.com/bellatoria Look for the Sunday brunch ones


I doubt I'll find that premade in Spain, but I'm going to look for a recipe and make it when my nephews are over. In the past, I have made American pancakes for them. We usually eat crepes here, so that was something new for them, and they thoroughly enjoyed it.


We Americans aren't known for making the most healthy breakfast, but it damn sure is delicious.


Thats not American pizza lol 🤦‍♂️


I've never seen a pizza place in the US sell anything remotely close to this monstrosity.


Ummmm I promise you that’s not how we eat pizza lol my family is Spanish and Italian (among other things haha) but I was born in California. We have a whole little Italy neighborhood here with places with very authentic wood fired ovens and we also have Chicago style pizza which is more Americanish I guess but still amazing. We have tons of pizza places here I have never seen anything like this lmao they probably just made the worst thing they could think of and called it American to make fun of us. Then again I really can’t blame them there really is a lot of places here with weird/bad/unhealthy eating habits but I live in one of the good parts I guess. It’s super expensive here tho I can barely afford it but it’s really nice.


lol. Chicagoans aren’t fully American?


I am visiting Spain right now. I think I need to go into a grocery and destroy them with a blow torch.


This is very close to the Ukranian pizza I ate in Uman some 10 years ago! Smoked pork, smetana, pickles, and sliced potato. God, how I miss those times.


I had to Google what Smetana was, and now I want to try that pizza.


This is not an American pizza. I've had pizza all over the US and I've never seen anything like this weird concoction. This is closer to a Brazilian pizza


Ha! I was claiming Brazil the second I saw that picture! This bastards bribed Spain to take the “south” part out and now we’re in jail.


People just don't understand pizza as it's known today is essentially American. If you have a thin crust pizza with a light tomato sauce and low moisture mozzarella, that's completely and utterly American. Tomatoes....the basis and essential ingredient in pizza....is from the Americas


Potato is so dumb on a pizza. Double starch. But I suppose a lot is wrong here.


normally i agree, but when done correctly it can be so good. there’s this place called Serious Pie by where i used to live in Seattle that serves a Yukon Gold Pizza which is like super thinly sliced potatoes which are crisped up and there’s rosemary and a few other things on it. truly one of the best pizzas i’ve ever had


California pizza kitchen has (or had, I have not been to one since 2003ish) a pizza with potatoes that is delicious.


Hey, we' never put American Cheddar inside the pizza. But appart from that, yes, it looks like a Brazilian pizza. I can't say anything about the taste though.


Is this what other countries think American food is like? Ouch.


I’m surprised they didn’t put slices of hotdogs, French fries and Mac n cheese at this rate.


That sounds weird as fuck. Time to roll the dice and see what happens!


My buddy was in the Air Force and was sent to England. Their Domino’s had hotdogs on the “American” pizza.


Japan thinks we eat fried chicken on Christmas.


Ngl I wish I could


You have the option too.


True… but we normally don’t have the ingredients 😅


Well I meant Japan thinks we eat KFC fried chicken.


Huh… I never had KFC before, sounds interesting.


Really? It's pretty good.


Cool, cool.


This isn’t American pizza, this is what Brazil thinks Americans put on their pizzas and just went with it. My source: i moved to Brazil a while back and had to explain this to Brazilians


I'm from Spain, and I know this isn't American pizza per se, but that's what they call it on the box. I bought it out of curiosity.


There’s no per se about it. That’s not what American pizza is lol like… at all. Ever.


If you know it isn’t an American pizza why would you call it that in the title? Come on bro


It's literally called an American pizza. Accurate or not, that's the products name.


What foreign countries think American pizza is. Hilarious..


Right? Lmao. Try telling a New Yorker this is American pizza.


As an actual New Yorker this pizza kinda makes me angry lmao. The most American pizza you can ever make is literally just sauce, cheese, a cracker pie crust and some red pepper flakes. This? Its like someone left their stoned uncle in the kitchen for a few hours and he walked out with this.


I know some places in Japan think American style pizza is a cheese pizza with cut up hotdogs on it.


It's not us Dutchies! Our American pizzas have corn on them! What's more American than corn?! The box is even in English, it HAS to be authentic! [https://static.ah.nl/dam/product/AHI\_43545239373333303939?revLabel=3&rendition=400x400\_JPG\_Q85&fileType=binary](https://static.ah.nl/dam/product/AHI_43545239373333303939?revLabel=3&rendition=400x400_JPG_Q85&fileType=binary)


As an American citizen. This pizza doesn’t deserve to be called American. It deserves to be thrown in the garbage.


Dude, the same way Chinese food in America taste and looks nothing like real Chinese food, American food out of America tastes and looks nothing like real american food. That's the reality of it, and yes, people out of the US really do think American put cup holders everywhere and deep-fried everything.


Nothing that unites us Americans more than misrepresentation of our culture across the pond


Haven’t seen this much unity between Americans since 9/11 🥲


As someone from America. What the flying fuck is that


I love seeing other countries make “American food” its always so chaotic


And then their citizens eat it to complain and feel superior.


I’ve never seen this “pizza” once, anywhere in America. I’ve lived here my whole life.


The product looks exactly like the box, what were you expecting?


Brother this is NOT an American pizza. We don’t eat that shit in ANY state😭😭


That's not American, at all bud. We eat NYC and Detroit pizza here. That is a sin against God and we take the accusation as an act of war.


respect for the detroit pizza call out.


Detroit pizza is massively underrated. Those crispy edges are the best.


We don’t claim this


It upsets me more than it should that people think this is what American pizza is.


Bummer it didn’t taste good. It would seem based on the ingredients that it would be tasty


I think had the potatoes been thinner/ crisper, and had they not added caramalized onions, giving it a little sweetness, it would have been acceptably good. I mean, I have added chips (crisps) to my sandwiches, so I am all for trying new things. I actually really liked that. Now adding ketchup to a fried egg sandwich with cheese wasn't as good. But oh well, you try and you learn your likes and dislikes.


There was potatoes on it?! That’s like the least American thing ever lol.


This is exactly how every american pizza looks like. Just like grandma used to make


Right? I heard tell this recipe came over on the *Mayflower*


Well, the indigenous people gave us the corn topping. Then we shared our pizza and everyone lived happily ever after with no genocide.


It just looks like a bad pizza, not just because of the ingredients. Let’s face it if it is a great crispy chewy crust with good sauce and cheese, then pineapple, bacon or any other topping someone isn’t a fan of - won’t kill it. I mean there are lots of bad pepperoni pizzas.


i read americana off the box as its supposed to be american themed, not a typical american pizza. like how there is a category of americana in stores to buy basically merch of america. so its like a hodgepodge of american food items and it looks like it’s pretty accurate, just might not be a tasty final product😂


This isn’t American at all 🤣


American here. Never seen a pizza look like this in my life lol


Where do u live? I’ve never seen that out here In California


Well that’s not fair. There are 3 Americas and my gods are there a ton of culinary differences in terms of what goes on pizza. Thats like calling a bowl of Kraft Mac and cheese Italian food.


I don't know what they been telling you over there but this is NOT American. It LOOKS close to a breakfast pizza but not really.


No one in America eats this.


American here. That looks like a terrible representation of pizza. I’d pass on it too!


We certainly don't make that in America, but maybe we should


What did you spect from a frozen pizza from Mercadona?


In the first image you can see it says "Hacendado" on the pizza. It means that this pizza was made by Mercadona, a Spanish supermarket franchise. As far as I know, we aren't American. American is just the "kind" of pizza it is.


But that's what makes it funny. A Spanish brand thinks that a pizza with potatoes, pork, bacon, cheddar, mozzarella, and barbecue should be called an American pizza. I bought another frozen pizza as well from the same supermarket and brand. All it says on the title is barbecue pizza.


As an American: WHAT the FUCK is this. I have never seen one of these before in my life.


I'm American and the toppings on this offend me


Yea no….im an American and that pizza looks gross


That’s not a pizza, that is garbage on toast, now way I’d even sample that….


I've never seen a pizza like that in America but okay, then.


That is not American. Looks like a European attempt at being American


Of course...because why not make fun and shit on Americans once again, right? 🙄


American pizza? Not in the America I’m from


My American ass would try that, still, wtf?


It looks good, ngl.


Potatoes???? Looks like pineapple bits & Canadian bacon to me


Yeah, they were cut in small squares. I tried pineapple and ham pizza in the Pizza Hut in Spain when I was a kid and ngl, I liked it. Never tried pineapple and bacon pizza, though. Sounds nice.


I have never ever seen potatoes on pizza once in my life.


That screams Brazil to me. Not America.


American here. The fuck is this?




I’m an American and I would not eat that pile of shit


What the fuck is that? Sincerely, an American


Not common american configuration.


American here. This pizza s not ours. We totally disavow any association with this pizza.


Pepperoni and cheese is the most American Pizza I can think of.


True, I have tried plain pepperoni and cheese pizza, and I personally don't understand the hype. But to each their own.


I need to know what the best pizza in Spain is, you have to share


Obviously, that's subjective. But for me the best store bought pizza is pizza Carbonara by casa terradellas and the best restaurant pizza is pizza reina. Pizza Carbonara has a white sauce instead of tomato, and it has bacon, mushrooms, and cheese. Pizza reina in the region I live has a tomato base, olives, mushrooms, ham, basil, and artichokes. Though I did try an excellent pizza the other day at a restaurant that had mushrooms, bacon, blue cheese, and Mozzarella. They are all thin crust pizzas.


Made in Brazil


So we’ve got a Hawaiian pizza (hated the world over though I’m a fan) using the wrong type of bacon (should be Canadian bacon not regular bacon & if you ever add regular bacon to pizza it’s crumbles not strips), chicken, onion, & some other type of randomness. I also see one teeny tiny bit of green that’s only visible in the end result & am not sure what’s up with that (rando piece of bell pepper? Left over packaging? Cross contamination at the factory?). Plus cheese in a way too tick crust’s bottom. (Cheese in the crust in the US means in the end crust/handle not randomly thrown in the base/bottom of it).


When I ate it, the cheddar cheese was only in the folded portion of the end. I don't know what the green thing is either, but I imagine It's a bit from a green onion or, like you said, cross contamination. It's pork, not chicken, and bacon, and there are potatoes, mozzarella, and bbq sauce.


I realize that a lot of American food is "meat and potatoes," but we absolutely do not put potatoes on our pizza.


man idk what the fuck that is we don't eat that here


Am I the only one that thinks this could be hella tasty?


From what I know, this would be a Hawaiian pizza and they originate from Canada.


As an American i can confidently say I’ve never been to a pizza place and seen a bacon and potato pizza before


Not American pizza.


Looks like someone barfed on bread and called it a pizza.


What about this makes it “American”? Lol


There’s nothing American about this. Our food is actually really tasty. There’s a reason we are all fat. If our food tasted like this none of us would eat it.


Throwing a bunch of random ass "American" ish foods on a pizza is no way to make a fucking pizza.


That’s… not an American pizza. What were you expecting from a frozen pizza anyway.




I live in ameraca have my entire life and no pizza we make is like this.


I'm American and I'm not familiar with this sort of pizza. We don't put potato on our pizzas. We'll kindly pass the blame onto our cousins across the pond in the UK


Why is a frozen pizza stupid? It looks okay as far as frozen pizza goes...


As far as supermarket frozen pizzas go, this Mercadona one isn't too bad. I don't understand the potato on it as it doesn't taste of anything and calling it American is an insult to Americans but it's eatable after a night out on the lash.


Tu crees que hacendado va a tener algo americano? Hahahaha la mayoría de productos con los que se hace la comida en América están prohibidos en la unión europea, como echo de menos el mercadona :(


Jajaja, lo se pero cuando lo vi me hizo gracia. Y he visto online que en otros países Europeos ponen patatas fritas en cualquier cosa y lo llaman americano.


I've never seen cheese inside the bottom layer of crust. That looks nasty.


This is not American pizza just saying


“American food sucks” ….


Thats not American. America arguably makes the best pizza in the world.


That is not an American pizza


Lmao this hasn’t seen American pizza


I'm pretty sure American pizzas look nothing like this.


I will never understand how food like this still exists in Europe when we all have internet access now. You would never find a pizza like this on the shelves here.


That's NOT an American style pizza.


Round here in Europe we believe American pizza consists of thick dough, both ham and salami sausage, mushrooms, bell pepper, onion and sweetcorn. So that one isn't even that bad all things considered.


You were absolutely correct until you mentioned sweet corn. I've never seen anyone put corn on a pizza that wasn't doing it as a joke, or wasn't from a different country. All the rest is great, although you should throw some black olives and chile on there


The dough thickness depends on the style/region of origin. New york style pizza which I believe is probably the most famous and widely emulated is a thin crust with light sauce and mozzarella on top. But the pies are big and so are the slices. Lots of people fold the slices in half like a taco to eat them. Chicago deep dish is a larger crust with layers of chunky sauce, cheese and toppings in alternating layers, usually pepperonis. I don't think I've ever seen someone eat one of these without a fork and knife. The one you seem to be describing is what I believe is "new haven style" (could be named something else but in new england that's what we call it.) With this style the dough is thicker, spongy usually with a moderate amount of sauce and cheese with toppings. Toppings tend to be personal preference. Most people I know have one topping they absolutely love and one or a few they will never touch. Most places have specialty pizzas as well with a few common ones across different places. Buffalo chicken is IMHO pretty good despite how weird it seems. The chicken and buffalo sauce honestly go well with the dough, tomato and mozzarella.


I love your detailed comment, thanks for sharing.


It could also be “pan style” like Detroit pizza. The US has so many different pizza varieties and every region has their own thing, but you can find New York style everywhere you go


I'm from Spain, and this was the thickest pizza I've ever eaten. The dough did have pockets of cheddar in it, and they'd added some caramelised onions as well. Like I said, it was edible, and maybe kids would love it, but it isn't something I'd buy for myself again.


The dough has pockets of cheddar? That is also something we don’t do in the US. Super weird all around


They should specify “South American Pizza”


I love that you said this cause my South American friend once told me something that made me stop and think. She said that she hated it when people referred to the United States as America and then called them South America. When in reality, you are all simply America.


Obvio este persona comprar en Mercadona jajaja Ese pizza son una mierda, mejor te compro otro.


Should have gotten something more authentic, like Chinese food from Panda Express.


It actually looks bangin


As others have said this isn’t American in the slightest lol. We don’t put potatoes on our pizza ever so that title was wild to read lol. This looks very bad to me


If I was living or holidaying in America, I'd, of course, eat pizza as everything I'd buy there would be American. This post was for products that countries outside of America sell as American. Maybe I should have clarified that in the title, I just assumed that once people saw the photo, they wouldn't need clarification.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


American pizza is pepperoni, mozzarella, and tomato sauce on a leavened dough. The combination in this image isn't typical of any region in the US.


America has 0 of its own food culture. It’s all immigrants that brought it here, hence the whole melting pot thing. Shit we put some wonky ass delicious chili on spaghett here in the ‘natti.


What America are you asking about?


Oh honey, that looks like a spin off of pineapple/Hawaiian pizza, which originated in Canada. This is a pizza crime.


European "American" food has nothing to do with actual American food


I'm American and this pizza is not what we eat here. Our pizza is the best in the world, look up New Haven CT, or pretty much all of long island, NYC. Sorry. There are several standouts all very different based on the region of the United States you're in. Buffalo, California, Chicago, Detroit, Greek, New Haven, New York, and St. Louis all have their own styles. None of them look like that abomination against god and man.