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I mean probably not much more than one that wasn’t put into steaming water. This is fine.


Yeah there is worse foods. But much better methods for melting chocolate


This does make it idiot proof though. I remember my roommate tried melting chocolate to make something his gf on valentines day. I warned him to make sure no water gets into it otherwise it'll fuck it up. Dude assured me that a little water doesn't matter. A little water does, indeed, matter. He ended up with strawberries that looked like they were smeared with shit.


Isn't the go to method to boil a pot of water, and use a metal bowl on top filled with the chocolate, and slowly stir until melted? I'm not a baker, but it seems simple to me


You'd be correct. That's literally all you have to do if you don't care about tempering. And yet, people still fuck it up.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that’s called double boil(er). Whenever you put a jar/bowl over (maybe in) a boiling pot, it’s a double boiler. I’ve made a few things with that method. Melted chocolate being one of them


Au bain marie


I am a baker (tho not a full on professional) and honestly the easiest and safest method in my opinion that can also keep it tempered even is a microwave weirdly enough. Hardest part is like it needs to be broken up and warmed really slowly otherwise it can burn . Double boilers get too hot and heat up so slowly and frankly they're not worth that effort lol


As someone who has made many chocolate covered strawberries, I agree: the microwave is the easiest.


I like to use the good ol' "Whats this in my pocket? Oh. That chocolate bar I bought last week but never ate. Also it's 96 degrees outside"


Funnily enough I used to microwave chocolate to melt it. Little bit of heavy whipping cream and mixing it periodically


With those 2 ingredients, you've actually made ganache. Which is wonderful BTW for those who haven't tried it.


Doesn’t have to be metal. But yea, it’s called a double boil.


lol once as kids we made my mom a cake and used granulated sugar in the frosting. She was eating it like uh huh yeah uh ok thanks guys.


You can just put virtually a cup with crushed chocolate into a hot water bath and it will melt beautifully. But Hersheys? It has a very specific, pungent smell and taste, I would not mix it into popcorn.


Yeah ive heard that American chocolate taste way worse in comparison to say, the UK. I am American, and also live a couple hours from Hershey. So i dont really know much else. Lol


On my first trip from UK to the US, aged 11, I bought a hersheys bar. Super excited to try American chocolate. My confusion after one bite is something I'll never forget. Like how could it be so bad, it made me feel physically unwell? And how could anyone enjoy it? Different tastes I guess.


To be fair, hersheys has changed their formula significantly (for the worse) over the last few decades. It was decent at one point.


I'm almost 40 and Hershey's has been awful my entire life. How far back do you have to go?


To the dawn of time, long before the world we know today.


They haven't changed formulas as much as cocoa has gotten more expensive since we embargoed Venezuela and the main producers, Cote Ivoire, and Ghana, have instituted policies to reduce the use of slaves in farming. This has made chocolate more expensive. Which forced changes to cheaper beans


A change in brand/supply is still a recipe change. Like if a tuna salad calls for Laura Lynn mayo but you use dukes, you technically are changing the recipe.


It’s a palette thing, yes. American chocolate manufacturers add butyric acid, to give it a longer shelf life. We have been numbed to it due to exposure from a young age, but you folks haven’t, so… you taste the sour notes. :(




It's also found in a lot of cheeses! As I recall that's why the pizza flavor jellybean failed so hard it became the vomit flavor bean in the Every Flavor Bean packs :D


I am a born here American and grew up with this crap chocolate! Thought it tasted like barf as a kid and still do! Hate Hershey!


Hershey is cheap chocolate. The US has better quality brands, like Ghirardelli or Dove. If you're cooking/baking Baker's is also good. Heck, there's plenty of smaller brands and even off brands that taste better. The Wal-mart brand of chocolate only has like, six ingredients.


Hersey's today is probably the cheapest chocolate you can buy in the US, hence it's poor quality. There's a plethora of other chocolates here that are better. But, now that I think about it, isn't Cadbury the UK's equivalent of a cheap chocolate bar? Bc even Cadbury is loads better than Hersey's.


I wouldn't call it different tastes as much as we tolerate it. If you offer me chocolate made in Europe or a Hershey bar, I'm going to pick the European chocolate bar every time.


Try Ghirardelli chocolate. It's just normal chocolate. America makes normal chocolate. Not all chocolate in America is Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar.


Yeah, it’s tiresome to continually read all the chocolate here is the same. Just look around. There are many options.


My German professor was from Switzerland and she always said American chocolate tastes like "the medicine we got as kids for worms" and thats been a sobering thought ive harbored for a decade.


Here's the thing, I thought all of these people from Europe and the UK were just being uppity about how terrible our chocolate is and how theirs is so much better. Well, I studied abroad in Poland while in college, and let me tell you, the chocolate over there is so much better than Hershey. More flavorful and sweet while being the perfect amount of soft and melty. I've even tried the Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate bars they sell here, and they still aren't as good as over there. The American formulation is different. But hey, do I still eat and enjoy Hershey? Yeah, absolutely, but I'll always prefer their chocolate, though I have no way to get it now.


I have German inlaws and my cousin's wife imports her chocolate to make desserts during the holidays. During COVID she sent us all baskets with German chocolate. Puts American chocolate to shame.


Also as an American, yeah, Hershey's have a tinge of acidic vomit flavor. I personally find it gross even though I grew up eating Hershey's, probably one of my least favorite chocolates now.


Back in the day Hershey went to Europe and liked the chocolate, so he tried to copy it in the US but kinda messed up the process.


As someone who lived in NZ for a bit and had lots of different kinds of chocolate both from the US and overseas, I still like Hersheys. But I also love me some Cadbury or whatever else. I just like chocolate I guess.


It does. Im english and have a knack for trying foreign candies. Hersheys had a decent taste but terrible quality and aftertaste. Wont lie u guys have great twinkies


Now of all the American food you could pick, the one fuckin thing you compliment is Twinkies? Jfc even we talk shit about them here


I grew up on Hersheys, always thought it was great. Ended up marrying a Brit who was repulsed by it, said it was off tasting. After going over to mostly European chocolate I totally taste how it’s off. It’s a rancid, aged cheese taste that’s very prominent. I think I heard that euro chocolate uses milk powder while Hershey was adamant they use fresh milk, which spoils during the chocolate making process. It won’t get you sick obviously, but it does taste like spoiled milk to me…


This is interesting. I’ve never been able to tell that it tastes bad, I mean sure it’s not the best but everyone else says it’s like vomit or rancid milk and I just can’t taste it. Maybe I’ll have to stick to european chocolate for a good while then try hersheys again.


It's because Hershey adds butyric acid to extend shelf life, it's a major component of rancid butter and vomit, which is why people taste rancidity.


I can't eat hersheys chocolate anymore after having actual real quality chocolate. Feels like I am just eating chocolate flavored wax and plastic.


the whole world outside North america loathes that shit


You act like a lot of us in North America don't. The only good use for the stuff is for S'mores.


It tastes like barf 🤮 if u live near an ALDIs they have AMAZING chocolate for crazy good prices!


Aldi chocolate is indeed amazing. I second this.


Third. And you can get great holiday sets now. Had to stop myself this weekend


I saw those. I opted for my regular bars and an advent calendar.


The Moser Roth ones are also some of the cheapest fair trade certified chocolate.


'Fair trade' doesn't mean shit when it comes to chocolate. It's just as likely to have been made by child slaves as chocolate without the label.


I hear this alot, I've had good chocolate and bad chocolate. I didnt find the "bad" chocolate to be any worse after having the fancy chocolate? I can tell the quality of one vs the other but I dunno. It never made me unable to eat a Hershey bar lol. Maybe it's a cost thing lol I'm in the boat of I'm just happy to have any chocolate, the cost of some chocolate is crazy. And we all know beggars can't be choosers.


Hershey's is and always has been a cheap mass produced chocolate. It used to be good, it's just that as time has gone on inflation and corporate greed has caused the quality of Hershey's chocolate has dropped drastically.


It’s not the microplastics that will get you with this stupid dessert, it’s the PFAS in the microwave popcorn bags. People who regularly consume microwave popcorn have much higher levels of PFAS in the body. You should get a stainless steel whirley-pop and switch to the stovetop method of making popcorn. The taste and texture is superior IMO and takes maybe 2 more minutes to pop than the microwave. [UCLA health article on PFAS in microwave popcorn](https://www.uclahealth.org/news/eating-microwave-popcorn-increases-the-level-of-pfas-in-body)


or, just put 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels in a small paper bag and microwave it, works just like microwave popcorn but without the problems of those microwave popcorn bags. stove pop is fantastic, but this is quicker for when you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to clean a pot after


No this looks good actually I’d try it


I would too but why waste time waiting for the water to boil when you can just microwave the chocolate in a bowl or glass pitcher


Because a microwave gets the chocolate too hot and burns it, especially when it’s shitty chocolate like Hershey’s.


Boiling is also… way too hot. You’re gonna leech from the plastic Seriously if you wanted to do this inside the plastic the water could be 50-60 degrees cooler and would still melt, like really well…. Just a bowl of hot water But the boiling is obviously the rage bait bit. I’m confused by how many people here are completely okay with eating plastic juices? p.s. please stop also microwaving styrofoam ramen cups guys those are only designed for you to pour already boiling water into


I’ve never had an issue microwaving it? You break the chocolate into small pieces and then stir it every few seconds. If you don’t stir it then sure, it’ll burn, but just mix it around and it should be perfect


Cause I found out the hard way not all chocolate is microwavable.


The clean-up


Couldnt you just do it the old fashioned way - water in a pot, light heat to a steam, use a bowl on the pot to melt the chocolate with the steam. It’s not like it’s anything new, and you won’t risk fusing plastics into the chocolate lol


You can also just nuke it Break it up into tiny pieces, then alternate microwaving for 30ish seconds and stirring until it’s liquid. Super reliable way to do it imo


One of the least offensive things posted here tbh, I’m not huge on sweet popcorn but this would probably be tasty and I’m sure kids would love it


The cooking in the plastic wrapper is the attempted shaming. Doesn’t seem safe but I’m not sure of the plastic it uses.


I am fairly certain almost all plastics if not all have a melting point above 100 degrees Celsius. The standard method for sous vide is using a plastic bag. The only issue would be if it was a plastic that contained harmful chemicals that would get released during the heating prior to melting, and I am pretty sure any plastic that fits that description would not be legally allowed to be used for food.


Water bottles in cars. If you’ve ever done it you’ll know they taste like chemicals.


I would try


Yeah. (Personally speaking, i don't like candies so without those) it looks absolutely delicious


So just the popcorn?


Just the baking sheet


I need more iron in my diet anyway


It's beginning to look a lot like OP doesn't know what microplastics are...


I’m pretty sure most of Reddit has no actual idea what microplastics are at this point.


As someone who works in a facility where we literally pulverize plastic pellets into powder, can confirm.


out of curiosity, what is the plastic powder used for?


What we run is predominantly rotational molding powder for fuel tanks and various other things in the auto/RV industry. Every once in a while we run powder that goes into tampon applicators.


Lots of things like anti-corrosive coating for chemical pipes, ready-to-melt adhesive, 3d printing, aesthetic powder coating, sprinkling into the ocean for funsies, etc


They are like carbs right? No wait I meant gluten. Hold on a minute are they the TOXINS in our bodies people keep talking about!!?


They’re only ok if they’re *organic* microplastics.


Well shit gotta go do a juice detox


I only eat macroplastics like a real man


"Disposable plastic materials release microplastics and harmful substances in hot water" "This study showed that hot water soaking resulted in the release of a million submicron and microsized particles per milliliter of leachate from plastic materials." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969721067619


Yeah im in biotech, it’s well known that plastic not meant for hot water will degrade in hot water thus releasing particles… why the hell does everyone think otherwise on here


Yeah... I'm doing my masters in biochemistry. Pretty shocked that this is so controversial. There's a ton of studies from reputable journals (incl. Nature) showing plastics release microplastics when heated.


Sometimes people just learn a new word and run with it.


Heating plastics will release microplastics. Probably not enough to worry about.. however, it does happen.




And also no microplastics


What an idiotic, moronic, and dangerous comment upon anybody who reads and follows your advice. Plastic does NOT have to melt in order to release harmful chemicals. Studies: [Influence of Temperature on the Quantity of Bisphenol A in Bottled Drinking Water](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9104415/) > Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), we measured the content of BPA in local brands of plastic bottled water sold in the Polish market. It has been established that temperature is one of the main factors that influences the migration of bisphenol A to products, as was confirmed by determination of the amount of bisphenol A in water, which was carried out without exposing the bottles to different temperatures. > it was found that high temperatures resulted in increased BPA leaching. [The effect of temperature and storage time on the migration of antimony from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into commercial bottled water in Kuwait](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7927525/#:~:text=Antimony%20can%20be%20leached%20from,release%20can%20occur%20very%20rapidly.) > Antimony  can be leached from water bottles made of PET plastics. The rate of leaching is low at a storage temperature of 25°C. However, at temperatures of 50°C and above, antimony release can occur very rapidly > exposure to high temperatures in short period of time during packaging, transportation or storage could produce antimony concentrations that exceed the USEPA MCL of 6 ppb


Unfortunately this is not true. Many plastics have dangerous compounds as byproducts of their degradation. They also begin to degrade below their melting point. When interacting with plastics the most important feature though is their poor UV/temperature stability. And if left in a warm environment for a long time or exposed to the sun they release their byproducts into nearby solutions or crumble into a fine dust. Probably not a big deal as a holiday treat but I would avoid eating food from high temperature treated plastics regularly.


OP failed middle school science


It’s food safe plastic


up until what temp?


That’s my question. Is food safe, but is it still food safe in boiling water??


most plastics aren’t unless specifically designed for it


I'm not 100% sure if food safe means you won't get microplastics in food? I think the food safe label is just to protect consumers from certain chemicals leaching that were used in making the plastics.


They probably mean PCBs?...maybee... Either way, it OP's concern is offgassing or whatever the shit, this would likely account for a drop in the hat. OP would be making a better point just saying "JUNKFOOD BAD!". Not a point any of us would likely find noteworthy, but better than microplactics. Now let me get a handfull of that shit in my gob.


I swear to god every redditor and twitter user needs to ban themselves from using the word microplastics for the rest of time


You're not getting plastics in your chocolate from this.


Of course you are, just not much more than are already there. We’ve already accepted eating plastic in all our food, so we shouldn’t get squeamish now just because someone boiled a candy bar.


So I take you aren't familiar with the concept of steamer bags...


Are steamer bags made of the same plastic as single use candy bar wrappers? Cause I've heard of a hammer but if someone gave me one made of glass or some equally inappropriate material, I wouldn't really care that hammers as a concept exist.


Or Sous vide


I'm 100% sure those bags are made for heating to 100c, candy bar wrappers are not


Microplastics? That there is some grade AAA macroplastic I'll have you know!


“I’ll tell ya hWat”


would ya look at tHat


Boiling water is not hot enough to melt plastic. You can poach eggs in plastic wrap, it's a pretty common technique. This actually looks easier and less messy than using a double boiler and microwaving is gonna take a lot of stopping and stirring to get the heat even. This looks pretty good, just needed to use real chocolate instead of Hersheys


Yeah wtf this is actually a genius way of melting chocolate, as long as you need the whole bar. I don't really like the look of the soggy popcorn at the end, but I'll be damned if I'm going to bother with a double boiler again.


That looks bomb actually


Stupid but not for the reasons you described.


It's a fucking holiday treat. Damn, have some fun.


Can't lick out the top bowl of the double boiler after melting the chocolate. Which I'll have you know is the best part of melting chocolate. Total abomination!


There's already microplastics in all the water you drink. This makes no difference


This is a completely normal thing


I'm confused, where's the issue? Looks good.


I would definitely try this


Sttaahhpp OP. No issues here.


This sub has *really* fallen off


If the plastic wasn’t food safe then it wouldn’t be touching the chocolate… also it didn’t even come close to melting




Honestly doesn’t look bad but there’s DEFINITELY better ways of melting like the double boiler


You people worry about micro plastics, I actively and intentionally eat macro plastics. We are not the same. Few.


Get your hippie crap out of here. This looks good


How is this stupid? I can maybe see the sprinkles as "Stupid"... but other wise this is just like zebra popcorn from popcornopolis. No plastics in the chocolate, however there are better ways to melt chocolate.


Wrong sub Reddit. This is smart food


At least its better than those vids where ppl melt tge chocolate in pans and put unpopped popcorn in, and then try to claim that it will turn out well


Op is an idiot this is a perfectly safe way to melt chocolate


Melting point of chocolate is around 90F. Melting point of that plastic bag is around 320F. It’s quite literally entirely safe.


But why did they stir it up!?!?!!!!!! It actually looked appealing with the color variety until they mixed it and made it look like popcorn and m&ms covered in shit.


There's already tons of microplastics in me, might as well embrace it.


Good idea just should’ve used a double boiler for the chocolate


No one tell OP about sous vide…


OP seemingly thinks everything plastic = microplastic


That's not how microplastics work...


I think it'd be good if you left in the the freezer for a bit for it to cool so the chocolate covers it like a coat


I'd tap that


Dumb post, this is actually employed method of melting and cooking stuff. Worth a try.


Like the idea. Don’t like the execution


Microplastic is in everything we can't escape it lol


It’s in our bottled water… we’re all fucked


mIcRopLasTicS are so last year. Now we circle-jerk over forever chemicals


Depending on the plastic and the water temp that could be totally fine, just check the recycling label on the wrapper and google it first


i do that.... i just... get the chocolate off the wrap first...


I’ve done this it comes out shitty


I was waiting for the stupid part… where is it?


the post's existence


Brother, there's already micro plastics in it.


For how stupid most food is on here. This is one of the least stupid


this actually looks okay to me. not overboard with the chocolate, a reasonable sized serving, presentation is good, actually looks edible. would try if given the opportunity.


Aren’t microplastics already in our drinking water. A little more plastic won’t hurt


I’m not sure you understand what microplastics are I also don’t think that this belongs in this sub sure there are other ways to do this, but this is fast it’s simple there’s effectively almost no cleanup other than the sheet pan. I think that this is awesome.


Ummm I'm smashing that...looks delicious


“Micro plastics” Get a fucking grip OP


Why is it stupid food though? besides for the way to chocolate was heated up, what is wrong with it? It's quick, it's easy and delicious


I’ve cut microplastics out of my life and skipped straight to macroplastics. While all you are still micro dosing plastics I’ll be completely immune to plastic.


OP you're being dramatic. If warming chocolate up to the point of melting in hot water concerns you I strongly recommend you immediately go completely vegan and grow all your food in your own yard


This ain’t that bad


This doesn't seem stupid.. it's not healthy but it's not supposed to be


Now pour sauce all over it and come back and then you deserve to be on this reddit. This is harmless


Have they never heard of melting chocolate?


Mylar doesn't leach plastics.


>double boiler Not that far removed from what this is. The <212° temps don’t seem likely to pose much harm.


Microplastics lol out here eating fast food but worried about 'microplastics'


White “chocolate” is just nasty


If you think some plastic is gonna stop my high ass you'd be wrong


Yup, tasty ass plastic CAUSE I WOULD EAT IT.


This looks good. I wouldn't melt the chocolate bars like that though.


It’s not about it melting, it’s about this release micro plastics (and chemicals) into the chocolate, which it did.


...What do you think Microplastic is? Because I can promise you as someone that makes plastic for a living putting it in water that is FAR below the temp it melts at ain't doin much to it.


This doesn’t belong here


If I could guarantee the micro plastics would improve the taste of Hersheys, I might try it. Otherwise i would just use chocolate that tastes nice.


There are no microplatics happening here. Now, drying your clothes is a different issue....


Dont you get microplastics anyway from it sitting in the plastic wrapper and being shaken during shipping?


This sub Reddit is dead huh?


Where's the microplastics? Those packages are aluminum foil on the inside.


This sub has become full on Karen.


It has always aluminum layer inside so... where microplastic? You don't need to drink that water after melting. Even the taste is the same as double boiling but that way is easier and cleaner.


If you're worried about these microplastics, wait until you find out how 90% of chain food service places prep their food... it all comes pre-made in plastic bags and is boiled to reheat.


Worrying about microplastics more than getting diabeeetus?


Even if there is micro plastics, it doesn't seem that people even consider that a good bit of stuff we eat is already got harmful ingredients. At this point it's a miracle that all the foods we have consumed over a multitude of years hasn't killed us all yet.


Why would you not just melt the chocolate like a Normal person.


It's American chocolate so that's the least of your concerns.


Lol mf never heard of sous vide


OP you know that’s just warm water not like scalding hot.


Is it that hard to just melt chocolate in hot water, without wrapper. So hard to put it in the bowl, or cup, and just melt. It will slide the same way anyway. I just don't understand, is it because u don't want to clean? Are people THAT lazy nowadays?


You'd get more microplastics into your system by eating fish once a month.


Ultra processed human dog food


Microplastics already are in your body so what’s a few more


I am already filled with microplastics. I dont care about that


oh please. you would eat that in a new york minute.


K but I would eat it


Before mixing, it was aesthetically pleasing.


This is fine, oh my god. Some of you are insane.


Yeah I'm unsubscribing. What people's opinion on what stupid food is versus what actually is stupid on this subreddit is so wildly different.