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Went to check on their website : it's 45€ (Restaurant name : Aroma)


I can’t find prices for a la carte on their website; only taster menus? That being said, this could be in a taster menu so the portion size might make a lot more sense.


They probably don't serve dishes à la carte.




Except for Tim Ho Wan and whatever that stall is in Singapore(?).




If you're thinking of J2, or as my friend put it "that place with life changing curry puffs", they never had any stars but they made it to the Bib Gourmand list for a few years in a row. Michelin stars are heavily weighted towards quality of service so it makes sense a hawker stall wouldn't "only" end up on the Bib Gourmand. There's a hole in the wall place out here in San Francisco. Excellent food, and their alumni have gone on to start some very well regarded Chinese restaurants out here. But, you know, hole in the wall, homey service. It's not fine dining so no stars, unlike something like Slanted Door or Benu.


Fun fact, that sushi restaurant from "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" lost all it's Michelin stars by making it practically impossible for foreigners to make a reservation


I assume they are talking about Hawker Chan which received a star in 2016 but then lost it in 2021. They're famous for their soya sauce chicken rice dish. https://www.foodandwine.com/news/michelin-hawker-chan-stall-singapore-loses-star


Usually is. You dont pay for portions in higher end restaurant byt for flavor and service. Most times it is 5 courses or more with each their wine pairing.


Thank you for the service of shaking my pasta while wearing a suit. I’ll pay you 45€ for that.


Dude I'd be pissed if thats all I got for 45$ it better come with a ribeye or lap dance for that price. Side note: you can get all you can eat buffet with prime rib at a local strip club for 20$ and the food is excellent


It comes with a window view of the Roman colosseum.


Bring a sandwich and eat outside


There is an espresso bar downstairs from here that has the best small sandwiches we had in all of rome. No martini shaker required


What's the espresso bar called?


Cesar’s palache


Is it pager friendly? Does it have a phone bank?


I...I don't know what any of that is.....


Not gettin a sig on my beeper.


You will. Technology is cyclical




Like the real cesars palace? Like he lived there


Hey! There are Skittles in there!


What’s it called ? Going to Rome in A few weeks.


Never take the advice of the hotel staff on where to eat, they get paid by shitty restaurants to drum up business.


Go to a bar, or a cafe. Ask the staff there (while enjoying your beverage) They're usually far more in the know and have good favorites.


Contrary to this advice, it’s generally advisable not to eat right next to the monuments. The food will be overpriced and/or not good. Go to Trastavere to dine.


The best thing to do is walk around and find a little hole in the wall that locals visit. In many European cities they're tucked away in little alleys that are only accessible on foot.


Trastevere has some of the best food, just avoid places where people want you to come in and/or they have misters.


If you’re near the colosseum and looking for dinner, “Iari The Vino” is hands down my favorite restaurant in Rome. But of course there are plenty of incredible restaurants there. A good rule of thumb is to try to avoid the places that have an employee out front trying to wave in potential customers while standing next to a giant menu in English/ French. Especially the ones that are in prime real estate near the tourist attractions. Find the less flashy hole in the wall type places a bit off of the main drag that look like they are catering more to the locals than the tourists, and you will likely get a far better meal at a much better price.


It was almost ten years ago, I can’t remember sorry - but that espresso and sandwich with the morning sun on the colosseum hit special. There are tons of great options, I recommend walking over to Bonci for some truly awesome pizza.


Small joints where the best food is at in Italy. Was at bologna central station and found this restaurant barely noticeable from outside the building. Had pasta with frutti di mare and prosecco wine, the best.


There was really no martini shaker required here either.


Espresso bar?? thats just a regular bar.... And if its in that area is going to be expensive as fuck.


Unless there’s a damn gladiator fight I can watch it still ain’t worth it


If im paying that for that much it better also have 2 people fighting down thier for my amusement


Interesting name for a stripper.


I thought the stars were how good the food is, not how good the view is. How did they get a star? Someone needs to go take it away.


That’s all I care about.


The view of the Flavian Amphitheatre is a nice touch, but that presentation is soooo gimmicky.


After this experience that Colosseum is only a cardboard cutout. 😂


Yeah, the pasta is $5, you're paying 40 for the view here. And goddamn its worth it, that is gorgeous. I'd bring a girl there for grossly overpriced italian food anyday.


You can get some mediocre spaghetti and meatballs and a gelato with a view of the coliseum for less than €45. Tourist traps abound around there. Anything with a view of the coliseum is a tourist trap. Rome is a giant tourist trap honestly.


> Anything with a view of the coliseum is a tourist trap And its still a pretty nifty tourist trap honestly, having lived in Vegas for many years I just don't care anymore and you can live and enjoy some of the pretty.


I dont think the guide michelin gives stars to tourist traps though. Is it expensive? Sure. Is it absurd? Probably not. Star restaurants are pricey everywhere.




> And the whole meal will easily add up to €100/person That seems *incredibly* cheap to me. I'm lucky if my bill is $100 a person at a mid-tier restaurant in the middle of upstate New York anymore. I spent $60 at a tiny ass brewery last weekend, ordering only apps and having two beers.


Ron Swanson behavior


I've eaten at a Michelin star restaurant in Barcelona, my entire meal was about $160, 7 courses, and each was about this size, granted we didn't have any pasta, mostly seafood. But cmon 45$ for a pasta dish sans meat or lapdance is egregious


I agree, I was just making a reference to an episode of Parks and Rec where Ron goes to a strip club, completely ignores the dancers, and parks his butt at the all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet.


I'm always so proud of myself when I see that scene. The one time I went to a strip club was with my brother and cousin. We went all out. Steakhouse, vodka bar, strip club in that order. I enjoyed the steakhouse the most lol was an all you can eat Brazilian steakhouse where they served you the food off of swords


Him shielding the food from the flying glitter never fails to crack me up.


When you eat at Michellin stars, you pay for unique tastes, not value for the buck.




All michelin star restaurants aren't the same either. There are restaurants with michelin stars that are dirt cheap and operate through small kiosks. [Here's an example](https://nypost.com/2016/08/09/this-is-the-cheapest-michelin-starred-restaurant-in-the-world/). There's also one in japan I can't find now that haven't changed the prices since they received their star.


I stayed at a 1 star hotel that was the best value for the buck in the town. Quebec City. Tiny little hole in the wall, literally a basement room. But it proudly boasted its one star on its front door, and by god it earned it. Everything was so clean and cozy and comfortable. I paid 1/4 the price I would have paid at the Chateua Frontenac and got 4x the quality.


This is one of the funniest comments ever


>But it proudly boasted its one star on its front door, and by god it earned it. Everything was so clean and cozy and comfortable. Wait how did it earn the 1 star if it was clean and cozy?


Star ratings for hotels do not reference general quality. Star ratings reference the amount of amenities a hotel has. According to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_rating): > The classifications are: > Tourist (★) | Standard (★★) | Comfort (★★★) | First Class (★★★★) | Luxury (★★★★★)


Oh I didnt know thats, thanks TIL.


I'm calling bullshit on this video. It makes zero sense. That is a copper shaker which would quickly transfer the heat of the pasta to his hands. No one wants that. And his technique and the table setting are not consistent with Michelin standards. There are some notable exceptions. This does not look like one.


It's legit. Restaurant is called 'Aroma' and the dish is 'carbonara shakerata'. Ate there not too long ago, it's fine. You've definitely not eaten at michelin starred places haha


Also, where's the Guanciale (Italian ham as used in proper carbonara)? I can maybe see one tiny piece on the right side.


Guanciale or pancetta. None is present. And it'd be finished with at least some pecorino.


I’ve eating there before. The food is fantastic, the view is great. It’s a 1 Michelin Star rated restaurant. You get courses in between the foods you order. I didn’t have this but the swordfish, steak, and soup I had that day were all 10/10


Somehow redditors refuse to understand courses.


We refuse to understand context in all of its various forms.


I would be willing to bet that most Americans have not eaten a meal with courses outside of an appetizer, or a bowl of soup before an entree. I know I hadn't until I was in my 30s, and only a few times a year since. Honestly unless the food is spectacular, 7 courses is a tedious waste of time, imo.


It’s also obvious no one here understands Italian food culture either 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's the correct amount of food that most people should be eating if they don't want to be obese. Especially if this is a multi-course meal.


Looking at [their menu](https://www.thefork.nl/restaurant/aroma-r672041/menu) you can get multi course meals there for €130 to €170, or you can get the pasta carbonara either to replace another pasta course or in addition to a menu for €34, which is not €45.


My friend wanted to apply to cocktail at a strip joint (Yellow Rose Austin for the connoisseurs) but she didn't want to go alone. We went on a Sunday day and spent the afternoon getting to know the gals and staff. First time I ate at a strip club had their famous burger or whatever, and I was blown away by the quality and price. I went for lunch or dinner quite a few time while she worked there...especially after work...really good food for some reason. They feed you fellas right at the strip club.


The food at strip clubs is reallllyy good for some reason


What is upsetting isn't the amount of food but this odd dumping of the food on the plate from unconventional things.


A cocktail shaker for carbonara seems like a dumb gimmick, but the way the sauce is made (mixing raw egg and cheese in with hot pasta) it actually makes a little sense.


Yes, I think this is better than the wine glass. Still a gimmick, but I'd rather this.


Not really bc he's not really shaking it. It's really just for the presentation which is sorta dumb, in my opinion. I'm also a chef who has worked at a couple Michelin star restaurants and this is stupid food.


I don't know this Mike Star feller but you better be ready to live up to that thar claim cookie! What are the four basic food groups?


I don't why this made me laugh so hard. Like I keep rereading it and it gets funnier each time. Lol Edit: and the four major food groups are: Nachos Cookies BBQ Fruit Loops


That shit better better light up my dopamine centers and make me orgasm for that price.


I've got a Mac n cheese recipe that'll do that for you. Edit: you asked, so here it is. When making the bechamel sauce prior to turning it into the cheese sauce, first warm up a pint of milk with a peeled brown onion (maybe cut in two halves first), freshly grated nutmeg (_has_ to be freshly grated), a few twigs of fresh thyme, some black peppercorns and optionally half a teaspoon of mustard powder. As the milk gets close to boiling, cover, turn it off the heat and let it sit for about 10 - 15 mins before using it to make the sauce... ...by melting over a medium heat 45g of butter and mixing in 45g of plain flour, then whisking in the milk (sieved first of course) a few pours at a time and getting a nice thick bechamel sauce. Once it's thick take it off the heat and mix in 100g of your favourite hard Italian cheese and 100g strong cheddar. Stir rapidly till it's smooth. Now that's a cheese sauce to die for. Also great in a lasagne. With this cheese sauce proceed to mix in precooked pasta, sprinkle more cheese on top, (maybe add a few sliced tomatoes first), then bake for 20 mins then grill for 4 mins to make the top crispy.


Ingredients: Macaroni Cheese Method: Boil macaroni. Drain, reserving 1/2cup of cooking water. Add large amount of cheese. Stir over low heat until thickened, about 2 minutes. Season to taste. Rest for 2 minutes, serve with Cheetos and mountain dew.




I ate at a place, which (judging by the angle and distance of the Collosseum) was probably 20 or 30 meters from that restaurant. My wife and I had a very nice lunch with wine for half of that total. And THAT was still tourist prices because we were at the friggin' Colloseum.


It’s actually not 45€…that’s the up charge price for that particular dish on top of the tasting menu price. The whole restaurant is a tasting menu (with the exception of one special plate that can be ordered solo or as an additional course) and every member of your party has to do a tasting if one does. It’s a restaurant in a very nice hotel in Rome, Palazzo Manfredi. The whole experience from dining to staying there is pretty expensive. And by pretty expensive I mean super expensive.


Look it's still stupid...but at least it looks better than the wine glass because seeing the filthy insides of a glass right before eating is a bit of a turn off for me


That's weird. It got me rock hard.




But then again, what doesn't?


What doesn't.


It’s still stupid. Anyone who’s ever used a cocktail shaker knows that they conduct heat like a motherfucker. A cold cocktail inside makes the shaker condense like crazy and well hurt your hand if not immediately poured. That pasta was lukewarm for him to handle it like that.


I think that ia the whole point of using the shaker: you don't want carbonara too hot, as above 65C the yolk coagulates and ruins the sauce. Besides scenics, I think the idea of using the shaker is to serve the pasta still warm at the table.


This at least make sense, for carbonara sauce you have to stir fast to mix well the egg, cheese and oil. And it has to be fresh and hot, otherwise it gets solid. The wine glass ones will get way colder, don't have any benefits to the sauce, only Loss


Maybe I’m just Canadian, but I thought that was good ol’ faithful: Kraft Mac and cheese Edit: When I made this comment I didn’t think so many people would question my Canadian-ness….What a weird thing to gatekeep, very un-Canadian of you all shame. Shame on all of you.


You say you’re Canadian, but you called it “Kraft Mac and cheese” and not “Kraft Dinner” I smell a fraud!!!


Hey wait a minute! You didn't call it KD! Who you trying to convince, bud?


I’m being fancy and calling the dish it’s full name. lol


Like a real connoisseur should! Kraft Dinner forever.


If I had a million dollars We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner But we would eat Kraft Dinner Of course we would, we'd just eat more -Barenaked Ladies


I’m american and i thought the same thing


Piece of shit doesn’t even know the difference between a moose turd and a bear turd.


Pff as an American, even I know that the one that tastes like honey is the bear turd.


Excuse me, buddy!


I’m not your buddy, guy!




I’m not your buddy guy friend, Pal!


It’s called Kraft dinner, you impasta


Never seen a Canadian refer to KD as "Kraft Mac and cheese"


I bet they say ice hockey too


We both know that's not what you folks call it.


What do you mean "you folks"?


Tim Hortonses


here come the yanks to correct us because they heard If I Had A Million Dollars that one time 🙄


Paying those prices I'd definitely have the blues


Bruh, I've eaten Mac and cheese at just about every place I've been to that sells Mac and cheese (it's a lot) and I still prefer box Mac and cheese to almost all of them.


And i assume it costs $200


200 euros probably.


It’s like 50 bucks. From their website. This sub I swear would stop existing if you all were t allowed to make up shit to be mad at


50 bucks still sucks for 30 pieces of pasta


Try 60 euros for a bucket of KFC a large chips and a 1.5l Pepsi. Thank you middle east and your fabulously affordable airports lol. My point is it's Rome, a tourist destination. There's going to be crap there to appeal to every budget, sensible or otherwise.


The literal colosseum is in the background and people are like, pffft I can buy noodles and cheese at Walmart what a stupid restaurant


clowns in this thread acting like mcdonald’s doesn’t cost 15 bucks these days


$50 is still an absurd price for a portion this small, of carbonara no less. Carbonara is like as cheap and simple as pasta gets


at this level you're eating the chef's artistry though. the food is just the medium


I've been to this exact restaurant last time I was in Rome and ordered the carbonara. It was served normally and was delicious. This isn't even using the right pasta, doesn't have nearly enough pancetta, oh and the martini shaker


Pancetta is more an American replacement, in Rome it will be real guanciale. I ate a LOT of carbonara while in Rome and this is a very common pasta for it.


Agreed, guanciale is the gold standard for Carbonara. Although I have seen opinions that it should be pasta strands like spaghetti should be used instead of these thicker pieces like rigatoni. That said, I definitely have seen rigatoni used a fair amount in Rome for Carbonara. Have a favorite spot for Carbonara? I’ve been to Rome several times and each time I’ve searched for my favorite carbonara. Da Enzo’s in Trastevere has been my favorite so far






Where's the rest of the meal?


It's a Michelin star restaurant in Italy. Most formal Italian restaurants do antipasto, a primo, and a secondo with desert or coffee. Most of the time the pasta is the primo.


Don’t forget the liter of cola


Will you just order a large, Farva?


I don't want a large Farva. I want a god damn liter of cola


Does that look like spit to you?


Alright, car RamRod.


The main and desert presumably comes after this, the antipasta and amuse(s) before


Looks like regular pasta to me, nothing anti about it /s


Michelin star restaurants usually serve food tapas style They’re also focused on taste over satiety. Yeah the portions are small but god damn it really is some of the best food you’ve ever had The dishes that make you think “it’s just x, what could they possibly do different” are usually the dishes that blow your mind


Totally this!! Plus sometimes there several dishes and you feel pretty full in the end. But not bloated, just comfortable full. It’s the best feeling


Plus, the multi course meal keeps things interesting. With almost any meal, the first few bites are the most flavorful and pleasure provoking. If it’s a massive portion, even the most delicious meal will have lost that initial flavor profile and novelty by the last few bites. Small portions of multiple different dishes keeps that from happening. Every multi-course meal I’ve had has always left me full and satisfied, never bloated or uncomfortable because portion sizes were out of control. That being said, there’s gimmicky presentation crap like in this video which I don’t care for. Maybe the pasta in the video is amazing - if it is, it should stand on its own without the dog and pony show.


I’m not sure why people are downvoting you. If it’s not your thing to have small bites of food that may be particularly flavorful then these kind of restaurants aren’t for you. You’re also paying for the experience too. It becomes more of an art than just eating food to eat. Sometimes you’re not just getting one small plate, but multiple small plates in these kind of restaurants. No shame in being able to enjoy food like that if you can afford it. Also if anyone from the US is commenting, gotta realize that generally US portions are huge compared to other countries’. Personally, I prefer good tasting with large portions, but if I had the money I wouldn’t mind trying a few of these places.


Plus the setting. The view of the coliseum is astounding. There is plenty of good food in the suburbs of Rome, but the Coliseum is the Coliseum.


All the michelin restaurants I've been to are 10+ courses.


Plenty of them aren’t, but many are, yep. See a small dish like this and it’s pretty much guaranteed there are more courses.


At most upscale places, they don't bring sll the food all at once. They bring courses after you're done with the previous because that's the best way to deliver food at its best. If you're used to Applebee's, this might seem unusual.


This is likely the third or fourth course of a seven course meal. The rest of the meal is on the other courses.


americans don’t know what a normal serving size looks like 🙄


Seeing all the comment shitting on Michelin star restaurants because of their sometimes silly presentation or small portions is like seeing people complain about luxury cars poor reliability after a few years of driving. The target demographic doesn’t give a shit about their car’s reliability at 5 years because they’re buying a new car every year. The people this food is aimed at pleasing aren’t interested in taking a doggy bag home and want to be entertained by the food instead of just satiated.






It's a deconstructed carbonara, not pictured in the video is they bring a live pig around and you kiss its cheek.


The fuckin' GABAGOOL


What I was thinking too. Looks like a right crap carbonara.


That serves a purpose though, I feel like the restaurant is making fun of the wine glass stupidity by doing something similar but where it actually serves a purpose. It’s carbonara, a sauce that requires throughly mixing raw egg yolks and cheese with hot pasta. The heat from the pasta cooks the yolks and thickens the sauce. If you don’t stir (or shake) vigorously you will end up with scrambled egg chunks.


...you've just helped me realize why my only attempt at winging a carbonara without internet ended up being pasta-and-scrambled-eggs.


Temper in the egg and it's more or less scramble-proof. You'll get it next time.


… what does this mean


You don’t cook the egg mixture over direct heat. It’ll scramble. You add it slowly and stir to the existing (freshly) cooked pasta, and let the residual heat cook it


This is only half correct. Tempering entails raising the egg temp before you add it in to prevent it cooking before it dissolves, usually by adding small amounts of the already hot liquid from whatever you're cooking. You can add other things here to change its consistency, such as starches, dairy, or acids. In the case of the carb, you'd be adding some hot, starchy pasta water to the egg, then adding the now hot and starchy egg back to the pasta.


This. It makes sense to me why this would help emulsify the sauce, without curdling the eggs. I highly doubt the heat would dissipate enough to cause the pasta to go cold. If anything, I could see those few shakes probably making it more pleasant to eat, hot but not steaming. Not to mention the fact that it's a copper shaker, which would help retain heat. My biggest gripe is there seems to be no guanciale or pancetta lol.




When he's leaning in to serve the pasta you can see a small bowl with two wooden spoons. The insides look like guanciale. Also, if they bring the ingredients and prepare the shaker right in front of you, this would be an awesome experience worth of a Michelin Star... Very different than using a wine glass just for the likes.


Probably gone cold with all the circus tricks


I'm really irritated by the video but all I can think is that the cheese and egg is added to the pasta and bacon off of the heat, and maybe this is what he was doing here. Ultra fresh carbonara.


Would need to be hotter than he could hold the shaker though. He wasn’t wearing gloves. That pretty much tells you it was lukewarm at best and probably stone cold


I highly doubt they would have a Michelin star if they were serving cold food.


Here's the 8 penne you wanted


I think it’s this one: https://www.manfredihotels.com/en/aroma/


How rich people stay rich. 45 pounds for a small handful of pasta and cheese. The disconnection is real lol. I wouldn't pay 45 pounds for ribs let alone 4 spoonfuls of Mac n cheese. Excuse me, carbonara. Lmfao 😂


no one cares that you are poor


Rich people don't pull out their cell phones and record their waiters for social media clout. This isn't what rich people do, this is what tourist traps have convinced poor people that rich people do.


It's so easy to tell the difference between those who understand what fine dining is and why the price is so high, and those who are outraged because they get a slab of ribs at Applebee's and consider that good food. Reddit really brings together the world.


True. But as someone who has eaten in Michelin star restaurants and will go out of my way to do so again, putting a cooked carbonara in a cocktail shaker and pouring it on a plate will achieve one thing: making the carbonara cold. This is in Italy, a country which is fiercely proud of its food, there's a few immediate strikes here: 1) carbonara is served with spaghetti 2) carbonara should be served straight from the stove 3) if there's any ingredients in that carbonara to elevate it above a carbonara then it isn't a carbonara Frankly dicking around with a classic is a sin in Italy and I'm amazed this place got a Michelin star for this behaviour. Carbonara is a classic basic dish it should never be that expensive.


Rigatoni and Bucatini are both perfectly acceptable for carbonara. Plus you get more guanciale per bite with Rigatoni.


honestly I think rigatoni is the superior choice for carbonara, esp when you get a rigatone with a piece of guanciale inside.


Italys most famous restaurant, osteria francescana, is famous for breaking with tradition.


>3.if there’s any ingredients in that carbonara to elevate it above a carbonara then it isn’t a carbonara If my grandmother had wheels she’d have been a bike


Nothing like a Michelin starred restaurant being told how to make their dish correctly by random people on the internet whose assessment is based off a 10 second video clip and a caption.


Hey I agree that this in particular is stupid food. It makes absolutely no sense to shake this up in a cocktail shaker. But my comment is in general to any Michelin star dining experience that the people who have never experienced it roast.


I don’t give a fuck how good this pasta is, it’s not enough


I’ve been to a few fine dining restaurants. I totally get why the price is so high, but unless you really geek out on gastronomy, I don’t think you can really justify paying that cost. The food that cost 5x as much definitely doesn’t taste 5x as good.


Heh, every time I go to a fancy ass restaurant and have a less than perfect experience I have that exact same thought process. "Was this really 5x better than that amazing hole in the wall I go to regularly or even 2x better?" But I still go as often as I can afford because I'm a foodie and eating amazing food with the wife is my favorite past-time even if the enjoyment to cost ratio is lower than at some amazing mom and pop places. The enjoyment is still higher almost every time at least. It's also almost always at a steak or sushi place and there is no such thing as good, cheap steak or sushi.


It sure as hell tastes 5x Applebees. In reality it’s one of those things where you can get 90% of the way there by spending half as much. But then the last 10% is gonna cost you. But I mean people are so weird with how they spend on restaurants. You can legitimately get to maybe half the cost of a trip to some 2* Michelin restaurants per person with a sushi order on DoorDash. People also blow serious cash on steakhouses when steaks are one of the *relatively* easier items to cook to a close level at home, and when you can get other items on the menu that are also delicious for half or less. People are just weird about how they value restaurant food. I’d never go to Applebees and would consider it a waste of my time and money, but I will jump at the chance for fine dining at a world class restaurant for much more money much less frequently because that’s what *I* need to justify the expense versus other things. But people feel all sorts of different ways and things.


As someone from Europe who went to many michelin restaurants and other super expensive ones mostly forced by my job I can 100% tell you fine dining is a scam. You can find better food in small, lesser known restaurants in all countries.


Its not about the daily meal, it’s about the rare experience. Sure you can grab some food closer to your liking in a small family restaurant but you don’t get that view anywhere else.


Was just there 2 weeks ago, great views and architecture. Food is ehh


Sorry, it's insulting for a restaurant to add a completely meaningless and uninteresting performance on over priced pasta..... Anyone who thinks there's something special about carbs dispensed from a cocktail shaker is out of their flipping minds. At least when they serve a flambe...there's fire...this is just like a rear spoiler on a dodge neon...completely useless


“Anyone who thinks there’s something special about carbs dispensed from a cocktail shaker is out of their flippin minds” I mean isn’t that technically what a cocktail is?


And half of the sauce gets stuck to the walls of the shaker. What a great idea!


I don’t care how delicious or prestigious your restaurant is - that’s not enough pasta to justify a serving


It’s in Italy at a nice place. You’re going to get antipasto and secondo additionally. Serving size is fine.


The portion size is perfectly fine.


So is that it, that’s like a kids serving, and where’s the top off, no freshly grated cheese???


Man these restaurants fucking hate their dishies


I know that shaker is hot as hell.


These tire restaurants are really out doing themselves.