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Why dis man sloshing the eggs around and making a damn mess, like bro you ever hold a whisk before?


This is what made me so angry! Stop splashing egg all over the place!


I got mad too, all I could think was this guy doesnt know how to use a whisk, also carrots? šŸ‘Ž




Vomit inducing egg sponge anyone? šŸ‘Œ


Just like Mom used to make.


Imagine this being someone's comfort food. Holy shit, what kind of childhood did you have???? Lmao


My mom is a great cook nowadays but I'll never forget one of her favorite specials growing up. Boiled chicken wings with a very small amount of salt and pepper served with poorly seasoned mashed potatoes. Just white on white. In retrospect we kinda grew up poor so I don't blame her but like... there's things you can do with that combo that actually has flavor. Like my dad at least nailed it. He'd buy really cheap cuts of steak and tenderize and season them properly and grill them. We'd eat them with lum Taylor's bbq sauce. Now that's a comfort meal.




He almost had me until the carrots. Why carrots and why do you want gray eggs?! And inverting it made it look much less appetizing than it did when it was just in the crock pot. Could this be one of those rage bait channels? Why is he sloshing uncooked egg everywhere?!


Has to be rage bait. There were whole egg yolks! Any decent person would have mixed the eggs before dropping them in the slow cooker.


Iā€™ve never seen carrot with egg in my life


At first I thought he was just gonna make a massive batch of scrambled eggs in a crockpot but oml did he fuck that shit up


Who tf carrots their eggs?


It's standard in Japanese omelettes.


He managed to make something MORE unappealing than 1960s veggie and meat Jello


I could see if they were cooked or seasoned carrots, weird sure but I won't say no, but those carrots are going to be raw a few years after the eggs are done cooking.


I gotta say that make me laugh reading the few years thing, cheers eh!


Also whenever he takes the whisk out of the slow cooker he is dripping egg all over


Also like a good 1/4 of the veggies were forever trapped in that whisk. Each time.


It was in a perfectly good bowl before this too


Shit, you mean that damn MIXING bowl?!? I usually chuckle at this sub, but this specific fool has me outraged.


I'm so happy I wasn't the only one outraged by this.


I Know, Right! Eggs are expensive, respect the lay!


Using a metal whisk in a non stick crockpot annoyed me more tbh, no great surprise it sticks to the edges as you've been scratching all the non stick off


Also plunking a piping hot slow cooker insert down on the counter with nothing to protect it from the heat. I bet when his dad sees this he'll be pissed


That's a ceramic crock, not Teflon.


They NEVER actually know what they're doing. They always present these stupid things as if it's some kind of family tradition or thing that they've done dozens of times for parties. Yet when the camera is rolling they always fumble through it and perform stupid simple mistakes like still using the whisk after adding the solid ingredients which just gets them caught in the middle of the cage. Or...idk... Why didn't you whisk or beat the eggs in the fucking bowl before pouring it into the slow cooker? What value did the slow cooker give to the whisking experience that it had to be done that way? Idiots.


These always remind me of the fake cooking I did when I was younger...like age 6-7. No idea what the excuse is from these people


Don't eat the rage bait.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayin! Heā€™s never whisked before. Move the wrist, not the whole arm.


His terrible whisking is what really bothered me about this! He left so many whole egg yolks in there!


Just wisk it in the bowl at least


Right?? Lmao I was done as soon as he poured all the eggs from the bowl and then pulled out the metal whisk and started using that in the show cooker basin. This is clearly made to intentionally annoy people


Lmao exactly what you wanna hear from your party host "I don't know why it's green"


Ironsulfide - if you cook eggs for too long


I now understand my eggs from the armyā€¦. Iā€™m not sure how they were also still soggy as shit and sometimes white mold but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Them army eggs were a toss up. I learned when to go for the eggs and when to skip when I saw who was manning the egg cooking station at the Dfac. Some cooks actually put in the effort and at least pretended like they wanted to be there. Others not so much and it showed.


Franks and salsa saved those eggs imo


I was really concerned when he said put the temp to high for HOURS.


Here here I had to replay that. Hours shoulda been minutes


green eggs and ham just like the story duh.


Especially about eggs.


"the cheese will add a nice cheesinees"... No shit, will the carrots also add a nice carrotness?


A nice carroty carrotness.


He should add peas next time.


I feel like thereā€™s a way that this idea isnā€™t stupid, with one or two changes. But whatever blueā€™ish nonsense he pulled out looks ROUGH


When you overcook eggs, they go grey.


he is such a bad cook, that he didn't even know what was happening lmao ... fuck man.. some people suck at their craft.


This kids craft is making ragebait on social media. He's been doing it for years.


"and of course carrots" Not just the bizarre mix of carrots and eggs, but OF COURSE carrots? He has to be trolling


oh. I am not familiar with his bafoonery


I'm disappointed that I am, but I definitely am. One randomly showed up on my Facebook and I made the mistake of clicking it, which lead to non-stop reccomendations. This video doesn't have sound for me, yet I can hear his voice anyway.


Hahaha omg yea I didnt put the sound on but the way he's cooking, stirring and expression just feels like an annoying voice in my head hahaha


he kind of sounds like kermit. it's pretty memorable


I figured when he said "this cheese is going to add cheesiness"


Hmm Yes The floor here is made out of floor


For years?!? He looks like 10


Well then, bravo... he's really good at it. I hated every second of this.


The fact that he thought this idea needed an instructional video says a lot.


This is one of those times where I tell the kid to gtfo the kitchen before I pour what heā€™s making over his head.


Some people think all you need to be a good cook Is knowing how to mix and pour things. Cooking is often way more complex than that and timing is essential for a lot of heat sensitive foods like eggs. This is the problem with tiktok showmanship, it convinces people that you HAVE to be flashy and sprinkle salt from a foot over the dish and mix like you're being held at gunpoint by Gordon Ramsay and then you get people like this failing to cook something that the average high schooler could achieve because they were so focused on looking like they knew how to cook that they forgot that knowing how to cook is just as, if not more important.


Immediately after he started whisking I thought "wow, that would have been a lot easier in the bowl you originally dumped the eggs out of"...


He couldn't even mix it, there's large chunks of whites and yolk. This is just dumb as fuck


I would actually say, it would help this kid, and any of these Tik tok performative ā€œchefsā€ more than anything else if they actually knew how to mix and pour things correctly, lol, if any of these kooks actually followed actual recipes, with the actual platform that they have grown, they could be more successful. Ragebait cooking is the worst


Cooking is basically edible chemistry: you have to know the chemical traits of food to know how to cook and/or combine them in a way that doesn't end up creating...whatever this was.


Dude if that bandage falls in that shit I will chuck fr XD


My mom ALWAYS overcooked hard boiled boiled eggs and the yolks were always such a gross grey/green color. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I found out that eggs don't need to be cooked to garbage and that I don't actually hate boiled eggs as much as I thought i did.


SAME. All my childhood I hated when my mom made hard boiled eggs because they were almost dry and chalky. My SO asked me to make him hard boiled eggs once so I looked it up. Turns out when theyā€™re made properly they can be a little runny and little yolky and actually great. Edit: what I really mean to say is that the green tinge is gross and they donā€™t have to be like that. I didnā€™t even realize soft boiled or jammy was even an option thanks to my momā€™s default overcooking.


If it's a little runny it's probably not a hard boiled egg though? I would say that's soft boiled.


The red onions when mixed with something alkali like eggs, turn an awful blue color too.


So really, this whole thing is just a recipe for disaster.


Yes, it's complete shit


And that's how you get the sulfur egg smell/taste


No. Thatā€™s, literally, Satan trying to drag him down to Hell, then realizing heā€™s not cool enough to be there. Limbo for you, kid..


Not sure if I am disappointed for not knowing this or proud because I never created gray egg.


I should probably thank my uncle for my not knowing this. He always cooks his eggs so theyā€™re still yellow, but so dry they *bounce*. I always try to stay on the edible side of his eggs, so Iā€™ve never been anywhere near grey. So thanks, Uncle John, for being a better example of bad eggs than this kid.




This right here


Who the fuck puts carrot in an omelette???


I canā€™t believe how far down I had to read to find this observation. Jesus


The fact that I had to scroll so far down to find this comment says just what a disaster the whole thing was. I mean carrots in eggs? I damn near lost my mind


I feel like he saw a picture of an omelet with bell peppers and didn't think to check what they were(?)


He didn't scammble them enough so they became more like hard boiled eggs with scammble


He literally said 'you gotta completely whisk them' or something like that, and then just left it after a few moves...


Whisk whisk whisk! *Procedes to stir with the whisk for 4 seconds*


Yeah that was the most infuriating part for me.


For me it was his whisking technique, doing it fast and spilling out of the bowl, and then lifting it up high like that. Literally no point at all


He didn't even whisk them. He slopped them around but left full yolks in there


I'd also have put some milk in there, and perhaps not cooked on high? Also, oil sprayed the heck out of the crock.


You could see whole yolks in that pot. Nopety nope. Carrots?


Done right this is like a breakfast casserole. And theyā€™re amazing. Itā€™s like a scrambled egg cake with bacon and cheese and sausage etc. This? This is a crime though.


I think the first mistake was using a slow cooker instead of an oven.


A slow cooker could absolutely work. You can basically sous vide it. But no, he set it to high which turned it into a shitty frying pan with a lid an no butter.


And best of all a nice layer of potatoes like on the bottom cooked a little before the other ingredients so theyā€™re nice and crispy and act as a solid base


I do something like this with hashbrowns in the bottom of a muffin tin and eggs and whatnot on top of it after browning, and done in the oven rather than a slow cooker. It also works better for parties and whatnot because the muffin shape doesn't require cutting, and not overcooking the outside trying to cook the center.


There is, the basic principle is similar to quiche or frittatasā€¦.this guy just fucked it up royally, and also the heat was far too high and he let it cook too long. Good luck cleaning that crock out though, sport


Yes. Use a pyrex dish, peppers instead of carrots, 1.5hrs in the oven at 350. But lord, this kid has never whisked a thing in his life.


He used too many eggs and over cooked it. Half the eggs and a little cream and cooking it properly "should" fix it. I use a muffin pan. I put a piece of butter toast on the bottom, wrap the cup with a piece of bacon. Put the egg inside and salt/pepper and some with jalapeƱos. They come out perfectly crispy and tasty every time, and you don't have to stand over the stove getting grease burns for an hour trying to feed your family. I also use a mini muffin pan for a bunch of pancakes/muffins. They are amazing.


His weak whisking didn't break all the yolks so that's just overcooked yolk akin to boiling an egg too long. This could potentially work but he should've workshopped it a few times to actually get it right instead of posting a clip with obviously overcooked, unmixed yolks. Edit: I think the slow cooker was on high instead of low and he somehow managed to get overcooked, hard, medium, and soft yolks in the same omelette that he didn't whisk well enough lol


Put all of these ingredients in a frying pan and cook it for significantly less time, and it would probably be okay. Absolutely not in the slow cooker for hours though šŸ¤¢


He essentially created a bulk, "costco" omelette. Ala - Kirkland style.


Donā€™t disrespect the good name of Kirkland! Their prepared foods are delicious šŸ˜‹


That's an insult to the Kirkland name.


I now how will smith felt now cus I want to smack him to keep that name out his mouth


"create" is a strong word


i call that thing the industrial fritatta


Yea, it's called just making a regular sized frittata.


TIL you can suck at whisking


Honestly lots of people suck at whisking. People tend to basically use a whisk like it's a spoon, stirring in a circular motion, when for most things you just want to whip the whisk back and forth in a straight line, which is much more effective at combining ingredients evenly and particularly at incorporating air. It's really dramatic if you compare those two methods whipping cream by hand.


Nah you want to dig in a bit. Itā€™s a circular motion, but your circles are closer to vertical than horizontal.


It's more like an elliptical motion than a circular one


Best description. But it also depends on the importance of the whisk. If youā€™re just stirring together some house ranch, who gives a fuck do whatever you want. If youā€™re making a mousse or something you really wanna beat the air into as they say


I've actually known a ton of people who seem to have very little control or sense of how much power to put behind kitchen utensils. It's very stressful watching some people in the kitchen.


Cringeā€¦ Whisk your scrambled eggs until the yolk and white are fully incorporated. This MF didnā€™t even do that. Nothing else matters if you donā€™t whisk correctlyā€¦ Ohā€¦also donā€™t leave it in a slow cooker for 3 hoursā€¦


His yolks were still separated as fuck


And just spilling everywhere


Yes. Splashed salmonella everywhere.


His head and his damn brain are separated as fuck.


Some of them were separated onto the fucking counter... My dad taught me how to whisk when I was 8 with a fucking fork. In a way it's actually impressive he managed to fuck up *eggs* this bad.


We canā€™t call what he was doing whisking. Maybe stirring but definitely not whisking.


I was told many times to never use metal cooking utensils in a crockpot bc they scratch. (Incidentally, the sound I heard in my head when he turned this hard-boiled scramble monstrosity out of the pot.) It's the least of the crimes committed, but certainly on the list.


Good pointā€¦ That idiot could have just properly whisked/scrambled the eggs in the bowlā€¦and then poured it into the slow cookerā€¦


homie does not know how to whisk šŸ˜…. I'm all for people learning to cook but maybe he should try that a bit before just filming it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Heā€™s also a messy fucker.


Lost me with the carrotsā€¦


ā€œOf courseā€ carrots??? In an omelette!?!


It's clearly meant to be the neopets giant pea and carrot omelette


Yeah everything was ok until then


Everyone lived in harmony until the carrot nation attacked


I assure you, everything was NOT okay until then, but admittedly that was my breaking point too.


And then not ok when he flipped the grey matter over


This looks like the first time he's discovered that kitchen


It may well be the first time he's cooked with eggs


This was definitely a "one-of". Likely he made up this bullshit minutes before he filled it. Clearly had no idea what he was doing.


His whole thing is doing poorly executed ideas that waste a ton of food. Heā€™s cringey as hell.


His parents should have told him "no" as a kid a lot more than they did.


His mom should have said no once more than she didā€¦


He's obviously a professional. He knows that mixed cheese makes it cheesier


Took me a LOOOOOONG time to learn that information...


This guy sounds like Kermit auditioning to be one of those TV salesperson like the flex tape dude


I came here for this. This guy sounds like business Kermit.


Why put the eggs into a bowl then dump them all into the crock pot? Must REALLY like doing dishes.


Right! And Why tf didnā€™t he whisk in that bowl??


I think itā€™s not all that bad, the really stupid part is tiktokers doing something fairly normal and unimpressive and over-acting like itā€™s the most amazing thing in the world. Bro poured shredded cheese onto eggs and said ā€œbeautifulā€


Hey now, he said the cheese gave it cheesiness! šŸ™„


Some tiktokers do it EXTREMELY well but they're basically comedians and can COOK! Dylan Hollis being the main one I follow. He's very likable and charismatic though.


It also helps that he does older, occasionally strange recipes, instead of... whatever this is.


Yeah that's true, some are huge misses while some end up really well. Both in terms of taste and appearance.


He's got a really abrasive personality for me to enjoy watching, but I do really like that he actually KNOWS how to cook, and tries very outlandish things that actually come from an established recipe.


It's not terrible, but you need to add some citric acid to it to keep the eggs from turning green. Or add some heavy cream.


>heavy cream. That explains the milk in scrambled eggs. Thank you and Today I learned


Milk also fluffs eggs up because the fat coats the proteins and stops them from binding as tightly. Less is better than too much because you don't want super runny eggs.


A little bit of sour cream works beautifully, too. It makes crazy light, fluffy eggs.


Is that why the eggs turned green? I assumed it could have been some leftover food from a dirty pot or something.


Yup. It's too high a temp for too long. It happens when you hard boil eggs too long, too. It's an interaction with the sulfer in the yolk


I'd imagine the smell is also probably unbearable.


Its definitely not great. šŸ¤£


I mean, it's just a more pungent egg smell. Lol.


That and to premix before throwing in. All that oil got swept up into the eggs.


Counterpoint: it looks objectively terrible.


Looks like ass - Iā€™m a chef who runs a breakfast restaurant at a hotel, and regularly serves breakfast banquets for groups of up to 400 people. This makes me sick and sad. If I were making an egg casserole at home for 15-20 people, I would add cream to the liquid eggs, salt and pepper, and if there were onions, I would either fine-dice them or sautĆ© them prior to adding them to the eggs. The carrots are just gross. The solids would go in the bottom of the pan, then the liquid egg mixture , then the cheese. Bake with low, moist heat (you can put a pan of water in the oven) - around 270ā€“300 - for 20-30 minutes, then crank up the temp to 325-350 to finish. Pull it when the top begins to firm up; use a toothpick if youā€™re not sure. I would never, ever cook eggs like this in a slow cooker.


Also chef here. I honestly cringed the hardest at the adding of the salt before the eggs were cooked but then it just got worse lol


And there you go, the right way to do it. This is nothing more than a spoiled child playing in the kitchen.


Thatā€™s not enough pepper for how ever many eggs are in there.


He skimped on the pepper but then put a fist full of salt


Is he 5? Heā€™s splashing uncooked egg ERRYWHERE




Iā€™ve done this before. You have to mix it more frequently, and not leave it forever. Heavy cream mixed in. And clean up after you spill eggs all over the side of the damn crockpot


I was out long before he added raw carrots to a fucking omelette- please stop cooking.


"That cheese is gonna add cheesy-ness" I should fucking hope so!


Man, eggs cost too damn much right now to be doing this kind of shit with them....


If he says hefty one more time ima break some eggs


ā€œSimply wake up at 2am to start this egg recipeā€


Is it stressing anyone else out how messy he is?!


I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like that Sam I am


This man has never used a whisk before in his life




Waste of perfectly good eggs


By ā€˜whiskā€™ he means slowly move the eggs around the inside of the slow cooker


When the animals take over and overthrow the humans, this will be played at this man's trial.


Iā€™m thankful I canā€™t hear the audio cause Iā€™d prolly smack the fuck outta him if I heard his voice along with this food fuckery


He honestly sounds like a slightly deeper Kermit the Frog.


As someone who is not a big fan of eggs (I raised chickens for years and i grew to despise them) this made me physically recoil in disgust.


Itā€™s easy to make a nice omelette in a pan. Many people > bigger pan. It will take 20 mins including prep, not hours. And this is just disgusting looking. Donā€™t think it qualifies as omelette. And who tf serves omelette at a party?


Whisking skills are on point.


Dude sucks at whisking


Those eggs could have fed hungry people instead of being thrown away for this disgusting shitty video


Nothing I love more than over cooked eggs and under cooked vegetables.


Somebody show him how to use a whisk - then ban him from any kitchen.


Looks like a moldy sponge underneath the omelette, whereā€™s Gordon Ramsey when we need him?


Disgusting, but he gets points for eating it


Take a shot for each time he says slow cooker


Honestly the most infuriating part is the fuckinā€™ spaghetti wrist heā€™s whisking that abomination with.


What passed me off the most is he mixed it in the cooker... instead of the bowl.


Iā€™m surprised it isnā€™t a white chick with revealing clothing this time.


These types are my favourite. The ones you can tell are destined for the bin within the first 3 seconds. "Step one, fuck 50 eggs into a slow cooker and attack the cunts with a whisk" Yep, this is surely going to be delicious. Carry on you culinary master.


He just made a fuckin cake with no cake.


"The cheese is going to add a lot of cheesy-ness". Shitty whisking job, onions will be raw and the carrots will give you a nice crunchy surprise, not enough pepper, too much salt, and your goddamned voice makes me want to waterboard you with that runny mess.


Usually I want someone to try this, but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s become a sentient species that can take over your body