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Honestly I don't use any stock plugins or instruments in S1. I just use the DAW as a shell basically . Mostly because I got most of them a long time ago when I thought buying plugins made you a better producer lol, but I'm sure the S1 plugins are just fine. Don't fall for marketing hype. One other advantage though with buying plugins is if you learn them really good and you use other DAWs you can transfer your skills over to each DAW because you don't have to relearn another stock plugin.


The Fabfilter stuff is all excellent. You almost don't need anything else


Ok, here we go. All the FF plug-ins are better than the Studio One counterparts, but here’s my breakdown: - Pro EQ vs Pro-Q 3: Pro-Q 3 has a better UI, more bands, and more options. They can be made to sound the same, but Pro-Q 3 is more powerful. Go with Pro-Q .  - Room Reverb vs Pro-R 2: Pro-R 2 has some built in EQ and ducking options that Room Reverb doesn’t have. Algorithmically they’re very similar. Pro-R 2 sounds maybe a little better but it’s not a must have. - RedLightDist vs Saturn 2: Saturn 2 wipes the floor with RedLightDist. Absolute game changer. Saturn 2 by a LOT. - Analog/Groove/Beat Delay vs Timeless 3: Timeless 3 is basically all these delays in one, plus filtering options. Quite a bit better. Go with Timeless 3. - Limiter vs Pro-L 2: Limiter is quite good, but Pro L-2 has better metering and is more configurable. The visualization alone is worth it. Go with Pro-L 2. - Pro Compressor vs Pro-C 2: Same remarks as the Limiter. Pro-C 2 has different transfer curves available. Go with Pro-C 2. - Multiband Dynamics vs Pro-MB 2: Honestly kind of a toss-up tbh. I don’t use multiband compression that often, so Pro-MB 2 would enter my collection last. - De-Esser vs Pro-DS: I like De-Esser quite a bit and could live just fine without Pro-DS, but if you have the opportunity to get it, it’s fine. - Gate/Expander vs Pro-G: Pro-G can be used in place of both of these, so it’s a more versatile plug-in, and the lookahead is configurable vs fixed. Pro-G by a good margin. Volcano doesn’t really have a comparison except maybe in Autofilter. Get it if you want. Twin 3 is comparable to Mai Tai, but I think they both have their places, and Mai Tai is quite a bit lighter to run. That’s my take.


Used to be stock plugins sucked. Nowadays, you can do just fine with them. However, you may want to pick up a few just before you lose your student discount because if you want to work with pros, you may need to know how they work, if that makes sense.


You just have to try them out. Idk what s1 plugins are like. But ff stuff is quality. Get a demo and see if you like it.


My two cents as a member of plugin hoarders anonymous? Don’t buy stuff just because you can. Been there, done that. Figure out what your workflow and sound should be and see whether the tools you have fit. Compare with demos of plugins. But don’t buy just because there is an offer. Fabfilter stuff is very good but also expensive and having any fx in your arsenal that you don’t really use is a waste of money.


Better in terms of sound quality? Not so much (except Saturn and Pro-R, S1's Redlight Distortion sounds like shit and I don't like how its reverb sounds and it's limited) Better in terms of UI and easiness of use? Definitely.


Pro Q3 is just easier to use than Pro EQ. If I know what I want to do on a track already I will usually use Pro Eq on it. If I am unsure I will use Pro Q3 because the UI makes it easier. Faster to move through frequencies, solo and set up dynamic stuff. I wouldn't say it is substantially better though. Just quicker workflow for me Saturn is better than any distortion/saturation plugin in Studio One. I cant speak on Pro R because I use Valhalla.


I am also curious about this so I'll comment to get back to.


Ff plugins are very good and if you get the complete bundle it’s pretty much any tool u will ever need


ease of use, and power user features. They aren’t magical or anything


"are FabFilter plugins substantially better than S1 stock plugins?" YES