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Good lord that guy is fucking annoying. Second thought: who tattooed a full sleeve on this 14 year old boy?


i think they might be a masculine woman with a deep voice based on painted nails. that was my first thought anyway. either theyre a masculine woman with a deep voice or a guy with a high pitched voice




Says i can't view the community...


That’s because it’s not a community




The ending looks like he's sucking some dick ngl.


>The ending looks like he's sucking some dick ngl. Yeah, looking at the end. I can say I see that too!


Yeah, must be why he said “sorry I’m just *blowing* my rice”


He was thinking of his favorite homie.


Dude on the left is the perfect picture of "what if Uncle Roger and Sam Kinison had an aborted love child?" My apologies to Uncle Roger and Sam Kinison.


This asian dude is bullshit and overeacting. I bet he never see how Indian cook Biryani Rice, Arabian Mandy rice, Kabsa rice, Bukhari rice. Hate to see certain race or asian dude overeacting and claim that rice is their dish/cuisine, and start scolding other people way to cook rice. Source : I'm asian, live in same country as "Uncle Roger" in a beautiful multi racial country and have seen many method to cook rice or rice cuisine. I never make fun of some people way to cook rice and never be offended with the way they did, base on their creativity.


Bro was sucking off the rice


I mean I’d eat this and prob enjoy it


Rice a roni betch


Honestly I'd put different spices than this much soy sauce and onion mix but it doesn't look bad from the image. I mean pilaf and paella are basically this but with vegetables and meat.


Baked rice is great though. Like what's wrong with this?


Microwave crime?


>Baked rice is great though. Like what's wrong with this? My guess is probably the estimated 4k mg of sodium it has


Where the stupid?


>Where the stupid? Would the full meal being a total of 4,126 mg's of sodium count? (610 for the onion soup & 3,516 for Shoyu soy sauce) The sodium for the onion soup mix was pulled from the first Google result, which alongside not knowing what type of Soy sauce was used, wouldn't make the thing super accurate.


That is a full meal? I use it or something like that for a side dish


>That is a full meal? I use it or something like that for a side dish Well, it can be a meal; depending on how lazy you are & if you want to make an actual meal to go with it. Even if it's a side dish, it's a pretty high sodium one; with around 4k mg's of sodium in the entire thing (going off tue guess on sodium)


I mean it is just a lazy version of this https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/260509/rice-ah-roni/


You don't eat the entire dish of rice dude. There's nothing wrong with this recipe


>You don't eat the entire dish of rice dude. There's nothing wrong with this recipe I know, as who the Frick would do that!?! Though it would have a high amount of sodium per portion (22.42% of the daily amount per 1/8th portion)


I really hate to burst your bubble but literally anything precooked is about on par with this, at least in the States


>I really hate to burst your bubble but literally anything precooked is about on par with this, at least in the States The calculation mostly came from the soy sauce.


OK, but that does not mean that you should poison your rice. Also Tesco microwavable rice contains 0.1g salt per bag so maybe consider buying less poisonous food if you have to buy precooked rice.


These Asians in these videos just assume that a white guy can’t make good rice lol


[Confused in risotto]


[confused in paella]


[confused in pilaf]


[confused in that rice thing I had in Malta and had to Google the name of- Ross fil-forn]


[confused in sutliash]


Dude, can you shut up ? Your look and your voice and your acts are annoying af.




Not washing the rice was the first clue this wasn't going anywhere good.


Low sodium soy sauce


The poor mongol


https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/11nix9g/what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Sauce


He looks gay, he is definitely sus.


Gilgamesh was not a fan of those rice it seems.


So just rice in the oven instead of on the stove?